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Minta pendapat: Agreement Dgn HR (CESS-OFFER-BOND)

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Post time 8-2-2007 09:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sy ada sdikit masalah gan company. Masalah besar juga bg sy, so nak minta pendapat lawyer or student law or geng2 dlm hal ni. Kepala pening pikiaq hal ni...harap korang faham apa yg sy cerita
Masalahnya gini:
Kilang tmpt sy keje tu (multinasional comp.) akan mengeluarkan department sy dr company besar kepada company baru yg kecil. So dia bagi letter of cessation (termination) dan offer letter (dr company baru) kepada semua yg terlibat, termasuk saya. Saya namakan company asal sy sbg A dan company baru sbg B.

Dlm letter saya tu tertera begini:
1-letter of termination (HR kata lawyer,but who knows..kejap cess,kejap kn resign)
:alamat dan sbgnya

We refer to above matter..bla..bla,Company B has offered you continuous employment with them to commence on 1st April 2007.

We wish to advise you that should you refuse the offer of continued employment there will no longer be a position available for you within the company subsequent to the divestment of the xx business, the purpose of which you were employed. The company will not be paying out any termination benefits as we have endeavored to arrange for offers continued employment...

Whilst we hope that all employees to whom the offers of continued employment are made will accept the offers,in the event there are those who do not, please be advised that the company will no longer require your services once the xx business has been divested. In this regard,please treat this letter as notice of cessation of your employment, your last day with company being on 31st March 2007.

We would like strongly encourage you to accept these offers of continued employment as it will provide you with security of tenure albeit with B company. For those of you who elect to accept the offers of continued employment as you are no doubt aware you would be required to provide the company with requisite notice prior to your resignation from the Company. In this regard kindly confirm your intension to accept employment with company B and provide us with the appropriate notice of resignation by completing the portion below and returning the duplicate copy of this letter to the undersignedd on or before 5th Febuary 2007. We reconignize that there may be a shortfall in notice for some of you..bla..bla...

portion yg nak kena isi

I,__________hereby confirm that I wish to take up employment with B company on the same t&c of service as that I am presently enjoying and hereby provide the company with my notice of resignation to take effect from 1st April 2007 to enable me to commence employment with Company B on 1st April 2007



sy tak paham last paragraph..nape plak,kalo taknak terima offer kn anto surat resign, walhal dlm paragraph seblm dia kata ni notice cessation? bukan kita nak resign, tp dia awal2 dah cess kita..btul tak? dan dlm portion tu, "with my notice of resignation" boleh ke? macam paksa resign ni...

OK,sy taip sedikit dr offer letter:

We refer to the above matter.

We are pleased to offer you employment to commence on 1st April 2007.

Pls be advised that should you decide to accept the offers of employment with us, there will be no change to your current t&c of service and we will reconize your past of service with company A. We hipe bla..bla..bla..

portion yg nak kena isi

I,__________have read and understood the contents of this letter and hereby _________[accept/do not accept] the offer of employment on the t&c stipulated above.


Kalo saya taknak terima offer I should sign here. Tp, saya tak sign apa2 dlm kedua2 surat lg. Ada lagi satu agreement yg saya buat dulu dgn company A. sbb masa tu dorang anto training oversea, pegi 92hari tp bond 3thn..pastu balik buat keje routine..bosan dah tahap dewa boringnya (boring gan senior,boring gan keadaan air-con yg sejuk giler,masa plak lama kat dlm kilang tu)...dulu ms anto training,fresh grad...bodoh2 je sign..sbb time tu tak matang lg,tak tau kejenya boring dan tak kenal company yg suka tekan org ni...kini sy rs mcm memberontak...

OK ni sy taip portion dr agreement bond:

2.0 Bond
2.1 The employee shall agree to be bonded to the company to serve in his/her appointment or any other appointment as shall deem fit by the company for a period of 36 months.

2.2The bond period shall commence the following day after the end of the training. Should the employee wish to resign from company, he/she shall have to serve three months notice or pay three months salary in lieu of notice.

2.3 Furhtermore to 2.2 above, the employee shall reimburse all expenses incurred in the course of the training program if:
a)The employee abandons the training program before completion or
b) The bond is not served completely, or
c)He or she dismissed for misconduct, incompetence, or indifference towards his or her duties.

2.4 The employee's reiburstment to the company for expenses incurred in the course of training shall include:

Apa yg saya paham...kalo sy tak terima offer,sy dah kn cess sbb no position available kat company asal. tp,next paragraph dia suh anto resignation notice..apahal leh jd begini?
then td sy jumpa HR manager tu,mulut manis..dia kata, kalo you taknak terima offer, you still dlm company kena bayar bond. Sy mmg kalau boleh nak fight (walaupun duit kureng) sbb, ramai sgt tak puashati gan HR. HR yg tak membela perasaan pekerja... Harap kengkawan semua komen la surat2 sy kat atas tu..penat menaip ni....


