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crop circle (merged: arnabkiut)

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Post time 27-6-2005 01:42 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
apa maksud crop circle nih?

gambar gambar...

[ Last edited by  fleurzsa at 18-4-2006 04:30 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 01:52 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Having first begun to appear in 1975, the crop circles were simple circles formed from mysteriously flattened cereal crops (in most cases the crops themselves remained undamaged and continued to grow, albeit at an angle!). Over the years however, they became more complex - at first two or more circles, then 5 circles in the form of a celtic cross, and even more complicated designs that are now known as "agro-glyphs".

Many explanations have been given for these crop circles ranging from the slightly plausible to the outright ridiculous! Localised tornadoes, wind gusts and plasma vortices may have accounted for some of the simple circles but these explanations do not hold up when some of the extremely complex designs are viewed. Other, supposedly serious, persons & newspapers have put forward the most incredible suggestions including an "army of hedgehogs going round and round" and two old men, Doug & Dave who have supposedly made some 300 circles a year in more than 8 countries since 1975 using a piece of wood and some string!

The above explanations ignore the latest evidence that shows that the crops seem to have been subjected to some sort of microwave radiation that has boiled the water in the plant cells, causing these to expand and sometimes burst at the "growth nodes" causing the plants to bend, thus forming the circle or agro-glyph. Other anomalies found at crop circles are distorted magnetic fields that cause compasses to spin, strange sounds (like numerous crickets screeching) that have been recorded, and sightings of UFOs and strange lights in the area where crop circles are later found.

Use magic Report

Post time 27-6-2005 10:49 AM | Show all posts
crop circle
ada yg kata alien yg wat
sebagai salah satu utk komunikasi
tp ..... rasanyer manusia pun leh buat gak
kat board paranormal rasanyer ada thread pasal crop circle
tp x pasti kalau ada lagi ke idak ......

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 02:26 PM | Show all posts
ade ke?
tapi ada jugak org kata tentera us yang buat guna laser...tapi tak tahulah
tapi kewujudan crop nih memang pelik....n bentuk tu pun nampak tersusun ....

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Post time 27-6-2005 08:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by esciemo at 27-6-2005 02:26 PM:
ade ke?
tapi ada jugak org kata tentera us yang buat guna laser...tapi tak tahulah
tapi kewujudan crop nih memang pelik....n bentuk tu pun nampak tersusun ....

x rasa diorg gune lazer
diorg gune teknik ape yer ....
teknik tu mudah jer n susah nak trace

teringat cite M. Night tuh
filem Crop Circle dia .........
penuh suspen ........

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Post time 27-6-2005 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Crop circle ni fenomena paranormal...

Kononnya ader kena mengena ngan alien. Yg heran kat negara Mat Saleh je yg ader.  Pandai lak cari tempat berlaku kat ladang gandum je.

Mat Saleh ni memang terkenal ngan auta diorg.

Mcm kisah  psychic Uri Geller dulu...  rupa2nya ramai yg terlibat menipu..

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Post time 28-6-2005 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Sekarang ni crop circle ni jadi sort of art (farmer art?). Artis2 ni lukis design kat pelan ladang. Lepas tu lanyak gandum/jagung pakai traktor. Depa guna GPS untuk dapatkan design yang kemas megikut pelan tadi....

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Post time 28-6-2005 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 28-6-2005 12:30 PM:
Sekarang ni crop circle ni jadi sort of art (farmer art?). Artis2 ni lukis design kat pelan ladang. Lepas tu lanyak gandum/jagung pakai traktor. Depa guna GPS untuk dapatkan design yang kemas megik ...

GPS tu Global Positioning System eh? :hmm:

Hmmm I belum belajar lagi pasal art jenis ni.  Thanks:tq:... pelajaran baru bg I.

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Post time 28-6-2005 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Gitu la fleurza..ada saya terbaca beberapa bulan lepas...ada artist buat crop circle sebagai art....Ya, GPS =Global Positioning System.

Juga ada petani buat 'message in the field' sebagai menyuarakan rasa hati dia sebab harga gandum mentah tak berubah sejak zaman pakcik dia jadi peladang.....apparently that is the truth...

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Post time 28-6-2005 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 27-6-2005 08:22 PM:

x rasa diorg gune lazer
diorg gune teknik ape yer ....
teknik tu mudah jer n susah nak trace

teringat cite M. Night tuh
filem Crop Circle dia .........
penuh ...

aku pun cam teringat lak film SIGNS tu... :ah:

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2005 02:13 AM | Show all posts
teringat gak ngan film sign tu...
suspen giler...

