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Post time 14-4-2004 01:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
The Prophet's(P) Marriages In Perspective

To put all of this in perspective - hopefully without undue apologetics - the first thing that one

should be aware of is that 'Aishah was the third wife of the Prophet(P), not the first. Prior to this,

the Prophet's(P) first and only wife for twenty-four years was Khadijah bint al-Khuwaylid, who

was about nineteen years older than him. He married Khadijah when she was forty and he was

twenty-one - which might be called the years of a male's "sexual prime" - and stayed married

only to her until her death. Just after Khadijah's death, when he was round forty-six years old,

the Prophet(P) married his second wife Sawdah bint Zam'ah. It was after this second marriage

that the Prophet(P) became betrothed to 'Aishah, may God be pleased with her. She was the

daughter of Abu Bakr, one of the Prophet's closest friends and devoted followers. Abu Bakr,

may God be pleased with him, was one of the earliest converts to Islam and hoped to solidify

the deep love that existed between himself and the Prophet(P) by uniting their families in

marriage. The betrothal of Abu Bakr's daughter 'Aishah to Muhammad(P), took place in the

eleventh year of Muhammad's(P) Prophethood, which was about a year after he had married

Sawdah bint Zam'ah and before he made his hijra (migration) to al-Madinah (Yathrib). As

mentioned above, the marriage with 'Aishah bint Abu Bakr was consummated in Shawwal,

which came seven months after the Prophet's hijra from Makkah to al-Medinah. At the time of

his marriage to 'Aishah, the Prophet(P) was over fifty years old.

It should be noted about the Prophet's(P) marriage to 'Aishah was an exceedingly happy one for

both parties, as the hadeeth literature attests. 'Aishah, may God be please with her, was his

favourite wife and the only virgin that he ever married. After emigrating to al-Medinah,

Muhammad(P) married numerous other wives, eventually totalling fifteen in his lifetime. Even

though we do not have time to go into the details of each one of them here, each of these

marriages was done either for political reasons, to strengthen the ties of kinship or to help a

woman in need. Quite a few of the wives were widows, older women or had been abandoned

thus were in need of a home. Additionally, it should be mentioned that the same collection of

Muslim hadeeth literature that tells us that 'Aishah was only nine years old at the time of the

marriage tells us that the marriage was Divinely ordained:

Narrated 'Aishah, may God be pleased with her: The

Messenger of God(P) said (to me): "You have been shown to

me twice in (my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a

silken cloth and said to me, 'This is your wife.' I

uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to myself,

'If this dream is from God, He will cause it to come

true.'" (Saheeh al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15)

Thus like everything that the Prophet(P) did, there was wisdom behind it and lessons to be

learned from it. The wisdom behind such incidents provides us guidance on the basis of human

morality, exposes the double standards of misguided hypocrites from other religions that

criticize Islam and much more. But more on that subject below. . .

[ Last edited by  dutchy at 16-4-2009 11:16 ]

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2004 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Criticism Addressed & Entertained

Myself and many other Muslims should no longer be surprised by the double standard that

Christians display when they criticize the conduct of Prophet Muhammad(P) , since we've heard

it for so long. To have an atheist, agnostic - or anyone else who does not believe in a Divinely

revealed basis for morality - criticize something that is "politically incorrect" by today's moral

standards comes as no surprise. Such people will always find something to criticize, since they

simply have a bone to pick with "religion" in general. All of this "absolute morality" talk gets

in the way of them having a good time, so they want to mock it, discredit it and do away with

it. The criticism of Christians, however, is another matter. While it is true that Christians speak

out against the "moral relativity" which is spreading amongst the increasingly secular society

today, they too are unconscious victims of it. The values of most Christians today come from

the humanist values of Western Europe (or, at a minimum, are heavily influenced by them).

Their values do not come straight out of the Bible - in theory or in practice - regardless of what

they may claim. That Christians today try to take credit for the so-called "Freedom", "Human

Rights", "Democracy" and "Women's Rights" in Europe and America is nothing short of a joke.

