5. Why do these two Bibles have different versions of the same books?
- I belive i've answered this in question no 4.
6. Why are there so many mistakes and errors are from the very first verse right up to the very last verse?
- I think the best way to answer this question is for me to post you this link.
Excerpt from the website...
" Many Muslims say: The Bible is full of errors and contradictions.
My first question would be: Could you please give me an example that really troubles you? What is the passage and what is the problem? Should you not be able to point to one, then please do not attack what you don't know, as to not be found to blaspheme against the Word of God. Taking one from the answer list below doesn't count. The question is what is your motivation when you come to this allegation.
But should you indeed have something that looks like a contradiction or an error there are resources out there you can consult if you want to have answers.
And one more issue to ponder here, before you go on ... as well as the question: What are you doing with equally difficult passages in the Qur'an?"
http://answering-islam.org.uk/Bible/Contra/ |
go to "canon of the bible" thread.....:lol, u'll find it all there!!!
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
BudakPahang This user has been deleted
me skipppppppping page [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] >>
me agree wit anemy7
tey have hidden agenda
tell me (myself)
wen was teh last time
a Jew orrrr Hindu orrrrr Muslim orrr Buddhist
follower of any other religion
tried 2 convert you actively?
7.Why do 'Born Again Christians' teach concepts that are not from the Bible?
- Honestly i'm not familiar with born agaiin christian movement. However i know that their doctrine teaches the threat of eternal damnation in hell to all those who don't believe as they do, their intention to "Christianize America" and disturbing the Jews. Fact is this so called christian movement with other religous movement such mormonism, Jehovah witness, Unity etc. is actually labelled as a cults. Cults are part of the religious systems of the world. They are everywhere. Some cults are huge and others are quite small. But all of them are false.
Generally these cults are
- A group that is unorthodox, esoteric, and has a devotion to a person, object, or a set of new ideas.
- Many have a non-verifiable belief systems
For example, they would teach something that cannot be verified.
1. A space ship behind Hale-Bop comet
2. Or, that God, an alien, or angel appeared to the leader and gave him a
3. The members are seeded angels from another world, etc.
- The Leader of a Cult
Often charismatic who is considered very special for varying reasons:
1. The leader has received special revelation from God.
2. The leader claims to be the incarnation of a deity or messengers
3. The leader claims to be appointed by God for a mission
4. The leader claims to have special abilities
- Cult ethos
1. Usually seek to do good works, otherwise no one would join them.
2. They are usually moral and possess a good standard of ethical teaching.
3. Many times the Bible is used or additional "scriptures" are penned.
- The Bible, when used, is always distorted with private interpretations.
4. Many Cults recruit Jesus as one of their own and redefine him accordingly
Hope that's clear enough. |
Here's more.....
( http://www.themodernreligion.com ... ble_60questions.htm )
60 Questions for the Christian
By Hussein Khalid Al-Hussein
According to most Christians, Jesus was God-incarnate, full man and full God. Can the finite and the infinite be one? "To be full" God means freedom from finite forms and from helplessness, and to be "full man" means the absence of divinity.
1.To be son is to be less than divine and to be divine is to be no one’s son. How could Jesus have the attributes of sonship and divinity altogether?
2.Christians assert that Jesus claimed to be God when they quote him in John 14:9: "He that has seen me has seen the Father". Didn’t Jesus clearly say that people have never seen God, as it says in John 5:37: "And the father himself which Has sent me, has borne witness of me. You have NEITHER HEARD HIS VOICE AT ANY TIME NOR SEEN HIS SHAPE"?
3.Christians say that Jesus was God because he was called Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah, and "savior". Ezekiel was addressed in the Bible as Son of Man. Jesus spoke of "the peace makers" as Sons of God. Any person who followed the Will and Plan of God was called SON OF GOD in the Jewish tradition and in their language (Genesis 6:2,4; Exodus 4:22; Psalm 2:7; Romans 8:14). "Messiah" which in Hebrew means "God’s anointed" and not "Christ", and "Cyrus" the person is called "Messiah" or "the anointed". As for "savior", in II KINGS 13:5, other individuals were given that title too without being gods. So where is the proof in these terms that Jesus was God when the word son is not exclusively used for him alone?
4.Christians claim that Jesus acknowledged that he and God were one in the sense of nature when he says in John 10:30 "I and my father are one". Later on in John 17:21-23, Jesus refers to his followers and himself and God as one in five places. So why did they give the previous "one" a different meaning from the other five "ones?
5.Is God three-in-one and one in three simultaneously or one at a time?
6.If God is one and three simultaneously, then none of the three could be the complete God. Granting that such was the case, then when Jesus was on earth, he wasn’t a complete God, nor was the "father in Heaven" a whole God. Doesn’t that contradict what Jesus always said about His God and our God in heaven, his Lord and our Lord ? Does that also mean that there was no complete god then, between the claimed crucifixion and the claimed resurrection?
7.If God is one and three at a time, then who was the God in heaven when Jesus was on earth? Wouldn’t this contradict his many references to a God in Heaven that sent him?
8.If God is three and one at the same time, who was the God in Heaven within three days between the claimed crucifixion and the claimed resurrect ion?
9.Christians say that: "The Father(F) is God, the Son(S) is God, and the Holy Ghost(H) is God, but the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is not the Father". In simple arithmetic and terms therefore, if F = G, S = G, and H = G, then it follows that F = S = H, while the second part of the statement suggests that F |
The only place in the Bible where the Paraclete was called the Holy Spirit is in John 14:26 "But the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you". What has the Holy Spirit brought or taught for the last 2000 years?
26.Christians say that the Paraclete means the Holy Spirit (John 14;26). Jesus said in John 16:7-8 "If I do not go away the Paraclete will not come to you". This could not mean the Holy spirit, since the Holy spirit was said to have been there before Jesus was even born as in Luke 1:41 "Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit". Here, the Holy spirit was also present during Jesus life time. So how could this fit with the condition that Jesus must go away so that the Holy spirit will come?
27.In John 16:7-8, it says: "But if go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of sins and of righteousness and of Judgment". What do "he" and "him" refer here? Don’t they refer to a man?
28.Does the Holy Spirit talk to good Christians and bad Christians as well? Is the Holy spirit with them all the time or just at certain times? When does it start visiting a person who wants to become a Christian?
29.How can you as a Christian tell if the Holy Spirit is inside another Christian? How come many Christians fooled people by claiming that the Holy spirit was inside them only to be converted to another religion later on ?
30.Does the Holy Spirit dictate what Christians should do without choice or freedom at all or does it only guide them and they have the freedom to follow or not ?
31.If the Holy Spirit dictates what Christian should do, why do Christians commit sins and make mistakes ? How can you explain the conversion to other religions and atheism of many Christians? Are they told to do that by the Holy Spirit?
32.If the Holy Spirit guides Christians only, and they are free to do what they want, then how do we know that the writers of the Gospels didn’t make mistakes in writing them?
33.If Christians believe that the Holy Spirit comes and talks to them everyday, why don’t they ask the Holy Spirit about which version of the Bible to follow since there are too many versions floating around?
Without borrowing from other religions and systems, can Christianity provide people with a complete way of life? Since Christianity is limited to spiritual life and does not provide law, how can a society decide which laws are right or wrong?
34.Why do the Christians say that Jesus came with a universal mission when he said that he was sent to the Jews only? He said to the Canaanite woman who asked him to heal her daughter from demon-possession: "I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel" and also said: "It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs", Matthew 15:21-28.
If you read Matthew (28:1-10), Mark (16:1-20), Luke (24:1-12), and John (20: 1-18), you will find contradicting stories. They all agreed that the tomb was guarded for three days. However, they reported the discovery of the empty tomb differently.
Matthew (28) and John (20) reported that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were the first to discover the tomb.
Mark (16) reports that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were the first to discover the empty tomb.
Mark (28) reports that there was an earthquake that removed the rock from over the tomb. He says that an angel caused it. The other gospels do not mention of an earthquake.
Matthew and Mark say that only ONE man in white clothes was sitting on the tomb when the woman arrived, and that he was an angel.
Luke says that TWO men in white clothes, who were angels, were sitting. Johns says that the two women did not meet anybody the first time they came to the tomb, but when they returned, they saw TWO people, ONE was an ANGEL, and the other was JESUS.
Matthew reports that when the guards reported this to the chief priest, the chief priest paid them a large sum of money, telling them: "You have to say that his disciples came at night and stole his body." He claims that the soldiers took money and spread the story around and since then, the story had been circulating among the Jews until today (according to Matthew). The other gospels do not report of any such thing.
35. Which narration now is more authentic?
36.Why is the appearance of Jesus after the crucifixion taken as a proof of his resurrection when there is an explanation that he was not dead because someone else was crucified in his place when God saved Him?
