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:cak:ramai yg membantah Playboy keluaran
Indonesia...kononnya tidak sesuai dengan
nilai-nilai ketimuran:hmm:
Playboy Indonesia tiada gambar wanita bogel
JAKARTA 20 Jan. - Majalah Playboy versi tempatan di negara yang mempunyai penduduk Islam paling ramai di dunia ini tidak akan memaparkan gambar-gambar wanita berbogel.
Sebaliknya, pengarah syarikat yang bercadang untuk menerbitkan majalah itu, Ponti Carolus berkata, pihaknya menghormati nilai-nilai murni masyarakat Islam.
``Majalah itu mempunyai keutamaan terhadap kualiti pembacaan,'' kata Carolus.
Penerbit majalah itu kemudiannya memberitahu Playboy versi Indonesia itu hanya berada di pasaran pada Mac ini.
- Reuters
:cak:tiada gambar bogel, cuma separa bogel jer:cak: |
Reply #1 seribulan's post
bagi sara nilai itu relatif sifatnya bagi setiap masyarakat, budaya mahupun individu.
dalam sesebuah masyarakat itu sendiri pegangan nilai mereka sentiasa berubah berdasarkan pegangan norma masyarakat terkini.
sbg contoh, jika suatu masa dulu anak dara berjalan berdua-duaan di khalayak ramai akan dijadikan buah mulut org ataupun akan dijadikan bhn utk diperkatakan, kini fenomena itu sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan. bahkan kelaziman ini menjadi suatu yg normal krn norma masyarakat yg berubah. Kini, andai kata ada gadis yg belum bersuami atau berteman lelaki... frasa yg mungkin terkeluar drpd mulut org ramai termasuk mak cik- mak cik ialah "itulah.. engkau tak pandai mencari" atau "itulah.. terlampau memilih sangat"... sedangkan jika mengikut akhlak dalam Islam, perbuatan yg dah menjadi norma masyarakat masa kini adalah tersasar jauh drpd kayu pengukur akhlak seorang Islam....
ttg majalah Playboy di Indonesia... kuasa sex dan porno mmg menjadi kuasa jual di sana. so sara mmg tak heran jika fenomena ini berlaku dlm masyarakat yg 90% kononnya beragama Islam. |
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destiny_01 This user has been deleted
censoredkan semuanya, habis cerita
memang kalau nak mengaut keuntungan materialistik manusia sanggup melakukan segala-galanya
nilai bukan terletak pada budaya tetapi pada agama yang diwahyukan Tuhan.... |
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'Playboy' tightlipped on whether it will launch magazine in Indonesia
JAKARTA (AP): Playboy said Indonesia was a "dynamic and exciting" market, but remained tightlipped on whether it was planning to launch a magazine in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
"We have nothing to announce at this time," said Lauren Melone, a Playboy spokeswoman in the United States, after a local businessman said Friday he had secured a license to publish a toned-down version of the magazine.
Avianto Nugroho said Playboy could hit newsstands as early as March -- drawing immediate criticism from a hardline Muslim group.
"Different or not, Playboy is Playboy. It is a porn magazine," said Irfan Awas, chairman of Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia. "The magazine will damage the morality of the nation."
Playboy already publishes local editions in 17 other countries, and is planning to launch a version of the magazine without nude photos in India soon.
Melone refused to close the door on Indonesia, which has a population of 220 million, describing it as "a dynamic and exciting market."
"If we do ever launch a magazine in Indonesia it will reflect the local culture and taste of the marketplace, as do all our existing international editions of the magazine," she said.
Most Indonesians practice a moderate form of Islam, and most women do not cover their head and often dress in tight fitting clothing.
Pornography is illegal, but widely available.
Scantily clad women are a staple of local magazines aimed at men, and foreign publications like FHM already publish local editions. (***) |
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Indonesian Muslims furious over Playboy
"Pornography. will only corrupt youth morals and bring catastrophes such as a rise in rape and sexual harassment," Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Muzadi warns.
January 25, 2006
Jakarta - Indonesian Muslims have reacted in fury over the planned debut of a local edition of raunchy magazine Playboy, fueling growing debate on pornography in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
"Playboy simply has no place in our social norms and culture," Hasyim Muzadi, the chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, told AFP on Sunday, January 22.
