Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Drpd pic byk2 atas tu, ade mana2 actor/actress yg boleh masuk lagi dlm list kita? Pilih, pilih... Hehe. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 8-6-2004 03:23 AM:
Drpd pic byk2 atas tu, ade mana2 actor/actress yg boleh masuk lagi dlm list kita? Pilih, pilih... Hehe.
alamak janganlah ramai sangat superstar yang kita nak ambik untuk berlakon dalam projek mega ni...takut-takut nanti tak leh nak control...
by the way kita ni sibuk memilih pelaon tapi tajuk filem nya tak de lagi..susahlah macam ni... |
Originally posted by sara at 2004-6-8 02:02 PM:
alamak janganlah ramai sangat superstar yang kita nak ambik untuk berlakon dalam projek mega ni...takut-takut nanti tak leh nak control...
by the way kita ni sibuk memilih pelaon tapi tajuk filem nya tak de lagi..susahlah macam ni...
Betul jugak tu.....semuanya dahlah TOP STARS, nanti kita yang pening kepala....dahlah joint-venture lagi.....wahhh, cita2 sungguh tinggi melangit .
Cepat2, tugasan pertama sebelum we move on is to find a suitable, meaningful & catchy title for this project. Sebenarnya, kan....kita ni nak buat drama ke filem ni? :hmm:
So, everyone......contribute tau, katt pun kena fikir....satu lagi tu, our captain. :bodek: Jangan ingat nak buat2 tak tau...
Btw, kalau tak ada editor lagi....could I be the one? whitedove & yellow boleh jadi Art Director & Director (betul2 ke si yellow ni?) |
From the photos....
Btw, I like Im Su Jeong. Nampak sweet je dan berbakat pulak tu. Err, no offence ya, SYJ looks way too sexy, can't believe it's actually her....
Walaupun belum pernah tengok dia berlakon, rasanya macam padan je ISJ dengan SSH. Macamana Takki, can or not? :bodek: |
Originally posted by katt at 8-6-2004 02:54 PM:
Betul jugak tu.....semuanya dahlah TOP STARS, nanti kita yang pening kepala....dahlah joint-venture lagi.....wahhh, cita2 sungguh tinggi melangit .
Cepat2, tugasan pertama sebelum we mo ...
err, kite buat dramalah...baru boleh accomodate TOP STARS kita yg ramai tu...kalau filem nanti keluar kejap2 je muka diorang...:bgrin: |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Originally posted by katt at 2004-6-8 03:08 PM:
Btw, I like Im Su Jeong. Nampak sweet je dan berbakat pulak tu. Err, no offence ya, SYJ looks way too sexy, can't believe it's actually her....
Walaupun belum pernah tengok dia berlakon, rasanya macam padan je ISJ dengan SSH. Macamana Takki, can or not? :bodek:
SYJ... I've a confession. I never really liked her. Hehe. Masa tgk SS & NGs pun tgk dia cam err, apetah nak ckp... Takde la benda sgt pun. I mean, dia mmg la lawa and all. :ah: Just not one of my favourite actresses. Unlike SHG onni. Keke. :bgrin:
Im Su Jeong is okay... Tapi tak ke dia nampak too young? Tapi mmg dalam ...ing dia ngan KRW pun ada age gap but diaorg still padan. :hmm:
Utk jwb soalan katt... Buat drama atas alasan yg sama ngan whitedove. Keke. :lol And you're most welcome to be our editor. :bgrin:
Utk jwb soalan sara... I was just being sarcastic la up there pasal nak amik *another* top-star. ;) Ala, kita nyer coming-up sponsors kan ramai. Amik jer sape |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 9-6-2004 02:50 AM:
Utk jwb soalan whitedove... Is the LYJ you're referring to the same with the one yellow-san wanted? Ade 2 cdgn la kalo camtu. SSH & LYJ... KimuTaku & LYJ... I still think SSH oppa should be left alone. Haha. Tapi kalo ikut cadangan katt, SSH & ISJ... I'd prefer that to SSH & LYJ. Hehe. KimuTaku pun masuk skali ekk? Haha. Memang an ALL-STARZ show.
Yup, that's the LYJ I was talking about (and the one yellow-san wants!)...Sebab letakkan Takuya kat situ, ramai jugak yg rasa pair SSH & LYJ tak berapa padan...and then of course, you want SSH to be left alone! (:lol OK I understand, he's yours all the way!)...so there, kalau nak couplekan LYJ, couplekan je dengan Taku-chan kite... |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Originally posted by whitedove at 2004-6-9 10:20 AM:
Yup, that's the LYJ I was talking about (and the one yellow-san wants!)...Sebab letakkan Takuya kat situ, ramai jugak yg rasa pair SSH & LYJ tak berapa padan...and then of course, you want SSH to be left alone! ( :lol OK I understand, he's yours all the way!)...so there, kalau nak couplekan LYJ, couplekan je dengan Taku-chan kite...