37.How did Matthew know of the claimed agreement between the soldiers and the chief priest? Can’t someone say that someone paid the women a large sum of money and told them to spread the word around that Jesus rose from the dead, with the same authenticity as that of the story of Matthew?
38.Why did they believe that man in the white clothes? Why did they believe he was an angel? John’s narration is too strange, since he says that Mary did not recognize Jesus (one of the two) while talking to him, and she only recognized him when he called her by her name.
39.How does an empty tomb prove that Jesus was crucified ? Isn’t it that God is capable of removing another man from the tomb, and of resurrecting him too?
40.The Gospels are believed to be the verbatim words of God, they are supposed to be dictated by the Holy Spirit to the Disciples who wrote them. If the source were the same, why shouldn’t they correspond with each other in reporting such an important event?
41.How could Matthew, Mark, Luke and John be considered eyewitnesses of resurrection when the Bible implies that nobody at all saw Jesus coming out of the tomb?
If the Christians consider the Old Testament as God’s Word, why did they cancel the parts of the Old Testament that dealt with punishment (example: the punishment for adultery)?
42.Why doesn’t Mark 16:9-20 exist in as many versions of the Bible while it exists as a footnote or between brackets in some other versions? Is a footnote in the Bible still considered as God’s word, especially when it addresses an important feature like the Ascension?
43.Why does the Catholic Bible contain 73 books while the Protestant Bible has only 66? With both claiming to have the complete Word of God, which one should be believed and why?
44.Where do those new translations of the Bible keep coming from when the original Bible is not even available ? The Greek manuscripts which are translations themselves are not even similar with each other.
45.How can you take two gospels from writers who never met Jesus, like Mark and Luke?
46.Why is half of the New Testament written by a man who never even met Jesus in his lifetime? PAUL claimed with no proof that he had met Jesus while on his way from Jerusalem to Damascus. PAUL was the main enemy of Christianity. Isn’t that reason enough to question the authenticity of what he wrote? Why do the Christians call those books of the Old Testament "God’s Word" when the revisors of the RSV Bible say that some of the authors are UNKNOWN? They say that the author of SAMUEL is "UNKNOWN" and that of CHRONICLES is "UNKOWN, PROBABLY COLLECTED AND EDITED BY EZRA"!
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47.Concerning the controversial issues in the Bible, how can Christians decide by two-thirds majority what is God’s Word and what is not, as the prefaces of some Bibles say like that one of the RSV ?
48.Why does Luke in his gospel report the Ascension on Easter Day, and in the Acts, in which he is recognized as the author, FORTY days later?
49.The genealogy of Jesus is mentioned in Matthew and Luke only. Matthew listed 26 forefathers from Joseph to David while Luke enumerated 41 forefathers. Only Joseph matches with Joseph in those two lists. Not a single other name matches! If these were inspired by God word by word, how could they be different? Some claim that one is for Mary and one is for Joseph, but where does it says Mary in those two Gospels?
50.If Moses wrote the first books of the Old Testament, how could Moses write his own obituary? Moses died in the fifth book at age 120 as mentioned in Deut. 34:5-10.
51.In the King James Version, why does it report SEVEN years of famine in II SAMUEL 24:13 while it reports THREE years of famine in I CHRONICLES 21:12? Why did they change both to THREE years in the New International Version and other versions?
52.Still In the same King James Version, why does it say that Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign in II CHRONICLES 21:12, while it says EIGHTEEN years in II KINGS 24:8? Why did thessey change in both to EIGHTEEN in the new Versions?
53.In all versions, why does it say that David slew the men of SEVEN HUNDRED chariots of the Syrians, and forty thousand HORSEMEN as evidenced in II Samuel 10:18 while its says SEVEN THOUSAND men which fought in chariots, and forty thousand FOOTMEN, in I CHRONICLES 19:18?
54.In all versions, why does it report TWO thousand baths in I KINGS 7:26 while II CHRONICLES 4:5 reports THREE THOUSAND?
55.In the King James version, why does it report that Solomon had FOUR THOUSAND stalls for horses in II CHRONICLES 9:25 while it accounts that Solomon had FORTY THOUSAND stalls of horses in 1 KINGS 4:26? Why did they change both to FOUR THOUSAND in the new versions?
56.In GENESIS 1, God’s creation progresses from grass to trees to fowls, whales, cattle and creeping things and finally to man and woman. GENESIS 2, however, puts the creation of man before cattle and fowl and woman subsequent to beast. How can this be explained?
This section does not inquire or interrogate, but rather provides the reader with some of the Qur’anic verses that address the Christians in particular, and the people of the scripture in general. A great portion of the Qur’an pertains to or involves the Christians and the Jews and I decided to just choose verses that are related to the topic of this manuscript.
"Lo! The likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then said unto him: Be, and he was." Al-Qur’an 3:59.
"Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for Lords besides Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto him).
"O People of the Scripture! Why will you argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were revealed till after him? Have you then no sense?
Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.
Lo! Those of mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who followed him, and his Prophet and those who believe (with him); and Allah is the Protector of the believers.
A party of the People of the Scripture longs to make you go astray; and they make none to go astray except themselves, but they perceive not.
O People of the Scripture! Why disbelieve you in the revelations of Allah, when you (yourselves) bear witness to their truth?
O People of the Scriptures! Why confound you truth with falsehood and knowingly conceal the Truth? (Al-Qur’an 3: 64-71)
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter, He will be one of the losers (Al-Qur’an 3:85).
And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, and Allah’s messenger. They slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them, and Lo! Those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain:
But Allah took him up unto Himself. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise. (Al-Qur’an 4:157-158).
O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter ought concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him, so believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not "Three"! Cease! (it is ) better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as defender.
The Messiah will never scorn to be a slave unto Allah, nor will the favored angels. Whosoever scorns His service and is proud, all such will assemble unto Him.
Then, as for those who believed and did good works, unto them will He give them their wages in full, adding unto them of His bounty; and as for those who were scornful and proud, then He will punish with a painful doom." (Al-Qur’an 4:171-173).
"And with those who say Lo! We are Christians, We made a covenant, but they forgot a part of that whereof they were admonished. Therefore We have stirred up enmity and hatred among them till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will inform them of their handiwork.
O People of the Scripture! Now has our messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. Now has come unto light from Allah and plain scripture:
Whereby Allah guides him who seeks His good pleasure unto paths of peace, He brings them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guides them unto a Straight Path.
They indeed have disbelieved who say: Lo! Allah is the messiah, son of Mary. Say: Who then can do aught against Allah if he had willed to destroy the Messiah son of Mary, and his mother and everyone on earth? Allah’s is the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He creates what he wills. And Allah is able to do all things. (Al-Qur’an 5:14:17). |
"They surely disbelieve who say; Lo! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah (himself) said: O children if Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and you Lord. Lo! Whosoever ascribes partners unto Allah, for him Allah has forbidden Paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evildoers ,there will be no helpers.
They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the third of the three; when there is no God save the One God. If they desist not from so saying, a painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve.
Will they not rather turn unto Allah and seek forgiveness of Him? For Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful.
Say: Serve you in place of Allah that which possesses for you neither hurt nor use? Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
Say: O People of the Scripture! Stress not in your religion other than the Truth, and follow not the vain desire of folks who erred of old and led many astray, and erred from a plain road." (Al-Qur’an 5:72-77)
"And when Allah says: O Jesus, son of Mary: Did you say unto mankind: take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?, he says: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then You Knew it, You know what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Your mind. Lo! You, only You, are the knower of things hidden.
I spoke unto them only that which You commanded me (saying); worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. I witness of them while I dwelt among them, and when You took me, You were the Watcher over them. You are witness over all things.
If You punish them, Lo! They are Your slaves, and if you forgive them (Lo! They are Your slaves). Lo! You, only you are the Mighty, the Wise.
Allah says: This is a day in which their truthfulness profits the truthful, for theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they are secure forever, Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him. That is the great triumph. (Al-Qur’an 5:116-119)
"And the Jews say: ‘Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah’, and the Christians say: ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah’. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah fights against them. How perverse they are!
They have taken as Lord besides Allah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One God. There is no God save Him. Be He glorified from all that they ascribe as partners (unto him)!
Faint would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah disdains (aught) save that He shall perfect His light, however much the disbelievers are averse.
He it is Who has sent His messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to cause it to prevail over all religions, however much the idolaters may be averse.
O you who believe! Lo! many of the (Jewish) rabbis and the (Christian) monks devour the wealth of mankind wantonly and debar (people) from the way of Allah. They who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah, unto them give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom.
On the Day when it will (all) be heated in the fire of Hell, and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be branded therewith (and it will be said unto them): Here is that which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you used to hoard." (Al-Qur’an 9:30-35).
