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Giants of Kandahar

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Post time 9-2-2019 06:32 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by gbam at 9-2-2019 06:37 PM

cerita bermula apabila satu skuad askar US hilang semasa operasi di pergunungan Kandahar di Afganistan pada tahun 2002. satu lagi skuad dihantar untuk mengetahui apa yang berlaku. semasa mereka menuruni bukit yang agak lapang dan luas mereka menjumpai tulang manusia dan peralatan tentera US yang berselerakan, secara tiba-tiba keluar dari pintu gua seorang manusia gergasi setinggi 13 kaki dan seberat 500kg yang meluru ke arah mereka sepantas kilat. gergasi itu dilihat berambut merah, 6 digit (bermaksud ada 6 jari tangan dan kaki), serta 2 lapis gigi.
Pieces of broken U.S. military equipment and gear were scattered all around the clearing. The Task Force was about to enter the cave to explore its recesses when a  13-feet, red-headed, six-digit, double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked them.

salah seorang saksi berkata, gergasi itu menikam hingga tembus seorang askar dengan tombak. kemudian gergasi itu ditembak sehingga mati dibahagian kepala. kemudian diangkut dengan helikopter c-130 ke suatu lokasi rahsia.

According to the witness the USG didn’t disclose the event and has no intention to do it in the future, because “giants don’t match with the way we explain our world.”

inilah alasan kenapa ia dirahsiakan, operasi ini diklafikasikan sebagai classified sehingga sekarang.

The witness talks details about the encounter with this huge being which had occurred in a remote area near Kandahar, Afghanistan. Marzulli calls the witness “The Shooter” due to his active involvement in the giant’s killing, and claims to have interviewed him three times on the phone and at different times, to check for any discrepancies in his story. Having found none, eventually he was convinced that the event was real, and decided to meet the military in person. The meeting occurred in an undisclosed location.

saksi ditemubual sebanyak 3 kali pada masa yang berlainan untuk check kesahihan statement dia.

artikel penuh dalam english,

satu lagi artikel, mereka menemubual saksi di kawasan kandahar pula, mereka menanya tentang gergasi, kepada orang yang berada di pasar. orang kandahar berkata, jauhkan diri anda dari tempat itu.

While at the base market over the course of several visits, our contact directly asked a few locals what they knew about giants living in the mountains. When he described a giant as a “really, really tall person”,  he was met with confirmation of their existence - and was informed, multiple times, that everyone “stays the hell away from them”!

The locals revealed that a tribe of these “really, really tall” persons is living in the mountains of the Afghan-Chinese border, on the Afghan side. One resident even pointed clearly to the location on a map. Since the border between China and Afghanistan is only 47 miles long, this is actually a considerably specific piece of information.

Less than a week after this interchange, our source got in touch to say he had come across one of his own local contacts during another visit to the market, and asked him about the Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge. That contact reported that although the Taliban does not control that specific area, it is still completely unsafe for a number of reasons: 1) There are border tensions; 2) There is no infrastructure out there; 3) The wildlife is dangerous; 4) The terrain is very rough and mountainous; and finally 5) “There is that tribe of Giants.” The advice given by our contact’s contact was to avoid the Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge at all costs.

artikel penuh di,

kalau kita lihat di dinding-dinding piramid, di statue, dan lain -lain stuktur lama memang ada lukisan manusia gergasi bersama manusia kecil hidup bersama. dan ada juga lukisan gergasi berjari tangan 6 di dinding.

lukisan giant di dinding piramid,

ini video gergasi di zaman perang dunia kedua di jepun,
gambar hitam putih, belum ada teknik CGI lagi ketika itu.



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Post time 9-2-2019 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by winamp05 at 9-2-2019 09:09 PM




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 Author| Post time 9-2-2019 08:49 PM | Show all posts
interesting enough, puak red indian di amerika juga mempunyai cerita rakyat, tentang gergasi berambut merah, kebetulan sama dgn gergasi kandahar.

In the American Southwest, the Paiute tribe tells tales of war between their people and the Si-Te-Cah, a race of cannibalistic, cave-dwelling, red-haired giants.

dan tentera amerika kembali ke afghanistan pada 2017 untuk mengebom tempat itu, dengan menggunakan MOAB Mother of all bomb, ibu segala bom. dengan alasan membunuh ISIS, tetapi sebenarnya membunuh gergasi.

One such hypothetical coverup may have happened as recently as 2017, in another U.S. military-related mission. Since then, several whistleblowers have purportedly come forward to disclose that the massive MOAB bomb dropped on an ISIS territory on April 13, 2017 was used with an ulterior motive - to kill giants.



