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Merkuri Tertumpah Akibat Termometer Pecah, UIA Kuantan Cemas
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Memetik laporan Bernama, enam anggota bomba dikejarkan ke Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) Indera Mahkota di Kuantan untuk melakukan kerja-kerja pembersihan pencemaran merkuri selepas termometer yang dipegang oleh seorang petugas fakulti itu terjatuh lalu pecah kelmarin.
Menurut Pegawai Kanan Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Indera Mahkota, Mohd Hilmi Kashfi Mat Zali, kejadian jam 12.22 tengah hari itu menyebabkan timbul susasana panik dan cemas dalam kalangan petugas fakulti perubatan berkenaan sebelum bertindak menghubungi bomba.
"Operasi mengambil masa lebih dua jam dan bilik perubatan itu kembali beroperasi seperti biasa bermula jam 2 petang."
Sebaik tiba di tempat kejadian, pihak bomba dengan menggunakan peralatan khas yang disediakan oleh UIA telah bertindak membersihkan tumpahan merkuri itu dengan menggunakan bahan peluntur.
Kemudian termometer yang pecah itu disimpan dalam bekas tertutup bagi memastikan tiada lagi bahan itu mengalir.
Difahamkan, tiada petugas universiti berkenaan yang cedera dalam kejadian itu.- CARI
Besar ke termometernya? Tp serius kena panggil bomba?
Kat lab aku dulu, lab assistant tu yg clearkan. |
bahaya ke benda tu?![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
apa yang bahaya sampai kene panggil abang bomba i love you tu,serius tak paham.boleh explain tak?kalau terbiar camtu apa akan jadi?boleh meletup ke |
Edited by fish at 1-11-2016 10:46 AM
merkuri tu... mmg bahaya
kalau pecah/tertumpah mmg kena panggil bomba
kalau terdedah, boleh sesak nafas, boleh sbbkan masalah saraf, mcm2 laa...
pendek kata boleh mengancam nyawa gitu
Just how dangerous is mercury, anyway? With talks underway in Geneva on plans to ban the use of the poisonous substance mercury, you might be surprised to read that it's technically safe to drink - although you shouldn't try it at home. ![](
People tend to associate mercury with its silvery liquid form - perhaps found in old thermometers. It was also used in electrical switches or relays that were built into machines until the mid-20th century, and it can be found in florescent lamps and even newer energy saving lamps.
This liquid form of mercury is especially dangerous because it vaporizes at room temperature. And when it vaporizes, it fills the air with tiny, invisible mercury atoms that are both scentless and soluble in oils or fats.
If mercury vapor is inhaled, it is easily absorbed by the body, where it first gets into the lungs and from there into the blood and the brain. The nerve poison can cause sleep disorders, agitation, and paralysis.
Mercury is no longer used in thermometers but was once very common
Exposure to it can cause the neurological disorder erethism mercurialis - with at least one observable symptom, according to Thomas Gebel, a toxicologist at Germany's Federal Institute for Occupational Health and Safety in Dortmund.
"There are historically documented cases that describe how people's handwriting changed. They start to skid off at the end of the line and can't write straight," Gebel says.
Vapor is the most dangerous
Even a simple thing such as a broken thermometer can lead to mercury poisoning. It can be particularly dangerous in a children's playroom if liquid mercury seeps into cracks and corners and is left undisturbed to vaporize.
"It's not like with hot water - water vaporizes and is gone. But mercury vaporizes more slowly, it can take days or weeks, and could be inhaled over a longer period of time," says Gebel.
Some energy saving lamps are also considered to contain dangerous levels of mercury
Jochen Flasbarth, president of Germany's Federal Environment Agency, says children in some developing countries often expose themselves to the risks by disassembling florescent lamps and energy saving lamps to get at the metal inside.
"They just break open the lamps," recalls Flasbarth of a visit to India, "And the vaporized mercury ends up in their homes."
It can take weeks for the symptoms from mercury poisoning to clear up.
Fertility threat
In addition to liquid mercury, mercury salts and compounds are also dangerous, especially when they get into water systems through industrial waste.
"We've long known that mercury can accumulate in algae and fish," says Gebel. "No matter which mercury compound you introduce to the water, the mercury always comes back to us via things like seafood - and that in a concentrated form."
