[SBS] RUNNING MAN [HOUSE 2] -Every Sunday 5.20pm [KOREAN TIME]
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dalam benang nie, aku tgk ramai yg minat KJK..hehehe
Serius..aku ni peminat gary dan ji hyo..im MC shipper!
Lagu2 Leessang pun aku suka...
Gary oh garyyyyy..
cepat2 la kawen sama Ji hyo..hehehe |
auza_chiyoko posted on 19-6-2013 05:13 PM 
dalam benang nie, aku tgk ramai yg minat KJK..hehehe
Serius..aku ni peminat gary dan ji hyo..im M ...
Mel pun peminat gary jugak heheh..suke sbb tengok gary diam berisi..lepas tu dia nmpk awek muda hahha...body dia cm budak2..kalau tengok artis atau owang laki lain sama umur mcm dia mua dh mcm pakcik hahhaha
Running Man Ep 153 filming (19/06/13)
Guest: Park Ji Sung, Koo Ja Cheol and Sulli


Park Ji Sung to Take ′Running Man′ Members to China
Amid news about his upcoming marriage and current relationship with SBS announcer Kim Min Ji, Park Ji Sung had fun with the Running Man members on the same day.
On June 19, Park Ji Sung attended a shoot for an opening scene of SBS′ Running Man in Incheon. This weekend, he plans to leave to China with the Running Man members and hold a charity soccer game.
A rep for Running Man said, "Park Ji Sung will again be appearing as a guest on Running Man just before his charity soccer game. The shoot will take place near Songdo, and the show will center on choosing who will get to play in Park Ji Sung′s soccer game through another soccer game."
The rep added, "[Park Ji Sung′s] appearance in Running Man has also been gathering much interest after news about his relationship with SBS announcer Kim Min Ji was released. I believe Songdo will be shaking. Once we leave for China with Park Ji Sung, we expect to be able to hear many stories from him. Yoo Jae Suk will feel a connection between him and Park Ji Sung because he′s married to an announcer too."

Park Ji Sung will be taking the Running Man members to the 3rd Asian Dream Cup to be held in Shanghai on June 23. He planned to first break the news about his relationship with Kim Min Ji at the game this day, but after paparazzi photos were released on June 19 he had to pull the official announcement forward to June 20.
The soccer player will speak about his marriage at a press conference to be held on June 20 for a charity event by JS Foundation. (cr: http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=38840)
Last edited by clara_nur on 20-6-2013 01:44 AM
Aiira posted on 19-6-2013 06:18 PM 
Me suka lagu2 LeeSSang. Sedap jugak. MC ni cute... Okay je for me. Suka juga dorang ni, cepat2lah ...
sebut psl monday couple,me pun suka jer..tp kt fanpage RM,mesti ada gaduh2 ntara MC shippers dgn SpartAce shippers..adeh..pastu dua2 pihak claim siap ckp jihyo dh breakup dgn pkwe dia..yg Spartace lg me tak paham..kalo baca kt forum Isubs,ngarut2 sggh spekulasi..suka besa2 sudahla,ni smpai CSI semua benda..ckp Jongkook jeles dan ada perasaan kt Jihyo baik jihyo-gary or jihyo-jongkook,me anggap diorg selesa sbg family dlm RM..
so kalo tnya me,harap2 cepatla jihyo tu kawen dgn bf CEO dia tu..umur jihyo pn dah 34..senang tak payah gado2 dah dua2 shippers..haha..
Last edited by clara_nur on 20-6-2013 08:00 AM

Alahai.....KJk jugak yg di comparenye..artis luar negara yg dtg...xde yg meroyan, yg sawan mcm ni ke???popular sungguh kookie oppa i ni taw!!huhu
Last edited by cik_ted143 on 20-6-2013 09:56 AM
clara_nur posted on 20-6-2013 07:52 AM 
sebut psl monday couple,me pun suka jer..tp kt fanpage RM,mesti ada gaduh2 ntara MC shippers dgn S ... Over sgt MC shippers, SpartAce shippers ni..pastu ngan HaHa pun prnh gak...smpi HaHa kawen pun ade lg nk kenen2kan ngan JH ni..haissh, melampau sgt!!yg kesiannye JH..ingat JH anak patung ke?..hehe..so, aku x minat MC @ SA..yg aku mahu kim jongkook, song jihyo & gary, kawen la cpt2...xde shippers ni gaduh2 lg....hehe
Last edited by cik_ted143 on 20-6-2013 09:42 AM
cik_ted143 posted on 20-6-2013 09:11 AM 
Alahai.....KJk jugak yg di comparenye..artis luar negara yg dtg...xde yg meroyan, yg sawan mcm n ...
laa..tak abis2 lg?? adoiyaiii..org tu pon dh lama balik kot.. gigih betul wat komiik..
rasa sebelum KJK dtg sini,ramai kot artis2 luar dtg...
motif dia jgk yg diHIGHLIGHTKAN??
org yg bajet maksum ni pon boleh tahan bahasa..
kalopon tak suka org tu,jgn benci depa..tp benci perangai depa..
ni benda takdak kaitan abih kena kutuk..adehh..
p/s: jgn igt me bekap KJK semata tanpa amek peduli isu2 yg berlaku di syria,kejahatan syiah dan iran..
cik_ted143 posted on 20-6-2013 09:32 AM 
Over sgt MC shippers, SpartAce shippers ni..pastu ngan HaHa pun prnh gak...smpi HaHa kawen pun ade l ...
haha..betul tu..sah2 jihyo ni dh berpunya,siap dah bawak org tu jmpa parents lg..ship 4 fun xperla,ni yg smpai p reka cerita ckp dah putusla..kalah paparazi kt korea sbb tak cover citer ni
yg salu delusional lebih2 ni international fans jer..in fact,kt korea tak peduli sgt MC @ SA ni..luar RM,fans kt korea tak pandang diorang sbg member RM mcm kita2 kt cni..sbb diorg masing2 ada main job selain running man tu..mcm KJK dgn Gary lg dikenali sbg penyanyi kt sana..serupa jgk yg lain2..
clara_nur posted on 18-6-2013 08:14 PM 
“Running Man” Places Last in Ratings, Producer Doesn’t Care
still x phm la.. pe kaitan rating runningman jatuh ngn rancgn barefoot friends?
leh sesape terang? 
ariean posted on 20-6-2013 01:50 PM 
still x phm la.. pe kaitan rating runningman jatuh ngn rancgn barefoot friends?
leh sesape terang ...
Okay... me try explain eh...
Macam ni... rancangan Barefoot Friends ni ditayangkan sebelum Runningman kat SBS. Dikatakan BF ni ni meniru format RM.
So BF ni tak berapa best, bosan... at the same time, audiences/viewers akan compare between BF dgn RM ni. For me, this isn't appropriate at all.
RM dah lama ke udara... Why must they compare RM dgn BF? Tak patut okay... |
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