"Indonesia is not Europe or America, whose culture and reaction towards nudity are totally different than ours," he maintained.
Ponti Carrolus, director of PT Velvet Silver Media which holds the Indonesian license from the US-based magazine, vowed on Friday to go ahead with the launch of the local version of Playboy despite growing protests.
He argued that the magazine will dramatically tone down the Playboy's erotic photographs.
"Pornography, regardless of how it is being disguised, will only corrupt youth morals and bring catastrophes such as a rise in rape and sexual harassment," Muzadi warned.
Indonesia is the most populous Muslim state with a population of 220 million, 80% of them are Muslims.
Founded in 1953, Playboy has about 20 local editions around the world that cater to local taste rather than simply exporting and translating its US content.
Irfan Awwas, the chairman of the Indonesian Mujahedin Council, echoed a similar warning.
"It will be disastrous for Indonesia," he told AFP.
"The publication of Playboy as we know it will further destroy the nation's morality."
Muzadi, whose organization claims more than 40 million members, urged the Indonesian authorities to revoke the license for Playboy and other raunchy magazines in the country.
"Legalizing Playboy to circulate in Indonesia is tantamount to legalizing pornography, which is already pretty much uncontrollable due to the circulation of pirated DVDs and VCDs and the Internet," he said.
Porn discs are readily, if discreetly, available across the capital Jakarta for as little as 6,000 rupiah ($60 cents).
In recent years, lifestyle magazines have flooded Indonesia's markets, including those targeting a male audience.
Many are franchises of foreign publications in the United States, Europe, Australia and more liberal Asian nations.
FHM Indonesia, Sexy, Marta and Popular are but some of the more daring men's magazines on sale along Jakarta's busy streets.
Many of these titles hit the streets after the wave of liberalization that swept through Indonesia in 1999 after the fall of Suharto.
Media Standards
Leo Batubara, a senior member of the Indonesian Press Council, said critics should reserve judgment until they see how Playboy fits into "Indonesia's modern and acceptable social norms."
His fellow council member R.H. Siregar was also in favor of the magazine's publication, saying it would be unfair to ban it.
He urged the publisher to "consult religious groups and explain their format and intention."
The ongoing debate on Playboy comes as Indonesian lawmakers prepare to pass a wide-ranging law on pornography.
One of article in the bill stipulates jail terms of up to seven years for "acts and publication of acts deemed indecent or sexually arousing."
Another legislates a similar jail term for people caught kissing in public or dancing in "arousing movements."
Batubara said that the council, which has no legal power to revoke licenses but is often consulted by the parliament to discuss media-related issues, will try to persuade lawmakers not to include the two articles.
"Lawmakers cannot seem to make up their mind on how to categorize movies, publications and even our 'dangdut' shows, which do not show full-frontal nudity but reveal women posing and acting in semi-erotic fashion," he said.
The hugely popular dangdut features traditional Indonesian music with strong Indian and Arabic influences.
Batubara charged that many lawmakers have no real understanding and knowledge of what is pornography.
"They just want to issue a law but they do not want to give a damn about its impact on our socially and culturally complex society."
He said the state body was still arguing with MPs over an "acceptable Indonesian media standard of what is deemed to be morally accepted and what is not." |
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We need to refine further apa ltu nilai ketimuran. Then we can proceed with the discussion.Nilai-nilai ketimuran meramgkumi banyak aspek saperti morality, etika kerja, adap dan sikap berkaitan denga hubungan sesama manusia.
Munkin disini sribulan maksudkan morality Timur. |
Reply #6 thamrong's post
Since dah berkecimpung di forum ni...I find out nilai-nilai ni seem to be subjective...
for me...I just hold on to my own...rather than dictating what they each,
its own... |
kat malaysia pun byk majalah yg letak gamba separa bogel,org pun byk pakai separa bogel...
sbb nama "playboy" tu je kut yg bikin hot |
pornography belongs to the west
kalau di timur ianya under term erotic
indonesian should look at their's Borobudur.
obviously banyak companies berkaitan porno ni cuba bermain 'terminoloji' demi viability depa sendiri
amik contoh terminoloji JUDI or gambling..lebih 'seductive' kalau di guna term 'entertainment'.
