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Author: amorist

RECRUITMENT ADS - (post 'em here)

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Post time 22-9-2005 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Ni ada peluang pekerjaan...(harini 22 September 2005)

Edisi KL: 5,000 peluang pekerjaan

Oleh Mohamad Hussin
[email protected]

KUALA LUMPUR: Lebih 5,000 peluang pekerjaan ditawarkan menerusi Pameran Kerjaya dan Pendidikan 2005 di Kompleks City Square, Johor Bahru pada Sabtu dan Ahad ini, mulai jam 10 pagi hingga 10 malam.

Pameran anjuran dan International Focus Fair Malaysia (IFFM) Sdn Bhd dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Peluang pekerjaan yang ditawarkan bukan saja dikhususkan kepada graduan, malah kepada mereka yang masih mencari pekerjaan termasuk pelajar lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

Usaha itu turut mendapat sokongan kumpulan The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd (NSTP) selaku rakan media rasmi kepada pameran berkenaan.

Pengurus Besar, Shahul Hameed Dawood, berkata pameran itu peluang terbaik untuk merebut pekerjaan yang ditawarkan mengikut kelayakan masing-masing.

Menurutnya, lebih 50 syarikat akan menyertai pameran itu yang kebanyakannya dari Johor dan Singapura dengan menawarkan pekerjaan di Malaysia dan beberapa negara luar termasuk Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina, Australia, India dan China.

揝empena pameran ini, ceramah mengenai pembangunan kerjaya akan diadakan dengan kerjasama NSTP untuk memberi pendedahan kepada pengunjung terutama graduan lepasan diploma dan ijazah,

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Post time 29-9-2005 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Kosong

-Sales (4 posts) - 3 yrs experience in ICT or technological industry
-Senior Sales (2posts) - 5 yrs experience in ICT or technological industry
-Product Business Exec (3 posts) - 2 yrs experience in sales, marketing etc

PM me if interested and need details
Closing date : 12/10/05


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Post time 29-9-2005 10:24 AM | Show all posts
sape memerlukan pekerjaan....
system engineer
ada knowledge c++, unix dgn linux, lebih bagus kalau tau psal network security
kalau nak tau lebih saya...

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Salwati This user has been deleted
Post time 29-9-2005 03:18 PM | Show all posts

iNI Pun sAtu KeRja JuGAk!!CuBAlah..


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nora_balqis This user has been deleted
Post time 3-10-2005 06:16 PM | Show all posts
sama ler kita pon tgh carik keje nie....

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Post time 4-10-2005 12:55 PM | Show all posts
tak de ke part time vacancy utk student yg tengah cari duit lebi???

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Post time 5-10-2005 11:27 AM | Show all posts
my company needs administration executive:

technical part - electrical and electronic
pabx system
renovation documentation
preferably male.

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Post time 12-10-2005 01:26 AM | Show all posts

Peti Surat 12301, Pejabat Pos Besar, 50774 Kuala Lumpur



(Tarikh Tutup Permohonan :  31 Oktober 2005)

INSTITUT PENYELIDIKAN DAN KEMAJUAN PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (MARDI) adalah sebuah Badan Berkanun di bawah Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia mempelawa warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi jawatan berikut :-

A. Jawatan, Gred, Klasifikasi Kumpulan, gaji dan Penempatan
( Penempatan calon-calon yang berjaya dilantik adalah tertakluk kepada peruntukan Perkara 16 Perintah Am Bab A)

i) Jawatan Pegawai Penyelidik
Gred Q41, Q43, Q47, Q51, Q53
Klasifikasi Penyelidikan & Pembangunan
Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Pengurusan & Profesional
Gaji Q41 P1T1  RM1651.31  -  P1T25  RM4100.35

