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[Aduan] Contoh Kes-Kes Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia

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Post time 26-7-2004 11:41 AM | Show all posts |Read mode


Jessy baru sahaja membeli seekor kucing baka yang comel berharga RM3,000.OO dari Syarikat Kuching Comel untuk dipasangkan dengan kucing betinanya. Jessy tidak menyedari bahawa kucing tersebut sedang mengalami masalah kesihatan yang serius. Apabila dibawa pulang kucing itu kuat minum tetapi tidak mahu makan. Setelah menghubungi Syarikat Kuching Comel, mereka mencadangkan Jessy membawa kucing itu ke klinik doktor haiwan. Doktor mengesahkan kucing tersebut mengalami masalah pembesaran kolon. Setelah menerima rawatan, kucing itu muntah-muntah dan masih tidak boleh makan sehingga dimasukkan ke klinik untuk dimasukkan air memandangkan ia tidak boleh makan.

Rekod kesihatan dan ujian darah menunjukkan ia mempunyai kandungan gula yang rendah tetapi bilangan platlet yang amat tinggi. Kucing malang itu menemui ajal hanya 18 hari selepas menjadi milik Jessy. Jessy amat sedih lalu membuat tuntutan terhadap Syarikat Kuching Comel.

Award : Sebelum pendengaran, semasa perundingan Jessy telah bersetuju untuk menerima bayaran balik sebanyak RM1,500.00 setelah menolak tawaran Syarikat Kuching Comel untuk menggantikan dengan kucing yang baru.


Sandra telah memasuki program 10 sesi untuk melangsingkan badan yang ditawarkan oleh Syarikat N dengan bayaran sebanyak RM3,600.00. Malangnya setelah menghabiskan 10 sesi selama satu setengah bulan, berat badan Sandra hanya susut 1.2 kg dan pengurangan sebanyak 2 cm sahaja di bahagian pinggang. Sandra merasakan hasil sebegini tidak patut berbanding bayaran yang dikenakan. Sandra dinasihatkan oleh Syarikat N bahawa lemak sudah banyak terkumpul di badannya maka untuk menghapuskannya beliau perlu melalui beberapi sesi lagi dan untuk itu Syarikat N memberi tawaran diskaun untuk sesi seterusnya. Sandra berasa amat marah lalu menolak tawaran tersebut kerana sudah hilang keyakinan terhadap Syarikat.

Kemudian Sandra pergi menyertai program yang serupa di Syarikat R pula dan perbezaan berat badan yang ketara kelihatan setelah melalui 10 lagi sesi melangsingkan badan dengan hanya membayar RM888. Sandra telah memfailkan tuntutan di Tribunal terhadap Syarikat N.

Award : Syarikat N telah memulangkan balik sepenuhnya wang Sandra sebelum pendengaran.


Mazira telah menempah satu set sofa berharga RM9,500.00 daripada Syarikat B dimana sofa tersebut perlu diimport daripada Itali. Mazira telah membuat pembayaran penuh termasuk bayaran pengangkutan dimana jumlah keseluruhannya telah melebihi RM10,000.00. Bagaimanapun set sofa tersebut hanya akan diserahkan selepas enam bulan dari tarikh tempahan. Malangnya selepas hampir satu tahun set sofa itu masih belum tiba dari Itali walaupun Mazira menggesa Syarikat B berkali-kali untuk memenuhi tempahannya.

Akhirnya Mazira berasa amat kecewa dan tertipu lalu membuat tuntutan Tribunal untuk membatalkan tempahan dari Syarikat B dan wangnya dikembalikan setakat had maksimum tuntutan Tribunal iaitu RM10,000.00 bersama dengan RM130.00 untuk kos. Syarikat B enggan membatalkan tempahan tersebut dengan alasan mereka telah membuat tempahan daripada Itali.

