Originally posted by coyotemawi at 18-12-2006 04:07 PM
kat mana ada list seme buku ssheldon ni eik..
sebb nak tengok buku apa yang takdak dalam list lagi..
try surf internet.. i pun ada lagi yang belum baca.. u suka tak the best laid plan? |
Originally posted by coyotemawi at 18-12-2006 04:07 PM
kat mana ada list seme buku ssheldon ni eik..
sebb nak tengok buku apa yang takdak dalam list lagi..
fiza biasa check buku dia kat www.sidneysheldon.com
pastu klik kat books, n dia akan listkan suma buku dia. pastu klau kita klik kat buku tu, dia akan kluo sinopsis dia pulak.
enjoy  |
mcm yang fiza buat pulak, fiza photostat dr buku dia, kat page depan2 sket ada page "books by sidney sheldon" (siap photostat tuu..) hehehhe.. tp buku yang baru je yang listkan suuuuma buku dia. yang buku lama2 xsuma title ada. pastu evrytime fza abis satu2 buku tu, fza akan highlight dengan highliter.. so skang ni tinggal lagi 7buku rsanya yang belum abis lagi.. (adoih.. banyaknye lagi).. |
Originally posted by dexa at 15-12-2006 06:28 PM
hahaha....perasan aje kat 'male hardness' ye ;)
saya dah tak berapa suka sangat cerita2 sidney
sebab tulisan dan jalan cerita dia - plot tak begitu
kuat lagi ---
tak macam zaman if tomor ...
kalau ikot kronologi, to me his last good book is memories of midnight, pastu mcm ada kurengg sikit. |
Originally posted by pizzahait at 18/12/2006 06:05 PM
fiza biasa check buku dia kat www.sidneysheldon.com
pastu klik kat books, n dia akan listkan suma buku dia. pastu klau kita klik kat buku tu, dia akan kluo sinopsis dia pulak.
thnks fiza..
nanti gi kat website dia.. |
Originally posted by darlingangel at 18/12/2006 05:49 PM
try surf internet.. i pun ada lagi yang belum baca.. u suka tak the best laid plan?
yang ni tak baca lagi..
sebb dah lama tak baca novel dia..
sebb masa tu mahal sangat
sekarang dah ada kat 2nd hand bookshop
so rembat aje la..
masih ada di rak..:nyorok: |
Originally posted by pizzahait at 18-12-2006 06:15 PM
mcm yang fiza buat pulak, fiza photostat dr buku dia, kat page depan2 sket ada page "books by sidney sheldon" (siap photostat tuu..) hehehhe.. tp buku yang baru je yang listkan suuuuma bu ...
waah bagusnya.. systematic.. senang kan macam tu... |
Originally posted by coyotemawi at 19-12-2006 11:35 AM
yang ni tak baca lagi..
sebb dah lama tak baca novel dia..
sebb masa tu mahal sangat
sekarang dah ada kat 2nd hand bookshop
so rembat aje la..
masih ada di rak..:nyorok:
u gi pay less book ke.. kita dulu rajin gak gi situ...
pelan pelan arr baca... hehehe seronok... |
Originally posted by darlingangel at 19-12-2006 05:06 PM
waah bagusnya.. systematic.. senang kan macam tu...
a ah darlingangel.
senang sket nak trace buku apa yang dah or belum baca.. la ni mmg buat utk sidney sheldon je.. nxt time maybe buat utk list2 buku yang fza xsempat nak baca lagi kut..
btw, fza dah baca the best laid plans tu. best gak plot dia. mmg xleh nak predict apa ending dia.. n buku tu bersambung dengan "the sky is falling" kan? nasib baik fza baca the best laid plans tu dulu.. klau x, mesti da upside down dah kepala ni..
to coyotemawi, klau ada masa, try la baca the best laid plans tu.. |
Reply #164 smeetasmitten's post
that cud be right...
first book dia yang saya baca -- the other side of midnite --
siap ada movie dia kat tv
tapi early 80s movie -- lakonan poyos
(saya tengok pun rerun in 90s) -
but good story though--
tak interested in sidney as much as i used to
will still read the books just cuz i love reading
and will read apa yang present - |
Originally posted by pizzahait at 19-12-2006 06:14 PM
a ah darlingangel.
