sapa tau kalau AA ada buat sale lagi untuk ke paris / london early next year? dalam mac 2012 camtuh? MArch dis year i baru pegi Paris ..waktu tu beli tiket tahun lepas end of october..tapi tu special sebab dia baru bukak Paris-Orly...so I was just wondering kalau2 AA ada buat sale october ni? sebab nak pegi tahun depan march 2012..yang I pegi march baru ni ke paris I dapat RM1800 net dah termasuk semua makan, tax, luggage..kire murah la..tapi now I cek around RM2600/pax...cam rugi.. |
I will be leaving for paris this friday..plan ke amsterdam dah cancel pasal time clash dengan my friend kat sana ... So, we're planning to go to varseilles instead. While googling on how to get there and the price ticket, this (2,9 |
[quote]While googling on how to get there and the price ticket, this (2,9 |
Reply 1889# boocik04
Thanks sis! My friend and i got really puzzled on how to read the price! Hehehehehe |
Reply boocik04
Thanks sis! My friend and i got really puzzled on how to read the price! Heheheh ...
fairy_fairy Post at 15/9/2011 08:51 
kat sana dorang selalu letak "comma" instead of "dot" tu kat currency... |
Reply 1891# boocik04
thanks again sis for all the info gained from you in this thread. and fairy baca your mummy cat dah jumpa kan?
syukur sangat2!!!  |
Reply boocik04
thanks again sis for all the info gained from you in this thread. and fairy baca ...
fairy_fairy Post at 15/9/2011 11:44 
no problem, fairy... kalau boleh tolong, akak tolong. tak banyak mana pun info akak boleh offer...
yes, my mummycat has been rescued by a kind soul and yesterday i was re-united with her  |
hi..sy br di sini. sy nak tny beberapa soklan yg blurr
sy dah beli eurail pass covers france/benelux/germany. route sy : paris-stuttgart-munich-berlin-amsterdam-brussel-london
sy nak tny:-
1. eurail pass yg sy beli tuh bukan tiket train naik ke 3 negara eu ke?
2. kalo sy dr paris nak ke stuttgart, sy naik train kat gare du nord tuh jugak ke? |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 15-9-2011 12:48
hi..sy br di sini. sy nak tny beberapa soklan yg blurr
sy dah beli eurail pass covers france/benelu ...
loladear Post at 15/9/2011 12:20 
eurail pass tu untuk dapatkan diskaun untuk train fare ke 3 negara tu jer, kalau tak silap... kalau nak ke arah germany, kena naik dari gare du l'est di paris. tapi i think it's not an express train. |
sy br jer try book train kat eurorailways.com tp nih usa nyer.
camner sy nak book train via internet ke via boustead agent?
kalo sy dah ader eupass tuh, sy beli ticket train ke destinasi sterusnyer kat kaunter paris leh ke untuk paris-stuttgart? pastu dr stuttgart-munich kena beli tiket train kat stuttgart..eurail pass tuh tunjuk jer ker kat kaunter nak dapat tiket diskaun?
sy baca thread2 awal b4 dis depa semua book train dr msia b4 fly2..kalo book dr msia, camner nak dptkan diskaun bila dah beli eupass?.. |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 15-9-2011 14:47
sy br jer try book train kat eurorailways.com tp nih usa nyer.
camner sy nak book train via interne ...
loladear Post at 15/9/2011 12:55 
errr... saya tak pasti about europass ni sebab tak pernah guna.
maybe someone yang lebih familiar about this boleh bagi tips?
selalu saya beli train ticket through internet atau di station terus.
tapi train ticket melalui internet yang saya beli tu tak menggunakan europass... |
Reply 1896# loladear
kalo nak dpt discount better beli kat web jer...kalo beli kat boustad atau mana2 agent..mahal ler...why not u buy at tgv euro train...http://www.tgv-europe.com/en/ |
biler sy open link tuh, try tgv, sy tukar msia webst still tulis singapore..then sy tukar world..cenggitu ke?
pastu i.e. route sy paris-stuttgart then click paris sajer ya? train station nih naik dari gare du l'est ke?..
tolongggg....  |
biler sy open link tuh, try tgv, sy tukar msia webst still tulis singapore..then sy tukar world..cen ...
loladear Post at 15/9/2011 16:00 
yes, tukar "singapore" ke "world". kalau guna singapore pun mahal lagi... |
insyallah next month akan pegi ke paris dlm 5 hari. sesapa yg dah penah sampai, leh suggestkan tempat2x yg patut dikunjungi, tempat2x makan yg halal, tempat2x shopping yg murah & kualiti. xtau nak shopping apa kat paris sbb sy ni buta fashion. |
sy g kat raileurope-world.com dan dah book tgv train dr paris est to stuttgart. ambik harga promo one way. sy baca FAQ kata pas select ticket ada saper yg beli railpass click kat situ tapi masa sy click destination/time ticket xda pon tempat nak click saper railpass holder click kat situ..
sy dapat booking ref no, website tuh kata tq & email sy dlm masa 2 hari for payment via credit card..
kalo sy nyer route nih kena beli point-to-point via high speed train ke? sy dah beli eurail pass 3 countries..
sy tengah confuse nih. btul ke sy wat nih? nih 1st time sy wat backpack..
kalo sy nyer booking train paris-stuttgart btul, then dr stuttgart-munich, munich-berlin (cadang naik city night train), berlin-amsterdam, amsterdam-brussels kena beli tiket point-to-point high speed train ke with dat eurailpass?
ada kawan suggest g boustead jer suh depa book train2 nih. tp sy baca thread 1-76 forumers book train via inet. dats y nak try. harap dapat guidance dr experience forumers.. |
Reply Mizzsued
ok settt jumpe di London Mizz...my frenz yg bookkan tak tau pun malaysian hall t ...
kakct Post at 5-8-2011 21:49 
Alolo kak Mizz mintak mahap sebab datevtak menjadik plak.. Taoi ada gak Mizz gi makan kat Msia Hall tu, memang guna tube turun kat Bayswater. The next day tu memang gerak ke Paris. Actually Mizz still kat UK lagi ni, dok kat Stoke-on-Trent hehehe..
Isnin depan baru balik! Rindu Msia sangat2.. |
Peeps! Nak tanya ni. Check in counter/drop baggage counter for air asia kat orly usually kat wic counter eh? |
dari orly airport tu,ada sape2 tau macamne nak pegi gare de lyon tgv train station?
bape lama perjalanan nak pegi train tu? |
Reply 1902# loladear
lola....kalu dah beli railpass why nak beli point to point ticket lagi...guna jerlah railpass tuh...i cuma ada exp guna german railpass jer...i dont book the seat, i tgk train schedule jer and hop on the train yg i nak naik...most of the time ada jer seat...kalu book seat have to pay for the seat reservation.... |
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