Award : Borang 5 kerana Syarikat B tidak memfailkan pembelaan. Syarikat B dikehendaki membayar wang sebanyak RM10,000.00 dan RM130.00 sebagai kos dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh award kepada Mazira.



Pn. Vimala merasakan amat bertuah apabila diberitahu oleh Syarikat Easy bahawa beliau telah memenangi 揷abutan bertuah

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Post time 28-7-2004 11:50 AM | Show all posts
assalamualaikum...tumpang lalu.....maaf yer..nak tambah kredit jer...nak baca post yg ada kredit...jgn mare..ignore jer..pejam mata

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2004 01:38 PM | Show all posts
hehe...takpe, but, kalau ada apa-apa masalah, post cni jek ehh

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2004 07:11 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-11-2004 01:49 PM | Show all posts
kupit...bagi la contoh yg lain plak...

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2004 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kancilbiru at 25-11-2004 01:49 PM:
kupit...bagi la contoh yg lain plak...

insyaallah...nanti aku post okey

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Post time 31-3-2005 11:30 AM | Show all posts
macam mana nak buat tuntutan tribunal? contoh contoh macam yg selalu kita alami tapi tak tau macam mana nak buat........

tapi kalau syarikat ada sebab sebab tertentu mengapa tak boleh jelaskan sesuatu permintaan, syarikat tu cam mana pulak nak bela diri??

boleh tolong bantu?

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2005 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by puterikhaleeda at 31-3-2005 11:30 AM:
macam mana nak buat tuntutan tribunal? contoh contoh macam yg selalu kita alami tapi tak tau macam mana nak buat........

tapi kalau syarikat ada sebab sebab tertentu mengapa tak boleh jelaskan s ...

Pihak syarikat boleh mengisi BORANG 2 untuk membuat tuntutan balas ke atas aduan yang dibuat oleh Pengadu jika mereka ada alasan yang munasabah,

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Post time 5-5-2005 03:01 PM | Show all posts
KUPPIT, kalau lepas aduan dibuat dan tuan hakim jatuhkan hukuman kat syarikat terbabit supaya byr balik kat consumer, ade possibility tak syarikat terbabit boleh buat tak tau (ignore) dan tak bayar?

or, dia ni jenis mcm saman, pihak berkuasa akan make sure gak hak pengguna terjaga dan company terbabit akan bayar jugak walau mcmane pun?

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2005 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kitikat at 5-5-2005 03:01 PM:
KUPPIT, kalau lepas aduan dibuat dan tuan hakim jatuhkan hukuman kat syarikat terbabit supaya byr balik kat consumer, ade possibility tak syarikat terbabit boleh buat tak tau (ignore) dan tak bayar ...

setiap award yang dikeluarkan oleh PRESIDEN TTPM akan disahkan oleh mahkamah tempatan dan sesiapa yang tidak mematuhi award tersebut dalam masa 14 hari akan diambil tindakan mahkamah dan ianya merupakan satu kesalahan.

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Post time 21-6-2005 02:41 PM | Show all posts
saya nak buat tuntutan pasal pembelian tanah ler...

ada sapa2 leh nasihatkan tak?

sbb saya ada beli tanah dan dah bayar pun... tapi sampai sekarang mereka tak buat langsung apa2 yg termaktub dlm S&P... tak tau nak gi kat mana utk mengadu....

byk dah bayar... dalam RM 10K gak ler berabih tapi tak dapat apa...

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2005 10:56 PM | Show all posts
cuba minta nasihat di pejabat KPDN & HEP berhampiran anda ok...but, kalau saya tak silap, pasal tanah ni, tribunal tak ada seksyen yg berkaitan...

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Post time 19-8-2005 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Kuppit nak mintak pendapat boleh?

