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chrismelda This user has been deleted
Post time 16-12-2005 01:20 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
hehe...actually sa ni minat kat Alec Su and Jang Nara...kebetulan dorang ada buat drama dalam musim boring2 dan blum ngantuk nie.. nak share ckit info dgn korang suma.. so saya buka thread baru....harap korang suma suka dan tak marah ye..hope you all enjoy...

Chinese Name: ???? / Diao Man Gong Zhu
Working Title: My Bratty Princess
Episodes: 33 (Oversea's version), 36 (China version)
Started Filming on: April 30th 2005
Ended Filming on: July 11th 2005
Producer: Wu Dun, Deng Jian Guo
Director: Lai Shui Qing
Screenwriter: Ma Zhi Quan

Royal Family
Alec Su as Emperor Zhu Yun
Bao Lei as Princess An Ning
Gu Yong Fei as Tai Hou (Empress Dowager)

Situ Family
Jang Nara as Situ Jing/Xiao Longxia
Wang Dao as Situ Qing Yun
Zhu Ya Ying as Mrs. Situ
Lin Jiang Guo as Situ Jian Nan

Wen Family
Wang Gang as Wen Zhang
Chen Xiu Li as Wen Mei Er
Gao Lu as Wen Qiang
Zhong Liang as Wen Tao

Lu Xing as Bai Yunfei
Hong Xin as Jing Xiu
Xia Zhi Xiang as Qi Guo Gong
Tian Chong as Liang Jun Zhuo
Wei Yi Buo as Bai Wu Shuang
Wu Cheng as Xiao Shun Zi
Ma Jing as Qiu Xin
Zhang Li Wei as Wan Ren Di

many credits to -

baru setakat ini info yg dapat saya carikan..nanti bila dah dapat new info then saya akan postkan kat cni lagi ok...atau pun sesiapa yg ada info pasal drama nie pun boleh post kat cni juga..

[ Last edited by  isabel at 10-9-2006 05:44 PM ]

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 01:35 AM | Show all posts
ooppsss..bukan gogn..tapi gong..hehe..salah taip pulak..ok continue dgn pic dorang..

ini time press conference kat Seoul,Korea..sebenarnya time nie ialah special meeting with Alec fans club kat Korea..tapi mereka jemput skali Jang buat promo skali la untuk drama terbaru mereka berdua..

untuk penegetahuan anda..lelaki yg memakai baju tradisi yg berwarna hitam tu merupakan manager Jang Nara..dan juga ayah kepada Jang Nara..

many credits to

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 01:48 AM | Show all posts
ini pula mereka buat press conference antara shanghai atau beijing..(kurang pasti)..

many credits to -

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 01:57 AM | Show all posts
ni pulak gambar yg paling disukai..cute sangat la... : )

kalau sesiapa yg berminat dan blum ada them song untuk crita nie boleh dl kat cni :     no.10..

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Post time 16-12-2005 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Oh drama ni yerk... Kite dah penah tengok dah trailer dia. Mmg tipikal JNR sbbnya mula serius habis pas tu gelak2 comel nya dia ni. Tapi kesian dia kena pergi China sbb nak berlakon drama ni sampaikan fans dia kat Korea kata Na Ra dah x ingat kat dorang dah. Tapi nak buat camner kan dah kerja dia. Patut lah dia tak kisah sangat lama kat China tu sbb ayah dia aka manager pun ade gak. Erm...

Tapi sbb drama ni lah kot Govt China bagi award aper ntah kat dia pasal friendship Korea + China lah..

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Post time 16-12-2005 03:11 AM | Show all posts
takde sesiapa ada direct download link dier ke? *setan dah mula keluar tanduk :lol* ada jumpa torrent dier tapi tak download lagi..kena ikut turn ma :lol orang yang dah tengok kata cam ala2 princess huai yu (betul la kan tajuk dier? :ting  ngan ada ala2 Huan Zhu Ge Ge(my fair princess) gak org kata paling sebijik ccam cite princess huai yu..lucky saya tak tgk2 lagi cite kalau tgk my bratty princess ni nnt takdela nak banding2 ne :bgrin:

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 08:41 AM | Show all posts
yup btul tu emiko..jln cerita dia mmg serupa dgn princess huai yu(menurut source kwn saya yg dah tgk crita princess huai yu)tapi dia kata dia tetap nak tgk crita nie sbb lawak dia yg berbeza..saya pula mmg tak sabar nak tgk crita nie..hehe.. kalo kamu nak tgk clip mereka dua kena interview..boleh masuk kat cni and tgk secara online..(many credits to

sesiapa yg faham cina dan nak tolong translatekan bagusla....thanx..

