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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]

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Post time 19-11-2007 12:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19636 babyface76's post

uhuhu..ok ..on the way nak pm la nii ...

a'ahh..mmg acap kali quan ruffles rambut rui xi dalam nii ..huhuh..tgk gambo2 ni buat aku rindu nak tgk Hanakimi balik ...

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Post time 19-11-2007 12:47 PM | Show all posts
iyalah myst...aku pun terasa nak nengok semula hanakimi nie...heheh

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Post time 19-11-2007 03:16 PM | Show all posts
tgk pic kat ats ni....wat aku windu nk lyn cd HK blk...huhuhuhu

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Post time 19-11-2007 03:23 PM | Show all posts
betul tu casper....selain ikemen paradise...cite hanakimi nie pun aku nak layan nengok...suka ngan ce....hehe

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Post time 19-11-2007 03:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19640 casper541's post

huhuh..tuh laa..aku pun sama..jadi rindu balik nak layan HK ..padahal dah berapa kali layan dah .. ni la yg buat teringin sangat ade Hanakimi 2..

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Post time 19-11-2007 04:01 PM | Show all posts
pengubat rindu buat CE ..huhuh...

hurm ..walau pun aku selalu ckp menda ni , tp aku tetap nak ckp jugak ..tetiap kali tgk diorang pose ni ..mmg terasa sesangat pose diorang ni couple pose....mmg nampak blissfully happy...

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Post time 19-11-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19643 myst_leen's post

iyalah myst...nengok wallpaper dorang berdua nie nampak org dalam percintaan..heheh

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Post time 19-11-2007 10:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19644 babyface76's post

huhuh..tadi aku dah pos panjang lebar dah interview Chun dalam majalah PLAY ..and dalam interview tu he seems to talk about Ella lepas tu server CARI dah buat hal ..aiseh ..terus ilang post tu ..sedeh nyer..

tuh laa..diorang berdua mmg hepi je..ehehe..takpe , nanti aku pos interview Chun tu lepas ni ..yg aku suka tu sebab Chun ckp pada dia ,dia suka wanita yg simple dan dia mmg langsung tak pandang pada rupa fizikal ..lepas tu dia ckp yg penting pada dia bila bercinta , dia boleh rasa ade keintiman antara dia dengan partner dia tu  , langsung takde rasa distant feeling , dan org tu mesti la memahami dia serta boleh bertolak ansur dengan dia dalam apa jua keadaan ..ehehe..yg lg best bila dia ckp pada dia paling penting bila dah bercinta, mesti happy je memanjang masa bercinta tu ..adess..kalau tgk semer diorangnyer fanmade MV ..mmg nampak sgt yg diorang happy giler..ehehe..lg satu bila reporter tu suruh Chun bayangkan macam mana keadaan dia bila dia dah berusia 80 thn nanti ..Chun ckp boleh bayangkan macam scene masa dia dah tua dalam Hanakimi bersama dengan Ella ..huhuh..mendalam tu maksudnyer..walau pun Chun ckp dia tak bercinta dan tak jumpa lg org yg sesuai , tp bila dia berckp ttg bila tiba je musim perayaan , dia akan balik merayakan perayaan tu dengan orang tua dan kekawan dia ..dan dia tak rasa kekok walau pun takde gf ..dia rasa hidup dia dah memadai buat masa ni walau pun tanpa seorang gf ..ahaks yg ni sama je macam jawapan Ella dalam interview Ella yg lepas .. tu la leen ckp both of them always have similarities in their answers and opinions regarding love and life ..

dan yg paling buat leen tersenyum bila wartawan tanya kat Chun ..apa kah tempat yg Chun paling rindu nak lawati lagi sekali ..Chun jawab dengan terus terang je Pu Li , iaitu tempat dia shooting Hanakimi dalam episode 6 ..Chun bagi alasan tempat tu banyak tinggalkan kenangan manis kat dia..ade seketika tu , dia berkesempatan lawat balik tempat tu , dia mitak produser RP bawak dia jenjalan keliling kawasan tu dengan permintaan dia tu ditolak walau pun dia dah pujuk sampai siap pura2 marah lg ..huhuh..dia ckp dia sebenarnyer berniat nak mengimbau kembali kenangan dia masa shooting Hanakimi bila lalu kat kawasan tu ..ekekeke..kenangan manis yg macam mana tu Chun ek ?

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Post time 19-11-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

Chun's interview in PLAY Nov 2007

ni la interview Chun yg leen ckp tu ..ehehee..heran kan majalah PLAY guna balik gambo2 CE bila Chun bercerita ttg ciri2 wanita idaman dan kesah cinta dia .. . padahal dah berapa lama dah citer Hanakimi ni habis kan ...