It may impress uneducated people in so-called Third World countries, but anyone who has

studied history knows that these things came about in spite of the Church, not because of it. The

way in which many Christians uncritically mix non-Christian values with (allegedly) Biblical

values has always fascinated me. One interesting example of this is how nationalism and

patriotism are supported amongst the majority of Evangelical Protestant (and even other)

Christians in the United States. In America, good Christians are flag wavers. Few, if any, of

these fiercely patriotic minds ever seem to realize that narrow-minded patriotism is both selfish

and non-universal at its core. That patriotism and Christianity go hand-in-hand in the minds of

many people is just an example of how we can be blindly sucked into "moral relativism"

without even realizing it.

According to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, right and wrong are ordained by Almighty God.

As such, morality does not change over time based on our whims, desires or cultural

sensitivities. In cultures where there is no Divinely revealed ruling on an issue, what is right

and what is wrong is determined by cultural norms. In such cases, a person would only be

considered "immoral" if they violated the accepted norms of their society. As we will

demonstrate, the Prophet Muhammad's(P) marriage to 'Aishah, viewed both in the light of

Absolute Morality and the cultural norms of his time, was not an immoral act, but was an act

containing valuable lessons for generations to come. Additionally, this marriage followed the

norms for all Semitic peoples, including those of Biblical times. Based on this, and other

information that we will provide below, it is grossly hypocritical for Christians to criticise the

Prophet's(P) marriage to 'Aishah at such a young age. In case Christian readers are under the

false impression that their values today are timeless and somehow reflect those of Biblical

times, please consider the following points which are directly related to the question of at what

age a person is properly ready to be married:

Keeping in mind the ideas of "political correctness" and "absolute morality", in

Biblical times the age at which a girl could marry was puberty. However, during the

Middle Ages it was usually twelve years old. Now in most "Christian" countries it is

between fourteen and sixteen years old. I live in country where some states allow

partners of the same sex to legally marry, but consider an eighteen year old boy who

sleeps with a sixteen year old girl is "statutory rapist". So even though Christians

might disagree with much of what is becoming all too prevalent in Western society

today - whether it be drug abuse, gay marriages or abortion - they too have been

swallowed up (possibly unknowingly) by the ugly monster of "moral relativism"

Certainly, they might be giving in less quickly than people who have no Divine basis

for their morality, but they're giving in nonetheless.

Historically, the age at which a girl was considered ready to be married has been

puberty. This was the case in Biblical times, as we will discuss below, and is still

used to determine the age of marriage in what the culturally arrogant West calls

"primitive societies" throughout the world. As the ahadith about 'Aishah's age show,

her betrothal took place at least three years before the consummation of the marriage.

The reason for this was that they were waiting for her to come of age (i.e. to have her

first menstrual period). Puberty is a biological sign shows that a women is capable

of bearing children. Can anyone logically deny this? Part of the wisdom behind the

Prophet's Muhammad's marriage to 'Aishah just after she reached puberty is to firmly

establish this as a point of Islamic Law, even though it was already cultural norm in

all Semitic societies (including the one Jesus(P) grew up in). The large majority of

Islamic jurists say that the earliest time a marriage can be consummated is on the

onset sexual maturity (bulugh), meaning puberty. Since this was the norm of all

Semitic cultures and it still is the norm of many cultures today: it is certainly not

something that Islam invented. However, widespread opposition to such a Divinely

revealed and accepted historical norm is certainly something that is relatively new.

The criticism of Muhammad's marriage to 'Aishah is something relatively new in that

it grew up out of the values of "Post Enlightenment" Europe. This was a Europe that

had abandoned (or at least modified) its religious morality for a new set of humanist

values where people used their own opinions to determine what was right and

wrong. It is interesting to note that Christians from a very early time criticized (again

hypocritically) the Prophet's(P) practice of polygamy, but not the marriage to 'Aishah.