P2T1  RM1734.80  -  P2T25  RM4337.51

P3T1  RM1821.92  -  P3T25  RM4595.24

Gaji Q43 P1T1  RM2626.57  -  P1T14  RM4356.87

P2T1  RM2764.51  -  P2T14  RM4557.73

P3T1  RM2908.50  -  P3T14  RM4780.37

Gaji Q47 P1T1  RM3847.46  -  P1T8    RM5109.49

P2T1  RM4035.01  -  P2T8    RM5347.86

P3T1  RM4229.82  -  P3T8    RM5593.49

Gaji Q51 P1T1  RM4329.04  -  P1T8    RM5591.07

P2T1  RM4531.11  -  P2T8    RM5843.96

P3T1  RM4740.44  -  P3T8    RM6104.11

Gaji Q53 P1T1  RM4566.20  -  P1T8    RM5944.39

P2T1  RM4753.75  -  P2T8    RM6210.59

P3T1  RM4970.34  -  P3T8    RM6486.47

Syarat lantikan klik
Borang Permohonan Online klik di sini  
ii) Jawatan Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi)
Gred N17
Klasifikasi Pentadbiran & Sokongan
Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Sokongan
Gaji P1T1  RM656.30    -  P1T24  RM1721.10

P2T1  RM697.44    -  P2T24  RM1817.90

P3T1  RM739.79    -  P3T24  RM1918.33

Syarat lantikan klik
Borang Permohonan Online klik di sini  
iii) Jawatan Pembantu Tadbir (Kesetiausahaan)
Gred N22
Klasifikasi Pentadbiran & Sokongan
Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Sokongan
Gaji P1T1  RM1532.34  -  P1T12  RM2270.44

P2T1  RM1646.08  -  P2T12  RM2507.60

Syarat lantikan klik
Borang Permohonan Online klik di sini  
iv) Jawatan Pembantu Tadbir (Kesetiausahaan)
Gred N17
Klasifikasi Pentadbiran & Sokongan
Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Sokongan

P1T1  RM656.30    -  P1T24  RM1721.10

P2T1  RM697.44    -  P2T24  RM1817.90

P3T1  RM739.79    -  P3T24  RM1918.33

Syarat lantikan klik
Borang Permohonan Online klik di sini  

B. Taraf Jawatan

Semua jawatan di atas adalah bertaraf tetap.
(Calon-calon yang berjaya dilantik adalah tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat Skim Perkhidmatan bagi Penjawat Awam Kerajaan yang dikuatkuasakan serta pindaan-pindaan yang dibuat keatasnya dari masa ke semasa).

D. Permohonan

Permohonan hendaklah dikemukakan dengan mengisi borang secara 'online' dengan melayari  laman web  berikut: ... mjuruaudit?OpenForm sebelum  atau pada 31 Oktober 2005.


Sebarang pertanyaan :

         Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
         Ibu Pejabat MARDI
         Peti Surat 12301
         Pejabat Pos Besar
         50774 Kuala Lumpur

No. telefon :

         03 - 8943 8422 (En. Mohd. Rizal Sudin)
         03 - 8943 7119 (Cik Rasyikah Jamilan)


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Post time 12-10-2005 01:37 AM | Show all posts

Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA) adalah koperasi apex yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan sebagai badan yang mewakili Pergerakan Koperasi Malaysia pada peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Kami menyediakan program pelajaran kepada anggota-anggota koperasi disamping menyediakan perkhidmatan potongan gaji kepada jabatan-jabatan kerajaan, koperasi, kelab, kesatuan, ASN, ASB dan YPEIM.

Sekiranya anda seorang yang berdedikasi, bermotivasi tinggi dan inginkan persekitaran kerja yang stabil dan berdaya saing, anda dipelawa menyertai kami dengan mengisi kekosongan jawatan di Ibu Pejabat kami seperti berikut :-


Kelayakan dan Pengalaman

Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Perniagaan / Ekonomi / Pentadbiran Awam / Komunikasi (Perhubungan Awam) atau yang berkaitan dengan jawatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
Telah berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya 5 tahun.
Berpengalaman mengurus dan mentadbir kakitangan.
Boleh memberi taklimat atau ceramah dengan baik dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris.
Bidang Tugas

Bertanggungjawab dalam segala aspek pengurusan dan pentadbiran Urusan Potongan Gaji dan Perhubungan Pelanggan Biro Perkhidmatan ANGKASA (BPA).


Kelayakan dan Pengalaman

Mempunyai Ijazah dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan / Ekonomi / Perakaunan atau yang berkaitan dengan jawatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
Telah berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya 5 tahun.
Boleh berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris dengan baik.
Berpengetahuan dalam bidang koperasi atau Industri Kecil Sederhana (IKS).
Pengalaman bekerja dalam sektor koperasi adalah satu kelebihan.
Bidang Tugas

Membantu koperasi dalam menyediakan pelan perniagaan dan mengenalpasti faktor yang perlu diteliti dalam penyediaan kertas projek.
Memantau dan menganalisa daya maju projek-projek keusahawanan serta memberi khidmat nasihat terhadap projek berkenaan.
Pada amnya membantu menambahbaik pengurusan pentadbiran dan perniagaan koperasi.