Christians claim that the prophecy in Deut. 18:18 refers to Jesus and not Muhammad. The verse says: "I will raise them up a prophet from among THEIR BRETHREN, LIKE UNTO THEE, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." The only reason they resort to such interpretation is that both Moses and Jesus were prophets. Even this one contradicts their claim that Jesus was God and not a Prophet. Many prophets of the Jews had the similarity with Moses. However, if we compare Muhammad to Moses, we will find that:
Muhammad was an Arab, and the Arabs are from Ishmael, son of Abraham, while Moses was a Jew, and the Jews are from Isaac, son of Abraham. Hence, the term THEIR BRETHREN refers to the children of the first son being brethren of the children of the other. This couldn’t apply to Jesus, since he was a Jew.
According to the Christians, Jesus went to Hell for three days while Moses did not. Therefore, Jesus is not like Moses. (In Islam, none of the three Prophets went to Hell)
Moses and Muhammad were born to fathers and mothers while Jesus was born to a mother alone.
Moses and Muhammad got married and had children, while Jesus did not marry at all.
Moses and Muhammad got problems and difficulties from their people initially, but were accepted by them at the end., whereas Jesus was rejected by his people at the start and is still rejected by the Jews until today. "He (Jesus) came unto his own, but his own received him not".( John 1:11)
Moses and Muhammad had power, besides being prophets. They both performed some capital punishments, for example, while Jesus had no power over his people. "My kingdom is not of this world", Jesus said in John 18:36 .
Moses and Muhammad brought new laws while Jesus did not.
Moses was forced to emigrate in adulthood to Median while Muhammad was forced to emigrate at that stage in his life too, towards Madina . Whereas Jesus did not have such forced emigration in his adulthood .
Moses and Muhammad both died of natural deaths after which they were buried ,while the same could not be said of Jesus. He was neither killed nor crucified at all, according to the Qur’an and did not die a ‘natural’ death as could be affirmed by Christians who believe in Crucifixion.
57.Why won’t you, Christian reader, come to hear and learn of the true religion of Jesus?
58.Have you, as a Christian , learned of Islam and if so, was it from the true Muslims?
59.As a Christian, do you agree that out of fairness and honesty you must investigate what Islam says about God, Jesus, including this life and the hereafter?
60.Being a Christian, do you also believe that we must all stand accountable to our Creator and that the Creator is Perfect and Just? As a sincere believer in God, don’t you owe it upon yourself to find out the entire unadulterated truth regardless of the consequences?
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......... |
I wonder if you ever read and understand those 60 questions you posted (clearly from cut n paste). I think you and others too don't even bother read my answers to snipersnake's 10q. O well, I抣l try my best to answer snake's questions first.
And probably do a cut n paste answers for you. |
and don't forget the one that i posted in "canon of the bible" thread......:lol
are u one of the missionaries?????:ah: ....i have more!:lol
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
This is the most common question asked by the missionaries....check it out!
( http://theunjustmedia.com/Islam/ ... %20missionaries.htm )
ten most common questions asked by Christian missionaries against islam
by Dr. Zakir Naik
Is it not true that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has copied the Qur’an from the Bible?
Many critics allege that Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) himself was not the author of the Qur’an but he learnt it and/or plagiarised (copied or adapted) it from other human sources or from previous scriptures or revelations.
Some Pagans accused the Prophet of learning the Qur’an from a Roman Blacksmith, who was a Christian staying at the outskirts of Makkah. The Prophet very often used to go and watch him do his work. A revelation of the Qur’an was sufficient to dismiss this charge - the Qur’an says in Surah An-Nahl chapter 16 verse 103:
"We know indeed that they say, ‘It is a man that teaches him,’ The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear."
[Al-Qur’an 16:103]
How could a person whose mother tongue was foreign and could hardly speak little but of poor broken Arabic be the source of the Qur’an which is pure, eloquent, fine Arabic? To believe that the blacksmith taught the Prophet the Qur’an is some what similar to believing that a Chinese immigrant to England, who did not know proper English, taught Shakespeare.
Muhummad’s (pbuh) contacts with the Jewish and Christian Scholars were very limited. The most prominent Christian known to him was an old blind man called Waraqa ibn-Naufal who was a relative of the Prophet’s first wife Khadijah (r.a.). Although of Arab descent, he was a convert to Christianity and was very well versed with the New Testament. The Prophet only met him twice, first when Waraqa was worshipping at the Kaaba (before the Prophetic Mission) and he kissed the Prophet’s forehead affectionately; the second occasion was when the Prophet went to meet Waraqa after receiving the first revelation. Waraqa died three years later and the revelation continued for about 23 years. It is ridiculous to assume that Waraqa was the source of the contents of the Qur’an.
It is true that the Prophet did have religious discussions with the Jews and Christians but they took place in Madinah more than 13 years after the revelation of the Qur’an had started. The allegation that these Jews and Christians were the source is perverse, since in these discussions Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was performing the roles of a teacher and of a preacher while inviting them to embrace Islam and pointing out that they had deviated from their true teachings of Monotheism. Several of these Jews and Christians later embraced Islam.
All historical records available show that Muhummad (pbuh) had made only three trips outside Makkah before his Prophethood:
At the age of 9 he accompanied his mother to Madinah.
Between the age of 9 and 12, he accompanied his uncle Abu-Talib on a business trip to Syria.
At the age of 25 he led Khadija’s Caravan to Syria.
It is highly imaginary to assume that the Qur’an resulted from the occasional chats and meetings with the Christians or Jews from any of the above three trips.
The day-to-day life of the Prophet was an open book for all to see. In fact a revelation came asking people to give the Prophet (pbuh) privacy in his own home. If the Prophet had been meeting people who told him what to say as a revelation from God, this would not have been hidden for very long.
The extremely prominent Quraish nobles who followed the Prophet and accepted Islam were wise and intelligent men who would have easily noticed anything suspicious about the way in which the Prophet brought the revelations to them - more so since the Prophetic mission lasted 23 years.
The enemies of the Prophet kept a close watch on him in order to find proof for their claim that he was a liar - they could not point out even a single instance when the Prophet may have had a secret rendezvous with particular Jews and Christians.
It is inconceivable that any human author of the Qur’an would have accepted a situation in which he received no credit whatsoever for originating the Qur’an.
Thus, historically and logically it cannot be established that there was a human source for the Qur’an.
The theory that Muhummad (pbuh) authored the Qur’an or copied from other sources can be disproved by the single historical fact that he was illiterate.
Allah testifies Himself in the Qur’an
In Surah Al-Ankabut chapter no.29 verse 48
"And thou was not (able) to recite a Book before this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy right hand: in that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted."
[Al-Qur’an 29:48]
Allah (swt) knew that many would doubt the authenticity of the Qur’an and would ascribe it to Prophet Muhummad (pbuh). Therefore Allah in His Divine Wisdom chose the last and final Messenger to be an ‘Ummi’, i.e. unlettered, so that the talkers of vanity would not then have the slightest justification to doubt the Prophet. The accusation of his enemies that he had copied the Qur’an from other sources and rehashed it all in a beautiful language might have carried some weight, but even this flimsy pretence has been deprived to the unbeliever and the cynic.
Allah reconfirms in the Qur’an in Surah Al A’raf chapter 7 verse 157:
"Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures) in the Law and the Gospel"
The prophecy of coming of the unlettered Prophet (pbuh) is also mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12.
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned."
[Isaiah 29:12]
The Qur’an testifies in no less than four different places that the Prophet (pbuh) was illiterate. It is also mentioned in Surah A’raf chapter 7 verse 158 and in Surah Al-Jumu’a chapter 62 verse 2.
The Arabic version of the Bible was not present at the time of Prophet Muhummad (pbuh). The earliest Arabic version of the Old Testament is that of R. Saadias Gaon of 900 C.E. - more than 250 years after the death of our beloved Prophet. The oldest Arabic version of the new Testament was published by Erpenius in 1616 C.E. - about a thousand years after the demise of our Prophet. |
Similarities between the Qur’an and the Bible does not necessarily mean that the former has been copied from the latter. In fact it gives evidence that both of them are based on a common third source; all divine revelations came from the same source - the one universal God. No matter what human changes were introduced into some of these Judeo-Christian and other older religious scriptures that had distorted their originality, there are some areas that have remained free from distortion and thus are common to many religions.
It is true that there are some similar parallels between the Qur’an and the Bible but this is not sufficient to accuse Muhummad (pbuh) of compiling or copying from the Bible. The same logic would then also be applicable to teachings of Christianity and Judaism and thus one could wrongly claim that Jesus (pbuh) was not a genuine Prophet (God forbid) and that he simply copied from the Old Testament.
The similarities between the two signify a common source that is one true God and the continuation of the basic message of monotheism and not that the later prophets have plagiarised from the previous prophets.