Agak kelakar bila mereka mula introduce diri dorang Alec miming JangNara...(da jia hao wo she Zhang Na La(pronounce in mandarin)...memang ke ai..hehe

salah satu part dimana reporter tu suruh Nara speak in chinese...
Nara : he's handsome..(da hen suai)
Alec : arghh...hahaha...I feel shy..(diu lian eh)
Nara : and cute..(hai you ke ai)
Alec : ahaha..I really feel shy..thank you..(eh..diu lian eh..shie shie)
Nara : no need to say thanx..(bu yung shie)

bila Nara ckp dlm mandarin sangat cute la suara dia..

jln crita nie agak berbeza dgn Huan Zhu Ge Ge (My Fair Princess) sbb watak Xiao Yan Zi dari org biasa masuk istana jadi puteri..watak Jang Nara pulak dia nie mmg puteri tapi puteri dari dynasty yg lalu..cuma ada satu persamaan watak sbb kedua2 watak sangat nakal,suka berlawan,baik hati dan suka tolong orang...

crita nie dah released kat china last month...dgr desas-desus juga kat Singapore pun dah ada crita nie..sapa yg dapat download crita nie jgn lupa pulak upload kat cni yek..

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chrismelda at 16-12-2005 08:41 AM
yup btul tu emiko..jln cerita dia mmg serupa dgn princess huai yu(menurut source kwn saya yg dah tgk crita princess huai yu)tapi dia kata dia tetap nak tgk crita nie sbb lawak dia yg berbeza..saya  ...

sebenarnya time Nara speak chinese tu saya pun kurang pasti apa yg Alec ckp..diu lian ke po lian..maklumla mandarin saya nie pun bukannya bagus nak say sori la kalau2 tersilap ye.. jgn marah..

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Post time 16-12-2005 09:11 AM | Show all posts
dulu Alex gan Chea Rim skrg gan Jang Nara lak...

citer ni mesti kelakar since Jang Nara yg berlakon tapi bila teringat rasa kelakar lak klu dgr Jang Nara ckg Mandarin...

so chris..jgn lupa cari info ttg citer ni byk2 ye...

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 09:45 AM | Show all posts
news ni dah agak lama dah..time nie mereka tgh busy buat pengambaran

Translated by Phoenix on 19 July 2005



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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 10:13 AM | Show all posts
correction..the previous news yg saya postkan tu ada ckit pembetulan...actually bukan semasa pengambaran...tetapi dah hampir nak habis keseluruhan pengambaran..

Translated by Phoenix on 4 June 2005


DAZHONG RI BAO - 31 MAY 2005, reported by Zhu Guo Liang


Feel Weird having a moustache...

At end March when you were attending a Meet Fans Session in Beijing when
I interviewed you then and asked if you had read the Diao Man Gong Zhu's
script.  You said you had only read 1 chapter.  Now that it has begun filming,
have you read up the whole script already?  What do you think of this bratty
princess character - is it better than your expectation or just run of the

This serial has a total of 30 episodes and it has only scripted 22 episodes.
I have read it and reckon that it is better than my expectations.      
How different is it from your other portrayals?

In the middle early parts of this serial, I am in men's clothing, thus feel
extremely different from before - have to talk, laugh, actions in man's
tone and mannerisms.  However, as the story is pretty light-hearted, thence
I did not specifically go deeper into the mannerisms.  As this is the first
time that I am acting in period drama men's clothing, thus not used to things
that are not of women's.  When I first put on the false moustache, I felt
weird and awkward.  At that point, I together with the people round me would
glare at it and felt that it was pretty amusing.

Nature half like "My Bratty Princess"

You have some knowledge about China's serial, "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".  Some said
that the nickname "Xiao Long Xia"  in Daio Man Gong Zhu is somewhat similar
to "Xiao Yan Zi".  What are your thoughts on this?