Kelayakan dan Pengalaman

Diploma Perakaunan / Pengurusan Perniagaan / Pengurusan Bank atau yang berkaitan dengan jawatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
Telah berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya 5 tahun.
Berpengalaman dalam perakaunan.

Bidang Tugas

Menyelaras dan menyelia tugas-tugas berkaitan perakaunan dan kewangan.
Menerima dan memantau penerimaan pembayaran dari potongan gaji peminjam yang bermasaalah.


Kelayakan dan Pengalaman

Mempunyai Ijazah atau Diploma dalam Perakaunan / Pengurusan Perniagan / Ekonomi atau yang berkaitan dengan jawatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
Berpengetahuan dalam perakaunan dan bersedia untuk melakukan tugasan luar pejabat.
Graduan yang baru tamat pengajian digalakkan memohon

Bidang Tugas

Membantu koperasi menyiapkan penyata kewangan tahunan untuk diaudit.
Individu yang berkelayakan dipelawa memohon dengan mengemukakan surat permohonan berserta butiran peribadi terperinci (resume/cv) yang engandungi maklumat kelayakan akademik, pengalaman, kemahiran, kualiti personal, gaji semasa, gaji dipohon serta salinan sijil-sijil akademik/berkaitan dan gambar terbaru berukuran pasport kepada :

Pengurus Umum
Peti Surat 8797,
Pejabat Pos Kelana Jaya,
Petaling Jaya,
Atau e-mel : [email protected] atau fax : 03-78034275
Selewat-lewatnya pada 24 Oktober 2005
Hanya pemohon yang disenarai pendek sahaja akan dipanggil untuk temuduga.

[ Last edited by juanalisa81 at 12-10-2005 01:53 AM ]

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Post time 12-10-2005 01:39 AM | Show all posts
Re: ENQUIRY ON JOB PROSPECTS: Data Processing Executive
Hi ..

It has been quite some time we have not been in touch. What's your comment regarding the job offer at HSBC Cyberjaya?

It is my hope that the opportunity given has been very helpful.

Since there are a lot more vacancies, we would welcome if there are any of your friends who are keen to apply. You may recommend them to submit their cvs' to me.

Look fwd to hear from you soonest.

Best regards,

012-635 5656
*Hantar cv抯 anda ke e-mail ini ---[email protected]

[ Last edited by juanalisa81 at 12-10-2005 01:40 AM ]

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Post time 15-10-2005 02:42 AM | Show all posts
ThumbPrints Utd Sdn Bhd.


Advertised: 14-10-05 | Closing Date: 13-11-05.
Thumbprints Utd. Sdn Bhd is a fast growing printing company, founded in 1990. We are nurturing a dynamic team to achieve our ambitious goals for both local and export business. We are highly committed in training & development and would like welcome candidates with keen learning attitude to join us.

We are seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:

(Selangor - Rawang)


Reporting to Export Coordinator
To prepare export documents
To coordinate and prepare sales materials
To compile reports and records on export projects
To update online portal and manage database

STPM or Diploma or equivalent qualification.
Great attention to details, self-motivated, team player
Familiar with Microsoft Office and internet
Preferable below 25 years old.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
Training provided, 13th month salary, quarterly bonus scheme, performance incentive scheme, company trip, and comprehensive insurance scheme. Medical benefit, annual leaves, medical leave, 17 public & state holidays, EPF, SOCSO and others.

Interested candidates are invited to apply online, send in their detailed resume, stating present and expected salary and contact number to:

Human Resource Department
Thumbprints Utd Sdn Bhd (568252 T)
Lot 24 ,Jalan RP 3,
Rawang Perdana Industrial Estate ,
48000 Rawang , Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel: 03-6092 9809 Fax:03-6092 6976

E-mail : [email protected]

Only short listed candidates will be notified .

For more information, please visit our website at: www.

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Post time 15-10-2005 02:43 AM | Show all posts
The Most Successful
"Born In Malaysia"
Hypermarket & Supermarket


Dairy Farm Giant Retail Sdn. Bhd.


