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Author: andria

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Post time 14-2-2012 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1763# hAzEL^nut

maklumlah bumi pun nak bermain2 tauuuuuuuuuuuuu
kitaran dah kembali leeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2012 01:12 PM | Show all posts
According to Nancy Lieder's research, semasa pole shift berlaku, Malaysia akan tenggelam.. Pukulan o ...
ekjoz_double Post at 14-2-2012 11:39

    Mcm ni la. Tak boleh juga percayakan Nancy@ZetaTalk tu 100%. Kita ambil semua info dan filter, mana yg baik, jadikan panduan dan teladan. Tak semestinya kajian@teori mereka betul 100%. Mungkin 50/50, mungkin 70/30, mungkin tiada satu pun. Dan kalau pun betul 100%, Allah Maha Besar, ia adalah perancanganNYA. Apa yg boleh kita lakukan, yg TERBAIK, ialah lakukan Solat Istikharah, dan kemudian ikutlah naluri paling kuat yg anda rasa. Klu anda rasa nak tinggal di Malaysia, maka tinggallah. Cuma mungkin kena cari tempat yg high latitude. Saya berpesan kpd diri sendiri juga, agar kita jangan terlalu taksub dgn mana2 kajian@teori. Ambil semuanya, tapi FILTER. Dan apa pun yg kita baca@dengar, kita kena tetap berbalik kpd Qada dan Qadar. Andaikata Malaysia terbalik sekali pun, tapi klu Allah izinkan masih ada yg terselamat, Insya Allah, akan selamat juga. Kalau kita lari ke tempat yg jauh sekalipun, tapi klu Allah kata Kun Fa Ya Kun, dan tempat yg kita sangka selamat itu rupanya tidak selamat, maka sama juga endingnya.

Walau bagaimanapun, utk anda yg mahu mengikut panduan@teori yg diberikan oleh Nancy, sila baca di bawah.

Sebenarnya Nancy telah memberikan teori/ramalan yg berlainan antara Semenanjung Malaysia (SM) dan Borneo. Untuk SM, Nancy kata SM akan diliputi oleh ais selama bertahun-tahun. Manakala utk Borneo, beliau menulis sesuatu yg lain, antaranya, di bawah:

Borneo likewise has high ground, and this will survive even the scouring of the water wash from the Pacific during the hour of the pole shift.

Saya juga pernah menghantar emel kpd Nancy bertanyakan tentang Borneo, dan ini jawapan beliau terhadap emel saya itu.

Indonesia is housed on that tongue of the Eurasian Plate, which is due to be pushed DOWN somewhat. Mostly this will affect Sumatra and Java and Malaysia and Singapore, etc. Jakarta is already sinking. So Borneo will find the tides higher on their shores, the sea level rising on their shores, but will NOT be affected like these other areas. Even the southern coastlines of China will find their sea level rising somewhat, during this time.

The pole shift, and much water will be pushed from the Pacific past and through Indonesia on its way to the Indian Ocean. Borneo will survive this, the high points will be safe.  

Suka saya mengingatkan sekali lagi, ini hanyalah teori@ramalan yg belum tentu benar salahnya. Ada pun kita sebagai org Islam, kenalah bijak filter mana yg berkenaan, dan kita mintalah panduan direct dari Allah. Apa pun jawapan yg kita dpt selepas Istikharah, bertabahlah. Saya sama sekali tiada niat mempersoalkan kepercayaan atau pendirian sesiapa, jadi saya mohoh maaf jika ada sesiapa yg tersinggung dgn kata2 saya. Cuma sebagai salah seorang saudara Muslim, saya cuma berkongsi pesanan, agar kita tidak terlalu mempercayai mana2 kajian@ramalan@teori 100%. Kita berusaha setakat yg kita mampu secara bersederhana, ikut sabda Rasulullah s.a.w, dan selebihnya, kita tawakallah.

Ingatlah, ke mana pun kita memalingkan wajah kita, di situ ada Allah...