Certainly, those from a Middle Eastern Semitic background would not have found

anything to criticize, since nothing abnormal or immoral took place. It is "modern"

Westernized Christians who began to criticize Muhammad on this point, not earlier

pre-Enlightenment ones.

It is upon reaching the age of puberty that a person, man or woman, becomes legally

responsible under Islamic Law. At this point, they are allowed to make their own

decisions and are held accountable for their actions. It should also be mentioned that

in Islam, it is unlawful to force someone to marry someone that they do not want to

marry. The evidence shows that 'Aishah's marriage to the Prophet Muhammad(P) was

one which both parties and their families agreed upon. Based on the culture at that

time, no one saw anything wrong with it. On the contrary, they were all happy about


None of the Muslim sources report that anyone from the society at that time criticized

this marriage due to 'Aishah's young age. On the contrary, the marriage of 'Aishah to

the Prophet(P) was encouraged by 'Aishah's father, Abu Bakr, and was welcomed by

the community at large. It is reported that women who wanted to help the Prophet(P),

such as Khawlah bint al-Hakeem, encouraged him to marry the young 'Aishah. Due

to the Semitic culture in which they lived, they certainly saw nothing wrong with such

a marriage.

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Post time 14-4-2004 02:48 PM | Show all posts
OK, lets put it in perspective.

Mo's first wife was a Catholic. Mo married her for her money and they had a Christian marriage. This explains why he never took a second wife until after she died. After Khatijah died, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx he began taking multiple wives plus many more xxxxxxx.

As for Mo's xxxxxxxxxx marriage with Aisha. There was absolutely no necessity for Abu Bakar to seal a relationship with Mo by marrying Aisha to him. Abu Bakar was already second in line for Mo's throne and was willing to die for Mo. But if indeed yu insist it was a political marriage then poor Aisha was sacrificed for political purposes.

Now,if yu have read the hadiths, yu would have realised that Abu Bakar first questioned Mo when he asked for Aisha's hand in marriage. Of course he was overuled by Mo cos Mo claimed that it was a divine decision. So far from being unopposed or questioned, Abu Bakar was clearly coerced into marrying Aisha to Mo.

We also read from the hadiths that Aisha was not psychologically nor emotionally prepared for the marriage and also had no idea what was happening at that time. She was still playing with toys just moments before Mo had sex with her for the first time. Imagine how much pain and stress it would have been for a nine year old to be raped by an old maniac.  

In perspective, Aisha was married to Mo for political purposes and made a xxxxxxxxx victim because of that. The end result for Aisha was that she became barren and developed sever psychological problems; she was extermely jealous due to Stockholm syndrome and even colluded with other women to deceive Mo.

After Mo died, Aisha became a ring leader in starting the first Muslims civil war which resulted in thousands of Muslims dead. Poor Aisha, she was widowed at 18 and was put under house arrest until she died. She was not allowed to marry again because Mo specifically passed laws to disallow any of his wives to remarry even though he himself married the widows of other dead Muslims.


Forum Rules!
NO.6:  Posts containing defamation of, or insults to religious figures, holy books, beliefs and practices of any religion will not be tolerated.

[ Last edited by DARSITA on 12-7-2004 at 07:17 AM ]

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Post time 15-4-2004 04:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-4-14 02:48 PM:
Mo's first wife was a Catholic. Mo married her for her money and they had a Christian marriage. This explains why he never took a second wife until after  ...

Now that doesn't seem to be right. Where did you get the info that Khatijah was a Catholic?

Her cousin, Waraqa, he was a monk, very likely a Catholic monk... right?
There are some info that Waraqa translates Christian scriptures... right?

But Khatijah... i am not sure about her... never come across articles that says she was a Catholic.

But I know articles that says Muhammad lived in a Pagan family, his uncles Abu Lahab and Abu Talib were devoted pagans... who did they worship? was it Baal? ... or Siva ? ;)

Anyway even if Khatijah was a Catholic, Muhammad family was pagan. The one looking after Muhammad was Abu Talib and he was a pagan, so most likely the marriage had to follow the custom of the bridegroom side... pagan custom.



