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our sengalz day..hehhee
Author: Nadia // Category: Nadia 12/11/209
salam…halo uols smue disana..sorry coz smlm xsempat nk update ape2 kat cnie..merata ktrg berjalan..sesampai aje kat rcdnce xhengat ape suda..hahhaa..smue dok terbayangkan katil n warmer inside da room..hahaha..well,ini la sedikit sbyk story bout ystrday..
pepagi tuh,as i postd kat FB,we ols terleveyh tdo..smue tak bgn agi,but weols dah bgn dlm kol 530 am camtuhhh..gitulah kann..haaa..nk buat ape ag kalo dah terbgn awal?? on9 aje aa,memandangkan all da mvie kat tv smueeenye kami paham sgt! then,we mnged to took our bath walopon dah mcm frozen humann,hahaa..nseb baek aa ade ayak panas kat cnie,kalo x,xtau aa hows da situation gnna b..hahaa
then,bfast..menu? roti canai..haaa..kat cni munye la appreciate ape2 aje makann yg mmg slalu jpe kat own country..licinn hokeyhh..thnx to our blovd chef kat cni..kak intan,kak farah,kak illa,kak isla n aunty zaimah as well coz slalu mhidangkan yg terbaekkkk dr ladang for we olsss..after dah mkn,ktrg pun ber morning walk kat area rcdnce..tp xleyh nk jalan jejauh sgt coz hujan renyai2..so we ols pun lepark aa kat sebuah cribs ( love this word man!) area c2..being here make me realise that im such a lucky person for da faith yg dberikann..as a new comers in industry yg dah sampai sejauhh ni(i mean the other side of da world)..this xperience la yg keep on mke me strong every each day in my life..n having my mom around me mke it complete..walopon status ‘indipendent’ melekat in me n jarang involve kan mama in my work,but i need her so muchh..for da support n for da pembakar..
then,i had my sound check kat rsdnce..gnna hve our ladies nite tomorrow..party time!! hehee..all da diplomat gnna b there as well..nervous pun ade gak memandangkan mereka ni bukan lah calang2 org..wat eva it is,try to mke myself cool as i can be..ye aa..mane la tau kot2 leyh blaja how to b a SUPERWOMAN mcm drangg..rite? yeaahh..
after that,we ols berjalan-jalan,mkn angin sampai menggigil..temankan kak intan n abg faisal mbeli all those groceries for that particular nite..then g singgah open market..walopon xbyk brg yg ktrg beli,tp byk mnde yg ktrg observed..esp bout fashion kat cniee..smart gler..me n kak rckin sampai penin pale tgk all da smart jackets n boots yg mcm2 style..god!! love their outfitt..plus dgn ketinggian n features drang yg sharp n cunz..its a weird thing for me bile g open market n realise all da peniaga smunye nye mcm model..man!! hahahaa..n me like non stop watching the way their meniaga..its like watching erra fazira or even nasha aziz meniaga la plakk..hahhaaih
after dah puas berjalan sakan,kami pon balik laaa..kat dlm kereta dah bantai tidur jap..sampai aje rsndce mmg xhengat ape..photographer pon dah xlarat..sampai blog pun xsempat nk update..nyway,thnx again to my sistah a.k.a photographer,vidgrapher for this great2 vids n pics..gigih ok edit vids sampai kol 3am..steady aa kak! hehhee
orite uolss..enjoy da vids..n layan aa ke SENGALAN kami..hehehhee |
Author: Nadia // Category: Nadia 13/112009
God has created a wonderful scenery on the other side of da world..first time stepping inside the super duper wonderful forest,its breath taking..man!! frm the bginning of da mornin walk,i just cant stop smiling n praising this wnderful thing im facing..teramat la berbeza ngan environmnt our own country,suasana kat cni much much tenang..n every breath like freezing ur brainn…eventhough smtimes mcm penin pale coz tersangatla sjuk,but bcoz of da forest,penin pale pun leyh terus ilangg..n paling pnting,mornin walk yg mengambil mse beberape jam itu,tidak terasa penat ckit pun..(untill la dah sampai rsdnce,OMG!) well,wat i can say,tday is one of da best xperience i ever had..yeaahh,mybe the best photoshoot gak..coz natural lighting,natural wind,natural striking colours from da leafs n tress..ooo mann..best..thnx god for creating such a breath taking scenery in the other side of da world..! at least i had xperience it tday..oo yerr,thnx gak to kak farah a.k.a our tour guide for tday..byk pelusuk tpt die bwk n byk gak aa xplaination yg die bg,memandangkan cik nadia nihh mcm dah xtentu arah dok menanye pasai forest tuhh..hahhaa
then,after hbs photoshoot kat forest,we cntinue our journey..heading to centrum..yezzaa..speacialitist kat cnie? shopping n also da beach..ermm..well,anothr interesting location utk photoshoot..hahaa..but before that,kak rckin awal2 lagi dah sambar sepasang boot yg leyh tahan mahal gak aa harganyaa kat centrum ni,hahaa..preparation utk gi London ahd nih katenyee,hahhaa..then,kami pon start aa keje kami..yg sorang dok posing2 n yg sowang ag plak dok snap2..again..the envirnmnt n da situation mkes me keep on smiling n secara xlangsong release all da tension..sound of da waves,da birds really2 mkes me calm..then,yg paling best skali,matahari dok terpacak terik ats kepala but yet,we still shivering mcm org xckop makan..hahhaa..lords power..kat own country,we like siap xske panas n smtimes mcm2 mnde comes out frm our mouth tanpa disedari..but kat cnie,sun keeps u warm but still got to be tuff facing da super duper cold weather..thats wat i had learn..well,photoshoot dteruskann..org2 kat cnie pon pelik gak aa tgk ktrg..tp…ADE MAK KESAH? hahhaaa..blasah ajee..cntinue our hobby,snap2 sampai la xsedar dah 3 jam berlalu..