If someone copies during an examination he will surely not write in the answer sheet that he has copied from his neighbour or Mr. XYZ. Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) gave due respect and credit to all the previous prophets (pbut). The Qur’an also mentions the various revelations given by Almighty God to different prophets.
Four revelations of Allah (swt) are mentioned by name in the Qur’an: the Taurah, the Zaboor, the Injeel and the Qur’an.
Taurah, the revelation i.e. the Wahi given to Moosa (a. s.) i.e. Moses (pbuh).
Zaboor, the revelation i.e. the Wahi given to Dawood (a.s.) i.e. David (pbuh).
Injeel, the revelation i.e. the Wahi given to Isa (A.S.) ie. Jesus (pbuh).
‘Al-Qur’an’, the last and final Wahi i.e. revelation given to the last and final Messenger Muhammad (pbuh).
It is an article of faith for every Muslim to believe in all the Prophets of God and all revelations of God. However, the present day Bible has the first five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses and the Psalms attributed to David. Moreover the New Testament or the four Gospels of the New Testament are not the Taurah, the Zaboor or the Injeel, which the Qur’an refers to. These books of the present day Bible may partly contain the word of God but these books are certainly not the exact, accurate and complete revelations given to the prophets.
The Qur’an presents all the different prophets of Allah as belonging to one single brotherhood; all had a similar prophetic mission and the same basic message. Because of this, the fundamental teachings of the major faiths cannot be contradictory, even if there has been a considerable passage of time between the different prophetic missions, because the source of these missions was one: Almighty God, Allah. This is why the Qur’an says that the differences which exist between various religions are not the responsibility of the prophets, but of the followers of these prophets who forgot part of what they had been taught, and furthermore, misinterpreted and changed the scriptures. The Qur’an cannot therefore be seen as a scripture which competes with the teachings of Moses, Jesus and the other prophets. On the contrary, it confirms, completes and perfects the messages that they brought to their people.
Another name for the Qur’an is the ‘The Furqan’ which means the criteria to judge the right from the wrong, and it is on the basis of the Qur’an that we can decipher which part of the previous scriptures can be considered to be the word of God.
If you glance through the Bible and the Qur’an you may find several points which appear to be exactly the same in both of them, but when you analyse them closely, you realise that there is a difference of ‘chalk and cheese’ between them. Only based on historical details it is difficult for someone who is neither conversant with Christianity or Islam to come to a firm decision as to which of the scriptures is true; however if you verify the relevant passages of both the scriptures against scientific knowledge, you will yourself realize the truth.
Creation of the Universe in Six Days As per the Bible, in the first book of Genesis in Chapter One, the universe was created in six days and each day is defined as a twenty-four hours period. Even though the Qur’an mentions that the universe was created in six ‘Ayyaams’, ‘Ayyaam’ is the plural of years; this word has two meanings: firstly, it means a standard twenty-four hours period i.e. a day, and secondly, it also means stage, period or epoch which is a very long period of time. When the Qur’an mentions that the universe was created in six ‘Ayyaams’, it refers to the creation of the heavens and the earth in six long periods or epochs; scientists have no objection to this statement. The creation of the universe has taken billions of years, which proves false or contradicts the concept of the Bible which states that the creation of the Universe took six days of twenty-four hour durations each.
Sun Created After the Day The Bible says in chapter 1, verses 3-5, of Genesis that the phenomenon of day and night was created on the first day of creation of the Universe by God. The light circulating in the universe is the result of a complex reaction in the stars; these stars were created according to the Bible (Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 to 19) on the fourth day. It is illogical to mention the result that is the light (the phenomenon of day and night) was created on the first day of Creation when the cause or source of the light was created three days later. Moreover the existence of evening and morning as elements of a single day is only conceivable after the creation of the earth and its rotation around the sun. In contrast with the contents of the Bible on this issue, the Qur’an does not give any unscientific sequence of Creation. Hence it is absolutely absurd to say that Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) copied the passages pertaining to the creation of the universe from the Bible but missed out this illogical and fantastic sequence of the Bible.
Creation of the Sun, The Earth and the Moon According to the Bible, Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 9 to 13, the earth was created on the third day, and as per verses 14 to 19, the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day. The earth and the moon emanated, as we know, from their original star, the Sun. Hence to place the creation of the sun and the moon after the creation of the earth is contrary to the established idea about the formation of the solar system.
Vegetation Created on the third day and Sun on the fourth day According to the Bible, Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 11-13, vegetation was created on the third day along with seed-bearing grasses, plants and trees; and further on as per verses 14-19, the sun was created on the fourth day. How is it scientifically possible for the vegetation to have appeared without the presence of the sun, as has been stated in the Bible? If Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) was indeed the author of the Qur’an and had copied its contents from the Bible, how did he manage to avoid the factual errors that the Bible contains? The Qur’an does not contain any statements which are incompatible with scientific facts.
The Sun and the Moon both Emit light According to the Bible both the sun and the moon emit their own light. In the Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 16 says, "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night". Science tells us today that the moon does not have its own light. This confirms the Qur’anic concept that the light of the moon is a reflected light. To think that 1400 years ago, Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) corrected these scientific errors in the Bible and then copied such corrected passages in the Qur’an is to think of something impossible.
As per the genealogy of Jesus Christ given in the Bible, from Jesus through Abraham (pbuh) to the first man on earth i.e. Adam (pbuh), Adam appeared on the earth approximately 5800 years ago:
1948 years between Adam (pbuh) and Abraham (pbuh)
Approximately 1800 years between Abraham (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh)
2000 years from Jesus (pbuh) till today
These figures are further confused by the fact that the Jewish calendar is currently on or about 5800 years old.
There is sufficient evidence from archaeological and anthropological sources to suggest that the first human being on earth was present tens of thousands of years ago and not merely 5,800 years ago as is suggested by the Bible.
The Qur’an too speaks about Adam (pbuh) as the first man on earth but it does not suggest any date or period of his life on earth, unlike the Bible - what the Bible says in this regard is totally incompatible with science. |
The Biblical description of the flood in Genesis chapter 6, 7 and 8 indicates that the deluge was universal and it destroyed every living thing on earth, except those present with Noah (pbuh) in the ark. The description suggests that the event took place 1656 years after the creation of Adam (pbuh) or 292 years before the birth of Abraham, at a time when Noah (pbuh) was 600 years old. Thus the flood may have occurred in the 21st or 22nd Century B.C.
This story of the flood, as given in the Bible, contradicts scientific evidence from archaelogical sources which indicate that the eleventh dynasty in Egypt and the third dynasty in Babylonia were in existence without any break in civilisation and in a manner totally unaffected by any major calamity which may have occurred in the 21st century B.C. This contradicts the Biblical story that the whole world had been immersed in the flood water. In contrast to this, the Qur’anic presentation of the story of Noah and the flood does not conflict with scientific evidence or archaeological data; firstly, the Qur’an does not indicate any specific date or year of the occurance of that event, and secondly, according to the Qur’an the flood was not a universal phenomenon which destroyed complete life on earth. In fact the Qur’an specifically mentions that the flood was a localised event only involving the people of Noah.
It is illogical to assume that Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) had borrowed the story of the flood from the Bible and corrected the mistakes before mentioning it in the Qur’an.
The story of Moses (pbuh) and the Pharaoh of the Exodus are very much identical in the Qur’an and the Bible. Both scriptures agree that the Pharaoh drowned when he tried to pursue Moses (pbuh) and led the Israelites across a stretch of water that they crossed. The Qur’an gives an additional piece of information in Surah Yunus chapter 10 verse 92:
"This day shall We save thee in thy body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! But verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!"
[Al-Qur’an 10:92]
Dr. Maurice Bucaille, after a thorough research proved that although Rameses II was known to have persecuted the Israelites as per the Bible, he actually died while Moses (pbuh) was taking refuge in Median. Rameses II’s son Merneptah who succeeded him as Pharaoh drowned during the exodus. In 1898, the mummified body of Merneptah was found in the valley of Kings in Egypt. In 1975, Dr. Maurice Bucaille with other doctors received permission to examine the Mummy of Merneptah, the findings of which proved that Merneptah probably died from drowning or a violent shock which immediately preceeded the moment of drowning. Thus the Qur’anic verse that we shall save his body as a sign, has been fulfilled by the Pharaohs’ body being kept at the Royal Mummies room in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
This verse of the Qur’an compelled Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who was a Christian then, to study the Qur’an. He later wrote a book ‘The Bible, the Qur’an and Science’, and confessed that the author of the Qur’an can be no one else besides God Himself. Thus he embraced Islam.
These evidences are sufficient to conclude that the Qur’an was not copied from the Bible, but that the Qur’an is the Furqaan - ‘the Criteria’ to judge right from wrong and it should be used to decipher which portion of the Bible may be considered as the Word of God.
The Qur’an itself testifies in Surah Sajda chapter 32 verse 1 to 3
Alif Laam Meem.