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Post time 15-4-2004 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Mo was married into Khatijah's family, thats why he had to marry on her terms, ie no polygamy under Christianity.
Waraqa was a monk with corrupted teachings of Jesus, that explains why  Mo was influenced by Christianity and adopted some Christian stories into his own religion.

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Post time 15-4-2004 02:43 PM | Show all posts


corrupted teaching of jesus???..i think yang corrupt adalah ajaran kristian yang ada sekarang ni.....

Nabi Muhammad bukan buat agama baru dan tidak meniru mana2 agama...islam adalah agama yang wujud sejak manusia mula wujud...sejak zaman Nabi Adam lagi...cuma nama sahaja berubah mengikut bahasa kaum tersebut....konsepnya tetap sama...menyembah tuhan yang satu....tuhan yang tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan.....dan mempercayai Nabi2 dan Rasul2 yang di utus oleh-Nya...

khatijah, isteri Nabi Muhammad yang pertama bukan catholic......dia pengikut ajaran Nabi Ibrahim......begitu juga dengan datuk dan ibu bapa Nabi  Muhammad...


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Post time 15-4-2004 02:46 PM | Show all posts
bla bla bla.................. can't yu write england my fren? Why yu learn england in school for?

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Post time 15-4-2004 03:01 PM | Show all posts
my perspective on Mohamed's marriages is great. Its all based on info taken from the hadiths, not speculation like aminah girl.

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Post time 16-4-2004 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-4-15 02:46 PM:
bla bla bla.................. can't yu write england my fren? Why yu learn england in school for?

England :stp:


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Post time 16-4-2004 02:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-4-15 08:49 AM:
Mo was married into Khatijah's family, thats why he had to marry on her terms, ie no polygamy under Christianity.
Waraqa was a monk with corrupted teachings of Jesus, that explains why  Mo was influenced by Christianity and adopted some Christian stories into his own religion.

So, we know for sure that Waraqa was a major influence in Islam...

But still... Where did you get the information that Khatijah was a Catholic?

Was that an assumption that Kahtijah was a Catholic?... just because Muhammad stayed married to Khatijah "till dead do us depart" .

There are other possibilities you know... to why Muhammad stayed married to Khatijah till her dead.

One that comes to mind is QUEEN CONTROL.
We all know that the bare truth that brought the marriage between Muhammad and khatijah was not love but lust... Khatijah's lust for the young stud, who was abt 15year younger that the rich but widowed aging BossLady. She had the money from successful business(trading). She employed Muhammad. Muhammad was working for her... her servant. She proposed the marriage. Its not so hard to imagine that Muhammad was her GameBoy.



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Post time 17-4-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
lets c ur quality response to this thread.  me take only 2nd n 3rd para at this point o time  ;)

Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-4-14 02:48 PM:
OK, lets put it in perspective.

Mo's first wife was a Catholic. Mo married her for her money and they had a Christian marriage. This explains why he never took a second wife until after she died. After Khatijah died, all hell broke lose on Mo's sexuality and he began taking multiple wives plus
many more sex slaves.

wheres the HARDproof that prophet muhammad has taken many more sex slaves? no HARDproofs means ure a liar right?  not only a liar but cursin, vulgar, spammin, hecklin, no substance MODERTOR.  right?

n ur lyin, cursin, vulgar, spammin, hecklin, no subtance MODERATORship is a ticket for SONNY to say
jesus son of 3 headed trinity God is impotent in curbin rabbis n trinity bishops indulgence towards 3 years old babies n 7 years old girls.  right?