Q: What type of qualities in the opposite sex would most attract Chun? Quick tell us!
A:Actually, to Chun, the physical qualities are really not important atall! As long as there is the feeling of intimacy, no distant feeling,it's alright! He feels that a good character is much more importantthat just an attractive appearance. Those girls who love too much tomake themselves up, those who are too sexy, Chun cannot quite accept!He just likes those girls who are simple! This way do you feel full ofconfidence?

Q: Can Chun please talk about his first love?
Ahun's first love was a very mature and understanding girl. Althoughnot very active, but because this is his first time dating, everythingis etched in his memory! But later on because Chun had to go toAustralia for studies, the distance between the two of them became toogreat, and so in the end could not escape the ill fate of along-distance relationship, their relationship gradually weakened.

Q: What is the most important principle in dating for Chun?
A:Chun feels that the most important thing in a relationship is to behappy! As long as both parties can understand, tolerate, have thedetermination to make the relationship work, the relationship wouldnaturally be long-lasting!

Q: Would like to ask Chun if there is any possibility of him becoming Taiwan's son-in-law?
A:Haha! This reporter is thinking too far ahead! Chun said, if one day hefinds a Taiwanese girlfriend, and if it really comes to marriage, hewould definitely discuss this issue with her beforehand, see where boththeir careers should be based, before deciding which country to residein! But if the wife insists on remaining in Taiwan, Chun would ofcourse also make Taiwan his home!

Q: If Chun meets a prospective partner, how would he choose between career and love?
A:Sigh! The present Chun doesn't have the fortune of being in arelationship! Because he doesn't have the excess energy to nurture thisrelationship, so for his own good, and for the good of the other party,or perhaps for the good of his fans, Chun has decided that it is betterto just concentrate on his career! Anyhow, even without a girlfriend,Chun is also able to live life just as well alone! (huhuh..sama dengan jawapan Ella dalam interview Ella yg terbaru)

Last Q is on which female star Chun most wants to work with. A: Zhang Ziyi.

Q: The current Chun, who does not have a girlfriend, would he really not feel it is a pity?
A:Everytime some special date comes along, to someone who does not have apartner, seems like the feeling would be especially lonely (laughs)!Aiyoh! Actually there's no need to be so melodramatic, see how eventhough Chun has no other half, he can still carry on happily, becausethere is still the family he loves most! Even though there is nogirlfriend to share the occasion with, it is still a blissful thing tobe able to go back home and have a reunion dinner with his family!Suggestion to all those who are single, why not learn from Chun andspend the festival with your family and friends, it would be equallyheartwarming! (hiks..yg ni laks sama dengan apa yg Ella tulis dalam blog entry dia masa perayaan kek bulan yg lepas)

Q: Would Chun frequently read the messages on his blog?
A:Of course! Fans' messages are one of the biggest impetus for Chun'swork! Especially when Chun realised that it is because they want tosupport him that a lot of the older fans are learning how to go onlineto leave messages. Even though they may feel shy about liking Chunbecause their ages are older than him, in the end they would gathertheir courage to leave a message. This to Chun is a really greatfeeling! He also wants to tell these fans, You are all too sweet!

Lastquestion is about what Chun would do when his is lonely, without hisfamily by his side? A: He is used to it, having studied abroad and nowbeing an artiste. Furthermore he has his FRH brothers and his fanssupporting him, no matter how lonely he feels, it would be defeated bythem!

Q: Would Chun please fantasise for a while, how he would look like when he is old...
Ahun at 80 years old, how would he have changed? This answer is in the"Imagine myself becoming old" scene filmed with Ella! The conclusionis, hehe! Old is old, but still quite handsome! What's more, it isactually a bit similar to Ella's old appearance! (huhuh)

Q: In which area does Chun feel his acting skills have improved the most?
Ahun says that he thinks the area he has improved the most is not inhis acting, but in the accuracy of his pronunciation! Especiallybecause when filming RP, not only has his Mandarin improved a lot, hehas even learnt the mantra frequently spoken by the director! . (bila dia mention bab improve Mandarin ni , sure teringat yg Chun selalu ckp Ella yg tolong dia improve Mandarin dia..tetiba teringat kata2 Ella bila Ella ckp how she wish she can be a doll , boleh duk lam poket Chun jer so nanti kalau Chun tak berapa fasih ckp Mandarin , dia boleh tolong ajarkan Chun Mandarin..ehehe..kiut jer ayat dia tu)

Q: Which location does Chun most wish to revisit?
A:Because of HanaKimi filming, Chun stayed nearly a month at Pu Li. Healso has a deep impression of the land, the environment and its people.Once he managed to return to Pu Li for an outdoor shoot, and he askedthe producer to drive around for a look, to relive the memories whenshooting HK (!!!!!!!!!!!!),but did not expect that the heartless producer would not agree nomatter what he said, even when Chun sat in the resting area pretendingto be angry, the producer refused to budge! (huhuh..mmg la shooting Hanakimi ni bawak kenangan manis giler kat Chun...)