With over 60 years of experience in the Malaysian retail market, the Dairy Farm Giant Retail Group sets itself to be the most successful 'Born In Malaysia' hypermarket and supermarket group.

Its modest beginning stemmed from its first grocery store that dates back to the 1940s. Since then, it has continued to set the place in an extremely competitive retail market. Anchored firmly in the vivacious Klang Valley and all over Malaysia, our commitment in delivering quality products at lower prices with honesty and diligence, has established us as the 揋iant

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Post time 15-10-2005 02:44 AM | Show all posts
MBF Cards is one of the leading credit card issuers with the largest merchant network accepting the MasterCard and Visa brand nationwide. The MBF Cards brand is synonymous with innovative payment services and superior reward programs to its CardMembers.

We invite suitably qualified individuals to join us for the following position:-

Advertised on 13-10-05

Call Center Officers



Minimum Diploma / Degree holder in any discipline
At least 1 to 2 years of working experience in a service industry. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
Able to work independently with minimal supervision
Must be able to converse well in English. Ability to communicate in local dialects would be an added advantage
Pleasant and possess good interpersonal skills
Computer literate

All interested applicants can apply online or write-in to the following address:-

MBF Cards (M'Sia) Sdn Bhd
Human Resource Department
Level 36, Menara AmBank
No.8, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
P.O. Box 10486,
50714 Kuala Lumpur,

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Post time 16-10-2005 02:26 AM | Show all posts
Funmobile Sdn Bhd


Advertised: 15-10-05 | Closing Date: 14-11-05.
Mobile Value Added Service company looking for an open minded and friendly candidates to be part of the new venture to take our business into another new horizon.

Customer Service Operator
(Kuala Lumpur - KL)


Job Functions
Be also to perform as open minded and friendly operator at all times
Be able to hit target volume of sms each month
Be able to report to supervisor or manager for all the activities by daily or weekly basis.
Be able to report on time
Require to work on shift basis (midnight and morning shift)

Experienced in call center environment will be an asset.
Must be friendly and open minded person.
Love to chat and sms is essential
Must be self self motivated and understand the need of the customers..
Computer and internet literate.
Able to write and speak in English languages.
Candidate must possess at least a Higher Secondary/STPM/"A" Level/Pre-U, Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma or Professional Degree in any field.
Required language(s): English.
Applicants must be willing to work in KL.
Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time positions available.
ALL interested parties please apply with full confidence your resume, references, current (if possible, past) and expected salary to [email protected]. Please write CSO in the subject line.

We will get back to you if you are shortlisted for the above position.

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Post time 16-10-2005 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Temporary / Contract Job
( Shah Alam - Hicom Glenmarie,Sg Buloh,PJ,Bangsar,Puchong,KL-Sg Wang,Cheras,Rawang)


Temporary /Contract Jobs Available

(Admin Clerk/Asst, Customer Service, IT Trainee, HR Assistant, Accounts Assistant, Secretary, Retail Assistant, etc.)

Candidate must possess at least a SPM, STPM or any other related field.
Someone who is searching for permanent job and interested to work for temporary basis are encourage to send in your application.
FRESH Graduates OR Students on Holiday are encourage to apply.
Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Urgent Vacanies ( 50 positions )
General Workers needed in Rawang.

Please apply on line

Agensi Pekerjaan Crest Force (M) Sdn Bhd
No. 113B, Jalan SS25/2,
Taman Bukit Emas,
Petaling Jaya.
(Opp to Kelana Jaya LRT station)

Tel: 03-7803 9034

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Post time 16-10-2005 02:29 AM | Show all posts
A well established human resource consultant firm with a strong record in delivering quality jobs and objective career opportunities is currently inviting strong individuals with interest in:

Temporary Jobs (1-6 months)
( Kuala Lumpur/Petaling Jaya)


Temporary Secretary (RM1800 - 2000).
MNC 5 days week.
Mandarin language required for dealings with overseas.

Temporary Bank Officers (RM1300)
Degree in any field, fresh graduates encouraged
Processing documents, data entry, reconciliation

Temporary Accounts Assistants (RM1000 - RM1200).
Minimum SPM with related accounting experience.
Spoken Chinese required.

Temporary Receptionists (RM900-RM1100)
Minimum SPM with experience.
Fluent BM and English.