As for
Mo's paedophilic marriage with Aisha.
There was absolutely no necessity for Abu Bakar to seal a relationship with Mo by marrying Aisha to him. Abu Bakar was already second in line for Mo's throne and was willing to die for Mo. But if indeed yu insist it was a political marriage then poor Aisha was sacrificed for political purposes.

wheres the HARDproof that prophet muhammad has pedophill marriage with aisyah? no HARDproofs means ure a liar right?  not only a liar but cursin, vulgar, spammin, hecklin, no substance MODERTOR.  right?

n ur lyin, cursin, vulgar, spammin, hecklin, no subtance MODERATORship is a ticket for SONNY to say
jesus son of 3 headed trinity God is impotent in curbin rabbis n trinity bishops indulgence towards 3 years old babies n 7 years old girls.  right?  


Now,if yu have read the hadiths, yu would have realised that Abu Bakar first questioned Mo when he asked for Aisha's hand in marriage. Of course he was overuled by Mo cos Mo claimed that it was a divine decision. So far from being unopposed or questioned, Abu Bakar was clearly coerced into marrying Aisha to Mo.

We also read from the hadiths that Aisha was not psychologically nor emotionally prepared for the marriage and also had no idea what was happening at that time. She was still playing with toys just moments before Mo had sex with her for the first time. Imagine how much pain and stress it would have been for a nine year old to be raped by an old maniac.  

In perspective, Aisha was married to Mo for political purposes and made a paedophile victim because of that. The end result for Aisha was that she became barren and developed sever psychological problems; she was extermely jealous due to Stockholm syndrome and even colluded with other women to deceive Mo.

After Mo died, Aisha became a ring leader in starting the first Muslims civil war which resulted in thousands of Muslims dead. Poor Aisha, she was widowed at 18 and was put under house arrest until she died. She was not allowed to marry again because Mo specifically passed laws to disallow any of his wives to remarry even though he himself married the widows of other dead Muslims.


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 17-4-2004 at 11:48 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2004 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Thanks bro Sonny...

Lets analyse:

The Prophet married Aisha for the benefit of Islam

The Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:

1. To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).
2. To educate and train Aisha so she may serve the purposes of Islam.
3. To teach her to utilize her capabilities for the sake of Islam. (She has

Her Marriage with the prophet was a Wahi (Divine Revelation). She, herself relates from the Prophet, 慔e said, "I saw you in dreams three times. The angel brought you to me and you were clad in white silk. He (the angel) said that it was your consort and he (angel) showed me by opening your face. You are just like that

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Post time 17-4-2004 04:52 PM | Show all posts

Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 01:26 PM:
Thanks bro Sonny...

Thankin' him for cursin' your Nabi Isa...

Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 01:26 PM:
Lets analyse:

The Prophet married Aisha for the benefit of Islam

The Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:

1. To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).
2. To educate and train Aisha so she may serve the purposes of Islam.
3. To teach her to utilize her capabilities for the sake of Islam.

Thats a common fallacy amoung muslimslah... you ppl read hadiths right?

Abu Bakar already was like a brother to Muhammad. At least that what Abu Bakar thought, thats why at first, he REFUSED Muhammad's proposal to marry Aisha. You see, Muhammad was like a uncle to Aisha.

check this hadiths sahih... The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry." ref... Bukhari 7.062.18
Power of persuasion here...

But if Abu Bakar and Muhammad was already close friend... like brothers. why would he want to marry the young child... his friend's daughter.

The answer is in his sexual preference... the pedophilia tendency... his lust for young pre-pubercent girls. As shown by the hadiths...

... Allah's Apostle said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?' ref... Sahih Bukhari 7.062.17 :cak:

Muhammad having lustful re-occuring dreams of young Aisha...  Prophet, 慔e said, "I saw you in dreams three times. The angel brought you to me and you were clad in white silk. He (the angel) said that it was your consort and he (angel) showed me by opening your face. You are just like that

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Post time 17-4-2004 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 17-4-2004 04:52 PM:

Thankin' him for cursin' your Nabi Isa...
Thats a common fallacy amoung muslimslah... you ppl read hadiths right?

Abu Bakar already was like a brother t ...

Expected remark from you.