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2005 05:43 AM | Show all posts
yang peliknye kenape crop circle takde kat sawah padi?

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Post time 29-6-2005 12:49 PM | Show all posts


Tiada yg menghairankan, semua daya, kekuatan dan kuasa adalah hakmilik Allah. Dia boleh buat apa sahaja. Dialah Tuhan yg satu.

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2005 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hammam at 29/3/1985 12:49 PM:
Tiada yg menghairankan, semua daya, kekuatan dan kuasa adalah hakmilik Allah. Dia boleh buat apa sahaja. Dialah Tuhan yg satu.


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Post time 29-6-2005 09:05 PM | Show all posts
Kuasa Allah tapi memang pelik........:stp:

Macamana pulak ia boleh terjadi dalam sekelip mata tak sampai satu malam pun........ Petani tu tengok pagi2 dah ada........

Macamana yer........:hmm::hmm:

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2005 01:11 PM | Show all posts
rasanya mesej ke apa ker...tapi kita susah nak translate ...aku rasa semua circle yang diorang buat ada meaningya n mungkin semua circle tu patut digabung maybe wujudnya suatu kuasa ....chewah macam dlm fifth element la pulak...or maybe bukan alien yang buat...ada orrang cakap angin yang membentuknya....hmmm...boleh percaya ke?

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Post time 1-7-2005 09:54 PM | Show all posts

"Suddenly, I heard a noise. It seemed as if something pushed down the wheat. That night the air was completely still. I looked around. The moon had just appeared, shining brightly. In front of my eyes I could see a great imprint taking shape. The wheat was forced down in a clockwise direction." - Bryce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood, first modern crop circles witnesses, Warminster, night of August 12, 1972

And by the appearance of a modest, elegant circle of pressed wheat, some 30 ft in diameter in southern England, so began the study of crop circles in our modern era. Two and a half decades and some 10,000 formations later, crop circles have grown into complex mathematical fractals, in lengths up to three quarters of a mile, and covering areas as large as 200,000 square ft. Crop circles- or agriglyphs- can now be found in 29 countries around the globe.

Since then, hundreds of simple, sporadic events have surfaced from around the world dating back to 1890; several cases even date to the time of Isaac Newton. Initially, the phenomenon was attibuted to freak wind vortexes, although why these created such perfect shapes in crop fields remained unexplained, after all, wind vortices and tornadoes generally rip things out of the ground.

One very crucial piece of evidence from the 1970 s posed an interesting dilemma for researchers and scientists trying to pin the blame on pranksters armed with rope and pieces of wood. In those days the fields did not have the hallmark tractor ruts (tram lines) that today cross the fields in parallel lines every 60 feet or so. This is very important in establishing the cause of crop circles, by virtue that a person trying to lay a perfect design upon the wheat would have had to do so by levitating. It could be argued that a balloon was used, although nobody has satisfactorily explained how a balloon could be maintained perfectly still four feet off the ground, around a wooden peg which, presumably, would enable a person to lean out of the basket while he moved the wheat in a perfect spiral, without damaging the plants and leaving no hole in the middle. And all this in the middle of the night. The debate raged on and all kinds of agencies were given credit for these mysterious circles- wind vortexes, little green men, poor soil conditions, sex-mad hedgehogs and, most popular of all, the plasma vortex theory.

But it was in 1980 that the phenomenon caught everyone's interest. Suddenly there were two circles in a field, lying symmetrically side-by-side. Freak weather condition advocates were suddenly dealt a blow. The following year, signs of intelligence were manifested when a 52-foot circle was flanked by two smaller circles exactly half its size, aligned perfectly north-south. This formation at Cheesefoot Head was also the first to attract serious media interest. By now, dozens of single, double and triple circular formations were being documented, all manifesting perfect spiral movement, with plants unharmed or broken, in circles etched with surgical precision from the standing crop.

Then in 1983 the first quintuplet design appeared- a large central circle surrounded by four smaller circles within the standing crop, precisely aligned to the four cardinal points. Four of the circles were rotated clockwise, the fifth counter-clockwise. Now even the army was devoting serious helicopter time to these occurrences, for here was something that was simply inexplicable. Unusual anomalies seemed to accompany the formations- dogs in the vicinity would bark incessantly from 2am to 4 am, just hours before a crop circle was spotted nearby; animals that ventured into new formations vomited, orange balls of light were observed; strange noises- like the rustling of electricity- were heard and recorded; and UFO reports preceded the appearance of formations. More importantly, the phenomenon showed intelligent reaction to the thoughts and theories of the researchers, either to communicate or lead them in a pre-meditated direction: when they said formations were caused by freak winds on sides of hills, the crop circles moved to flat, open areas; when men armed with planks of wood were suggested as the culprit, circles developed in oil seed rape (canola), one of the most brittle plants; if balloons were to blame, they appeared under high voltage wires.