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Post time 14-2-2012 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ekjoz_double at 14-2-2012 13:34

Reply 1782# andria

   Yup betul. Sebab itu saya mentioned semenanjung Malaysia. Bukan the whole Malaysia which mean semenanjung Malaysia yg dikhuatiri akan mengalami perubahan yg sgt drastik. Dan ya. Kejadian Pole Shift itu mungkin berlaku, dan mungkin juga tidak akan berlaku. Bagi sesiapa yg mempercayai kajian Nancy dan melakukan persiapan utk menghadapi benjana itu, saya menasihati mereka supaya look out for another safer/ higher ground as their safe location thus they will remain survive. Tak rugi pun jika perkara yg sebaliknya berlaku.

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Post time 14-2-2012 03:10 PM | Show all posts
maksub awak instine...or gerak hati

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Post time 14-2-2012 10:26 PM | Show all posts
terbaca plak ada link artikel masa tgh godek2 berita....

“The cold snap in Europe, which began in late January, has killed hundreds and brought deep snow where it hasn’t been seen in decades,” says this article in the Seattle Times.

This should be front page news. Instead, the article doesn’t appear until page eight. And the title, “At least 3 killed in avalanche in Kosovo,” belies the seriousness of the situation. (The print version carries a different headline: “Cold snap, snow lock down Europe.”)

How about a headline that tells it like it is?

140,000 trapped by snow – Death toll rises past 550.

That headline would give readers a glimpse of what’s really happening in Europe, where snow drifts reaching above the rooftops have kept tens of thousands of villagers prisoners in their own homes.

Now, I’ll admit that once you get past the ho-hum headline and down to the third paragraph, the Seattle Times article gets to the harsh truth.

You learn that in Montenegro, “the heaviest snow in 63 years sealed off hundreds of villages, shut down roads and railways and closed the main airport.” And you learn that “It was the biggest snowfall in the capital since 1949.”

You also learn that “boat traffic on the frozen Danube river — one of Europe’s key waterways — has been unable to move for the longest time in recent memory.” (Italics added.)

The rest of the article is quite informative, and I appreciate that.

But it’s that “cold snap” thing that bugs me.

Did all of the world’s journalists go to “cold snap” school?

If temperatures go up by a hundredth of a degree they scream “global warming.” But if, heaven forbid, it’s record cold and record snow? “Well, let’s just call it a cold snap.”

Would you call it a “cold snap” when more than 100 vessels become trapped in icy waters of the Sea of Azov? That’s what Reuters called it. “A fierce cold snap with temperatures of about -25C (-13 F) caused large parts of the Azov Sea to freeze,” said Reuters.

Would you call it a “cold snap” when more than 2,000 roads in Turkey are blocked by heavy snows? That’s what the Google News headline announced. The article itself was very good, speaking of brutal cold and record low temperatures, but – “cold snap”?

Would you call it a “cold snap” when people have to cut tunnels through 15 feet of snow to get out of their homes? “Eastern Europe has been pummeled by a record-breaking cold snap,” says this otherwise great AP article.

Look at these headlines. Are these the result of a “cold snap”?

        Serbia cuts power in desperate bid to prevent collapse of national grid
        The country’s entire electric distribution system could collapse…
        Hundreds of barns collapse in Italy
        At least one million farm animals in danger of running out of food.
        Villages buried under 4-5 meters of snow – Video
        “23.000 people are isolated, how many people and animals have died we don’t know since nobody can reach there.”
        Italian villages trapped in more than 9 feet of snow
        With the death toll already at 43, another blast of freezing weather…
        Danube freezes over – One of the greatest rivers in Europe
        Danube wholly or partially blocked in six countries.
        Most winter grain destroyed in southern and eastern Ukraine
        With temperatures 12 to 17C below average, the situation in Ukraine has became serious.
        European death toll rises to 480 – and counting
        150 cattle killed when roofs collapse. “It seems more like a war in Europe.”
        Code red for agriculture in Tuscany
        “Blizzard comes and farmers tremble” – Loss rates up to 50%.
        Turkey quake survivors fighting the snow
        Walking 300 feet through the snow to reach the nearest toilets.

No, this is no mere cold snap. There’s a tragedy unfolding in Europe, and the world needs to know.


alamak...dia dah mai dah...dia dah mai...
wa pasrah jelah

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Post time 14-2-2012 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Ya Allah ... Satu dunia dah salji nie ...

