Reply 1829# cmf_fatt
alahai, takde rezekilah kita nak gedik2 sama2 kat india ye fatt..huhuhu
kalo ko ubah fikiran (harap2la) bgth yekkk..hehehe |
Reply 1839# cik.linot
meh sini aku jawabkan
dah tentulah p linot..rugilah kalo p india tak p taj mahal...huhuhu |
Reply 1842# melur_30
korg nk g india ke? nk ikot.... da beli tix ke? roger2 la aku beb.  |
Reply 1840# cik.linot
ko menabung je dulu linot..........janji duit byk, so bila2 ada promo kita terus je book....gi europe ngan hubby tu aku xpasti, kekeke....mcm nak pegi ngan girlssssssss je |
Post Last Edit by melur_30 at 2-3-2011 08:36
Reply 1843# in_tarn
belum beli lagi..smlm tgk rm555..nk tunggu dulu kot2 blh dapat lagi murah... |
Reply 1844# mofu
bestla korang nak p europe..aku ne entahler..tahun depan macam kena duk umah je..huhuhu
mak aku dah ngamuk asik jalan2  |
Reply 1837# cmf_fatt
Fatt, mcm tak sesuai je nak pi ujung2 mei or early jun ke india, mau terbakar kita nih ......follow diorg this year apamcm??
For most places, except for the Himalayas, it is best to visit India from October to March. Unless you plan to go to the Himalayas or Nepal, from late April to the beginning of September is a bad time to come to India. From late April to June it is extremely hot. From July to early September, it is rainy and also hot, but not as hot as in June.
tasya, melur............timing ko mmg best la....cuaca elok, apa kata ko anjak kan skit tarikh, dpt la aku join sekalik, kekekek |
anjakkan ke bila tu mofu? |
Reply 1846# melur_30
o00...mak ko dh kuarantin ke.....takpe la. ko jgn book byk sgt mcm this year, next year ko booking 3 udah le.... |
Reply 1848# melur_30
dlm pertengahan bulan 12 ke, hehe...... sbb 7hb aku baru blk jogja...aku cadang je, tp kalau korang nak proceed tarikh yg ko dh plan pun no hal.....next2 time ada la rejekinya nak ke india... |
Reply 1838# -AyA-
1k dah cukup untuk cover accommodation, transportation n makan..
kalo nk shopping, mmg x cukup..  |
Reply 1851# tasyha3
soping moping tolak tepi dulu...yg tu duit riban2 pun tak cukup kekdahnya...
korang plan pegi berapa hb ni tasya...singgah kashmir tak....melelehhh tgk gambar2 kat kashmir...hahaha
survey2...org leh dpt tix rm280 utk to and fro... |
Reply 1835# mofu
ok..i followwww~~~janji jejak kaki... |
tasya..bajet 1k tu kemana??? nak join..tak kire...nak join jugak... |
Reply 1850# mofu
mofu, kalo anjak tarikh pun 24/12 - 1/1..ko amacam, blh ke? |
Salam kwn2.. ada promo AAX start smlm...
aku baru smpai kl dr india subuh2 td.
Xsempat nak studi lg korng nak gi mana nih... NAK IKOTTTT? 
If sape2 nak gi golden triangle... kami jumpa uncle cab yg baekkkk gile2 punye & harga baekkk punye (tak mcm kitorg ari 1st lg dah kena tipu.. ciss!) 
nnti saza explain la ek kalo korg nak pergi sana? heheh! |
Reply 1856# gepren
wahhh dah balik ye...alhamdulillah!!..so macam mana india?ok x? |
Reply 1856# gepren
welkam bek gep..... aku nunggu ko update gambo dlm FB.,...  |
Reply 1857# melur_30
Ada ok, ada k.o.
K.O tu sbb awl2 lg kami dah kena tipu  |
Reply tasyha3
wahhh... tol ke 1K leh lepas utk9 hari tasya...itu sudaa bagus...aku mmg tingin ...
-AyA- Post at 1-3-2011 23:10 
Hai...sy member baru di sini.... nk carik kawan jugak ke india.... kalo ada war2kan disini yer... |
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