Temporary Telemarketers (RM1000 - RM1500)
Minimum SPM with customer service/telemarketing experience
Good communication skills.
Immediate walk-in interview/Apply
Careerstation (M) Sdn Bhd
Unit 5.11, 5th Floor, Wisma Cosway
Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel:603-20703883 Fax:603-20703881
Email:[email protected]

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Post time 17-10-2005 01:06 PM | Show all posts
syarikat MSD Technology Sdn Bhd.  di USJ 21.

1-Multimedia Developer
skil dikehendaki  Flash, Director, Photoshop,
Illustrator, HTML, Macromedia Dream Weaver

2-Program Coordinator/Business Development Executive -
ICT (Trainer)

kepada sesiapa berminat sila berhubung terus dengan
en.rohaizat di talian 0199209024 atau email/ym
[email protected]


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Post time 23-10-2005 11:23 PM | Show all posts

English Lecturers wanted

English lecturers are needed for a private uni college.

- must have a degree in TESL or English (at least) - will teach diploma students
- a degree in TESL or English plus a masters degree - will teach degree students

*fresh grads are encouraged to apply.

interested, plz PM me, will give u guys details.

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Post time 29-10-2005 03:49 AM | Show all posts
TAKAFUL MALAYSIA, which has been in operation for the last 20 years, is not only the leading takaful operator in Malaysia but also in the world. Takaful Malaysia抯 success in pioneering and establishing takaful business has attracted and gained the confidence and acceptance of Malaysians including the non-Muslims.

In line with Takaful Malaysia抯 strategic plan to further develop and strengthen our competitiveness in facing the challenges of globalisation, we would like to invite Malaysians who qualify and meet the requirements stated to apply for the following position:


Roles & Responsibilities:

To identify and facilitate implementation of Entreprise-wide Risk Management programme for the Company.
To prepare Risk Management frameworks in relation to guidelines and regulations from Bank Negara Malaysia, Takaful Act 1984, other governing bodies, and internal guidelines, as well as in relation to Corporate Affairs and Takaful Business in general.

A recognised Degree in Accounting/ Finance/ Insurance/ Actuarial Science/ Risk Management/ Information Technology.
Preferably with 1 - 3 years of experience in Risk Management, Audit and/ or Business Continuity Planning areas, or relevant business experience in takaful/ insurance.
Sound knowledge of takaful / insurance products and operations is an added advantage.
Have a good command of the English language.
Possess excellent people management skills.
Analytical with sound problem solving and excellent report writing skills.
Independent, highly motivated, a self-starter and able to cope with work pressure.


A recognised Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science.
Good knowledge and familiar with Web-based applications and J2EE application architecture design.
Depth knowledge in IBM iSeries (power 5 server) or AS400, IBM xSeries , IBM HTTP server, system hardware and software includes V5R3 OS, IXA direct attach technology, IBM Performance tools for iSeries, LPAR technology and experience in initiating the activities of monitoring, troubleshooting and fine-tuning for overall system performance.
Possess good knowledge and experience in running schedule batch and backup processing on daily basis.
Possess good knowledge in IBM Midleware applications using MQSeries.
Familiar and well-versed with IBM DB2 database.
Familiar with Hot Site Backup using MIMIX for Disaster Recovery Plan.
Have a good communication skill and able to work independently.
Experienced in running 24 hours Data Center Operations is an advantage.



A recognised Degree in Law.
Preferably with 2-3 years

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Post time 4-11-2005 02:51 AM | Show all posts

The ideal candidate should have excellent leadership qualities, be highly motivated and self-driven, have strong management, organisational and financial skills, and is result oriented. Experience in managing medium size organization would be an advantage. High degree of integrity is essential. He/She must possess a Bachelor抯 Degree MBA preferred with more than 10 years experience at Senior Management Level.


You will report to the CEO/Board and work closely with Department Heads to ensure organisational objectives are achieved. You will be accountable for prudent management of resources and for driving growth in revenue. If you fulfil the above requirements, kindly submit your application with full details and resume stating works experience, current and expected salary with a passport-sized photograph to:

Senior Manager Human Resource & Administration
28 Jalan 1/65A,
Off Jalan Tun Razak,
P.O. Box 10024,
50700 Kuala Lumpur.

before 15 November 2005.

Please mark 揅ONFIDENTIAL

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