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Cytokine storm dan covid 19 - apabila sel imun gagal berkomunikasi
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Immune cells fail to communicate, cause cytokine storm in Covid patients: Study
Cytokine storm is an overreaction of the immune system and involves overproduction of cytokines. The findings of the team were published in the August 6 edition of The Journal of Immunology, a peer-reviewed journal published by The American Association of Immunologists
Immune cells fail to communicate and often result in a fatal cytokine storm due to a drop in a particular protein level in Covid-19 patients, a team of researchers from India and the US has found. Cytokine storm is an overreaction of the immune system and involves overproduction of cytokines.
“Quorum sensing or communication between bacterial cells is well known. But in our research, we showed that such quorum sensing also takes place between macrophages (white blood cells that eat bacteria and dying cells) and this interaction takes place with the help of a protein called gelsolin,” said Partho Sarothi Ray, who led the team, and is in the US for research work.
The findings of the Ray-led team were published in the August 6 edition of The Journal of Immunology, a peer-reviewed journal published by The American Association of Immunologists.
“While putting up the body’s first line of defence, the macrophage cells ‘talk’ to each other to assess their own potential and keep on releasing cytokine. But in a Covid-19 patient’s body, the communication between macrophages fails because there is a drop in the protein gelsolin. As the macrophages can’t communicate, they keep on releasing cytokine which ultimately results in the cytokine storm,” said Ray.
Ray said their research also shows that the fall in gelsolin is triggered because of an enhancement of miR-21 RNA. “Clinical trials have already started even before the research was published,” he said. He added the research was carried out on macrophage cells of rats.
Ray’s team of researchers included Reshma Kumari Sharma, Binita Goswami, Sukhen Das Mandal and Abhishek Guha (IISER), and Belinda Willard (Cleveland Clinic).
Experts have called the findings of Ray and his team landmark and said they can be applied for treating not just Covid-19 but particularly inflammatory diseases.
“This research has got some implications in the wide array of other diseases besides Covid-19. The outcome may be exploited in several inflammatory diseases viz auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and inflammatory bowel syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, gout, and infectious diseases such as influenza, dengue etc. Potential therapeutic applications are expected from this basic immunobiology research that made the work interesting,” said SN Joardar, professor, veterinary microbiology at West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences.
“This research paper shows that if there is a fall in gelsolin level, the cytokine storm erupts and that if gelsolin can be supplied to the patient, the cytokine storm may be stopped. But like gelsolin, there are several other compounds which macrophage cells need to communicate among themselves. In the past, research has been done on some other compounds by other scientists who used rat cells. Human trial is yet to be done,” said Pratip Kundu, former head of the School of Tropical Medicine in Kolkata.
saja share , bacalah klo rajin hehe. |
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Canadian study identifies protein in blood that may be causing COVID-19 deaths
EDMONTON (CityNews) ─ Researchers at the University of Alberta may have found a new piece of the puzzle to fully understand COVID-19 — how a protein may be deregulating the immune system and leading to serious long-term conditions or death.
The new study shows COVID-19 patients have high levels of a protein called galectin-9 in their blood plasma. Researchers have also found a link between those elevated levels of galectin-9 and the occurrence of “cytokine storms” within the patient’s body.
A cytokine storm is when cytokine is produced very quickly and released in large quantity, which causes severe inflammation, damages organs and tissue and can lead to death.
When produced at normal levels, cytokine is a protein released by cells that can fight certain infections. The cytokine storm is like an overactive immune system.
If patients survive the storm, the deregulated immune system can lead to what is commonly known as long COVID or post-COVID syndrome.
Led by Dr. Shokrollah Elahi at the U of A — who previously worked with HIV, AIDS and cancer patients — the research team analyzed the blood plasma of 120 patients who had COVID-19. They found the levels of galectin-9 were much higher than patients with HIV or cancer.
If the team’s suppositions are correct — that COVID-19 patients can be identified by analyzing a sample of their blood — it would introduce a new form of COVID testing. It could also allow healthcare professionals to identify the extent of a COVID-19 infection based on the level of galectin-9 in a patient’s blood plasma.
Dr. Elahi says the next step in the research would be to develop treatments to block the protein.
“We are now looking at expanding our study to a larger cohort of patients, and then working on a proof of concept in animal models,” Elahi said in a release. “What is killing COVID patients is not the virus; it’s the cytokine storm. Therefore, if we can reduce the cytokine storm damage by inhibiting galectin-9, then we can reduce complications, reduce hospitalizations and prevent mortality.”
Gelombang ketiga penularan COVID-19 dikesan lebih banyak menjangkiti golongan muda berusia lingkungan 20 hingga 40 tahun, kata Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba.
Virus mula serang golongan muda , tidak seperti tahun lepas , hanya golongan tua dan sakit lebih terkesan
"This year's virus is not last year's virus," said Dr. Catherine O'Neal, an infectious disease specialist at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
"It's attacking our 40-year-olds. It's attacking our parents and young grandparents. And it's getting our kids."
By mid-July, O'Neal's Covid-19 unit now has more patients in their 20s who were previously healthy, she said.
In Missouri, "people in their late teens and even early 20s are being hospitalized and needing the use of ventilators," said Katie Towns, acting director of Springfield-Greene County Health Department.
Golongan muda jd mangsa akibat tindak balas immune mereka yg kuat.
Young adults can be victims of their strong immune systems. Doctors have noticed some young, previously healthy patients suffer from Covid-19 cytokine storms. That's basically when someone's immune system overreacts -- potentially causing severe inflammation or other serious symptoms.