As usual you use Aishah issue to accuse prophet Muhammad as paedhopile...
Prophet Mohammad was not married until he was twenty-five years of age, then he and his wife lived in happiness and fidelity for twenty-four years, until her death when he was fourty-nine. Only between the age of fifty and his death at sixty-two did Prophet Mohammed take other wives,
Means in most of his life he has only ONE Wive!

From other wives, all of them (except Aishah) are above 17 years old, and most of the are WIDOW!

Thats' the facts that never told by anti-Muslim:

1. Most of his life spent by ONE wive
2. All of his wives are above 17 years old (except Aishah)
3. Most of his wives are WIDOW
4. He improve the status all of his wives
5. Aishah is one of the 4 people who recite most of the Hadith Sahih (She has extraoridnary memory)

If we are looking at the statictic it doesn't fit at all into paedophile category... would be paedophile wives mostly WIDOW women and matured?

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Post time 17-4-2004 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
As usual you use Aishah issue to accuse prophet Muhammad as paedhopile...

Accuse? :stp:

Thats no accusation dude. Thats is a facts supported by Sahih Hadiths.
I can see his character clearly b'cos to me he was just an ordinary 7th century Arab dude who become prophet b'cos of his brutality...  but you can't see his weakness b'cos you are forbidden to doubt him. Its your lost.

Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:

Thats' the facts that never told by anti-Muslim:

1. Most of his life spent by ONE wive

Yeah but not all his life.
What does that shows... Muhammad was under-control of Khatijah, while she was alive. Khatijah was a rich lady boss. Muhammad was poor dude who worked for her.

Once Khatijah died, "all hell broke loose".Don't know whether he was waiting for her to kaput or not... but he sure showed his passion for women soon after her dead.

Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
2. All of his wives are above 17 years old (except Aishah)

And thats is Good ? He was above 50 when his sex over-drive kicked in, when most man will be looking forward to having grandchildren... not wifes.
Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
3. Most of his wives are WIDOW

And ignore the fact that those Widow that he married became widows BECAUSE of him.
Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
4. He improve the status all of his wives

Yeap thats right. being the wifes of a dictator is definately better than being a slave.

Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
5. Aishah is one of the 4 people who recite most of the Hadith Sahih (She has extraoridnary memory)

Thats not realy a good thing. If Muhammad was smart he would have gave clear instructions. Intead hear-says. No matter how extra-ordinary you think they are... memory fails. Thats precisely why there is so many contradictions in Hadiths.
Originally posted by kid at 2004-4-17 06:18 PM:
If we are looking at the statictic it doesn't fit at all into paedophile category... would be paedophile wives mostly WIDOW women and matured?


People with pedophilia tendency are not restricted to childrens alone.
Wifes of other people also turns on some people... like it did to Muhammad. remember Zainab...

Man there is no way to defend Muhammad lah. Hadiths are stack-up against himlah. :malu:


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Post time 17-4-2004 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Looks like our muslim frens brought nothing new.
whatever cut and paste points they posted have already been dealt with in my analysis.

Seems that all they have are claims but the hadiths backed up what I said.

BTW, there was nothing brainy about aisha. All she did was to tell stories about her experience, nothing more, yu don't need a genius to tell stories.
What aisha clearly told us was that she had no part in deciding her marriage, had no idea what was happening and messed up her life and ended it under house arrest. Poor aisha.

[ Last edited by Debmey on 17-4-2004 at 09:33 PM ]

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Post time 17-4-2004 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Thats no accusation dude. Thats is a facts supported by Sahih Hadiths.
I can see his character clearly b'cos to me he was just an ordinary 7th century Arab dude who become prophet b'cos of his brutality...  but you can't see his weakness b'cos you are forbidden to doubt him. Its your lost.

I already explain the point and you are forbid yourselves to accept, its your lost.

Yeah but not all his life.
What does that shows... Muhammad was under-control of Khatijah, while she was alive. Khatijah was a rich lady boss. Muhammad was poor dude who worked for her.