It is true that some people are making a comparison of my portrayal in Diao
Man Gong Zhu to "Xiao Yan Zi".  I feel that it is interesting but personally
I feel although the role may feel and seem to be similar but "Xiao Long
Xia" and "Xiao Yan Zi" are different.  Portraying Xiao Yan Zi is pretty
and adorable Zhao Wei.  There is  great disparity between her and me.  However,
the diao man gong zhu character is very lively, adorable and impish.  Hence,
I feel that all would fall in love with her too.  Moreover, I too hope
that my advancement in China would be as successful as Zhao Wei's.

In your portrayal, did you specifically plan how you would portray the role?

As the script was very well written, the character "Xiao Long Xia" is very
lively and adorable thus I simply follow how the script was written.  In
actuality, in real life, I am about 50% like Situ Jing.

Very happy working with Su Youpeng...

How do you feel/what are your thoughts when you heard that your co-star
is Su Youpeng?

I feel that he is very courteous, humourous.  He is like a big brother and
look after me well.  Thus, I feel very at ease with him.

How do you address each other when you are both together?

When we are acting, I would like to use what we address in Korea during
our acting  -- I would call him Ge Ge (Brother).  However, in Korea, the
pronunciation of Ge Ge in the past and presently is slightly different.
The older generation would like to use the past version of Ge Ge.    Nowadays,
would like to use the present Ge Ge.  Because cos we are acting period
drama so I use the past version Ge Ge.  Su Youpeng would just call me "Nara"
- "Nara".....
How do you communicate and co-ordinate with each other during your acting?

During acting, communication and co-ordination ares through the explanations
of the interpreter, but during fun time, both of us would use simple Korean
words to solve it.  Cos, Su Youpeng had collaborated with a couple of Korean
artistes before, like Chae Rim, etc. and had learnt a few simple Korean
words.  I too had learnt a few simple Chinese words.  Therefore, we utter
a word here and a word there and we both would very quickly understand each

Understand that cos of language barrier, both of you would exchange glances
with silent understanding to communicate with each other?

Sometimes would use the eyes and facial expressions to communicate but sometimes
where it is difficult to understand or to express, would still need the interpreter
to explain and interpret them.

You are a singer by debut and so is Su Youpeng.  Therefore, would both of
you exchange some tips on singing matters on the set?   Have you heard Su
Youpeng sing before?

Although I like singing but compared to Su Youpeng, he sang more than I
do.   He has a very nice voice.   The songs he sings are also specially
good.   In the serial, he acts as an emperor and feel that he has an emperor
disposition -- can also sing nice songs;  thus I feel that he has a lot
of worth while things that I can learn from him.

After this serial, would you both of you be good friends?

Pretty happy that I had come to know of a very good Ge Ge


1.  In one of Jang Nara's promotional activities in Chongqing, "Chongqing
/ Korea Friendly Week", Jang Nara was asked about the type of boy friend
she would want and what she thinks of Alec....she said:-

Does she want to find a China national boy friend?  
She said it is not a bad idea.

A reporter followed up by asking what are the advantages of a Chinese national
boy friend?  but her interpreter misinterpreted to say:  what are the goodness
of your chinese national boy friend?   She cover her mouth and chortled
with laughter, "No, no, I don't have a Chinese national boy friend!  I don't
have a boy friend now!"

Although she denied vehemently, the reporters did not let up and pursued
She said, "I feel that Chinese men are very gentle, courteous, considerate
towards the women.  Therefore would consider looking for a Chinese boyfriend.

Then what type of men does she like?
"Is today's conference about Jang Nara's boyfriend?  It can't be right?
I like men who are courteous and gentle.  Most importantly must love me.

One reporter said, "Didn't you say earlier that he must be more than 1.85m
as men at that height are more suave.
"That is just my personal opinion that he ought to be 1.85m"

Who in her opinion is the prettiest actress in Korea.
"I personally think that firstly it is Jin Zhi Xian and secondly is Song
Hui Qiao cos both of them are very feminine."

Then who is Korea's No. 1 Shuai Ge?
She averted the question and said, "China's No. 1 Shuai Ge is Su Youpeng
who is presently acting with her."

2.   In Beijing TV Weekly - Week 431 dated 31 May 2005
(as uploaded by 小雨花石        发帖时间:2005-5-31┃17:11:47

....Alec had the following to say on top of the translations on the 10
May Press Conference in Wuxi....

Reporter:  Jang Nara in her interview said that you look after her well,
so how do you look after her.