Hutang aku tak settle lagi nie ... Ya Allah berikanlah kesempatan utk kami BERTAUBAT ...

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2012 11:18 PM | Show all posts
terbaca plak ada link artikel masa tgh godek2 berita....

“The cold snap in Europe, which began ...
AbukRokok Post at 14-2-2012 22:26

    Media2 massa utama takkan report kejadian sebenar, utk elakkan panik. Andaikata esok bumi nak bergesel dgn Planet X sekalipun (contoh), kita takkan jumpa report ni di media massa. Tau2 jer bencana seluruh dunia. Memang dah BANYAK sgt petanda yg diberikan. Tinggal lagi, kita nak ambik iktibar atau buat bodoh jer, dan teruskan kehidupan mcm takde apa2.

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Post time 15-2-2012 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1787# andria

   sy pun tertunggu2 berita pasal salji ni dijadikan berita utama. tgk list yg abukrokok type tu rasa mcm dunia ni mcm nak collapse dah...tapi...
tengok orang duk relek je.
sy pesan kat kawan di uk supaya careful dgn salji, tp diorang happy je nampak dlm gambo. pun terikut sama....relek jugak.
tp harap2 sempat minggu depan nak byr hutang dgn Allah...hutang dunia xtau la camner...huhuhu...

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2012 02:38 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 15-2-2012 02:42

Cuaca sejuk di Eropah semakin TERUK - Mencecah MINUS 40 DEGREE (-40 Degree)!

Not going anywhere: Boats lie trapped in the ice on Lake Neuchatel at the port of Grandson, Switzerland, as onlookers watch in awe at the scale of the big freeze.

No-flow area: The castle and the old bridge are seen over the frozen river Neckar in Heidelberg, southwestern Germany, today as the Siberian chill tightens its grip

Spray play: A boy throws a block of ice into a frozen fountain in Milan, Italy, as a cold front continues to affect the country

Up against it: A man pushes his bicycle on a snow-covered road during heavy blizzards near Cotorca village, 70 km northeast of Bucharest


Morbid: Rescuers carry the body of an avalanche victim during the recovery operation in Kosovo

Wind in their sails: Skaters and an ice surfer enjoy the frozen Zalew Zegrzynski lake near Warsaw, Poland, as low temperatures holds the country in its grip

Where's the sand? A man walks on a snow-covered beach at Fregene, west of Rome. The heavy downfall blanketed the capital Rome, cut off mountain villages and disrupted roads, railways and airports around the country

Rock solid: The surface of the Black Sea is seen covered with ice at the port of Yevpatoria in the Ukraine earlier this month

All photos taken from DailyMail.

P.S 4 Degree saja pun dah terlalu sejuk, even bagi orang yg memang lahir di negara 4 musim. Tak dapat dibayangkan -40 degree.

Jika kamu semua melihat Panji-panji Hitam datang dari arah Khurasan, maka sambutlah ia walaupun kamu terpaksa merangkak di atas salji. Sesungguhnya di tengah-tengah panji-panji itu ada Khalifah Allah yang mendapat petunjuk. Maksudnya ialah al-Mahdi.
(Ibnu Majah, Abu Nuaim & Al-Hakim)

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Post time 15-2-2012 07:31 AM | Show all posts
Ya Allah ... Satu dunia dah salji nie ...

Hutang aku tak settle lagi nie ... Ya Allah beri ...
halimijuliana Post at 14-2-2012 22:53

    not satu dunia..belah northern hemisphere saja yg tgh dilanda salji teruk...

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Post time 15-2-2012 10:34 AM | Show all posts
To be precise, Eastern Europe.. negara seperti Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Russia etc..  Beberapa negara Asia seperti China juga mengalami this so called 'cold snap'.. Cuma media kurang keluarkan berita2 bencana ni.. Kalau ada pun, kejap/sikit je coverage nya.

Harap2 ribut salji melanda Iran dan Israel/Palestin. Supaya segala kelengkapan senjata nuklear mereka tidak dapat digunakan buat sementara waktu. Risau plak bila tgk perkembangan ttg kedua2 negara yg hampir sgt nak berperang ni.