Kes 1:
Kereta saya accident tahun lepas, pas tu kereta saya ditarik oleh budak2 callman ni ke workshop diorg. Tap ibila saya check dgn insurance com., diorg kata  workshop tu bkn panel diorg tp kalau nak repair kat situ xde masalah sbb workshop tu ada PIAM approval/authorised ......
Kereta saya kereta baru, so kena ganti part baru, saya dpt tau diorg pakai used part. Saya suruh diorg tukar so, worhshop ni bengang le. Diorg kata dah tukar tapi  betul ke tak saya x pasti. Lepas tu bila kereta dah siap, saya dapati seluruh cat kereta saya ada titik2 cat merah (kereta saya warna hitam), saya komplain dan dgn bengangnya diorg suruh saya dtg balik utk spray. Masalahnya saya takut diorg buat sesuatu kat kereta saya dan diorg kena spray balik satu kereta dan cat yg digunakan x berkualiti. Apa tindakan yg blh saya ambil?

Kes 2:
Masa saya daftar anak saya ke nursery, tuan punya nursery ni dah quote price kat saya. Saya setuju dgn price yg dia bg sbb dia kata special price an sama2 dah setuju. Tak sampai 3 bulan tiba2 dia naikkan harga 2 X GANDA dgn alasan nak tambah staf (sedangkan mula2 dulu dia kata staff mencukupi) dan harga minyak dan brg2 naik. Masalahnya saya dah byr semua yuran (Pendaftaran) dan deposit. Saya bercadang nak tukar nursery tp dia nak pulangkan duti yg sepatutnya dipulangkan.

Boleh bagi nasihat dan pendapat. Thanks

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2005 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marmar at 19-8-2005 11:25 AM
Kuppit nak mintak pendapat boleh?

Kes 1:
Kereta saya accident tahun lepas, pas tu kereta saya ditarik oleh budak2 callman ni ke workshop diorg. Tap ibila saya check dgn insurance com., diorg kata  workshop tu bkn panel diorg tp kalau nak repair kat situ xde masalah sbb workshop tu ada PIAM approval/authorised ......
Kereta saya kereta baru, so kena ganti part baru, saya dpt tau diorg pakai used part. Saya suruh diorg tukar so, worhshop ni bengang le. Diorg kata dah tukar tapi  betul ke tak saya x pasti. Lepas tu bila kereta dah siap, saya dapati seluruh cat kereta saya ada titik2 cat merah (kereta saya warna hitam), saya komplain dan dgn bengangnya diorg suruh saya dtg balik utk spray. Masalahnya saya takut diorg buat sesuatu kat kereta saya dan diorg kena spray balik satu kereta dan cat yg digunakan x berkualiti. Apa tindakan yg blh saya ambil?

Kes 2:
Masa saya daftar anak saya ke nursery, tuan punya nursery ni dah quote price kat saya. Saya setuju dgn price yg dia bg sbb dia kata special price an sama2 dah setuju. Tak sampai 3 bulan tiba2 dia naikkan harga 2 X GANDA dgn alasan nak tambah staf (sedangkan mula2 dulu dia kata staff mencukupi) dan harga minyak dan brg2 naik. Masalahnya saya dah byr semua yuran (Pendaftaran) dan deposit. Saya bercadang nak tukar nursery tp dia nak pulangkan duti yg sepatutnya dipulangkan

1. Tentang Insurans saya tidak pasti, awak kena rujuk dengan Biro Perantaraan Insurans.. Tetapi, jika awak masih tidak berpuas hati dengan kerja-kerja yang dilakukan, awak boleh buat aduan di KPDNHEP berhampiran atau melalui

2. Awak ada tandatangan takk apa-apa perjanjian waktu mula-mula dulu? Awak berhak minta kembali duit awak tu, jika dia tak nak kasi, gertak sikit yang awak akan bawak perkara ni ke Tribunal dan awak akan caj semua kos yang awak dah keluarkan contohnya kos minyak dsb..