senang sket nak trace buku apa yang dah or belum baca.. la ni mmg buat utk sidney sheldon je.. nxt time maybe buat utk list2 buku yang fza xsempat nak baca lagi kut..
btw, ...
i love both.. dua -dua suka baca.. asyik hehehe i suka style girl dalam The Best Laid Plan.. walaupun jilted and tak jadi kawin dia cool je.. balas dendam dalam diam hehehehe |
Originally posted by dexa at 19-12-2006 06:23 PM
that cud be right...
first book dia yang saya baca -- the other side of midnite --
siap ada movie dia kat tv
tapi early 80s movie -- lakonan poyos
(saya tengok pun rerun in 90s) -
but good st ...
what else do u read apart frm Sidney's? |
Originally posted by darlingangel at 19-12-2006 07:07 PM
what else do u read apart frm Sidney's?
david baldacci
jeffrey archer
robin cook
wilbur smith
ken folliet
john saul
john sandford -
dan brown
dale brown
jrr tolkien
roald dahl
andy mcnab
stephen king
lawrence sanders
michael connelly
stephen hawkings (mostly science)
isaac asimov
dr seuss
etc etc -
used to read danielle steel di zaman
kegemilangan dia --
not anymore
kalau romance mystery -
sandra brown
lorraine heath
kalau romance humor -
susan elizabeth phillip
la vyrle spencer
too many to list
been reading since early teenagers
but any new best sellers or even old one
saya belasah aje mostly -
current reading -
reader's digest december
what're darlingangel favourite author
and favourite book?? |
Originally posted by dexa at 19-12-2006 11:29 PM
david baldacci
jeffrey archer
robin cook
wilbur smith
ken folliet
john saul
john sandford -
dan brown
dale brown
jrr tolkien
roald dahl
andy mcnab
stephen king
lawrence sanders
mi ...
owh my, you are certainlly an avid reader.. you have read so many..
saya baca banyak juga but, looking into ur list, masih banyak lagi yang belum saya baca :bgrin:
among others:
Danielle Steel (zaman memuda dolu)
Jackie Collins
Judith Mcnaught
Barbara Taylor Bradford
Mary Higgins Clark
Sidney Sheldon
Tom Clancy
Jeffrey Archer
John Grisham
James Patterson
Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
Mills & Boon books.. (heheh)
Judith Kranz
Sikit je.. malay books pun saya gila baca juga...Danielle Steel time belas2 tahun suka.. dah tua ni malas nak baca.. jiwang sangat api sometimes baca gak la..fav Danielle Steel books are Jewels and Perfect Stranger.
Jackie Collins saya suka baca yang sequels 5 buah tu... Chances, Lucky, Lady Boss, Vendetta Lucky's Revenge ngan Dangerous Kiss.
sebenarnya setiap author saya ada fav. Like u, I pun suka belasah baca apa-apa buku. Enid Blyton pun saya masih layan even now. hehehehe. |
Reply #174 darlingangel's post
ah yes - james patterson - john grisham
glad u love those too, eh!!
read all their books
james patterson first book - along came the spider memang best
yang dia perkenalkan alex -- (later in the movie as well)
and tom clancy!!! yang best without remorse
ye la - kadang2 dah tak ada apa - kalau pergi doctor office ka
dia ada enid blyton famous five pun belasah aje la --
fun and relaxing reading --
oooooooOOOOooooo baca modern biology ka ;)
(mills and boon) -- m & b tu - u baca 5 first pages
5 middle pages and 5 last pages -- semua plot sameeee aje kan
masa umur 15 tahun layanz gak -- almaklum darah remaja --
pastu - allamakkkkkkk balik balik INTRO PAGE: pompuan tu poor jadi secretary
lawa mata bundar -- boss tall hensem KAYA -- ada mansion --
MIDDLE PAGE: pompuan tunjuk macam tak suka - lelaki pursue -- pompuan
suka dalam hati - tapi mesti gak pergi PARTY - then describe the gown dia
pakai yang DIBELI oleh lelaki kaya tadi (usually boss dia) -- gadoh gadoh sebab
ada pompuan lain yang LAWA gak tapi perangai macam kambeng -- so yang baik ni
JELES -- dan ada stolen stolen kiss sebab nak naikkan bulu remang kita --
CLOSING PAGE : they made up -- then married and live happily ever after --
;) |
Originally posted by dexa at 20-12-2006 09:00 AM
ah yes - james patterson - john grisham
glad u love those too, eh!!
read all their books
james patterson first book - along came the spider memang best
yang dia perkenalkan alex -- (late ...
i belum baca kesemuanya for John Grisham & James Patterson... tapi both are great, i think.
enid blyton and the likes to in away looking back to our childhood days, kan?
and you are sooo right about Modern Biology hehehe..