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Post time 15-2-2012 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1677# neofim

mimpi air tu slalunye org tua2 kaitkan dgn rezeki....mgkn akan menjelma rezeki yg melimpah ruah dri apa yg ko tgh usahakan skrg....wallahualam

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Post time 15-2-2012 09:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1790# nour2001

   Ya saya tau ... Maksud saya yang belah utara ... Yang bawah cam kita, Asia Tenggara, Amerika Selatan, India tak kena ... Tapi dengan izin Allah tak lama lagi kena gamaknya ...

Satu lagi tadi Berita TV9 ... Kat China, air terjun 100  kaki ambik ko jadi beku ... Jadi tarikan pelancong lak ...

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Post time 16-2-2012 10:50 AM | Show all posts
kt malaysia
berita takkan siarkan cerita2 ni

tak paham btol
mcm tak amek kisah dengan apa yg berlaku skrg
asyik cerita tentang politik jek


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Post time 16-2-2012 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1794# pipigebu

    bosan jugak
asyik cita yg sedih menyeramkan
bala, bencana,ujian bla bla bla
kasi la cita hapy sikit
cam cita kucing siam keeeeee
cita siti keee

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Post time 17-2-2012 08:27 PM | Show all posts
gempa.. tanah runtuh....

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Post time 19-2-2012 10:27 AM | Show all posts
kt malaysia
berita takkan siarkan cerita2 ni

tak paham btol
mcm tak amek kisah dengan apa yg be ...
pipigebu Post at 16-2-2012 10:50

    citer camni mmg tak kan di siarkan sbb takut nanti menimbulkan perasaan panik pada rakyat..
baru malam tadi saya dan suami tgk vid possibilities of olympc mayhem created by you know who..semua tanda2 sudah ada,subliminal message seperti mana sblm 911 berlaku sudah ada...nanti kalau senang saya upload vid tu..title dia in arabic tapi narrated in english...sgt menyeramkan..
bila mana bush sr sendiri declare NWO 10 or 11 years sblm 911 berlaku...apa yg pasti 2012 is a very significant year for you know something bad is going to happen this year...samada melalui bencana alam atau bencana buatan manusia...allahualam...

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2012 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 19-2-2012 14:01
baru malam tadi saya dan suami tgk vid possibilities of olympc mayhem created by you know who..semua tanda2 sudah ada,subliminal message seperti mana sblm 911 berlaku sudah ada...nanti kalau senang saya upload vid tu..title dia in arabic tapi narrated in english...sgt menyeramkan..
nour2001 Post at 19-2-2012 10:27

It was first revealed by the late Rik Clay, who was murdered by you-know-who. Rik Clay was the one who revealed that the Olympic 2012, and that the figure 2012, was actually the word ZION. Rik Clay's death was made to look as if he committed suicide. But everyone knows he was murdered for exposing the truth about 2012 ZION. There had been many signs that had been given, indirectly by those who knows what's gonna happen next. If the conspiracy is true, about 100,000 people will die during the opening of Olympic 2012 in London this year. And 'they' will find Islam/Muslims' scapegoats to put the blame on, as they had done for 9/11. If the conspiracy is not true, then we wonder, for what other reason did they kill Rik Clay? If the conspiracy is true, the death of those 100,000 people, will serve as a ritual sacrifice, for 'their beliefs'.


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Post time 19-2-2012 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1797# nour2001

Nuclear Attack on London Olympics 2012!!! - Evidence Video


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Post time 19-2-2012 04:48 PM | Show all posts
It was first revealed by the late Rik Clay, who was murdered by you-know-who. Rik Clay was the ...
andria Post at 19-2-2012 13:59

    yes..2012 ada dot bila di terbalikkan berbentuk word zion..even mayor london ada announce in the spirit of zion..
one of ioc's 2012 olympic ad ada tunjuk kartun one contestant dgn muka paling sebelah mata satu (eye of horus) pijak / tendang big ben of london, pastu ada few contestant bersatu dan bow pada land of egypt..napa pulak egypt dan bukan london? pelik2..all signs there...takut betul bila fikir mcm ni..kami akan pi mesir june ni, harap2 takde apa2 berlaku...they will find something or somebody to blame...ada 2 negara yg dlm sebutan akan diserang..Pakistan atau iran..dua2 negara nuclear.....

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