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tips tips berguna untuk pemain gitar!
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hehe aku saje wujudkan satu thread untuk kite
berkongsi tips pasal gitar, terutama untuk
ko-ordinasi dan posisi tangan..
ramai ramai participate ye..
share je anything
yang ni aku copy dari Essential Blues Guitar by Dave Celentano
Tips for Vibrato
1. Vibrato action comes from your wrist, not your fingers.
2. Keep your thumb wrapped over the tip of the neck for leverage. Like holding a broomstick.
3. Rest the joint of your index finger (1st finger) that connects to your palm on the bottom of the neck for pivoting
4. When vibratoing with the 2nd, 3rd or 4th fingers place the other fingers in back as reinforcement.
5. Most important, vibrato should caress the notes, creating an even swelling sound. gain control by practicing a slow vibrato. |
yg no 4 tu nama dia anchor grip(btol ke ni?) try clasiccal grip ibu jari stay ke tgh2 fret board lagi.. |
teruskan ,
(translate kan ker BM boleh??) |
DD gua macam tak bape paham je la bahasa-bahasa gitar nih (yang gua copy paste link tu pun tak paham sgt he he he).
Apa kata kita bagi tips through experience??
Teknik warm up untuk lead player (tips adrian smith IM)
- Mulakan dengan tali 6, fret 1 (jari tunjuk), fret 2 (jari hantu), fret 3 (jari manis), fret 4 jari kelengking. Fret 1 downstroke, 2 upstroke, 3 downstroke, 4 upstroke.
- Pastu buat benda yang sama pada string 5A,
- sambung sampai bawah string 1E.
- Bila dah abis ulang balik dari string 1E, 2B, 3G, 4D, 5A, dan 6E (sampai atas).
- Lepas tu, buat benda yang sama, cuma start dari fret 2 plak.
- Orang cakap buat yang termampu, tapi kalo nak bagus, sehari sekali buat sekurang-kurangnya sampai ke root note yang sama (fret 12)
Kalau mampu, second round buat benda yang sama dari mula, tapi kali ni dengan teknik menekap (palm muting). |
ada ahli forum bertanyakan kt aku mcmana nk shred? aku pun x reti nk main shred setakat solo basic2 boleh ar.. tapi asas dia adalah kekuatan jari..
amek 1 bola tennis..
letak ditengah tapak tgn kiri...
tekan bola tennis tu dgn jari 1 per 1
x perlu nk tekan kuat2
teknik kedua
bersedia utk fretting
tekan fret 1&3 dgn jari 1&3 serentak pada tali yg sama
tekan fret 2&4 dgn jari 2&4 juga dgn serentak..
angkat dan tekan jari dlm 2 kumpulan.. ibarat jadi 2 jari..
kalo dilakukan dgn btol lepas beberapa percubaan ada rasa lain sket |
bitterpill This user has been deleted
topic yg besh utk diskas.. basically, ade beberape type of guitarist yg ppl r trying to be... ade yg bebetol nak main as pro, to know every single tricks of guitar n nak master sume skill possibly achieved in playing guitar... ade tu skadar nak play G Em C D n other ppls song for pleasure or nak upload kat youtube ke ape ke.. for shameless self promo.. ade plak sebab nak tules lagu, and ade gak jenis xperimento..coz there is no right or wrong thing to make art kan..n music is art.. maybe ade lagi a few other types but ni paling general or ape aku boley pk skang... erm for each category die ade tips n tricks yg bebeza utk achieve the type of guitarist ur tryin to be.. for
1. pro guitarists
i'd say the best example utk aku look up to is my bro lah.. he started late tapi within 2 yrs die dah master almost anything possibly achieved in guitar playing.. mmg its all abt prektis prektis prektis prektis... rajin usha online tutorials, refer to videos.. dengar banyak2 type of guitar playing... n always rajin tanye other pros.. eventho skang die dah bole dikire pro, tapi die tak pernah skali riak like most of pro guitarists nowadays yg aku jumper...which i respect sgt my bro neh...
2. cover guitarists
well basically just belaja all d basic chords pastu prektis fingering, rhythm, strumming n all dat .. prektis nyanyi to song...prektis playing to the real song...n u shud be'd help if ko tau a little function of frets n notes on it..
3. xperimento / songwriting
i fall under dis category.. im not a pro at all and i know my limitation but i dont limit my knowledge at all.. aku learn to xplore different kind of rhythming..strumming/plucking style.. chords... sometimes i dont even know wat im doing so aku end up kasi name chord sendiri n stuff... and i admit i cant even play a clean F... aku usually cheat n play the lower strings.. hihi.. but in order to be dis kinda guitarist, u master the "cover guitarist" first.. aku start dengan lagu miss u like crazy n bsb mannn.. hahaha.. but covering songs help u betolkan fingering n style playing ko n sooner ko bole develop style sendiri..n dats when u can move on to xperimento n songwriting kind guitarist..
itu saje that i can share... yg penting is WHAT u wanna be and how passionate n determined u r to be it.. fo sure anything u can achieve :D |
wah, in 2 years? cover almost everything? emmm... hehehe.. hidup utk gitar ke? got nothing to do eh? |
bitterpill This user has been deleted
alaa..guys ni slalunyer cepat pikapp.. belaja pape pon.. skejap jek dah pikap kalo bebetol determined..jeles jeles |
2 years x cukup ooiii.. hehehe... muzik ni luas giler
anda pula mcmana? |
masa aku mula2 belajar main gitar, sifu aku cakap 1 hari kena main(apa2 scale/lagu..etc) sekurang - kurangnya 2 JAM.
masa tu aku sekolah, dok takde keje lain selain dari buat homework pastu main gitar.member aku siap ejek aku sebab terlalu taksub praktis sampai tertido sambil tgh menyandar pegang gitar.
masa tu aku dianggap freak sebab pembawa trend baru kat sekolah tu.asalnya kat sekolah tu xde band, pastu aku volunteer create band sekolah dalam kelab muzik & kebudayaan. |
korang yang berbakat jum kita join pertandingan ciptaan lagu 2006 kat forum song & lirik...
jum lah..... |
Originally posted by gagek7 at 29-8-2006 01:12 PM
masa aku mula2 belajar main gitar, sifu aku cakap 1 hari kena main(apa2 scale/lagu..etc) sekurang - kurangnya 2 JAM.
masa tu aku sekolah, dok takde keje lain selain dari buat homework ...
2 jam tu kalo bahagikan kpd 2 @ 3 sesi msti lebih berkesan
satu skale tu main berterusan dalam 10-15 minit
mmbe aku sehari 8 jam.. aku x wat mcm dia.. taksub tuuu |
8 jam??waa..itu memang carik makan betul tu.
by the way, tak silap aku marty friedman ada tulis artikel pasal kena warm up sblm main gitar.aku lupa kat magazine yg mana.. |
aku dah lama tak main wooo |
warm up ni sama mcm nak bersukanlah.. bila kte nak bawa prestasi otot kte ke maksima
mula2 kenalah warm up.. bodo2 pun 15 minit.. pastikan jari btol2 panas..
seperti kereta gak |
aku lemah la solo. sape2 plz post mcm mana nak prektis solo |
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