Jika ada apa-apa, just find me at my homepage ok

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m_bernardine This user has been deleted
Post time 27-11-2005 01:25 AM | Show all posts

Kes No. 4

I am writing with reference to Case No. 4 whereby a lady bought some items from Syarikat Easy.  Unfortunately, despite all warnings and alerts given out by the government and cheated consumers, nowadays, these "cheating companies" are getting more and more professional.  They are able to come up with the latest marketing gimmick to convince the innocent consumers.

I am speaking through experience and I never guessed in the world that I would be one of the victims, having warned myself so many times.  And I was indeed the silly one.  This company is trading under the trademark of ZUNISHU and they also have other products and one of their product is called Diverse.  So, to all people out there, be careful.  They are now trading under the names of TOP-ED MARKETING SDN BHD, TECHLIGENT SDN BHD, HOME SONIC and 3 more other companies. Why do they need to use so many/difference company names?  To avoid detection?  Many people have been cheated and please read the scams from the following websites:

They are similar to WIJAYA and Kawamichi which I read on the websites.  I was misled to believe that their products are compatible to OGAWA and that they were made/imported from Japan.  Who wouldn't be misled especially with the "japanese" name?  They really give bad names to direct-selling companies as well as put othe genuine salesgirl out of job.  What gives them the right to cheat others of their hardearned money?

I gave them an opportunity by calling them to say I am rejecting their goods and I am entitled to my Consumers' Rights.  However, they took me lightly.  I am going to the Ministry of Domestic Trade & Consumer on Monday and I am also going to post my complaints on any available websites, as well as to Consumers' Association of Penang.  Everybody should be warned.

You people out there.... you can put them out of business. Just be wise and never believe all that you hear. I learnt my experience through the hard and unpleasant way. What did I do to deserve this?!  I only sympathised with an innocent looking fresh school leaver, who pleaded me to open the coupon in order to gain some points for her living.  End up, who suffered the most?  ME!!!!!!

There are proper ways of conducting business. Business & professional ethics should be observed at all times but definitely not this way.  The Directors of ZUNISHU drives MERCEDES CLK!!!! All 3 of them!!!! How?  You can guess the answer.


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m_bernardine This user has been deleted
Post time 9-12-2005 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Sadly, I was one of the victim of Zunishu products and it all happened at Carrefour, Prai. Any Hollywood and Bollywood film directors would have given grammy awards to the salesman & salesgirl.  Their acting were superb and could put any veterans to shame.  All they do is ask you to open a voucher and if you are "unlucky", you will only obtain a THANK YOU note inside (however, I really wonder if there had been any "unlucky" cnsumers at all!).  I opened my voucher and I was told that I purportedly have won some of the top prizes which includes a V6, Jaguh motorcycles, ZUNISHU massage chair and a Plasma TV.  The salesgirl got so excited until she was so tongue twisted, appeared hysterical and starting to sob too!  Superb acting for unfortunately, being a very wise and well-read consumer, I was also conned by her acting!  It appeared that I have qualified for the final draw but in order to join the bandwagon, I have to purchase 3 items from them:  water filter system, vegetable steriliser and a water-system vacuum cleaner.  I was asked to follow them to their sales office behind Pacific Hypermarket in Prai, which i did.

To make a long story short, I fell for their trap.  I thought that I had a good buy as when I was at their office, comparisons were made between ZUNISHU & OGAWA products and since ZUNISHU was doing a promotional offer of 50% discount off their original price (strange though, because at their office, the sales manager could not even produce their catalogues and pricing, etc), I thought that I have landed with a much more value buy, as compared to OGAWA products.  After all was over, I went home and surfed the net, only to be shocked into reality; it was a SCAM!

I immediately called them the next day but they took me lightly (something which I have expected).  Next, I filed for a claim at the Tribunal. It was a lucky thing that I did not use their products at all.  The next day after receipt of my Borang 1 from Tribunal Penang Head Office, ZUNISHU finally called me.  They not only tried to convince me but indirectly challenged me further by using some arm-twisting methods.  I refused to budge nor negotiate and accepted their challenges.  After some haggling etc, they finally agreed and I have received my full refund of RM3,688!  If I had used the items, then, it would have been a different story, whereby I may only be entitled to 50% claim or so.