kalau discuss isu porno pula ada term soft porn ada hardcore..ada Restricted, ada Explicit ..etc.
words are game ppl played.
it is purely clash of cultures, porno vs erotic, west vs east
[ Last edited by ajinomotonosuga at 3-2-2006 01:17 PM ] |
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Originally posted by mysara at 4-2-2006 12:50 AM
pendapat sara pulak,
mungkin tipa induk org2 indonesia yg byk khazanah seni (mungkin juga amalan agama)
menjadikan mereka lebih 'liberal'???
maksud sara, kefahaman mereka terhadap kepe ...
the eastern way lebih artistic...cuma tak di glamourkan saja..depa barat lebih kenai art as komersil buh lam galeries but in the east art is way of life..amik contoh bangsa di nusantara..even nak pertahan diri pun ada martial art..omputeh apa ada..bertumbuk cam kobau pak malau ada ler
omputeh ada ka bior mati anok jangan mati adat? oang mayu nak tegur pun berkias nak kawin pun berkias..omputeh I DO jek kawin koboi hahahahaha
civilisation dunia mula dari east jugak malah seme di east..laaa ni jek baru barat
the east is more sensual erotic suave mistikal etc in anything they do so is not surprised bab seksual pun..barat is promiscuous
indon i think still more conservative...eastern way of life depa still kuat cuma maybe kerajaan depa esp penapisan tu tak stringent cam mesia..more liberal esp post suharto. depa i think lagik centralised compared to mesia so depa lai mudah kalo nak tabur polisi apa pun |
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Reply #11 ajinomotonosuga's post
sara sgt setuju dgn pendapat onyang ttg masyarakat timur nih masih berpegang teguh dgn nilai seni dlm aspek kehidupan mereka. namun, kebendaan yg ada pada barat, kini mula diserap oleh masyarakat indonesia. byk hasil seni dikomersialkan, dan kini, majalah playboy pun dibenarkan utk santapan minda dan mata bagi golongan yg memerlukannya di sana. |
hmm... nilai ni dah makin deteriorate with time kan? kalau kita tak jaga, adakah nilai2 ini akan pupus? how and what should be done to ensure these values prevail throughout time? |
luahan artis Indonesia...
Yuni Shara
Playboy dan Adat Ketimuran

Selasa, 24 Januari 2006
Diam-diam dan secara berkesinambungan penynayi ini ternyata aktif mengamati perkembangan pers Indonesia. Dia mengamati bahwa secara umum media massa di Indonesia sudah berkembang bagus, sehingga bisa dijadikan sarana mencerdaskan pembaca dan menyadarkan para koruptor.
Sayangnya, masih ada segelintir media yang sengaja melanggar kode etik jurnalistik. "Seingatku, lembaga kewartawanan dan penerbitan pers kita melarang media menyebarluaskan berita porno. Tapi, coba cermati media yang terbit di Jakarta saat ini. Akan kita temukan koran yang tiap hari jualannya berita dan foto porno," ujar kakak kandung diva pop Krisdayanti ini.
Dan, ujar pelantun tembang-tembang lawas ini, fakta itu bisa makin buruk jika pemerintah membiarkan rencana penerbitan majalah Playboy Indonesia, Maret mendatang. Majalah itu, kata Yuni, jelas-jelas media porno dan bertentangan dengan adat ketimuran masyarakat Indonesia.
"Pasti majalah itu akan laris nantinya. Tapi coba pikirkan dampaknya bagi anak-anak kita. Aku juga kuatir, gara-gara majalah itu akan banyak artis muda kita kecemplung kubangan dosa. Mestinya pemerintah bersikap tegas terhadap majalah itu," kata Yuni lagi. (Syarifudin/Herman) |
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org indonesia nih mmg terbuka dgn pendapat dan nilai mereka kerana mungkin multibudaya yang menyebabkan mereka sedemikian. |
It depends on people's perception.. mcm juga nilai duit.. for rich 1000 is nothing but for poor it can support them for s month |
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All the things that make the character of an individual great, comes from the moral values he or she possesses. Those are the things that give such an individual, strength, vision, integrity, courage and understanding of how to behave toward others... |
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