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Dzeko posted on 31-3-2014 01:19 AM 
kan... from beginning dah ada orang ketiga dalam cockpit tu..
mungkin time pilot keluar jap dari cockpit? |
NURMIMIE posted on 31-3-2014 01:11 AM 
dah.. dah edit dah..
x boley tido kak dr td tengok football.. da ilang sora sbb menjerit 
cloudy_83 posted on 31-3-2014 01:19 AM 
tapi biasanya kalau tabloid orang baca dan anggap gossip je kan..
entah laa... pelik jgk anak bini dia
boleh menceritakan benda2 mcm tu |
guesswho09 posted on 31-3-2014 01:15 AM 
hrp bkn bini yg kena kaco
laki ada duit berkepuk2... mesti laki yg kena kacau
hati-hati berbicara...
kang ada yg ilang kerja
ada yg monitor dlm diam  |
eva posted on 31-3-2014 01:23 AM 
AA pilot yg i tau, baru umur 23 da pakai bimmer 3 series... hansem, baik budi n down to earth {:1_ ...
co pilot tu pon katanya pakai audi
ala.. newspaper pun ada source dorang sendiri kat agency mcm FBI,CIA semua tu.. so ada kemungkinan jugak dorang yg feed info ni utk Daily Mail.. then guna "source close to the pilot's family" |
harithzakuan posted on 31-3-2014 01:38 AM 
alah..mcm mana pulak boleh lepas kat media benda mcm ni..kalau betul biar investigators buat keje ...
itu laa.. mcm tak masuk akal |
guesswho09 posted on 31-3-2014 01:39 AM 
co pilot tu pon katanya pakai audi
FA gaji 5k pun boleh pakai bimmer kak.. 
ruginya ttp lptop tadi.. dh terlepas cite..tapi mcm blh agak je |
Dzeko posted on 31-3-2014 01:23 AM 
tapi mmg celaka la kan mana2 yg close to the family yang disclose this info to the press...
Aishah dh tulis dlm fb dia berita ni sume fitnah
Masih ada yg percaya lg ke kat dailymail ni?
Bukanke dailymail ni taraf2 harian metro je...
N dh byk kali jugak dm ni cuba buruk2kan pilot zaharie ni n asyik2 quoted kononnya dr unnamed sources..pffttt..
Dzeko posted on 31-3-2014 01:41 AM 
ala.. newspaper pun ada source dorang sendiri kat agency mcm FBI,CIA semua tu.. so ada kemungkinan j ...
hrp semua citer tu tak betul
dan masih berharap dia cuba sedaya upaya
utk selamatkan keadaan  |
ryn78 posted on 31-3-2014 01:45 AM 
Aishah dh tulis dlm fb dia berita ni sume fitnah
Masih ada yg percaya lg ke kat dailymail ni?
Bu ...
kalau fitnah baguslah... |
persoalan sekarang.. kenapa US tak bagi apa2 info pun dari satelite dorang? jeng..jengjeng... |
NURMIMIE posted on 31-3-2014 01:36 AM 
tau pun lepas baca kat page2 belakang neh..
minta semua ok..
tp risau ai..
tak mo la another sept 11
harithzakuan posted on 31-3-2014 03:38 AM
alah..mcm mana pulak boleh lepas kat media benda mcm ni..kalau betul biar investigators buat keje ...
please jangan salahkan family dia. u baca dulu artikel ni betul2..
Family speaks of pilot’s ‘disturbing behaviour’ in weeks prior to flight MH370
The Malaysian Insider–7 hours ago
The wife of the pilot at the helm of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 told investigators that he stopped speaking to her in the weeks leading up to the ill-fated flight.
Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan had allegedly informed investigators that "he retreated into a shell", spending time alone in his room in the house they shared, The Mail on Sunday reported today.
More than three weeks since flight MH370 disappeared with 239 crew and passengers aboard, investigators in Malaysia suspect that the plane may have been deliberately steered off course.
The plane is thought to have flown hundreds of miles out over the southern Indian Ocean where it eventually ran out of fuel and plunged into the sea.
Speaking about the mystery for the first time, the wife and daughter of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah said the 53-year-old pilot had been distracted and withdrawn in the weeks before the aircraft’s disappearance.
According to the same report, no suicide note has been found and no motive established, but police are continuing to concentrate their inquiries on the pilot’s background and whether his state of mind before the flight may be a factor.
Quoting a source close to the pilot’s family, The Mail on Sunday reported that Faizah told investigators that Zaharie had stopped speaking to her and spent time alone in his room where he had built a flight simulator.
"He just retreated into a shell. I found him distant and difficult to understand," she said, adding that her husband was so withdrawn he hardly spoke to his sons and was not close to them.
Of his three children, Zaharie appears to have been closest to his daughter Aishah, who flew back from Melbourne, Australia, to be with her family after MH370 went missing.
She had told investigators that her last conversations with her father was a lot different to those they shared before.
"He wasn’t the father I knew. He seemed disturbed and lost in a world of his own," she told investigators, according to the Mail on Sunday.
"He wasn’t his usual self. He was distant and cranky," she had said, adding that she did not know if there was another woman in her father's life.
Among other revelations from the unnamed source were that Zaharie was on the brink of divorcing his wife after nearly 30 years of marriage, but still refused to attend marriage counselling with Islamic elders.
He was also alleged to have expressed "utter frustration" at the jailing of his political hero, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, in an appeals court hours before the flight. The Court of Appeal had ruled on March 7 that Anwar was guilty of sodomy, overturning an acquittal from the initial trial in 2012.
Faizah broke down repeatedly during two lengthy interviews with police, the family source told The Mail on Sunday, adding that one of the interviews lasted more than four hours.
However, despite the pilot’s behaviour, his family are convinced that he was not responsible for the plane’s disappearance.
According to the report, Faizah refused to accept Zaharie might be involved in the flight’s disappearance, protesting: "It’s unfair to blame my husband."
His daughter Aishah also told investigators she did not believe he could be in any way responsible for the flight’s disappearance.
"I don’t believe he would ever intentionally endanger the lives of his crew and passengers," she insisted.
According to the Mail on Sunday, police interviews with family members have confirmed that the pilot, who lived with his family in an upmarket suburb in Kuala Lumpur, did not have any obvious financial problems. – March 30, 2014.
https://my.news.yahoo.com/family ... ight-133558224.html |
ryn78 posted on 31-3-2014 01:45 AM 
Aishah dh tulis dlm fb dia berita ni sume fitnah
Masih ada yg percaya lg ke kat dailymail ni?
Bu ...
berlumba-lumba masing-masing nk kongsi cerita
kalau org gomen tu... tetiba kena tindakan tatatertib...
yg swasta tak kisah sgt
aku ckp ni bersebab..... sebab ada org duk monitor sorang org gomen yg suka bg info kt sini
nanti meraung tak sudah 
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