"We've certainly seen people come into our hospital, very young people (in their early 20s) ... need to be put on ECMO, which is basically a heart-lung machine, for days or even weeks because they come in with cardiomyopathy, which is a response to a cytokine storm," Reiner said.
So, what is a cytokine storm?
A Normal Immune Response
When a person is infected with the flu virus their immune system swings into action, using a host of different cells to attack the invader. A type of white blood cell called a macrophage recognizes foreign material like viruses and attempts to swallow them up. Other white cells have even more specialized jobs. For example, B-cells make protein antibodies that attach to the virus, effectively labeling it as dangerous so other cells, like T-cells, can recognize and destroy it.
The Role of Cytokines
To coordinate their attack on an infection, the cells involved in the body’s immune response need to communicate with each other. They do this by releasing a set of proteins that serve as chemical messengers. These proteins, called cytokines, tell immune cells what to do and also tell the body to produce more of them to help deliver a knockout blow to the infection.
Cytokines are an integral part of the body’s immune response, but they are also involved in producing many of the familiar, and less welcome, symptoms of infection. Blame cytokines for triggering things like the fever, inflammation, runny nose and aches often associated with a case of the flu. While these side-effects can be unpleasant, an effective multipronged attack depends on the organizing power of cytokines.
Too Much of a Good Thing
But in severe cases of the flu, cytokine production can grow out of control. Immune cells release cytokines that tell the body to produce more immune cells, and in turn these new cells release even more pro-inflammatory cytokines. A subset of cytokines, known as chemokines, are critical in the recruitment of cells to sites of inflammation – and help to fight pathogens – but this process can have a detrimental overall effect. The positive feedback loop of cytokine creation can lead to a “cytokine storm,” a situation in which excessive cytokine production causes an immune response that can damage organs, especially the lungs and kidneys, and even lead to death.
“Cytokine storms get a lot of attention because they are so dramatic,” says Martin. “Their potential to do serious harm is very real, especially in a younger population with robust immunity.”
While cytokine storms can result from several different types of infections and autoimmune conditions, research indicates they often result from exposure to certain strains of influenza. Scientists now believe that cytokine storms caused many of the deaths associated with the “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918-1920 and the more recent outbreaks of bird flu and swine flu.
Thank you TT very interesting read. Harap2 study ni dapat cari memberi jawapan kepada kepada covid ni serta membantu kurangkan kematian dan icu cases. |
“What is killing COVID patients is not the virus; it’s the cytokine storm.
old news 2020... tapi 90% sangka dibunuh virus hisap rokok... tar menghalang kubik melekat.. 
AbukRokok replied at 14-8-2021 09:10 AM
“What is killing COVID patients is not the virus; it’s the cytokine storm.
old ne ...
Mungkin bro kena mintak ngk % dari kkm...kot nicotine tar n mak neneknya menghalang atau terus lekatkan kubid ke peparu... |
borrow replied at 14-8-2021 08:36 AM
So, what is a cytokine storm?
A Normal Immune Response
When a person is infected with the flu viru ...
I ada hyperthyroidism so doc mmg ingatkan jangan sampai ke thyroid storm yang mana organ2 akan diserang oleh hormon thyroids? So mcm boleh faham lah kut bila baca artkel ni.. terimakasih daun keladi suaplah kami lagi... muahhhh.. |
Tahun lepas pun ada studies from USA yg treat patient dengan protein gelsolin. . Memang dapat kurangkan damage pada lung cells |
Tapi kan...kenapa Cytokine ni x bagi effect kat pesakit HIV/AIDS? Betul ka soalan aku ni...anyone boleh explain? |
AbukRokok replied at 14-8-2021 09:10 AM
“What is killing COVID patients is not the virus; it’s the cytokine storm.
old ne ...
Selamat cobid mati lungs cancer heart attack stroke pulak. |
Akhirnya manusia akan memenangi perang melawan covid.... tetapi sebelum berjaya hasilkan trick atau ubat melawan covid pastikan tak kena... kalau kena dan kena cytokine storm samada mati atau akan dapat long covid |
research ni bagi jawapan kenapa... harap2 betul lah.
hebat researcher ni harap mereka jadikan ini sebagai duit lubuk duit dan jual dengan harga mahal, biar kaya raya.. 
Orang muda pun dah ada reaksi yang kuat kepada covid... hebat covid dah berjaya mengatasi kekebalan golongan manusia muda
It is said melatonin can reduce and help from cytokines storm.. maybe we can add it to our vitamin or supplement list as daily intake? .. kt malaysia ade tak melatonin as supplement? |
7doors replied at 14-8-2021 09:45 AM
Tapi kan...kenapa Cytokine ni x bagi effect kat pesakit HIV/AIDS? Betul ka soalan aku ni...anyone b ...
Sbb nye HIV virus tu attack T-helper cells(askar2 utama bdn ni.... leukocytes ada byk pegawai askar die)....byk cytokines pun tp kalau askar dah malfunction x jd jugak |
Dadooooo replied at 14-8-2021 10:22 AM
It is said melatonin can reduce and help from cytokines storm.. maybe we can add it to our vitamin o ...
Ada jual.
Tapi masalah lain pula kalau terlebih:
While short-term use of melatonin in adults is generally considered safe, taking too much can lead to bad dreams and grogginess the next day, notes Breus. It can also make some drugs less effective, including high blood pressure medications and, potentially, birth control pills.
Sumber: WebMD |
Just nak bg peringatan je ...... natural2 remedy mcm cengkih semua tu boleh naikkan cytokines dlm bdn jugak....jd pada waktu & saat yg x sesuai boleh membawa kpd cytokine storm jugak .... sesungguhnye Hanya Dia dpt memberikan kebaikan & kemudharatan |
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