Hero - Like you said, tall, dark, handsome is a MUST. pastu either a rich boss, or tuan ladang yang baru inherit wealth, duda kaya anak sorang, or a greek tycoon, yang normally first impression pada the Heroin memang that of dislike.
Heroin - either poor giler, or working with small, cukup-cukup income, or teraniaya, or lari dari hometown, or secretary, and (come to think of it) sickeningly helpless, at times.. hehehe and jealous dalam diam terhadap any females in sight yang cuba nak tekel the Hero.
Heroin usually baik gila dan konon morally intact.. hehehehe tapi dalam hati bukan main.. and YES, kalau pi party or barbecue or any majlis, baju misti Hero beli. walaupun konon debated whether to accept, last last pakai gak.. hehehehe.. pastu MESTI nanti ada misunderstanding and more often than not heroin akan try nak cabut lari... konon mogok la hehehehe
last last Happy Ending hehehehehe |
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Reply #176 darlingangel's post
Hero - Like you said, tall, dark, handsome is a MUST. pastu either a rich boss, or tuan ladang yang baru inherit wealth, duda kaya anak sorang, or a greek tycoon, yang normally first impression pada the Heroin memang that of dislike.
Heroin - either poor giler, or working with small, cukup-cukup income, or teraniaya, or lari dari hometown, or secretary, and (come to think of it) sickeningly helpless, at times.. hehehe and jealous dalam diam terhadap any females in sight yang cuba nak tekel the Hero.
Heroin usually baik gila dan konon morally intact.. hehehehe tapi dalam hati bukan main.. and YES, kalau pi party or barbecue or any majlis, baju misti Hero beli. walaupun konon debated whether to accept, last last pakai gak.. hehehehe.. pastu MESTI nanti ada misunderstanding and more often than not heroin akan try nak cabut lari... konon mogok la hehehehe
my goodness!!!
i loveeeeeeeee your description --
thanks for enlighting my day
and buat saya gelakkkkk sangat
brilliant~! - hahahaa -- |
Originally posted by dexa at 21-12-2006 02:34 PM
my goodness!!!
i loveeeeeeeee your description --
thanks for enlighting my day
and buat saya gelakkkkk sangat
brilliant~! - hahahaa --
hehe.. ada what thread M & B.. hehehe jom la meriahkan... |
Reply #178 darlingangel's post
nampak thread tu last time
ada gak buat reply kat situ dulu --
nanti kita skodeng lagi --
tapi nak cerita apa --
cerita plot samaaaaaaa aje -
masa remaja remaja - darah panas
memang macam BESTTT aje baca
duk bayangkan oooooo kalau la aku dapat
tinggal kat chateau dengan count tu --
picnic tepi tasik bawak bakul picnic -- pakai
dress -- angin tiup sepoi sepoi bahasa --
count tu kiss aku oooOOoooo
dunia ni aku yang punya
CHEH umur baru 15 PMR pun tak tentu dapat 8A lagi
sebuk nak dengan count pulak --
rasanya budak lelaki tak baca modern biology ni sangat --
budak pompuan aje yang darah panas dan nak dengan tall dark
and hensem ni ;) |
Originally posted by dexa at 21-12-2006 05:33 PM
nampak thread tu last time
ada gak buat reply kat situ dulu --
nanti kita skodeng lagi --
tapi nak cerita apa --
cerita plot samaaaaaaa aje -
masa remaja remaja - darah panas
memang macam ...
i jamin budak laki-laki tak baca... bukan apa.. kahkahkahkahkah takut dia rasa rendah diri giler dan tiada harapan bila banding ngan hero MB nan tiada tandingan heheheheh
almaklum, talk dark hensem.. dema lak.. tak dak hensem punya huhuhuhuhuhuhu... jahatnya aku... |
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