Once Khatijah died, "all hell broke loose".Don't know whether he was waiting for her to kaput or not... but he sure showed his passion for women soon after her dead.

Your brain has very sexually imaginative... if prophet has passion for women why he marry WIDOWS instead of VIRGINS? all his wives after Khatijah were WIDOWS except Aishah, prophet marry WIDOWS who have difficulties in their save their children, to raise their status, support them and that's what prophet did, but according to your lust imagination all was sex purpose and I think it fits your brain.

And thats is Good ? He was above 50 when his sex over-drive kicked in, when most man will be looking forward to having grandchildren... not wifes.

When other people thinking how to avoid responsibility in their old age, prophet still helps WIDOWS and support them, raise their status... that the thing you wont be able to think, and to do it is hard... right or not?

And ignore the fact that those Widow that he married became widows BECAUSE of him.

Now you become like Debmey... talking out of facts.
Most of His wives were WIDOWS before he marry them.

Yeap thats right. being the wifes of a dictator is definately better than being a slave.

Your mind is contaminated and too imaginative, when prophet doing the good things, save the WIDOWS you still have imagination to blame him.. expected.

Thats not realy a good thing. If Muhammad was smart he would have gave clear instructions. Intead hear-says. No matter how extra-ordinary you think they are... memory fails. Thats precisely why there is so many contradictions

Instruction, sayings, action all recorded in Haidth... not only sayings.. you dont know that? you said you were former Muslim? surely NO.

FYI.... Hadith is not the basis of Islam, the basis is only Al-Qur'an, we use only trusted Hadith which acceptable in Qur'an ..... but still you can't say that Islam is base on Hadith.... because Haidth is the collection which narrated by many peoples, but Qur'an direct from anti-Muslim always using Hadith.. especially weak and fake Hadith.. then you add your own wild imaginative thinking...

People with pedophilia tendency are not restricted to childrens alone.
Wifes of other people also turns on some people... like it did to Muhammad. remember Zainab...

That's you rwild imaginative thinking.... again using Hadith, dare to use Qur'an?

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Post time 17-4-2004 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Your brain has very sexually imaginative... if prophet has passion for women why he marry WIDOWS instead of VIRGINS? .

If Mo wasn't crazy about women, he would have had only one wife.
Virgins or widows, sex is still sex.

all his wives after Khatijah were WIDOWS except Aishah, prophet marry WIDOWS who have difficulties in their save their children, to raise their status, support them and that's what prophet did, but according to your lust imagination all was sex purpose and I think it fits your brain.

When other people thinking how to avoid responsibility in their old age, prophet still helps WIDOWS and support them, raise their status... that the thing you wont be able to think, and to do it is hard... right or not?

Raise status of women with marriage?Thats the problem with Islam, a woman is nothing w/o her husband.
Contrast that to Christainity where widows were respected and well taken cared of w/o anyone having sex with them as a pre-requisite.

If mo was the head of Khatijah's house, why didn't he take care of widows and raise their pitiful status when Khatijah was still alive?


Yeap thats right. being the wifes of a dictator is definately better than being a slave.

Your mind is contaminated and too imaginative, when prophet doing the good things, save the WIDOWS you still have imagination to blame him.. expected.

So why wasn't Mo's widows allowed to have their status raised after he died? Why wasn't his widows given the same priviledge of being married that he alledgedly accorded to his wives?
Why the double standards? Fishy isn't it? Hahahahahaha..........

  Instruction, sayings, action all recorded in Haidth... not only sayings.. you dont know that? you said you were former Muslim? surely NO.

mo didn't specify the most important before he died, a successor. Thats why Muslims ended up killing each other till today because of it.

FYI.... Hadith is not the basis of Islam, the basis is only Al-Qur'an, we use only trusted Hadith which acceptable in Qur'an ..... but still you can't say that Islam is base on Hadith.... because Haidth is the collection which narrated by many peoples, but Qur'an direct from anti-Muslim always using Hadith.. especially weak and fake Hadith.. then you add your own wild imaginative thinking...

so how is it yu always fail to defend the hadiths?