By 1988, hundreds of crop circles had been documented and researched. And every year they had grown exponentially, always developing and splitting in structure as if suggesting some sort of language, more complex as the years progressed and at the pace in which the research teams picked up on the subtle clues left on the fields. Circles developed a simple ring, then double rings. Then Celtic crosses, where the four 'satellite' circles were connected by a thin band, too narrow even for a small child to thread without disturbing the crop. In 1988, during a BBC interview inside a new formation, the cricket-like warble that had been heard several times throughout the years was captured on tape. Eventually analyzed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, it was measured as 100 bpm, at a frequency of 5.2kHz, and mechanical in nature. A bird or insect was also out of the question.

More formations began appearing in closer proximity to ancient monuments; Silbury Hill, Europe's own 'pyramid' received forty visits.

In one bizarre case at Corhampton, three single circles were placed mathematically correct within an equilateral area, making it the first crop formation to exhibit a musical diatonic ratio (above). Furthermore, its physical features were extraordinary. Here was a series of circles that had been previously flattened but now the stems were lifting back to the light of the sun in a selective manner, in three seperate groups. In the first group, plants were bending on the node nearest to the ground. In the second group plants were lifting up on the node half-way up the stem, and plants in the third group were bending at the node nearest the head. From the air, they'd grown into a pattern consisting of seven concentric rings and forty-eight spokes.

Circle fever began to break out among the public. Even the Queen put the acclaimed Circular Evidence book on her reading list. 305 known formations had now appeared and they were becoming more and more complicated, some even developing tails. Then on August 12 1989, the final blow was dealt to the favoured meteorological theory- the 'Swastika' at Winterbourne Stoke (left) became a quantum leap in crop circle language. Here was a formation whose crop was bent in four quadratures, exactly aligned to the magnetic compass points; at the centre the crop rotated and counter-rotated in three movements. At the boundary edge, another thin band rotated clockwise with crop weaving over and under the central combed quadratures. A hoax was out of the question, and an 'ouside force' began to be accepted as the creator of crop circles.

But nothing would have prepared anyone for the surprises in store for 1990.

source :

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 1-7-2005 at 09:58 PM ]

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Post time 1-7-2005 10:03 PM | Show all posts

The season of 1990 began early with a surprise at Bishops Cannings. Two celtic cross designs with three pencil-thin rings stood side-by-side in the wheat. Amazingly, one developed a fourth ring that intercepted the other formation. This addition of elements also began occurring in other formations.

Surveillance groups began to get organized above fields in an attempt to catch the circlemakers 'at it'. In one situation a shining object was filmed hovering above a field when several small red lights were seen emanating from it. They operated slowly above the heads of the crop and disappeared at phenomenal speed when approached. Wherever these balls were seen, small 'grapeshot' circles later appeared in the crop.

The next surprise signaled a major step in the design of crop circles. At Chilcomb Farm two circles were connected with a straight line and flanked by four rectangular boxes- the pictogram was born. This set the standard for the next month as one dumbell design came after another. Soon they developed haloes, many of which were recognized as variations of ancient symbols of the Sun God in cultures throughout the world. The Circlemakers appeared to be calling all parts of the human race.

The connecting line feature, along with the boxes, allowed the phenomenon to develop an intense diversity and progression almost overnight, not to mention size- some were now as long as 150 ft. But then came the true sensation. On the night of July 10, 1990, the inhabitants of the village of Alton Barnes heard a peculiar buzzing sound which caused all dogs in the village to bark incessantly throughout the night. As the dawn light bathed the Vale of Pewsey, none of the farmers' cars would start. And as they approached their fields no one could believe their eyes- a 603 ft pictogram lay majestically in the wheat. It consisted of nine circles in a row- five single circles and two dumbells, one flanked by two boxes and encompassing a three-fingered claw. Only a few miles away, an almost identical design had also materialized. Photos of the Alton Barnes pictogram made the front pages of the world's press. Thousands of visitors flocked to the area, almost in a sense of pilgrimage. Inside the formation people behaved as if they were on drugs- there was a sense of giddiness about, as if a long lost family had suddenly reunited. Complete strangers talked with one another, smiling, even skipping along the path of the formation.