Give her a cordial sense of security.  I know full well how it feels to
go to act in a foreign land and you don't understand a word all of them
are uttering - don't know if they are sniggering or scolding you and you
would feel unsecured.  As she is my opposite number in the serial, I would
use my eyes and facial expressions to let her know that I will help her
and she doesn't need to be afraid.

Jang Nara said that you simply love to sing on the filming set.

That's right.  I am always singing.  She would only sing occasionally.  
Sometimes she would create some creative actions and then sing it to her
assistant.  She would also do some funny actions and teach them to me.

What sort of funny actions?

Probably something that is trendy in her country ba.  I reckon it is a two
female pop group thingamy...something like China's Shuang Huang duet performance
like sing a bit and joke around.

When both of you are together, will she teach you some Korean words?

She would teach me some strange words.  Actually at each collaboration with
the Korean artistes, they would teach me some strange words and then they
would make me say it to others, and when they hear it, would exclaimed in
wide eyes and say, "Huh!"

Are they foul words?

No, but pretty strange ones.

After collaborating with a few of the Korean artistes, your Korean must
be not too bad now?

Know a wee bit ba.  Actually during the filming would learn some but after
filming wraps up and due to lack of practise, would soon forget them le.
  Now, I can tease and scold Jang Nara in Korean le

In yester years, the Little Tigers had a lot of influence and all of you
have good results in the acting world.  Have it ever crossed your mind that
the 3 of you would  act in a movie/serial.  I think that would be a great
selling point.

Sure.  Would welcome all producers to put in their investment to come up
with an apposite script.

Do you personally have such a thought before?

That's not impossible.  Importantly, as long as there is a suitable script...

thanx and many credits to PHOENIX from

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Summarised by Phoenix on 15 & 18 July 2005


The filming of 揇iao Man Gong Zhu

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 01:40 PM | Show all posts
more pic


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Post time 16-12-2005 02:31 PM | Show all posts
hmmm...aku bkn la nk kutuk tp kenapa China/Taiwan production suka amik pelakon dr Korea...kengkadang rasa diorang cam gedik Jang Nara memang cute giler

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Post time 16-12-2005 03:24 PM | Show all posts
mcm citer cina tu nama ntah...psl princess2 gak... hero tu ade dlm citer tu....

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Post time 16-12-2005 04:22 PM | Show all posts
ni mesti terkenang my fair princess ni..yerlah..sbb ada wu ah ge kan

tak cik azwa..cite ni lebih kepada mcm cite princess huai yu menurut chrismelda n member2 lain yg dah tengok :bgrin:

under_13..standard lah..nak merapatkan persahabatan.. ..mcm kerjasama produksi mesia + indonesia n vice versa..kerjasama produksi China ngan HK..camtu lah pada pendapat saya :bgrin:

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by emiko at 16-12-2005 04:22 PM
ni mesti terkenang my fair princess ni..yerlah..sbb ada wu ah ge kan

tak cik azwa..cite ni lebih kepada mcm cite princess huai yu menurut chrismelda n member2 lain yg dah tengok :bgrin:

un ...

yup yup..sokong kat emiko..hehehe...untuk merapatkan silaturahim antara negara,salah satunya buat filem dan drama produksi bersama hehe..contohnya ada juga pelakon penyanyi Malaysia yg dah fames kat HongKong,Taiwan,China..malah kat Hollywood..DATUK MICHELLE YEOH..

crita nie mmg best la..dah tgk trailer dia..interestingla....

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-12-2005 06:14 PM | Show all posts
oh ya...lupa nak bagitau...kebanyakannya  Korea sendiri yg nak berlakon kat China supaya dorang blh promosi filem drama dan juga negara mereka sendiri..

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Post time 16-12-2005 10:00 PM | Show all posts
who wouldn't.. kat China market besar = duit banyak masuk ..sampai pelakon HK pun berebut nak tempa nama kat sana.. nak kene donlot jugak ni..harap2 masa saya dah setel donlot cite lain nnt ada seed lagi cite ni :lol skarang tgh dok ngumpul drama2 myolie dulu kehkeh

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chrismelda This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-12-2005 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chrismelda at 16-12-2005 01:48 AM
ini pula mereka buat press conference antara shanghai atau beijing..(kurang pasti)..

sorry..another correction has to be conference tu bukan kat shanghai or beijing tp kat taiwan..

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