(This is) the revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt – from the Lord of the Worlds.
Or do they say, ‘He has forged it’? Nay, it is the Truth from thy Lord, that thou mayest admonish a people to whom no warner has come before thee: in order that they may receive guidance."
[Al-Qur’an 32:1-3]
It is mentioned in your Qur’an that Mary was the sister of Aaron (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who wrote the Qur’an did not know the difference between Miriam the sister of Aaron (pbuh) and Mary the Mother of Jesus (pbuh), the time span between both of them was about a thousand years.
The Qur’an mentions in Surah Maryam, Chapter 19 verses 27-28
"At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: ‘O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought!
O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!’"
[Al-Qur’an 19:27-28]
Christian missionaries say that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not know the difference between Mary the mother of Jesus (pbuh) and Miriam the sister of Aaron (pbuh). The time span between both was more than a thousand years.
In the Arabic construction of the sentence, sister is also considered as a descendant. Thus, when the people said to Mary, Ukhta Haroon i.e. ‘sister of Aaron’ it actually means descendant of Aaron (pbuh).
It is mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Chapter 1 verse 1
"Jesus Christ, the son of David,....".
[Mathew 1:1]
Gospel of Luke Chapter 3, verse 23
"And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, ....."
[Luke 3:23]
What do you call a person who has two fathers? The explanation of the phrase that Jesus (pbuh) was the son of David (pbuh), is that Jesus (pbuh) was a descendant of David (pbuh). ‘Son’, here means a descendant.
Is it not true that your Qur’an mentions in Surah Maryam, Chapter 19 verse 33 that Jesus (pbuh) died and was resurrected?
It is mentioned in Surah Maryam, Chapter 19 verse 33
"So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die and the Day that I shall be raised up to life (again)".
[Al-Qur’an 19:33]
The Qur’an mentions that Jesus (pbuh) said "Peace is on me the Day I was born, the day that I die". It is not stated "the day that I died". It is in the future tense and not in the past tense.
The Qur’an further says in Surah Nisa, Chapter 4 verse 157-158:
"That they said (in boast), ‘We killed Jesus Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’ – But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not –
Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is exalted in Power, Wise."
[Al-Qur’an 4:157-158] |
Does not your Qur’an mention that Jesus is Kalimatullah –"The Word of Allah (swt)", as well as Ruhullah – "The Spirit of Allah", indicating his Divinity?
The Qur’an mentions in Surah Ali ‘Imran Chapter 3 verse 45
"Behold! The angels said: O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus. The son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those Nearest to Allah.
[Al-Qur’an 3:45]
Jesus (pbuh) is referred in the Qur’an as a word from Allah and not as ‘the word of Allah’.
"A word" of Allah means a message of Allah. If a person is referred to as "a word" from Allah, it means that he is a Messenger or a Prophet of Allah.
Different titles are given to different prophets (pbut). Whenever a title is given to a prophet (pbuh), it does not necessarily mean that the other prophets do not have the same characteristic or quality. For e.g. Prophet Abraham (pbuh) is referred to in the Qur’an as Khaleelullah, a friend of Allah. This does not indicate that all the other Prophets (pbuh) were not the friends of Allah. Prophet Moses (pbuh) is referred to in the Qur’an as Kaleemullah, indicating that God spoke to him. This does not mean that God did not speak to others. Similarly when Jesus (pbuh) is referred to in the Qur’an as Kalimatullah, "a word from Allah", it does not mean that the other Prophets were not "the word," of Allah.
Yahya (pbuh) i.e. John the Baptist (pbuh) is also referred to in the Qur’an as Kalimatullah i.e. a word of Allah in Surah Ali ‘Imran, Chapter 3, verses 38-39
"There did Zakariya Pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer!
While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him: "Allah doth give thee glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a Prophet – of the (goodly) company of the righteous."
[Al-Qur’an 3:39]
Jesus (pbuh) also never referred to as Ruhullah "a spirit of Allah" but as a spirit from Allah in Surah Nisa Chapter 4 verse 171
"O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Jesus Christ the son of Mary was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah, And His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not ‘Trinity’: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One God: glory be to Him: (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs."
[Al-Qur’an 4:171]
A spirit from Allah does not indicate that Jesus (pbuh) is God. The Qur’an mentions in several places that Allah breathed into the human beings "His Spirit" in Surah Al-Hijr, chapter 15 verse 29 in Surah Sajdah, chapter 32 verse 9
Surah Al Hijr Chapter 15 verse 29
"When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him."
[Al-Qur’an 15:29]
Surah Sajdah Chapter 32 verse 9
"But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!"
[Al-Qur’an 32:9]
The Qur’an is not the Word of God but on the contrary the handiwork of Satan.
In reply to a similar allegation put forward by the pagans of Makkah, that the prophet (pbuh) received the revelations from Satan, the following verses were revealed:
Surah Waqiah, chapter 56 verses 77-80
"That this is indeed A Qur’an most honourable,
In a Book well-guarded,
Which none shall touch But those who are clean:
A Revelation from the Lord Of the Worlds."
Kitabim Maknoon means a book well guarded or a protected book, referring to Lauh-e-Mahfooz in the heaven, which none shall touch except the Mutahhareen. i.e. those who do not have any uncleanliness or impurity or evil like sin. This refers to the angels. The satan is absolutely prohobited.
Thus since it is impossible for satan to come anywhere close to it or touch it, the question of him writing the verses of the Glorious Qur’an does not arise.
It is further mentioned in Surah Shura, chapter 26 verse 210-212
"No evil ones have brought Down this (Revelation):
It would neither suit them Nor would they be able (To produce it).
Indeed they have been removed Far from even (a chance of) Hearing it."
Many people have a wrong concept of satan. They think that satan can probably do everything, except a couple of things that God can do. According to them, satan is slightly below God in power. Since the people do not want to accept that the Qur’an is a miraculous revelation, they say that it is satan’s handiwork.
If satan would have written the Qur’an, he would not have mentioned in the same Qur’an in Surah Nahl, chapter 16 verse no. 98
"When thou does read
The Qur’an, seek Allah’s protection from Satan the Rejected One."
Is this how you feel satan would write a book? Does he tell you; "Before you read my book ask God to save you from me?"
There are several verses in the Qur’an which will give enough evidence that satan is not the author of the Qur’an.
In Surah Al Aaraf chapter 7 verse 200
"If a suggestion from Satan assail your (mind),
seek refuge with Allah; for He hears and knows
(all things).
Why would satan tell his followers, that whenever he gives any suggestions to them, they should seek refuge in Allah (swt) to whom he is an avowed enemy.
In Surah Baqarah, chapter 2 verse 168
"O ye people!
Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good;
and do not follow the footsteps of the Evil one,
For he is to you an avowed enemy."
In Surah Yasin, chapter 36 verse 60
"Did I not enjoin on you,
O ye children of Adam,
that ye should not worship Satan;
for that he was to you an enemy avowed?"
Satan is intelligent, no wonder that he can put this idea into the minds of people that he himself wrote the Qur’an. Compared to Almighty God, Satan is insignificant, and Allah (swt) is far more intelligent. He knows satan’s evil intentions and hence no wonder that He has given the reader of the Qur’an several proofs to show that Qur’an is God’s word, and not satan’s word.
The Bible mentions in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 3, verses 24-26
"And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that
kingdom cannot stand."
"And if a house be divided against itself,
that house cannot stand."
"And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end."
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..... |
This article discuss about the missionary activities in Acheh, this article was originated from India websites....aid embedded with missionaries, :hmm:
( http://www.kentaxrecords.com/iac ... 2&type=articles )
Check it out....
Warning to Christians on a Mission to Save Souls
January 24, 2005, 12:22 pm
By Sebastien Berger
January 23, 2005
The Sun-Herald
For the devout Muslims of Aceh the disaster that has befallen them is a warning from Allah. For some Christians it is a God-given opportunity to convert the heathen.
Mainstream aid groups, even the openly Christian ones, make clear that they have no proselytising mission. Any evangelism is likely to lead to expulsion by the Indonesian authorities, already nervous at the influx of foreigners following the tsunami.
Nevertheless, some foreigners are prepared to run the risk of being caught trying to convert Muslims. "I'm not here to do relief work," said John, a Malaysian Chinese lawyer who did not want his surname published. His calling was missionary work, he said. "They are looking for answers," he said of the disaster victims, whom he described as particularly good candidates for conversion. "Now we are befriending them, giving them food aid, clothes and stuff. We need to make friends with them first rather than telling them the concept of salvation.
"Long-term that's where we are heading towards, to save their souls."
About 300 aid workers, almost half of them foreigners, from various Christian groups have taken over a Banda Aceh hotel in an operation led by Indonesia's National Prayer Network.