It was later discovered that the 'trident' design in this and other formations of the year bore a close resemblance to traditional and esoteric symbols associated with transformation. How appropriate this explanation becomes in light of the circumstances, for here at last was a crop circle that single-handedly transformed thousands of people of all races practically overnight.

In light of these important new events, a second, large surveillance project was organized. And this time the Army also decided to join in.

The project was planned to cover three weeks, but to everyone's surprise a discovery was made only on the second day. Ironically, during the night that key researchers had not been present, a primitive-looking formation appeared below the ancient hill fort of Bratton Castle. With a heavy media presence at hand, excited researchers entered the formation only to be faced with a mess- the typical vortices were missing, the wheat appeared trampled and broken, and right in the centre lay a ball of wire, and a horoscope game with a wooden cross. The formation was obviously a well-orchestrated hoax, a crude attempt at deception to humiliate and discredit researchers thoroughly. Later, information was leaked from a high- ranking official in the Army that the crop circle had been constructed by a well trained top military unit with special clearance from the Ministry of Defense. Whatever the motive, the damage had been done and the public was turned off the phenomenon.

Apparently, the exercise had been carried out to get 'circle fever' under control and to diffuse the surveillance before anything explosive might be caught on film. It was only ten days later, within view of a much reduced media presence, that the researchers back at the surveillance unit secured a real event taking place at night on camera. The film showed a whirl motion, some 15-seconds in duration, snaking through the crop forming a question mark. The copy of the film was handed to the BBC but has since 'disappeared'.

Further forays into proving that circles were made by man were announced by several British tabloids, each of whom paid large sums of money to people who came forward claiming ownership of these works of art. Naturally, all kinds of opportunists came forward with the most ridiculous of stories to collect handsome rewards. A German film crew went a stage further and paid four locals to create an embarrassing hoaxed formation using clothelines. Even though the formation was quite obviously a mess they proceeded to screen it on German TV and disillusion the whole German viewing public.

During several ministerial conferences involving the British government, it became obvious that the Army should still keep the phenomenon under close scrutinity, using 'appropriate steps' where necessary, and 'disinformation' should the matter get out of hand in the public sector. Under a CIA directive, farmers were even approached and paid to cut down any fields containing crop circles, whether the crop was ripe or not.

Meanwhile, another huge double pictogram materialized near Silbury Hill, followed three days later by a design that Hopi natives called 'Mother Is Crying'. The pictogram appeared as Saddam Hussein was laying waste the oil fields in Kuwait.

source :

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Post time 1-7-2005 10:07 PM | Show all posts

Despite the disinformation campaign performed by the British government to quell public interest in crop circles in 1990, the formations continued to appear throughout southern England in greater numbers, larger dimensions and intricate designs. The first set of 'insectograms' appeared in the field next to Stonehenge, seemingly undetected by the ever-vigilant security teams. Several sets of pictograms involving 'keys' also manifested in the now legendary Alton Barnes area. One was a staggering 360 feet long.

Then came even more bizarre shapes- dolphinograms, six-pointed stars, threefold dumb-bells and other strange symbols. In one surveillance operation an entire field was rigged with perimeter laser alarms, super-sensitive microphones and overhead cameras. In the middle of the night a fine mist descended over the field. When morning broke, a perfect crop circle lay in the field and none of the sensitive equipment was triggered. It literally materialized out of thin air.

During the summer of 1991 some 600 new crop circles appeared. One of the most celebrated cases involved the British Prime Minister's country residence. This location, consisting of several dozen acres, is guarded against terrorist attack by Britain's most expert crack troops. It is a maximum security zone patrolled 24-hours a day. Yet despite these precautions, a Celtic cross design appeared in a field in from of John Major's house, one of the circles transformed into an arrow pointing directly at the residence. The media were quick to ask the Prime Minister if a serious breach of security had taken place. "No," he replied, "it was all merely the result of poor soil conditions."

This was the summer when serious contamination of formations began to take place. Some of the hoaxing was done by pranksters looking for attention, some by mischief makers. But, more sinisterly, it was also carried out by known government infiltrators who purposely added man-made features to genuine formations in a attempt to throw the researchers into total confusion. At the height of the hoaxing, an American tourist etched out huge letters on the side of a hill, 'Talk to us'. A reply came back a few days later when a most bizarre-looking formation resembling Hebrew script appeared at Milk Hill. Thought to be a hoax at first but since confirmed to be genuine, it was deciphered as a form of post-Augustan Latin and etched in Freemasonic script, creating two words: OPPONO ASTOS

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