I filed a complaint based on the following facts:
1) I was misled to believe that their items were Japan made (for they made comparisons with OGAWA etc);
2) For products which are 100% locally made, they are over-priced! For example, their water-system vacuum cleaner was valued at about $2,200 whereas OGAWA was only $1,899!;
3) No catalogues nor brochures showing their selling price(s) were shown or given to us; and
4) They do not have the vegetable steriliser in hand and instead, replaced with a foot massager and I was not informed of this in advance, until full payment has been made!  Therefore, I was again taken for a ride.

Any items purchased, under the Consumer's Rights Act, 1999, as long as a consumer is not satisfied with the purchase, products can be returned within a reasonably time or not exceeding 3 years.

I would like to add a word of caution to the public; do not believe all that you hear.   Sadly, it is not right to make judgment and sweeping statements but after the Zunishu incident, I really can't be blamed; I will no longer pity or sympathise with any door-to-door salesgirl. All I only did was to sympathise with a sweaty school-looking girl who appeared to be thriving to earn a decent living, and who pleaded me to open the voucher, just to entitle her to a few extra points, to add to her salary. End up, I was the pitiful one; however, this 'sorrow' was gone when I received the full refund of $3688 from Zunishu, which gave me the last laugh!

But then again, this will serve as a life-time warning to me. A very expensive lesson indeed; although I have recovered my money.

For more news/info, please visit:

But most of all, my greatest appreciation and thanks goes to Kuppit for this useful website and its information on the roles of The Tribunal.

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Post time 16-12-2005 10:27 AM | Show all posts
kuppit or anyone

what is the real application of consumer protection act?
ada satu clause says it applies to healthcare services or healthcare facilities. i nak tanya, is it only confined to services? macamana dengan healthcare products??

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Post time 16-12-2005 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lil_pony at 16-12-2005 10:27 AM
kuppit or anyone

what is the real application of consumer protection act?
ada satu clause says it applies to healthcare services or healthcare facilities. i nak tanya, is it only confined to se ...

correction.. clause yg i mentioned tu actually, NOT apply to healthcare services n facilities. so the question is whether healthcare products termasuk sekali?? meaning.. they're not fall under CPA jugak?

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m_bernardine This user has been deleted
Post time 26-12-2005 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lil_pony at 16-12-2005 10:49 AM

correction.. clause yg i mentioned tu actually, NOT apply to healthcare services n facilities. so the question is whether healthcare products termasuk sekali?? meaning.. they're n ...

Dear Lil_pony
If i interpret correctly, yes, healthcare products fall under the category of Consumer's Rights.  Rightfully, we can only claim on products but it is quite impossible to claim on healthcare services & facilities, for the level of services & facilities are difficult to measure and very subjective.  What could be regarded as good service from one client, could be termed as poor/average service by others....

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m_bernardine This user has been deleted
Post time 28-12-2005 11:02 PM | Show all posts

"Scratch & Lose"

Recently there has been lots of news on the "Scratch & Lose" schemes or marketing gimmicks.  Most people fall for the trap and some are too embarrassed to talk about it.  There are a few blogdrive about such scams and a recent check with the law actually shows that in US & UK, there is a legal channel whereby all those innocent consumers or victims who have been cheated, unite and all of them or selected representative will attend court in a group effort, to put the conmen out of action.  Little is known or has been heard about such legal channel due to our ignorance.

I always read of many people who have been cheated, asking for actions to put these conmen out of business. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS.  Those who are really interested in fighting for justice,  instilling professional business ethics in businessmen/companies as well as saving our next generation from becoming future conmen (as these conmen companies are recruiting young & fresh bloods), can reach me at [email protected]

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