Pastor Sukendra Saragih, 44, of the Church of the Tabernacle of David in Medan and the operation's co-ordinator, was aware of local sensitivities about conversion. He sent home 10 people who described evangelism as their motive for coming.
"We are not coming here to Christianise the people but to share our life with them," he insisted. "We don't tell them directly about Jesus but we show our love through our actions and the people will ask us, 'Why are you so different, why are you being so kind to us?'
"I answer, 'That's the way we have been taught'. They ask, 'Who taught you?'. And I answer, 'It's Jesus'."
Such attitudes are especially unwelcome in a region where signs outside the airport inform visitors that they are entering territory governed by Islamic sharia law.
On Friday, near scenes of devastation, thousands filled Banda Aceh's Masjid (mosque) Raya Baiturrahman and its grounds for the festival of Eid al-Adha. Prayers were followed by sacrifices of cattle and sheep.
One slaughterer found comfort in his faith: "Actually I am one of the victims," said Daud Hanafia. "From my family 22 people are gone and 18 survive. It is the will of Allah. We are very sad but I am still patient."
One of the mosque's imams warned Christian aid groups not to cross the line between charity and proselytising. "If they give help but at the end of the help they have a special mission to make the Aceh people become Christian, then forget it. We won't take the help at all," he said.
"If there is preaching then we will be very angry with them. We have our own religion, we believe it. You have your own religion, so believe it. Don't try to persuade others."
Several radical Islamic groups have also arrived in Aceh, partly to carry out relief work and partly to spread their own message.
"We watch foreign volunteers' activities," said Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, the leader of the Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defenders' Front), which would like a global Islamic state and says it has 5 million members.
"I have received many local guests and they tell me that if they get Christians taking Acehnese children and asking them to change religion, they will cut their throats," he said.
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
This article was written in Indonesia/Malay language,it's about the missionaries mission in Acheh!!!:hmm:
( http://swaramuslim.net/ACEH/more.php?id=2619_0_13_0_m )
Mengintip Agenda Evangelis : Berawal dari Obat dan Makanan (Bagian 1/2)
Oleh : Redaksi 25 Jan, 05 - 12:48 pm
Mark Kosinki, langsung terbang ke Banda Aceh dari Malaysia, demi menyelamatkan ''domba-domba sesat''.
Di tengah kepedihan mendalam atas bencana di Aceh, muncul pengakuan WorldHelp yang telah membawa 300 anak yatim Aceh ke Jakarta. WorldHelp kemudian meralat pengakuan itu. Tapi, bukan berarti tak ada aktivitas misionaris di Aceh. Sejumlah misionaris Amerika Serikat (AS) mengaku sedang menyiapkan proyek untuk 'mengubah iman' di sana.
''Kami akan membawa enam ahli medis ke Aceh,'' kata Drew Stephens, satu pendeta Evangelis dari Riverside Baptist Church, pertengahan Januari ini. Drew menegaskan misi mereka, pada awalnya, semata-mata karena alasan kemanusiaan. ''Tak ada syarat. Kami hanya memberikan obat-obatan dan makanan,'' tegas Drew, yang akan memimpin misi itu. Apalagi, bencana gempa bumi dan gelombang tsunami di Aceh telah merenggut sedikitnya 130 ribu jiwa.
Tapi, kata Drew, jika ada perubahan, pihaknya akan berbagi tentang sesuatu yang mereka percayai, yakni adanya harapan besar Kristiani, mendengarkan tujuan mereka. Ia menegaskan, pihaknya juga harus dapat membangun sebuah jembatan bagi masyarakat dan budaya setempat sebelum mereka memiliki harapan itu. Drew tidak sendirian. Misonaris Evangelis lainnya, Mark Kosinki, langsung terbang ke Banda Aceh dari Malaysia, demi menyelamatkan ''domba-domba sesat''.
Mark mengatakan korban bencana di Aceh (juga di Srilanka, Malaysia, Thailand, India, dan negara lainnya) membutu*kan makanan dan obat-obatan. ''Tapi, tak cuma itu yang mereka butu*kan,'' tegasnya seperti dikutip Denver Post edisi 17 Januari 2005. Mark menegaskan orang-orang itu (korban bencana) juga membutu*kan Jesus Kristus. Menurut dia, Tuhan sedang coba membangkitkan masyarakat dan menolong mereka untuk menyadari bahwa keselamatan ada dalam Jesus.
Hal sama coba dilakukan pendeta Evangelis lainnya, Jerry Falwell. Dalam pesan ''Falwell Confidential''-nya, seperti dikatakan juru bicara Dewan Kerja Sama Amerika-Muslim, Ibrahim Hooper, Falwell akan mengirim timnya ke Banda Aceh untuk misi pengkristenan. Mengutip pesan Falwell, tutur Ibrahim, ratusan ribu korban bencana memerlukan bantuan medis dan nasihat pribadi. Sebagian besar mereka adalah komunitas Muslim dan mereka belum mendengar pesan dari Jesus Kristus. Falwell juga akan menyebarkan Injil di Aceh.
Di situsnya, Falwell sudah berkampanye untuk mengumpulkan dana bagi misi besarnya itu. Ia juga meminta pemerintahan Bush mendukung segala aktivitas mereka di Aceh dan Asia Selatan. William Suhanda, misionaris lokal dari Light of Love for Aceh, pun mengampanyekan hal serupa. William mengatakan pihaknya mendistribusikan makanan di Banda Aceh dan berharap bisa membawa 50 anak Aceh untuk diasuh di panti asuhan Kristen di Jakarta.
Menurut Eric Gorski dari Denver Post, bagi banyak kaum Evangelis, bekerja di daerah bencana merupakan kesempatan untuk memenuhi apa yang mereka tafsirkan sebagai ''Janji Jesus''. Namun, tidak semua kelompok Evangelis bertindak seperti itu. Compassion International (CI), bermarkas di Colorado Springs, mengaku hanya menjalankan misi kemanusiaan. Kata David Dahlin, wakil presiden senior CI, jika misi itu (pengkristenan) dilakukan, mereka akan enggan untuk menerima bantuan. ''Kita tidak lakukan itu,'' tegasnya.
Misi kemanusiaan tanpa embel-embel kristenisasi pun coba dilakukan Church of Scientology, AS. ''Kami datang ke mari [Aceh] tidak untuk misi pengkristenan. Itu sangat tidak menyenangkan,'' kata Greg Churilov dari Church of Scientology. Demikian juga yang dilakukan organisasi Kristen lainnya seperti World Vision, Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, dan Samaritan's Purse. Semuanya asal AS. Samaritan malah telah datang ke Ladong, 20 km dari Banda Aceh, membawa bantuan makanan dan obat-obatan.
Mereka ini mengaku menolak aktivitas pengkristenan di balik aksi kemanusiaan.Ron Day, salah seorang anggota Samaritan's Purse itu, mengatakan pihaknya tidak akan menyebarkan Injil selama berada di Aceh. Mereka mengaku riskan dan tidak etis jika harus melakukan aktivitas yang bisa membuat tersinggung warga lokal, khususnya kaum Muslim.
(ap/observer/erd/RioL) )
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
Ever heard about the "Opus Dei" in the Vatican???? the latin word means 'the work of god", Opus Dei is like a mafia,secret vatican organization operating globally!....here is the article;
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Opus Dei: Vatican's Mafia
January 19, 2005, 10:04 pm
N.S. Rajaram
Hand behind the coup
Anyone following the brazen attack on the Kanchi Mutt and the relentless witch hunt against its leaders and officials cannot be in doubt that it must have a powerful organization directing its every move. It is no coincidence that these attacks, which were little more than pinpricks when the NDA government was in power, have become suddenly bold and open once the UPA came to power with Sonia Gandhi as the power behind the Government.
Two developments have brought a sense of urgency to the conspiracy or campaign behind this assault on the nation: (1) the rapidly eroding base of the Congress, especially in North India, with the natural implication that the ‘Dynasty’ will have difficulty holding on to power for any length of time by strictly constitutional means; and (2) the growing fear in Europe, especially in Italy, that Christendom is losing the civilizational war against Islam. The survival of Christianity is at stake.
The first is dynastic while the second is geopolitical. Rapid changes in national and international politics and a creeping sense of fear bordering on paranoia have led to an unholy alliance between anti-national forces in India and Christian organizations of the world hoping to use India’s vast resources in Europe’s and Christianity's desperate struggle for survival in the West. The Vatican’s mafia
The country most vulnerable to the Islamic invasion of Europe is Italy. The institution that is at the greatest risk is the Vatican, seen the world over as the seat of Christianity though in religious matters, many Christians do not accept its leadership. But financially and organizationally, it is unmatched by any other Christian sect. Most importantly, the Vatican has an intelligence apparatus and a network of agents all over the world that non-Catholic denominations lack. Also, the Vatican’s patronage of this machinery ensures complete secrecy since the Vatican is probably the world’s most secretive organization and a sovereign state to boot.
