Rushrush posted on 22-5-2013 08:00 AM 
Per week maknanya 7 malam. 4 hari lagi my group akan di London.... tak sabar rasanya.
thanks rush ....
4 hari lagi? have fun!!!! |
pinkyberry posted on 22-5-2013 12:50 PM 
thanks rush ....
4 hari lagi? have fun!!!!
yuhuuu .. hello pinkberry .. uolls ni setali sepusat sepusing sepupu sepapat ngan @whiteberry ker ???
come join umah yurop !!!
SPACENUT posted on 15-5-2013 03:55 PM 
Spacee.... nak tanya... all the nice/tourist spots in cotswold semua tu withing walking distance tak from train station? Sebab kami nyer gangs ni will be travelling dengan train ja.. tapi ada jugak hati nak ke sana..  |
inamess posted on 22-5-2013 03:01 PM 
Spacee.... nak tanya... all the nice/tourist spots in cotswold semua tu withing walking distanc ...
woot, woot .. hello bebeh .. did i read it rite ?? london ??? agaiiiinnnnnn ... homaiiiiiiiiigawddddd ... hetchu !!!
aishahahmad posted on 22-5-2013 02:04 PM 
yuhuuu .. hello pinkberry .. uolls ni setali sepusat sepusing sepupu sepapat ngan @whiteberry ker ...
hello aishah! tak lar... maybe kami sesama peminat berry ...
for now follow london, paris & italy je... but lately agak slow kan... hehehehe....
inamess posted on 22-5-2013 03:01 PM 
Spacee.... nak tanya... all the nice/tourist spots in cotswold semua tu withing walking distanc ...
@inamess kalau kat Cotswold tu rasanya jalan kaki payah sikit...saya amik bus pergi ke kawasan tu...boleh amik bus 801,855 (pulham coaches) untuk ke Bourton-on-the-water , Stow-on-the-wold dan Bibury...bus ni banyak so okla tapi kalau nak pergi Stratford-Upon-Avon, Broadway tu kena guna bus 21/22 (johnson) tapi bus dia jarang-jarang sikit. Kalau nak senang pakai Cotswold Discoverer ticket 10 pound perday...boleh check kat sini...http://www.escapetothecotswolds.org.uk/visitor-info/cotswolds-discoverer/
Saya ambil train dari Paddington kle Moreton-in-Marsh dalam 38 pound return. Kalau nak pergi Oxford boleh kot naik train....
SPACENUT posted on 23-5-2013 01:40 PM 
@inamess kalau kat Cotswold tu rasanya jalan kaki payah sikit...saya amik bus pergi ke kawasan tu. ...
Hi space
Thanks a lot for the info. Kami dah amik all england railpass for 4 consecutive travel days.. so i guess we can just hop on and off any train... cuma tu lah.. nak ke tempat attractions lah pulak problemo nyer.. any how thanks for the tips.. will check out the website 
inamess posted on 22-5-2013 03:47 PM 
Yes sis.. u read it rite ... slow learner cam i ni keje nyer asik repeat paper jer ler but ...
Cheeeeeeeesssseeeeee uolsss .. Buat i kepingin meripit again next year !!!
And oh, oh, 8 daysss !!! Sure its fun + headache ... Ekekekeke .. Besalah kan, dah rombongan mak mak kiah !!!
Bila uollss ???
inamess posted on 24-5-2013 08:38 PM 
sorri Uols... weols leaving Monday lusa nih .. london + paris... kl-heathrow-cdg-kl.... ku ...
Huhu ... Sobbbsss !!!! I is jelly , hokkay !!!
Tak cukup haul uolls dah meripit !!!! Have fun ya n salam kat queen, sobs, sobs, .. Last 2 weeks katanya, dalam fb, habang tony nak launch balik UK .. !!! Kalau UK on, haruslah kensel memboikot habang tony !!!
inamess posted on 24-5-2013 08:38 PM 
sorri Uols... weols leaving Monday lusa nih .. london + paris... kl-heathrow-cdg-kl.... ku ...
hidden pun beli tiket KL-LHR, CDG-KL
ok kan walaupun lain2 tempat? |
Salam forumer
Saya akan berada di London 2-3 hari
apa yg boleh sy lawati utk 2 atau 3 hari
akan ke sana 1 jun mendarat di paris dulu
hidden_fear posted on 24-5-2013 09:58 PM 
hidden pun beli tiket KL-LHR, CDG-KL
ok kan walaupun lain2 tempat?
tak de masalah dengan flexi return.. our problem was.. sorang budak kecik tu nak check in KL-LHR sorang dia, sebab kami semua check in direct from our hometown.. so cam tak sure lah.. tapi esok kene gi confirmkan tiket, sebab hari tuh tah camna my bro couldnt check in, counter kata kater standby ticket.. apa kah kes nih? Everything was paid (cos i ler tukang pembayar nya), so tadi tanya, dia cakap confirm lagi baik.. so since tadi tak bwak ticket, esok nak gi confirm kat epot... tak penah2 i connfirmkan ticket be4 this. tak pe lah.. asalkan semua berjalan lancar, kan?
aishahahmad posted on 24-5-2013 09:49 PM 
Huhu ... Sobbbsss !!!! I is jelly , hokkay !!!
Tak cukup haul uolls dah meripit !!!! Have fun ...
Sorry jelly... i gi dulu yer? WAT???? UK route relaunch? A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love you ( tak kuasa nak lebiu habang Tony )
salam..nk Tanya kengkawan kt sini...7jun -25jun sy akan ke UK...saya ade family yg dok sana ..so nnti tumpang umah dia jela (area countryside Bedford)..so nk Tanya.. saya x penah pegi ke Bicester village...(walaupon dh beberapa kali pi UK)..kt situ rege barang2 dia murah sangat ke??? dia mmg sentiasa sale ke?? |
Saya masih cari Kawan nk p London.....sapa2 berminat? |
LelaRentaka7 posted on 6-4-2013 01:44 AM 
related to my question jugak mat piah...
mat piah? sape tuh?
LelllllLL..... earth to Lel.... camna London now nih? Ahkak takuttttttt and dah dub dab nih dengan that killing case and sentimen anti muslim....uwaaa... naper la jadi time time kitaorang nak gi nih ..... any places to avoid.. safety tips etc would be aprreciated. thanks lalings
yoei posted on 8-5-2013 03:58 AM 
Games room ader..kids room x sure. Nk shopping pun ader, karaoke ade kot klu x silap and cinema. K ...
iolls nak tanya,
kalo iolls beli rail & sail tu, sampai je dekat hook van holland, iolls boleh berhenti kat mana2 stesen ke?
contohnya on the way ke amsterdam, iolls singgah rotterdam kejap, pastu singgah den haag, kemudian teruskan perjalanan ke amsterdam.
boleh ke buat macam tu?
inamess posted on 26-5-2013 01:05 AM 
LelllllLL..... earth to Lel.... camna London now nih? Ahkak takuttttttt and dah dub dab nih deng ...
LelllllLL..... earth to Lel.... camna London now nih? Ahkak takuttttttt and dah dub dab nih dengan that killing case and sentimen anti muslim....uwaaa... naper la jadi time time kitaorang nak gi nih ..... any places to avoid.. safety tips etc would be aprreciated. thanks lalings
no worries kak ina....london is fine...
the matter dah subside a little but having said that maybe you shd avoid the dodgy parts of london????
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