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Post time 9-2-2019 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
This is nice. Bookmark dulu

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2019 10:39 PM | Show all posts
bukti kewujudan gergasi dengan 6 jari tangan dan 6 jari kaki suatu ketika dahulu dipuja, sehingga orang ramai sanggup membuat patung. dipuja bermaksud mereka menjadi pemimpin manusia suatu ketika dulu.

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Post time 10-2-2019 02:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yakjuj makjuz ka

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Post time 10-2-2019 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sangat menarik...saya percaya ja wujud manusia gergasi..apa2 pun hanya Allah yg tahu.

Mcm dlm novel ramlee awang musyid..yg sufi, laksamana sunan. Kan ada sebut ttg bangsa polip ka poppy..manusia bersayap..hidup ribuan ka jutaan tahun.

Kalau tgk piramid...hebat teknologi zaman tu..potong batu sudut tepat..batu besaq2 diangkut bina,piramid. Ok..tu baru makan firaun punya gah. Agak2 istana firaun mcmna?.. kita tk dpt tgk sbb dah musnah.

Mcm istana ratu balqis..mcmna manusia dpt angkut istana ratu balqis dgn sekelip mata nabi sulaiman. Manusia ni hebat..smpai skrg tk dpt pikir mcmna manusia,mmpu buat semua ni.

Tak mustahil juga teknologi dulu lebih hebat, tapi Allah dah musnahkan kaum dgn teknologi mereka...( kaum lut, kaum tsamud)

Mcm gergasi..tak mustahil masih wujud...atau tak wujud( mgkin org ckp tu jin ..halusinansi) ..mgkin juga mereka,mndiam diri di trmpat terpencil..wallahu'alam.

Mgkin juga duku depa hidup bersama manusia saiz biasa ni..mcm kita la average 150-180cm

Terima kasih pd yg sgt menarik. Hrp ada lagi penemuan penemuan baru...

Manusia gergasi tinggi dlm dunia tu..dah check ka susur galur depa....kot la duluuuuu moyang2 ada kawin campoq dgn gergasi ka


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2019 10:13 AM | Show all posts

bukan yakjuj makjuj bro, orang putih menyebut yakjuj makjuj sebagai gog and magog, tetapi gergasi ini disebut sebagai nephilim

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2019 10:26 AM | Show all posts

untuk pemahaman mudah, video Mr K ditemubual, lihat video bermula pada minit 7.30 sehingga habis video.
ada juga gambar manusia gergasi di seluruh dunia, tetapi mereka tinggi dan kurus, bergerak pun slow motion, tak ada ciri-ciri nephilim.
gergasi di kandahar ini diceritakan bergerak pantas dan tangkas, badan mereka padu dan kemas, tidak kurus dan tinggi sahaja.

siapa ada kawan-kawan muslim di afghanistan terutama disebelah kandahar yg boleh sahkan perkara ini? bukan sahkan operasi tentera amerika itu, tetapi sahkan ada makhluk gergasi wujud di sempadan china afghanistan, kawasan pergunungan itu, atau ada cerita rakyat disebelah sana.

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2019 11:55 AM | Show all posts

yang ini mungkin boleh percaya, yakjuj dan makjuj ada sebuah negara bernama tartaria/tartaire siap ada bendera negara berlogo burung hantu dan burung griffin, tetapi sekarang dihilangkan daripada sejarah. kenapa negara tartaria hilang begitu sahaja? ... han-russia-once.40/


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Post time 10-2-2019 05:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rasanya gergasi ni keturunan Jalut/Goliath yg berlawan dengan Nabi Daud dulu..
saki baki depa ni lari masuk gua

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2019 09:27 PM | Show all posts
terjumpa satu lagi komen dibawah video youtube 'giant of kandahar'.
mungkin seorang bekas askar menulis komen ini, terjumpa 2 orang gergasi di pergunungan Pakistan, seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan.