This intelligence organization is the sinister but little known Opus Dei. The Time magazine recently had a feature on it, but the Indian media, a good part of it under the influence of the Opus Dei, has maintained complete silence over its activities and even its very existence.
What is this mysterious organization that carries out operations that would put the CIA to shame in the name of God and Christ? (Opus Dei in Latin means the work of God.)
Opus Dei was founded shortly before the Spanish Civil War by a Spanish adventurer and Christian fanatic by name Jose Maria Escriva de Belaguer. Born in the sleepy town of Barbastro, he rose by the dint of his determination, industry and ruthlessness to be the virtual dictator of the Vatican, and came to be known as the ‘Super Pope.’
This was no idle boast. In 1978, Albino Luciani was elected Pope as John Paul I. He threatened to change the Vatican with his reforms, but died within a month of assuming office under mysterious circumstances— without an autopsy or even a death certificate. This led to the election of the reactionary Karol Woztyla, better known as Pope John Paul II. And he showed his gratitude by rushing the Opus Die founder Excriva’s nomination to sainthood in record time, though Mother Teresa’s name still languishes.
With more than 100,000 members worldwide and more than a million activists, the Opus Die that Escriva founded now controls the Catholic Church and many other Christian and secular organizations. The Vatican regards Escriva as “God’s gift to the Church in our time.” When Escriva died in 1975, its officials openly boasted: “In 20 or 30 years, all that remains of the Church will be Opus Dei.” This has proven remarkably prophetic.
The Opus Dei agenda at the time was to combine economic and political control with thought control. It believes that the first two cannot be achieved without the third. And here is where conversion, especially in India comes into play. With Europeans unwilling to lay down their lives to defend Christianity, much less the Vatican, Christian organizations and nominally Christian nations of Europe have cast their covetous eyes on India with its vast manpower and material resources. This is now made all the more urgent by the Islamic threat to Europe from within and without, and by the fact as the Pope has himself admitted: “Christianity has lost the West.” This realization has made some non-Catholic churches (like the evangelical outfits) to join in the rush for gaining converts in India.
Europe, especially the Vatican, would like nothing better than a Musharraf-like puppet in India, willing to place India’s resources, especially its vast manpower, in the service of defending Europe against Islam. |
Crusade driven by paranoia
The vision of the Opus Dei founder Escriva was spelled out by an internal document in the following words: “The labor of placing Jesus [i.e., the Christianity] at the summit of human activity throughout the world.” This now sounds like a pipedream, with Christianity itself struggling for survival in Europe, and with Islamic warriors in Kosovo less than a hundred miles from Trieste on the Italian border. By breaking up Yugoslavia, the Western powers virtually cut their own throats, by destroying the buffer state that had protected Europe for nearly a century.
The situation today is different. Christianity, much less the Vatican no longer sees Christianity triumphing in the world. The concern today is over survival. Here is Vatican’s nightmare vision. In the first millennium, Christianity lost Jerusalem to the Arabs. In the second millennium, in 1453, Constantinople fell to the Islamic warriors of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II; the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire disappeared from the map. Now, with Islamic warriors poised in Kosovo, waiting to make the short leap to Italy, Christianity may next lose Rome itself.
Probably this is what the Pope had in mind when he said that the third millennium would see Christianity in Asia. It also may be read to mean that he sees Christianity disappearing from Europe. This is not helped by the fact that Italy is not known for the heroism of its soldiers as many Indian veterans who fought against Mussolini’s army will attest. (Roman pickpockets are a greater menace than the Italian army.) This nightmare scenario is reflected in Opus Dei sources. Participants at an Opus Dei seminar in Barcelona concluded: “A parallel exists between the present situation in the Occident [West] and the fall of the Roman Empire.” A leading Canadian expert on Opus Dei observed: “Now this was an alarmist, not to say scare-mongering conclusion. But it was perfectly in line with the Opus Dei’s use of the psychology of fear.” The point is not whether this doomsday scenario is valid, but the undeniable fact that the Opus Dei (and the Vatican) is driven by this fear. To make matters worse, many Islamic leaders also believe that Rome, and even Europe, is theirs for the taking and all they have to do is mount a determined assault. They point out that they defeated one superpower — the Soviet Union — and are now on the verge of defeating America— or so they believe. Europe they feel will be a pushover.
In view of the Vatican’s inability to mount a military offensive against encroaching Islam, it has resorted to cunning and subterfuge— something at which it has always excelled. Opus Dei is now at the forefront of what it calls “cyber-crusade.” The idea is to use its propaganda muscle and subversion of state institutions in countries like India to gain converts for defending Christianity. Its principal assault is on higher education and the media.
Opus Dei has set up several universities and research institutions with names like the Institution for Human Sciences in Vienna, University of Human Rights in Geneva, the Weatherford Foundation for African Students in New York and many others. It even attempted to set up a college in Oxford but was thwarted. As early as 1979, an Opus Dei memorandum stated:
“Members of Opus Dei already work in the following professional enterprises… 479 universities and institutes of higher learning in five continents; 604 newspapers, magazines and scientific publications; 52 radio and television stations; 38 news and publicity agencies; 12 film production and distribution companies…”
Today, 25 years later, it is at least twice as extensive. And the list does not include individuals journalists and scholars who work for Opus Dei in institutions not owned by it (and also NGOs). It is a virtual certainty that Opus Dei has significant presence in India. As recently as 1993, Opus Dei opened a new center in India headed by a Spanish wool merchant— or so he claimed. A decade before him, the cultural attach |
Here's the evangelist plan for this world, read it carefully and prepare yourself to counter them, in Sabah they are bunch of american wearing black & white office suit walking around to convert people,just tell them to go home and correct their own people(atheist,homosex,lesbian,KKK,satanic,freethinkers,materialist,socialist etc),go and ask them to give their so called love to their own problematic society!!!
Evangelization: The Great Command And A Cosmic Auditing
January 24, 2005, 9:01 pm
1. " The volume surveys 788 most important evangelizing Plans produced by Christianity during its career of over 19 hundred years. All these Plans relate to the Great Commission- the command that Jehovah gave through the mouth of His only Begotten Son, Jesus, to the believers 'go and make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28.19, 20). If there was also a command to improve their morals, it was neglected, but the one to preach and recruit more followers for their God was rather taken in earnest. They promised Him to make "all the peoples of the earth know Him and fear Him." (2 Chr. 6.33)
2. " The survey is a statistical marvel, a worthy sequel to the WORLD CHRISTIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA (reviewed in the TIMES OF INDIA, JULY 14, 1985), by David Barrett, an outstanding statician-evangelist and senior author of this volume under review. Quite in the spirit of the book, the two authors are introduced as Missionaries who 'have been involved in some 36 (10%) of all the 358 global plans between 1953 and 1988'."
3. " The book is divided into 4 parts and 28 Chapters: it includes 10 Appendices, 27 Tables and Diagrams and a Bibliography, a selection of original and significant writings, classics and other benchmark items on the subject of world evangelization."
4. " The book does not include all the plans, but only a fraction of them representing merely 'the tip of the iceberg'. It however includes plans best known for their global significance and, as we approach modern times, most central plans of major Christian denominations or missions or parachurch agencies which each has over 5000 foreign missionary personnel. The authors analyze these plans using 15 variables."
5. " The biblical story that God created the world out of Chaos proves to the authors that He is a 'God of order, of planning, of strategy'. Similarly, the biblical observation that the 'very hairs of your head are numbered' proves that God is also a great enumerator, and numberer. The authors do no more than imitate their God's skill and audit for us how His Great Commission has been followed by the believers."
6. " Christianity has passed through 66 generations but for the best part of its life the Great Command has been neglected. 'Disobeying the Great Commission: 59 Neglected Generations', has a separate Chapter on it. During this while, there were only 2.6 plans per generation. But with the 19th century began the era of 'five aware generations'. During this time which also coincides with the heydays of Western Imperialism, the number of global plans per generation rose to 28. But the most 'aware' and the richest in planning is the present century (20th century). During its first decade, the figure was 69 plans per generation, 321 during the 1970s and the going rate is 1200 global plans per generation."
7. " In earlier centuries most global plans came from countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Then the shift took place to Europe, Russia and North America. Since A.D. 1900, the U.S. has alone provided 247 global plans."
8. " But while the plans have been abundant, their failures have been no less impressive. The book includes a Chapter, 'A Catalogue of Woes', which enumerates '340 reasons for 534 failed global plans'. The reasons include such items as 'ecclesiastical crime', 'ecclesiastical gangsterism', 'offering tempting inducements', the 'use of laundered money', 'mass religious espionage', 'imperialism', 'terrorism', etc."