People with pedophilia tendency are not restricted to childrens alone.
Wifes of other people also turns on some people... like it did to Muhammad. remember Zainab...  

That's you rwild imaginative thinking.... again using Hadith, dare to use Qur'an?

The hadith testified against Mo. Have yu ever read your dusty hadiths lying on the shelf?

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Post time 17-4-2004 10:27 PM | Show all posts
If Mo wasn't crazy about women, he would have had only one wife.
Virgins or widows, sex is still sex.

Only sex is your interest? You dont think about helping women by marriage?

Raise status of women with marriage?Thats the problem with Islam, a woman is nothing w/o her husband.
Contrast that to Christainity where widows were respected and well taken cared of w/o anyone having sex with them as a pre-requisite.

Raise status and helping women is a problem? hmmm
Again sex is your interest, can you think other than sex?
In Islam ... we helping WIDOWS to have a family, children have parents again, support them.

You said Christian respected WIDOWS... and we dont? that funny.

Sorry... but some Christian do not care about sex without marriage.... so instead of helping them, you use them as sex tools... by marriage you have proper relationship.. right or not?

If mo was the head of Khatijah's house, why didn't he take care of widows and raise their pitiful status when Khatijah was still alive?

You think he didn't?

So why wasn't Mo's widows allowed to have their status raised after he died? Why wasn't his widows given the same priviledge of being married that he alledgedly accorded to his wives?
Why the double standards? Fishy isn't it? Hahahahahaha..........

Not allowed by who? Aishah do not married again because of her decision... who prohibit them if they want to marry again?

mo didn't specify the most important before he died, a successor. Thats why Muslims ended up killing each other till today because of it.

Very very very wrong.... we have 4 khalifah after prophet died who bring Islam to the most respected state.. they are chosen by democratic way. I

so how is it yu always fail to defend the hadiths?

Did we? So far I dont see you can prove you wild imaginative hadith... if there is mind to tell me which one?

The hadith testified against Mo. Have yu ever read your dusty hadiths lying on the shelf?

Against what? I dont understand..... you just show me your lust imagination and you are the one who testified against the prophet, not the Hadith.

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Post time 17-4-2004 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Only sex is your interest? You dont think about helping women by marriage?

Sex was Mo's main interest. you don't need to have sex with a woman to help her.

Raise status and helping women is a problem? hmmm

the problem is with Islam. women's status can only be raised by a husband.

Again sex is your interest, can you think other than sex?

Sex was Mo's interest, thats why he had so many wives.

In Islam ... we helping WIDOWS to have a family, children have parents again, support them.

Yu don't need to marry a woman to help her.

You said Christian respected WIDOWS... and we dont? that funny.

Isn't that what yu said? Yu said teh women's status needs to be raised by beuing married.

Sorry... but some Christian do not care about sex without marriage.... so instead of helping them, you use them as sex tools... by marriage you have proper relationship.. right or not?

do don't need to have sex with anyone in order to help them, unlike Mo.

You think he didn't?

You think he did? Didn't yu just said that he helped the widows by marrying them? why was he not helping by marrying them before Khatijha died and then do after she died? Why the sudden change?

  Not allowed by who? Aishah do not married again because of her decision... who prohibit them if they want to marry again?

Mo did. Mo prohibited all his widows from marriage again even after he died.

Very very very wrong.... we have 4 khalifah after prophet died who bring Islam to the most respected state.. they are chosen by democratic way. I

But none of them were appointed by Mo.
In fact, a civil war developed among Muslim after Mo died to snatch his throne. and the 4 caliphs actually disputed with one another for it.
Remember Ali and Hussein?
Sunnis and Shias are still killing each other over it.

Against what? I dont understand..... you just show me your lust imagination and you are the one who testified against the prophet, not the Hadith.

yu have obviously not touched the hadiths. Maybe rtoo dusty aleady.

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