Plot Summary :
This is a story about the most famous Indonesian heroine, Kartini. In early 1900 BC, where Indonesia still a colony of Netherlands, Java is a land where Noble family rules under Dutch Supervision. Only noble and royal family are able to get education. Women aren't allowed to get higher education, even for royal blood. Women in Javanese culture are only have one purpose - to be a bride for a man with royalty blood. Kartini grew up to fight all this caste system and fight for equality for women and most importantly she fought for the right for everyone to get education regardless their social status nor gender. This is an emotional journey of Kartini where she has to defied her own family, her own culture and she has to fought for a change in rules and tradition that are considered sacred in Java.
aah tak lama dia melahirkan tiba2 dia meninggal kan..agknya klu dlm perubatan moden ni mungkin ada komplikasi kot semasa melahirkan anak dia..dia kawen dgn bupati Rembang yg dah ade 3 isteri.. kartini ni pon dari golongan priyayi kan
maigodd ai mmg suka kisah hidup dia..tazabar nak tengok film neh dah la ada dian sastro cocok banget