penat mula terasa time we ols heading bck to the rsdce..in side the car,everybody like senyap mbisu n that time,silent is golden memandangkan smue dah penat,hahhaa..smue dah mula terbayangkan katil yg sgt la empuk..
well uols,for sure this xperience had open my mind utk a few things..esp bout da ‘breath taking’ thing n also my other perspektif bout lords power..jauh perjalann,luas pengetahuan la kununnyee..walopon xdk aa seluas mne pun,but i love to share it with uolsss..wat eva it is,gratefull to be malaysians as well..eventhough we dont hve this 4 seasons in our country,n kadar crime in our country lebeyh tinggi dari cnie,im still proud to b malaysians..smtimes terpikir gak,why our country still sesak ngan pollution yg dtg dari mane2 aje esp dari vehicles yg ade?? kat cni,pollution sgt aa kurang coz most of org kat cnie gne bicycle as drang nye kenderaan..just imagne,warga2 emas yg berumur 60 plus pun still gigih cycling ok..ermmm..but!! adakah org kat cnie still gigih berbasikal dkat neg kte yg sgt aa sjukk??! hahaa..rite? well,now i realise,tiap country tuh ade kebaikan n keburuknnye tsndiri..aint blame our country for wat we hve now..grateful n really miss my country..hehhee..
thats all for tday uols..sok ladies nite,so tnite nk last minit pektis ckit2 inside da room..hehhee..wait for all da photos n vids yeahhh..im sure uols must b surprise with da panorama i’ve been talkin about,hehhee..yg pnting,tday mmg the best photoshoot i eva had..waiting for da editd vids frm kak rckinn..she’s been such an energtic photographer plus melayan all my kerenah n bebelan..hahhaa..hve fun n enjoy uolsss.. |
Author: Nadia // Category: Nadia 14/11/2009
salam..Hving a fntstic ladies nite yesterday..da event stard,7pm..while waiting for da diplomat guests,me upstairs dok bz bubbling n hissing memandangkan ptg tuh dpt nap for a few minutes..huuuu..heaven gler,tp bgn2 tdo suara tbe2 nk tertrnsform..ayakk!! ape ag,buat aa ape yg patot,heheheee..
well,would like to say THNK YOU SOOOOO MUCHHH!! to doctor Fauziah for introducing me to all da guests..best woo..walopon memula tuh mcm takot aa plak nk pform infront of them,tp ku kentalkan juga rase malu ini..haaa..dah lelame tuh,after dah warm up,baru la ok n i startded to dance wif da crowd..haaa..amek pluang aa menari ngan insan2 penting dari pelbagai neg..haaa..mereka2 ini pon manusia biase yg buleh hve fun n npk sgt open..i mean,kalo nk ikutkan,who am i to dance wif da diplomat people rite? haaaa..syukur sgt2 everythng end up wif a a basket of gud compliments..alhmdulillh..hehehee..well,my job aint finish yet..tnite is da big event..hope i can be btter than ysterday for sure..amin..hehheee..
but before ladies nite smalam,we ols sempat ke `MODURADOM’..its a place where we can see the whole idea of HOLLAND..minitures aa..rse mcm sgt gergasi,hahhaaaa..well,wat i can say bout this art work is,they are damnn too details!! owhh man,mnde kcik n mybe org xperasan pon drang leyh alert..haaa..rse mcm all da small buildings around me like real gler..bukan takat building aje yg ade,patong kcik2 n trnsportations pon ade..cute sgt..pluss rse mcm smue mnde alive bler npk da cars,train n even aeroplne can move..hahaa..siap ngan sound lagi,fuhhh..mcm game..hahaha..then,all da tunnels dipenuhi kulat2,pluss ade satu tpt yg ade funfair,small rollercoaster mving dgn lajunyeee..wowww..amazed me..
ermm..wat eva it is..got to focus tnite nyee big event..hope i can pform btter than last nite..plus its ATAS KAPAL..n people like paying for da tckets hokehh..hahhaaa..thnk god,coz i’m the one who gnna pform in this buzzar event.. be the best,gve the best n feel the best..orite ols,wish me luck yeahhh..tnite,im gnna enjoy my nite n tomorrow we’re going to LONDON!! yeaaaa..hehehee..
enjoy da pics that’ve been editd by my mak cik!! hehhee..love da editing part..sanggop mnahan mata..love u aa mok lang!! hehehee..enjoy… |
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