Originally posted by dobush at 1-12-2006 09:55 AM
camner nak tau 360 tu pakai samsung. ade tulih kat mane2 ke
Tgk gambo kat bawah nie

Masa ko nak beli ko ejek dvd drive tu tgk tray dier dan bandingkan ngan gambar tu.
Originally posted by slayerknight
jaga2 tot...
nnt ada kaki ngadu terutama si Richie tu buat report...
aku pun tingin gak nak sambar 360 ni.. tot,buat link indirect la... nnt jadi thread lakum lak
Jgn risau slayer, aku takkan bagi direct link tuk download game atau firmware tu, cuma bagi cara macam mana nak flash. Firmware tu kena cari sendiri, macam aku gak ler, semua carik sendri tak de sapa tlg cuma Allah je yg tlg aku..huhuhuhu
[ Last edited by tot31 at 1-12-2006 10:32 AM ] |
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greyfox This user has been deleted
Originally posted by tot31 at 1-12-2006 08:26
, ...
master tot31 aku x sabar ni wat ler cepat hehehehehe
ada karang aku sambar xbox 360 ni karang hehehe |
Originally posted by tot31 at 1-12-2006 08:26 AM
bole..tak de masalah, jgn peduli cakap2 org bangang yg kata modded x360 tak leh online dan boleh rosakkan xbox360.
RM1500. Aku beli dari sorang mamat tu yg baru seminggu lebih jer dier beli, ...
weh2... tot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klu bli katsg wang tue leh men x live gna modded nya...
aku neh fulus sket sbb tu nak bli yg moded....
leh x....
m$ block x klu men yang bli kt magkok2 tu...
hahahahaha.... |
semakin ghamai lak yg berminat 360 ni.... baguih...
Psst : income M$ naik sket.... hak... hak...
Originally posted by mr_hahn_nemo at 1-12-2006 12:22 PM
weh2... tot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klu bli katsg wang tue leh men x live gna modded nya...
aku neh fulus sket sbb tu nak bli yg moded....
leh x....
m$ block x klu men yang bli kt magkok2 tu...
hahah ...
Harga yg dah modded tu lagi mahal dari tak modded. Kalau fulus sket biler yg unmodded. beza dier dlm RM100-RM180. Aku tak pasti yg mangkuk2 kat Sg Wang tu jual pakai firmware ape (sbb derang cakap tak leh main online), tu sebab aku buat sendiri gerenti leh main online. |
Originally posted by gzagrath at 1-12-2006 02:35 PM
semakin ghamai lak yg berminat 360 ni.... baguih...
Psst : income M$ naik sket.... hak... hak...
jeragat, nak buat camna... master tot kata 360 best... so tu yg buat x tahan tu :love: |
Originally posted by greyfox at 1-12-2006 10:54 AM
master tot31 aku x sabar ni wat ler cepat hehehehehe
ada karang aku sambar xbox 360 ni karang hehehe
Hi.Actually,there is no reason for you to wait.There are tonnes of such well-written step-by-step tutorials.
Here is one:
You can find all the information you need there and in the forums.
I just hope some people here won't plagiarize other individuals' work/effort and claim it as their own and take all the credits.
[ Last edited by vixen at 1-12-2006 05:36 PM ] |
Hahahaah...link tu semua tutorial dah agak lama dan menyusahkan dan memeningkan kepala otak korang. Jgn risau aku nyer tutorial dlm bahasa melayu dan aku akan buat korang semua faham dan mudah. |
Originally posted by tot31 at 1-12-2006 04:34 PM
Hahahaah...link tu semua tutorial dah agak lama dan menyusahkan dan memeningkan kepala otak korang.
Jgn risau aku nyer tutorial dlm bahasa melayu dan aku akan buat korang semua faham dan mudah.
So Master tot31,you are only translating other people's work?
And none of so-called your tutorial is original work?
[ Last edited by vixen at 1-12-2006 06:29 PM ] |
betul ke ni vixen yg aku kenal? :hmm: :
pe2 pun thanks la link2 tu :tq: :love: |
Originally posted by slayerknight at 1-12-2006 04:41 PM
betul ke ni vixen yg aku kenal? :hmm: :
pe2 pun thanks la link2 tu :tq: :love:
The provided links was only intended to prove my point.I do not condone such activities. |
Originally posted by tot31 at 1-12-2006 08:26 AM
bole..tak de masalah,jgn peduli cakap2 org bangang kata modded x360 tak leh online dan boleh rosakkan xbox360.
In case you are referring to me (which I am inclined to believe that you are),since when did I say that one cannot go live with flashed/modded xbox360 console?
Do read my earlier post properly,retard:
Originally posted by vixen at 29-11-2006 04:25 PM
For now,you can play online with *p* xbox360 games..no restrictions ...
Looks like your comprehension skill is sub-par.Or did you skip English lessons altogether,retard?
And what's wrong of me cautioning buyers of the risk/possibility of getting banned/bricked by Microsoft? It has happened before with xbox scene.
And there are cases with people,especially noobs,ending up with ruined/damaged xbox360 console as the result of botched flash work.
And yes ROMS do have limited lifespan,so I do believe it is not really a good idea to keep reflashing.That is what I said.
[ Last edited by vixen at 1-12-2006 06:54 PM ] |
jgn gado...
ini forum la...
freedom to speak...
rilek ar weh kwn2....
kta sume bntu mngembangkan donia game...
its up to ur head to do what do u want to do....
nnti kecoh lak thread neh..... |
Originally posted by mr_hahn_nemo at 1-12-2006 06:37 PM
jgn gado...
ini forum la...
freedom to speak...
rilek ar weh kwn2....
kta sume bntu mngembangkan donia game...
its up to ur head to do what do u want to do....
nnti k ...
Sorry but I have absolutely no patience.. no patience at all dealing with such rude MFs! |
x-box pnya game perlu ka live2 neh...
mcm klu aku bli aku x nak live...
bleh x???
snang sket.... |
Originally posted by mr_hahn_nemo at 1-12-2006 06:42 PM
x-box pnya game perlu ka live2 neh...
mcm klu aku bli aku x nak live...
bleh x???
snang sket....
You can play without xbox live.But playing by yourself is no fun(don't get any ideas here) ....hehe.
But next-gen gaming is all about live experience.Trust me,once you tried you will be hooked.Like me,almost everyday up to 3 am playing like crazy...:kant:..haha:nerd:
[ Last edited by vixen at 1-12-2006 07:04 PM ] |
so vixen...
how much is the cost for the x box360 package???
and how much the game cost???
sori bad english...
huhuhuhu |
tot31, apa kata aku bayar je ko, ko tolong buatkan untuk aku whehehe, walaupun aku engineer, aku malas buat bwahahaha
aku tak berapa minat xboxlive tu, i like to play with myself je (hahahahahaha)
[ Last edited by DemonOnion at 1-12-2006 07:35 PM ] |
au pon..
aku x sabo nak men bola kat nex-gen je...
x kesah live x live...
tp aku rasa nak bli yng unmoded gak sokong la ori sket...
kna pnyepak ngan ayah aku kang minta duit bli game ori... |
ape la korang nih..main live la besh...
baru bleh test korang yer power... |
| |