Haha. Bukan la I want him all to myself... Keke. Sebenarnya... Takki nak character SSH dlm cite ni sort of dah gives his whole heart to someone who's left him (she died. ) which makes him not able to love someone else as much. Erm... can we make SSH more lively even with this sorrow of his? Like he tries put on a mask, but only LBH & SHG know the real him. Err... complex sgt ke? Hehe. Sorry... ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_redface.gif)
LYJ & KimuTaku... Hmm... :hmm: Ade apa |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Rasanya kita nyer casting dah cukup kot? Erm, kalo tak cukup pun, I think leh tambah as we go along. Hehe. Boleh tak? Sbb casting aje dah amik masa sebulan ni. Keke. Let抯 get going, shall we? :bgrin:
Erm |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 14-6-2004 04:12 PM:
Rasanya kita nyer casting dah cukup kot? Erm, kalo tak cukup pun, I think leh tambah as we go along. Hehe. Boleh tak? Sbb casting aje dah amik masa sebulan ni. Keke. Let抯 get going, shall we? :bgr ...
ha, setuju sangatlah ni! macam ni baru boleh complete dan takde 'hole' kat sana-sini, betul tak?
[quote]long time ago |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Essay skolah pun essay skolah la, whitedove... asalkan ade. Keke. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
Ano, kite aje ke yg blum ilang excitement nak buat K-drama ni? ;) |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 17-6-2004 04:40 PM:
Essay skolah pun essay skolah la, whitedove... asalkan ade. Keke. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
Ano, kite aje ke yg blum ilang excitement nak buat K-drama ni? ;)
Sou desu ne...macam kita je yg masih excited nak buat ni...mana krew2 yg lain? |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Kwang-Kki Groups of Companies has decided to sponsor all sorts of advertisements; posters, bookmarks, banners, etc.
Takki baru aje beli Ad-Madness... 26 VCDs for RM34.50 kat S&M! Keke. Boleh la refresh memory. :bgrin:
Nama Korea Ad-Madness (apa yg Takki dgr la )
Nama group: Kwang Luan = Kwang Kki
Cheng Xuen = Seo Yeon (rasanya)
Siao/Xiao Ke = Dal Lae
Da Chu = Da Joo
Lee Dong = Dong Goo (?)
Jiang Min = Kang Min
Ru Ru = Pyung Ru (?)
Takki baru sampai CD #2, x sempat la. Byk keja. Oh yek. "Kwang kki" maksudnya bebas & bermatlamat. Kena sgt la dgn K-drama kite. :cool:
Ape tajuk kite nak letak ni? Kena siapkan storyline dulu ekk baru leh fikir tajuk? :hmm: Kite nyer dear editor, katt, ade masalah teknikal sikit ler. Camne ni ekk? Mane Captain?! sara pun dah gi mana? Aisey...
Byk benda lum decide, selain drpd yg Takki dah mention dlm post lepas |
Hi Takki & krew yang lain...wahh....dalam diam2 dah dapat sponsor baru. Bagus2. Keep it up.
katt...masalah teknikal dah settle.....tapi ada masalah emosilah pulak, you all pun tahulah...kena pergi vacation di Jeju, as of now....
Captain...I think he's the one with major technical problems....lama betul MIA, lebih lama dari dulu2.
The script or fan-fic ni bolehlah buat in dual language even tri pun boleh, asalkan everyone understands. Tak perlulah too formal...
Any objection? :hmm: |
Originally posted by katt at 24-6-2004 05:46 PM:
Hi Takki & krew yang lain...wahh....dalam diam2 dah dapat sponsor baru. Bagus2. Keep it up.
katt...masalah teknikal dah settle.....tapi ada masalah emosilah pulak, you all pun ...
yup, yup...kita buat dalam dwibahasa lah...maybe ada skrip yg lebih sesuai disebut dalam BM atau Eng... |
ong ong .. kedek kedek kedek
saya dah balik (tadaima versi alih bahasa) ..
gomen nei minna san .. tak dapek den nak bg komitmen 100% utk contribute dlm projek kowang ni .. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
tp aku 'tgk2' jg la nanti .. :nerd: |
Captain, tumpang thread....
PETITION TO TV2: At the moment there is an online petition going on to collect as many signatures as possible to be submitted to TV2 so that the station will continue with the airing of non-dubbed Korean dramas. The station had taken off the air the Korean drama slot since November last year. For those who are not aware, TV2 was the station that aired Beautiful Days in the original Korean version in 2002.
We would appreciate it very much if you could join us in the petition. To sign-up, please click here. |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
^ Sape2 yg blum sign, CEPAT pegi sign! :geram: Keke. :lol
Err... project kita ni rasanya on hiatus ek? Probably utk berapa lama? A couple of months? :nyorok:
Sementara tu, carik la idea nak kembangkan storyline. Nanti kalo ade yg tolong start'kan, takde yg sambung, payah tu... :hmm: |
News update
bae doo na
stars in live musical 'sun de ee suh ool - sunday seoul' which marks her debut as a stage performer.
the show is about a woman who sacrifices her body for the wife of her lover. in the show, bae sings and dances, in addition to dramatic acting.
'sunday seoul' will be on until 8.15.04 in seoul jung-mi theatre (02-3672-6989). daily shows are at 7:30pm with an additional 4:30pm showing on friday and saturday.
Credit to dramaok at soompi.com |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2004-8-1 03:50 AM:
^ Sape2 yg blum sign, CEPAT pegi sign! :geram: Keke. :lol
Err... project kita ni rasanya on hiatus ek? Probably utk berapa lama? A couple of months? :nyorok:
Sementara tu, carik la idea nak k ...
hehe .. from me .. aku mmg tak jamin nak bg komitmen 100% .. :nyorok:
aku manalah pandai bab2 fan fiction ni .. komitmen barang 5% tu blh lar kot .. :bgrin: |
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