Q: From the day he entered showbiz to the present, who would Chun most like to thank?
A:Firstly of course to thank all the fans for their support, no matter ifyou already liked FRH from the start, or only joined later on, withoutall of you, FRH wouldn't be so successful today. Next, Chun also wantedto thank sincerely Comic Production, HIM, and the other three brothersin FRH, and also to all those media friends who were willing to givethem the opportunity to promote themselves, he wanted to say: Thank you!

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Post time 19-11-2007 10:53 PM | Show all posts

credits to the owner of the pictures

huhuh..tgk la dalam gambo kat atas tu ...gambar je pun dah ckp menggambarkan camner happy nyer diorang ni bila bersama ..tgk Chun .ekekek..yg dlm gambo kedua tu Chun dan Da Shu kononnyer sesama nak lindungi Ella dengan gunakan jaket diorang yg leen perasan , Chun la yg plg ketara sangat dekat dengan Ella..ehehe..kira dah mcm nak terpeluk dah tu ..

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Post time 20-11-2007 01:09 AM | Show all posts

ni salah satu fan klip masa diorang gi promo Hanakimi ..and time ni CE tgk sesama premier Hanakimi ..sweet sesangat klip ni bagi aku ..sebab masa memula tu ..suasana kat situ hujan ade la staff tolong payungkan Ella dan Chun .. Ella dan Chun duk rapat giler ms tonton tu ..lepas tu , Chun dengan gentleman nyer amik payung tu dan payungkan diri dia dengan Ella..then bila diorang kena naik ke atas pentas..sampai ke atas pentas tu lagi , Chun payungkan Ella ..yg rasa sweet sgt ..Chun siap payungkan Ella sorang je , dia tak kesah pun diri dia kena hujan sket2..pas tu ms nak payungkan Ella tu , payung tu terlanggar sket kepala Ella..dengan automatiknyer , Chun cecepat betulkan rambut Ella lepas dia terlanggar sket kepala Ella dengan payung ..huhuh..sweet sgt..macam bf layan gf dia..gentleman giler Chun ni ..alih2 staf amik payung dr Chun , sebabnyer kat atas pentas diorang dah terlindung kut..then nanti tgk masa Chun berckp , dia asik berpaling ke arah Ella..Ella ms ni nampak cam tak bermaya dan krg sehat sket , tp masa mula2 diorang semer nak star berckp , Ella sempat lg nasihatkan fans supaya jangan bertolak2 dan duduk rapat2 sgt , takut cedera.. how sweet.. pastu bila tiba laks giliran Ella berckp , Chun pandang2 jugak kat part yg paling sweet bg aku masa kat bawah pentas dan time yg Chun payungkan Ella kat atas pentas tu la..aduss..jelesnyer..huhuh..

huhuh..tgk camner cara Ella pandang Chun sebaik jer staff tu amik payung dr Chun kat atas pentas ..macam terpegun jer..eehhee..agak nyer Ella terharu kuts dengan ke gentleman an Chun tu ..air muka Chun laks masa ni ..ehehe..macam nak kontrol macho je tu ..ekeke..mesti duk kontrol rasa segan bila Ella pandang dia cam tu ..tak pun dia cam nak kontrol sebab dah tertunjukkan ke gentleman an dia tu kat Ella ..

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 20-11-2007 01:16 AM ]

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Post time 20-11-2007 01:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19633 myst_leen's post


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Post time 20-11-2007 02:00 AM | Show all posts
kawan2..... nak ingatkan lagi....

cepat2 rujuk thread nih

---- utk cara update accout Cari anda
---- utk cara back up all ur pm

ini penting krn selepas process cuci tuh nanti....mungkin ada yg kena delete---hilang--MIA

tak tau bila admin nak cuci tp katanya this week,
so nanti2 kalau hilang kaa, apa kaaa... faham2 laa tau

kalau ada thread yg lama tak update, duk kat hujung2 bod tuh...
tp korang sayang laa, pun korang leh gak upkannyer....
cos thread2 pun akan kena cuci gak---thread2 yg tak active laaa

apa2 masalah pm lisa or kak bel utk keterangan lanjut


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Post time 20-11-2007 08:02 AM | Show all posts
Lisa~ thanks for the reminder..seb baik la dah berjaya merge id dah ..huhuh..memula risau jugak takut ilang nick yg lama ni ...thanks again .

kak erra~huhuh ...windu kat akak jugak ..lama tak nengok akak kat thread ni ..a'ahh..seronok tgk ce ..ekeke..demam ce tak kebah2 nii..

