dari orly airport tu,ada sape2 tau macamne nak pegi gare de lyon tgv train station?
bape lama perja ...
tabasco Post at 22-9-2011 17:37 
dari orly airport itu kamu boleh sahaja pergi ke kaunter pertanyaan yg petugas nya boleh berbahasa inggeris dan boleh beli tiket di situ terus.
dan beliau akan suggest kepada kamu jenis tiket apa yang perlu di beli. |
one more thing, kita selalu dengar tentang paris dan tahi anjing bukan?
urban legend ini pun ada termasuk dalam cerita sex and the city semasa di paris.
secara jujurnya sepanjang saya di sana tidak perasan pun tentang tahi anjing ini. |
sapa tau kalau AA ada buat sale lagi untuk ke paris / london early next year? dalam mac 2012 camtuh? ...
cmx Post at 12-9-2011 10:52 
kalau dah RM2.6 k baik ambil airlines premium sahaja.
normally airlines kat middle east boleh dapat around that price tapi kena transit lah. |
nak draft itinerary London-paris utk january 2012 insyaallah ..tolongggg pegi dlm 2 minggu camtu ..2 ...
Szasza Post at 11-8-2011 11:28 
kenapa tak pergi amsterdam sekali?bagi saya, saya lebih aman di amsterdam berbanding paris namun amsterdam kecil sahaja dan paris besar,
kena ambil masa untuk pusing2 satu paris |
syoknya baca fara weihhhh nak beli lampu kat istanbul!!
aritu time pegi prague pun geram2 j ...
haz Post at 1-8-2011 15:08 
how's prague?
saya dengar kata2 manis sahaja tentang prague daripada those yang pernah sampai sana. |
kenapa tak pergi amsterdam sekali?bagi saya, saya lebih aman di amsterdam berbanding paris ...
Vokuro Post at 9-10-2011 16:47 
apa yg best kat amsterdam ek sbb blk dr paris akan singgah sana 1 hari sblm blk msia. |
how's prague?
saya dengar kata2 manis sahaja tentang prague daripada those yang pernah sam ...
Vokuro Post at 9-10-2011 02:49 AM 
pada me, mungkin ada bad things about prague cam susahnya kulit telur nak dikopek, 
tapi pada me yang crazy about travel,
semuanya hanya best best jadi susah nak cari mana yang tak best pasal prague.. |
apa yg best kat amsterdam ek sbb blk dr paris akan singgah sana 1 hari sblm blk msia.
izzah_mia Post at 9-10-2011 20:42 
I don't know, mungkin saya suka feel di sana, utk pergi sekejap ok la sbb kecil sahaja tempat nya. Boleh cover in one day. |
Kalau saya sampai sana lagi i will make sure jejak Switzerland dan some eastern Europe countries. |
how's prague?
saya dengar kata2 manis sahaja tentang prague daripada those yang pernah sam ...
Vokuro Post at 9-10-2011 16:49 
i love prague!!!
i love the scenery, the atmosphere, the old buildings...so many things to venture..
they preserve every single thing there....the roads there are mostly pebbled stones so lenguh sket kaki bila berjalan byk...
transportation - metro within the city, efficient...
food - halal food senang nak cari compared to switzerland..
sama cam fara, once u r crazy bout travelling, susah nak cari mende yg kita tak suka kat certain2 tmpt tu...
to me, prague ni a very romantic place actually...it's just breathtakingly beautiful!!
kena pegi thread prague laa kalau nak citer byk  |
i love prague!!!
i love the scenery, the atmosphere, the old buildings...so many things to vent ...
haz Post at 10-10-2011 08:38 
Prague is one of Mizz nye dream destinations. Basically would love to explore Eastern Europe one day and bask in the romanticism of these places, especially x-Soviet bloc countries. Insyaallah ada rezeki sampai la kan..
As for taik anjing kat Paris, yes betul apa Vakuro cakap, takde jumpa punn masa kat sana ..
Would love to explore Paris lagi sekali sbb masa pegi last month, 2 malam je, and half of the 2nd day tu was spent on the cruise Seine-Canal St, Martin, so tempat2 macam Notre Dame tyu cuma lalu n tengok dari jauh je, and Louve pun lepak2 kat luar bergambar dekat those pyramids je.. Champ Elysees plak tercover 1 side je.. Hmmm...
Good reason to come back hehehe... |
i love prague!!!
i love the scenery, the atmosphere, the old buildings...so many things to vent ...
haz Post at 10-10-2011 08:38 
gimana pula dengan living cost di sana compare dengan paris contoh nya? |
Prague is one of Mizz nye dream destinations. Basically would love to explore Eastern Euro ...
Mizzsued Post at 10-10-2011 09:27 
sama la kamu dengan saya, lebih kurang 2 malam sahaja di paris dan banyak tempat yg saya tak sempat pergi hatta tempat2 wajib bagi tourist sekalipun.
patut nya 3 malam namun sampai sana masa ingin balik itu dah pukul 5 pagi sebab planning perjalanan yg tidak betul, udah pukul 5-6 ptg baharu bertolak from amsterdam. |
kalau dah RM2.6 k baik ambil airlines premium sahaja.
normally airlines kat middle east bo ...
Vokuro Post at 9-10-2011 16:45 
Saya setuju dgn vokuro..saya dah buat comparison, ada web yg compare harga2 tix untuk ke sesebuah destinasi, yeap mmg mid east nyer flight murah2 tp kene transit dulu...tp x lama pun.... |
gimana pula dengan living cost di sana compare dengan paris contoh nya?
Vokuro Post at 10/10/2011 09:38 
cost of living quite high compared to UK. they are still using their own currency. nanti dah tukar ke euro, mau naik lagi mahal... |
one more thing, kita selalu dengar tentang paris dan tahi anjing bukan?
urban legend ini pun ada termasuk dalam cerita sex and the city semasa di paris.
secara jujurnya sepanjang saya di sana tidak perasan pun tentang tahi anjing ini.
Vokuro Post at 9-10-2011 16:41 
bab tahi anjing tu tak der la pulak tapi bab anjing dalam metro tu ada ler.. besar lak tuh |
bab tahi anjing tu tak der la pulak tapi bab anjing dalam metro tu ada ler.. besar lak tuh
divasweet_77 Post at 10-10-2011 13:44 
bab anjing dalam metro tak pernah jumpa tapi kalau yg main music dalam metro itu sentiasa ada.
tapi anjing2 di sana saya tak gusar sgt sebab macam tertib sahaja.
tak ada lah hendak menyalak tak tentu hala seperti anjing di kejiranan saya. |
Reply 1923# Vokuro
ada.. siap bawak german sheaperd lagi kat dalam metro, besar tu, tinggi lebih dari paras pinggang. |
gimana pula dengan living cost di sana compare dengan paris contoh nya?
Vokuro Post at 10-10-2011 09:38 
yup..like boocik said, cost of living pretty high coz they use their own currency czech koruna...
but i found out some items are pretty cheap compared to other countries...
crystals of coz cheaper laa kan...
souvenirs pun murah2..plus handmade some more...
should get paintings from there - cantik + murah! |
Prague is one of Mizz nye dream destinations. Basically would love to explore Eastern Euro ...
Mizzsued Post at 10-10-2011 09:27 
u should visit it!!
and i want to tour eastern europe too...somehow i find the countries there so romantic gitu kan..?
as for paris, would definitely go back!!!
my 4 days there were not enough!!! rasa cam nak spend at least a week there...
if only i have money to burn laa kan....
yup. more reasons to go back!!
insyaAllah 2013  |
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