There was more than one, I know of a giant male and female couple discovered by operators looking for obl in the mountains near Pakistan. The male rushed the forward four man point team, the female was simultaneously getting to higher ground and flanking. At the time there was a roe of return fire only after civi mishaps during traffic in the city limits, so the forward team radioed back the squad leader that they made contact with a "big ass motherfucker and his big ass old lady." The SL returned a question as to what that meant and the reply was "huge ass giants." Now at this point the team had lost visuals on the female and the male was holding ground on the path ahead of them about 100 meters away. They hear a long cracking sound on their right running up the steep cliff side beside them. Sand and rocks start to slip by and then whooosh, the whole cliff face starts to peel off and the male is looking up to the left where the team now assumes the female is causing a rock slide. The team leader screams "fall back" as he grabs the saw gunner and fister by the necks while he runs past them, rifle dangling from his neck. The guy furthest back, the rifleman (a private) is watching 6 so he kind of gets shoved over by the whole team rushing by. He's still on his hands and knees when the saw gunners hand slips from his collar as he is pulled away down the mountain path. By the time anyone realizes the rifleman isn't behind them the path, cliff and any sign of a giant is long gone. This means that the private is down the mountainside in all that mess, panic time. They run up towards the cliff in the direction where they last saw him but it is so far back, in so much rubble and rock it's hard to even tell where the old cliff was. They radio up to the toc, let them know the deal and get search and rescue out along with a gang of backup. They look for the kid for 2 days before they find him, thanks to the helmet he was pretty much fine other than broken hand. He said he could've climbed out the first day when he heard the helicopters, but he couldn't find his weapon so he stayed out there alone looking for it. He figured after the second day nobody would keep looking for him so he finally crawled up the cliff without his rifle!

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2019 09:56 PM | Show all posts
najib888 replied at 10-2-2019 05:26 PM
Rasanya gergasi ni keturunan Jalut/Goliath yg berlawan dengan Nabi Daud dulu..
saki baki depa ni la ...

ya betul dalam bible nabi daud disebut king david,

king david,from the Bible killed Goliath,who was over 9ft.goliath was a philistine,a warrior race and giant men was a common trait, not just 6'5" average but 7to9ft average.
goliath berasal dari palestin, kaum pahlawan dan ketinggian 7-9 kaki.

There were red haired Giants in New Zealand called torehu.
di new zealand mereka dipanggil torehu. mereka berambut merah.

The redheads were all over the world, even in new zealand, the maori knew of them. In the americas, the Paiute tribe tried to raise one of the redhead giant children, and it was just so aggressive and nasty tempered that eventually they killed it in a fight.
gergasi berambut merah ada juga ditempat lain?


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2019 11:16 AM | Show all posts
saya mencari testimoni dari sebelah pilot yang mengangkut gergasi itu, terjumpa link ini

mereka mengangkut  mayat gergasi itu dari afghanistan ke germany dan seterusnya ke ohio,USA

This story is absolutely true.  My next door neighbor is a former US Army Special Ops soldier who served three tours of duty in Afghanistan during the time of the "Giant of Kandahar" incident (circa 2002).  Although he was not directly part of the special unit searching for the "missing" patrol, he was stationed around Kandahar at the same time of the event and heard first hand reports of what went down.  He is a good, honest family man, and I have no reason to doubt his word.  For those of you who are interested, the original interview with the military transport pilot who transported tha dead giant from Bagram AFB in Afghanistan to Ramstein AFB in Germany was conducted by George Noory on Coast to Coast AM radio on (if memory serves correctly) December 3, 2008.  I remember listening to this interview as it was originally broadcast at that time.  The military transport pilot reported that the giant's dead carcass was subsequently flown from Ramstein AFB in Germany to Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, OH, USA.  For those of you who don't know, "Wright-Pat" (as it is known in the states and in military parlance) is a massive military complex located in the outskirts of Dayton, OH.  It contains many underground/subterranean levels, and has been reported by many former military personnel to be the final repository of the remains of the Roswell, NM UFO crash - both craft and bodies - dating back to 1947.


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Post time 25-2-2019 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Hollywood patut buat filem tentang makhluk ni

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Post time 25-2-2019 11:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dear tt,
The second footage that u shared dikatakan dari sebuah filem.
Read the comment.

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2019 09:12 AM | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 25-2-2019 11:13 AM
Dear tt,
The second footage that u shared dikatakan dari sebuah filem.
Read the comment.

ye betul ia dikutip dari sebuah filem lama, dan filem lama tak mungkin ada teknik super impose lagi dan tak ada teknik cgi lagi untuk menipu, itu memang benar giant. lagipun mind set orang sekarang apa-apa yang letak dalam filem dianggap menipu. ada kajian dibuat filem hollywood sekarang banyak berdasarkan kisah benar, tapi disebabkan ia filem, ia di-dismiss sebagai rekaan.

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Post time 26-2-2019 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Harap2 Hollywood boleh filemkan dan kembangkan lagi cerita ni.

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2019 05:59 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi rangka gergasi ditemui di krabi,thailand pada november 2017 dalam sebuah gua

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