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Post time 20-11-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19635 myst_leen's post

wah chun nak gi tempat PU Li dalam ep 6 sebab nak imbau kenangan dalam hanakimi?
eh ep 6 nie bukan tempat yg dorag gi bercuti ke?

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Post time 20-11-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19635 myst_leen's post

wah chun nak gi tempat PU Li dalam ep 6 sebab nak imbau kenangan dalam hanakimi?
eh ep 6 nie bukan tempat yg dorag gi bercuti ke?

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Post time 20-11-2007 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myst_leen at 20-11-2007 08:02 AM
Lisa~ thanks for the reminder..seb baik la dah berjaya merge id dah ..huhuh..memula risau jugak takut ilang nick yg lama ni ...thanks again .

kak erra~huhuh ...windu kat akak jugak ..lama t ... aku ada nak kena updated apa2 ke?
updated acc nie pebenda?
aku tak fahamlah...

yg merge id nie apa pulak?

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Post time 20-11-2007 12:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19639 babyface76's post

a'ahh ..betul la tuu ...episode 6 tu la yg diorang pi bercuti dan kerja kat tempat penginapan tu ..yg ade adengan diorang kiss kat air terjun tu laa..ekekeke...chun kan selalu mention pasal kissing scene yg tu sebab katanyer kissing scene tu kelakar ..dia ckp masa diorang nak shoot kissing scene tu , diorang asik gelak je manjang .. .sampai siap ckp rasa rugi pasal takde BTS utk scene tu ..

ehehe..rers aku ade letak kan kat sini pasal seorang blogger yg mengintip masa diorang shooting kat air terjun tu ..blogger tu ckp lepas habis shoot adengan kat air terjun .krew dah bergerak nak pi ke venue lain utk continue shooting ..kan ke ella dan chun selalunyer pergi sama2 dengan kereta utk ke tempat shooting ..masa ni la blogger tu nampak , lepas krew semer dah pegi ..alih2 Chun piggyback Ella bawak Ella naik kereta ..sebab diorang perasan Ella dah penat giler hari tu ..huhuh..sweet giler..siap piggyback Ella lg ..dah la ms tu diorang berdua je yg tinggal ..agaknyer sebab kenangan2 manis ni la kut yg Chun tak dapat lupakan Pu Li tu ..ehehe..even Selina pernah tersasul ckp dalam satu rancangan yg Chun dan Ella siap piknik berdua lg kat Pu Li tu lepas tu, dia cecepat kaver balik ..seb baik host tak syak apa2 masa tu ..Ella pun dah tergabra kejap , tp biasala..Ella gelak2 buat tak tahu host tu ingat Selina bergurau la..ehehe.

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Post time 20-11-2007 12:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19641 babyface76's post

baby ..ko dah ade lum account utk register blog kat cari ? kalau lum ade..ko kena update akaun ko ..huhuh..check out thread yg kak bel bukak kat sticky tu ..yg tajuk dia tutoria utk update akaun ni ..

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Post time 20-11-2007 01:09 PM | Show all posts

CE fanmade pictorial story

ekekek...CE FANS  ni mmg kreatif2 betul la..ade je menda yg diorang create utk CE buat cerita bergambar laks ..

They discovered their feelings for each other and shyly admitted and commit to one another...

They enjoyed going trips together. This one was just one of their  "out-of-the-blue" trips to one of the neighboring cities.

He kept reminding himself he's too young to seriously commit but sometimes, he can't help but think.....
Note: I love this one btw.

And more thinking......
Note: My fave too.

The end result????
Note: This one's hard to achieve. :@

Here comes the party!!!!

Ella on the spotlight...A wife in training.

Another training for the bride to be...

Fitting for her wedding dress...

You can see the happiness in her eyes...

"Busting out" the bust.

Showing her man some love...

More love showing here...

credits to : Welch76 @ CE FC

huhuh..tetiap kali aku tgk gambo no. 6 yg Ella pakai gaun putih dipeluk oleh Chun sambil pegang muka Chun tu ..sure rasa nak tergelak jer..sebab nyer kan..senyuman Chun masa tu ..lain sangatt...ekekeke... macam ..macam ..ntah ..susah nak ckp mmg senyuman dia tu semacam ..ehehe.

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