Originally posted by adikkeluangman_ at 14-11-2007 08:04 PM
Thailand pun dorang x pergi lagi. Ye lah. kalau thailand pun tak pergi ni kan pula nak datang Malaysia
hah.. latest info..
diorang akan gi thailand 18th december ni..
nangis air mata darah la...
sape nak blanje tiket kapal terbang gi bangkok? ahahhaha.
Message to Thai Fans (minhwan macam tak bersemangat je.. heh)
ohh. ada MV baru.!!
diorg release repackaged album 'The Refreshment' semalam. ada 3 lagu baru.
so ni MV utk salah satu lagu..
FT Island - Until You Come Back
oh lupa.. yes yes, jangan berhenti vote lagu ft island kat 988 ok?
dah 18 minggu love sick.. rasanya setakat ni lagu tu la paling lama kekal dalam chart tahun ni.. (2007)
tapi kalau kira dbsk nye I'll Be There, diorang 19 minggu.. tp lagu tu end 2006-early 2007..
kalau beat dbsk pun x pe
or buat love sick kekal sampai early 2008 jugak
[ Last edited by arincute92 at 4-12-2007 10:47 AM ]
The new rockband FT Island is kicking off their Thailand take over from December 17th to 19th.
Despite there having been no official activities by FT Island in Thailand, ever since the airing of cable channel Mnet's "Wanna be your bf," FT Island's popularity has been off the charts by fan pages in Thailand.
In response to this, Thailand Music industry have started the official promotion in Thailand.
During the promotion period, FT Island will hold showcase, attend TV, radio, newspaper and magazine interviews, and have a photoshoot.
On the 17th, they will be interviewed on Ch.7 [Thailand's leading Korean Channel] and on Radio station Seed Radio. On the 18th, they will have a showcase at the Southeastern Asia's largest shopping mall, Siam Paragon.
On the 19th, last day of their promotion, FT Island will have photoshoot as well as interview with Thailand's largest entertainment newspaper magazine.
FT Island said "We are so surprised and thankful that they take so much interest on us abroad even though we are still immature musicians."
Meanwhile, FT Island is practicing hard for their busy end of the year schedule that includes the release of their special album "The Refreshment," nation-wide tour, concert in Japan and concert in Thailand.
Credit: Newsen + 1takeKK (translations)@loveft-i forum
Making of Until You Come Back MV
[FANCAM] Performance: A Person Close to Tears 071201 (M Super Concert)
The Refreshment Album Jacket
credits: Roiworld + Staracles@soompi
[ Last edited by arincute92 at 5-12-2007 09:45 AM ]
Tidak... nape mesti pergi Thailand... Goodjob for Malaysian fans for 98.8. Teruskan usaha kita yg best ni. Iyah... nak album baru ni jugak. Mane plak nak dpt duit ni... ish...
^A, ah. Dah tengok dah pun. Boleh plak si HongKi thanks kat KangIn. X belajar etika ker. Dah ler dlm big event plak tu. Ni mesti dorang ade ape2 ni kan. KangIn n HongKi. Hu... best betul lah perf dorang mase malam tu. Sebijik cam J-Rock style. Duh, ngan rambut lah, angin lah, baju lah. Terkagum sekejap.
Dorang kat Thailand kat skang ni. Sedihnya nak pikirkan. Nape lah x dtg sini.
----- [MV] F.T Island - 너 올 때까지 (Until You Come Back)
er rsenye 3 ari lps sy tgk Open Concert kt KBS World
pas 3 perfs, dorg kua, sy pon lyn je la pastu x abis2
ckp 'whoa whoa O_O' smpai mak pon plek nape
sore Hong Ki best gle dorg ni sme comei2 <3
bru td tau yg dorg ni 15-17, huhu medenye xD
sukanyer tgk perf. bebudak ni kt kbs song festival...kenapa aku rasa ramai sgt artis laki korea sekarang ni berambut panjang n berpony tail yer???is it the 'in' thing for 2008???
hahaha. maybe??
tu la psal. sume nk berpony tail.
sape la pembawa trend ni ek?
tadi tablo, donghae pun berponytail. sape lagi ek? ahha
a'ah. tu ah pasal. diorg best jgk tadi.
kalau instruments 100% live lagi best. haha
nway, notice mase intro ada org gi depan suju n buat peace sign?
pastu someone from suju tolak dia and fans pun jerit! XD haha.
tu hongki ke? ke sape???
Originally posted by arincute92 at 31-12-2007 02:14 AM
hahaha. maybe??
tu la psal. sume nk berpony tail.
sape la pembawa trend ni ek?
tadi tablo, donghae pun berponytail. sape lagi ek? ahha
a'ah. tu ah pasal. diorg best jgk tadi.
kalau instrum ...
yg berpony tail lagi hyesyng n andy (shinhwa).....wah, best ah perf dorg smlm..... suka tgk.....
hongki mcm tau2 jer budjet tuk diri tengah2 stage....cantik scene time tuh....
aku xtau saper yg kena tolak tp aku tgk sungmin yg tolak org tuh.....