Mercury poisoning via heavily contaminated seafood and fish can harm a person's fertility as well as threaten their nervous system.
But while mercury is generally considered highly poisonous, doctors in the late 19th century gave patients significant amounts of the element to treat intestinal obstructions.
"Drinking mercury has a laxative effect," explains the toxicologist Gebel. "Its density cleans the intestine wonderfully."
The effect is completely different when mercury is inhaled. As a vapor, the mercury is inhaled as individual atoms and quickly absorbed by the lungs where its poisonous effects begin to develop.
If, however, you drink mercury, hardly any of it stays in the system - most of it exits the body once it has performed its function.
"Taken orally, without inhaling, there's almost no risk," says Gebel.
But you really shouldn't try drinking mercury - most of the patients in the 19th century didn't survive. It's all too easy to inhale mercury unintentionally along the way.
>>> ... y-anyway/a-16522491
yep, tapi amaun dalam termometer bukan banyak sgt pun kan?
Cuma pelik sbb dulu dalam beberapa lab yg aku pernah belajar/kerja pun mmg adala kes terpecah termometer ni, tapi takde sampai panggil bomba since lab sepatutnya ada safe material handling procedure. Tu pelik.
masa form 4 dulu aku penah gak pecahkan termometer kat lab biology..
cikgu aku ambik n buat derk je pastu ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
aku kat sekolah dulu pernah pecahkan termometer...hehehheehe...tapi mmg xpanggil bomba lah..sebab xtau...
yela..mase tu mane ade viral mcm kita cuci jer lah area yg pecah tu... |
klau termometer biasa tu kecik je mercury dia...klau pecah memang setitik je mmg dia mcm lari2 gitu..dia mcm xlekat ngan semua bnda.aku sure kat hosp hari2 kot termometer pecah.. |
mongoose_kidz replied at 1-11-2016 01:07 PM
klau termometer biasa tu kecik je mercury dia...klau pecah memang setitik je mmg dia mcm l ...
dkt klinik or hospital da dilarang pki termometer ni ngn bp manual. check bp pakai yg auto dan staff kena beli srndri termometer sndri yg kluar bacaan nombor tu |
Yg produk2 kosmetik tempatan, indon n filipina yg byk merkuri korang x takut kah? Nak puteh mcm qu puteh tu. Ntah byk mana merkuri dlm tu. |
Hoax je lah keracunan mercury ni. Malu la abang bomba x tau ke hazard mana yg priority. Stakat sbatang mercury tu. Tabur sulfur je. Sapu2 gi tanam dlm tanah.
Bawa2 la membaca jurnal2 sains. Pure mercury jauh lebih selamat dr sebatian mercury. Ada beza ye. |
Yang bangkem tau freddie mercury memang legend |
caprut replied at 1-11-2016 01:13 PM
dkt klinik or hospital da dilarang pki termometer ni ngn bp manual. check bp pakai yg auto dan sta ...
aik..sejak bila pulak ye.
sbb klau kat wad kan kalau bp x ok mmg last2 dr akn request guna bp manual la..sbb lebih accurate
sama gak ngan termometer..mcm2 brand nk2 cap ayam punya lagi la mcm2 suhu boleh lastnye akn guna yg kaca jugak |
mongoose_kidz replied at 1-11-2016 01:37 PM
aik..sejak bila pulak ye.
sbb klau kat wad kan kalau bp x ok mmg last2 dr akn request guna bp ma ...
mesin bp tu sehari rmai org gune. kdg2 mcm da rosak skit. pastu klo org gemok sgt cuff utk dorg tkde. slalu nye bp manual ni last skli klo bp tggi sgt takot mesin salah baca. bp manual still ada tp utk kes bp tggi jela tkot mesin salah baca . yg termometer mercury mmg tkde da. bru bbrp bulan da tk pki bnda2 mercury ni. |
rasa zaman dulu kat sekolah semua buat dek je bila thermometer pecah merkuri terburai...
sendiri2 gi bersihkan.. |
Nasib baik tak jadi t1000 liquid metal terminator![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Baru tahu... tp betul lah kalau make up ada mercury mmg bahaya. |
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