9. " Such reasons suggest as if these plans depended for their success on Christians being better than they were. But this is pure assumption. In fact, the reasons cited for their failure are often also reasons for their success. There could easily be a Chapter on 'X-NUMBER OF REASONS FOR SUCCESSFUL Y-NUMBER OF PLANS', and these would have rightly included imperialism, terrorism, coups, arrogance etc. These indeed are cited when the authors discuss 'Evolution of a Global Evangelical Movement' and name individually 304 years of evangelical significance. For example, they mention A.D. 323 for 'attempts to spread the Gospel by Law and Authority' by Constantine; or cite C 780 for 'forced baptism of Saxon race by Charlemagne, 4500 executed in one day for resisting, thousands more deported'; or A.D. 1523, when the 'Spanish monarch orders Cortes to enforce mass conversion of American Indians - - - in Mexico, Franciscans baptize over a million in 7 years, with at times 14,000 a day - - -C 1550, 800,00 Peruvian Amerindians confirmed by one Archbishop of Lima."
10. " Next to political power in importance are money and propaganda. The authors tell us about the resources at the command of Christian Churches. They tell us that today it costs '145 billion dollars to operate global Christianity'; it commands 4.1 million full-time Christian workers, runs 13,000 major libraries, publishes 22,000 periodicals, issues 4 billion tracts a year, operates 1,800 Christian Radio/T.V. Stations. WE ARE ALSO TOLD THAT THERE ARE 3 MILLION COMPUTERS AND THE 'CHRISTIAN COMPUTER SPECIALISTS' ARE DESCRIBED AS 'A NEW KIND OF CHRISTIAN ARMY'."
11. "Missionary activity is a major plank of organized Christianity. At present 4,000 Mission Agencies operate a huge apparatus of Christian world mission manned by 262,300 missionaries costing 8 billion dollars annually. Every year, there are 10,000 new books/articles on foreign evangelization alone. The authors give an interesting estimate and tell us that Christianity has expended on its missionary activities a 'total of 160 million-worker years on earth over these 20 centuries'. But since a missionary does not live by God alone, it has cost the Church exchequer 'somewhere in the neighbourhood of 350 billion dollars', or about 2,200 dollars per year per missionary."
12. " From time to time special plans have also been drawn for evangelizing the world. On 788 of them surveyed here, 10 million worker-years and 45 billion dollars have already been expended. Right away there are 387 global plans at work and 254 of them are making progress. One hundred fifty-five of these plans are called 'massive', defined as those which each expends '10,000 worker-years, or over 10 million dollars a year, for an average of 10 years'. There are still bigger plans, 33 of them called gigantic 'gigaplan', each with over 100,000 worker-years, or 100 million dollars a year, or a total of 1 billion dollars over the years of the plan's life'. The biggest current 'gigaplan' is spending 550 million dollars a year on its missionary work." |
13. "We are told that though the Church had 'always had enormous resources', they did not always avail. Sometimes even well-endowed plans came to nothing. For example, in 1918, 336 million dollars were raised and then the plan was destroyed within a week. More recently, a gigaplan which raised 150 million dollars a year collapse (did it?) in 1988 in a sex and management scandal which involved top evangelists. The reference is to Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart of the Assemblies of God."
14. " But in spite of this massive effort, there are still 'unreached people', places where the missionaries have not reached or where they have not succeeded. All these people have been 'segmentized' into 'bite-sized chunks' which number 3000. They are placed under 5000 missionaries of special caliber and training, well versed in research, logistics, briefing, monitoring, analyzing and coordinating, and modern communication techniques. CONSIDERING THE NATURE OF THEIR WORK, THEY OPERATE FROM PLACES WHICH ARE POLITICALLY SECURE AND WHICH HAVE MODERN FACILITIES."
15. "The greatest difficulty the missions are facing today is that they are being denied a free run in many areas and face resistance from traditional religions or competing ideologies or NATIONALIST SOURCES. The authors say that until A.D. 1900, 'virtually every country was open to foreign missionaries of one tradition or another', but at present, 'some 65 countries are closed--- - with three more closing their doors every year'. But the missionaries have risen to the occasion and in order to overcome these difficulties, THEY OPERATE A WIDE-SPREAD UNDERHAND APPARATUS WHILE THEIR THEORISTS PROPOUND NEW WAYS AND TRY NEW STRATEGIES FOR PENETRATING THESE AREAS. THAT THESE METHODS INVOLVE MORAL AND LEGAL OBJECTIONS PROVIDES NO DETERRENCE. As the authors put it, in situations where their basic rights as Christian missionaries have been denied, they 'HAVE NOT HESITATED TO OPERATE ILLEGALLY, OR SECRETLY', as all history shows. The EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES QUARTERLY justifies the subterfuge required of covert missionaries thus: 'GOD DOES NOT LIE, BUT HE DOES KEEP SECRETS'. TRANSLATED INTO THE ETHICAL CODE OF HIS FOLLOWERS, THIS ATTRIBUTE OF JEHOVAH MEANS: ' ASK NO QUESTIONS AND YOU WILL BE TOLD NO LIES'."
16. "Missionaries to these areas or 'TARGET COUNTRIES' are divided into various kinds: TENTMAKER, RESIDENTIAL, CLANDESTINE, MOLE, TOURIST, COURIER, SMUGGLER AND NON-RESIDENTIAL. Each category has a defined status and role. Advantage is taken of the fact that even a country most restrictive of missionaries maintains a variety of contacts with the West- commercial, diplomatic, technical, tourist. Thus men are sent out to these semi-closed countries who openly work in a secular job as technicians, diplomats or social workers BUT ALSO SECRETLY BELONG TO A MISSIONARY AGENCY. SUCH MEN ARE CALLED 'TENTMAKERS', a la St. PAUL, who earned his bread by 'tentmaking' but voluntarily worked as a missionary. This channel is highly organized. For example, 'TENTMAKERS INTERNATIONAL, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, a Missionary body, runs a 'TENTMAKER PLACEMENT NETWORK', working closely with private and social agencies. It has a list of 15,000 secular jobs for which it recruits 'tentmakers'. 'JOBS ARE AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE. CHOOSE YOUR COUNTRY, TAKE YOUR PICK', it advertises. THEN EVERYTHING BECOMES SECRETIVE. A WARNING IS ISSUED: 'PLEASE USE COMMONSENSE WHEN TALKING ABOUT TENTMAKERS INTERNATIONAL. CONFIDENTIALITY IS A MUST'."
17. "The 'CLANDESTINE' is a full time missionary 'who operates illegally'. In restricted countries, 'much ministry is carried in this way', the authors tell us. The 'MOLE', a word used in certain Intelligence Services, is another such type. He is a 'part time Christian worker, an illegal residential alien'. A 'COURIER' is a 'visitor from abroad who illegally carries messages to, from, and between local Christians and CLANDESTINE workers'. 'TOURISTS' also come in handy for this purpose. Every year more than 100 million Christian foreigners enter these restricted countries, and hundreds of them 'are persuaded to act as COURIERS by Western Agencies', the authors tell us. Another category is 'SMUGGLER', A 'FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL AND SEASONED CHRISTIAN WORKER WHO OPERATES ILLEGALLY AS AN ITINERANT'. One of the most famous of them is Brother
Andre author of the best-seller, 'GOD'S SMUGGLER'."
18. "These foreign types have their local counterparts which include categories like 'UNREGISTERED', 'UNDERGROUNDER', 'MESSENGER', 'GUERILLA'. For example, an 'UNDERGROUNDER' is the citizen equivalent of the foreign 'MOLE', a 'MESSENGER' of the alien 'COURIER'. 'Huge underground evangelizing networks exist operated by MESSENGERS utilizing solely word of mouth- no letters, no writing, no telephone', the authors reveal. They also tell us that 'AROUND THE WORLD ARE MANY THOUSAND GUERRILLAS', a category parallel to foreign 'SMUGGLERS'.
19 "Sometimes these underhand workers are apprehended and punished;
then they join the roaster of 'MARTYRS', who currently number 230,000 a year according to our authors. Two such 'MOLES' or 'SMUGGLERS' were apprehended in Nepal in December 1988. They were Mervyn Budd, 22, a Canadian, and McBride, 33, an American, both working for the U.S.-based Missionary organization, called 'OPERATION MOBILIZATION'. As soon as the news of their arrest was splashed over the world, other sentiments and forces came into play. People forgot to inquire who these two men were and only remembered that they had their 'CIVIL RIGHTS'. Jack Anderson wrote in his weekly column: 'Imagine being thrown in jail for selling religious literature', making McBride's activity as innocent as that. He told us how American Congressmen like Robert Walker and Senators Richard Lugar and Clairborne Pell took an active interest and 'PUT PRESSURE ON THE NEPALESE GOVERNMENT'. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL WAS ALSO ACTIVE."
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall... |
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