[ Last edited by  quiqer at 8-2-2007 09:53 PM ]



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Post time 8-2-2007 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by quiqer at 8-2-2007 09:47 PM
Apa yg saya paham...kalo sy tak terima offer,sy dah kn cess sbb no position available kat company asal. tp,next paragraph dia suh anto resignation notice..apahal leh jd begini?
then td sy jumpa HR manager tu,mulut manis..dia kata, kalo you taknak terima offer, you still dlm company kena bayar bond. Sy mmg kalau boleh nak fight (walaupun duit kureng) sbb, ramai sgt tak puashati gan HR. HR yg tak membela perasaan pekerja... Harap kengkawan semua komen la surat2 sy kat atas tu..penat menaip ni....

i komen pasal resignation dulu yer.. kat dlm letter of cessation tu, yg kena bagi notice of resignation ialah org yg nak accept the offer to continue employment in company B (bukan org yg nak cease employment dia)..... those yg takmo accept, dia akan auto berhenti jadi employee w.e.f  31.3.2007, no need to give resig notice.

pasal bond  i komen kemudian yer..

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2007 07:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 fairy_hobbit's post

OK...noted..(nile gara tak baca betui2)

Smlm sy jumpa HR, dia kata,sy kena gak anto notis tender...
dia kata, kalo u tak terima offer, you still in the company... tp, dlm paragraph no3 (biru) ,sah2 sapa yg taknak offer dah kn cease...but she said,kes saya lain,sbb ada bond...

boleh ke main tarik tali camtu....

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Post time 9-2-2007 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Pergi oversea 3 bulan 2 hari dah kena bond 3 tahun..humang aii..kijam kompeni ko..

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Post time 9-2-2007 02:57 PM | Show all posts
saye penink kepale mmbace posting pnjg2 penuh kaler warne warni...ini adelah to samap the 1st post..

tuan umah dah lamer keje kt co. A, penah di hanta trening kt obersi 92 hari, tp kene sign bond agreemnt x leh blah dr co 3 taun kalu x kene baya blalala, then co A skangni nk transfer dept. tmpt tuan umah ke co. B, so co. A bg letter of cessation kpd sume employee dept itu, sape nk continue service ngan co B kene sign letter of resign. then sign acceptance utk letter of offer...saper xnk sign ape2, diorg last keje kt co A 31-3-2007.

betul ke sameri aku tu?...

so, dekat mane yg x puas hatinyer?..

1. co A mmg buleh transfer/buang mane2 dept. yg die rase x bergune/x mmberi profit dah kpd co itu

so, kenape die transfer employee dept itu ke co B....ade bnyk sbb, tp paling utama, sbb die xnk baya damages kalu die buang sume employee dept tu td...

2. adekah ini salah 1 contoh unfairly dismissal?

maybe...sbb ade kes co yg menipu employee die kate co x de profit, so employee itu di tukar (bkn dibuang keje) ke branch laen yg jauh la tp stil enjoy same profit, earning mcm sblm tu, still kalu die buleh buktikan co dier menipu (psl xde profit sbb die ditukar), itu buleh jd di anggap sebagai unfair dismissal..

unfair dismissal x bermaksud pekerja tersebut hanya dibuang tanpa keadilan, tp jugak merangkumi turun pangkat tanpa alsan kukuh, transfer ke tmpt2 lain yg jauh, tuka ke dept laen stil dgn position yg same tp gaji ditolak ke or ade incentive ditarik ke etc...

3. ape patut kami (employee) buat

kalu korg xde masalh utk keje kt co. B, so kenape nk bising2, sedangkan stil korg enjoy ape yg korg dpt sblm ni ie. same salary/benefit etc...

lain la kalu co. A dekat mesia, co. B dekat bulan...tu nmpk sgt co. A saje nk "buang" korg secara halus..

4. kalu kami xnk accept offer co B buleh x?..then kalu kami nk claim unfair dismissal dr co A leh x?..

xnk accept offer, otomatik mcm abg farrey ckp, korgnyer service tamat end march la...

psl unfair dismissal, kalu korg buleh prove yg dept korg tu sbenanyer stil ade lps end March nnti, maknenyer korg ade kes against co A la...(cnth mcm korg nmpk co A wat iklan nk carik nu employee utk dept korg tu..)

4.98. saye plak mcm mane sbb ade bond ikat 3 taun tu..

so, tu ko kene tanye balik HR ko, adekah ko stil kene stay kt co A utk abeskan 3 taun tu, or bond ko tu akan kaver service ko kt co B or derang x kesah psl bond tu kalu ko xnk accept offer masuk co. B..

5.21. jom tgk setan dekat cineleisure MD mlm nie...

6.7. lupe lak, psl bond agreement tu, same la mcm scholarship agreement mase study dulu, kan ade clause bahawe kiter kene keje ngan co tu utk bape taun lps grad..same principle applied..



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 Author| Post time 9-2-2007 11:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 philipinoe2's post

Tq philipinoe

sumeri tu betul...lebey kurangla

1. Comp A nak spin off kan aktiviti xx (yg tak mguntungkan) ke Comp B.
Comp B tu baru...taknak bayar damages tu biasala, kalo tgk balik surat offer ms comp amik bekerja, dia ada nyatakan dia berhak terminate or tanpa notis or bayaran.

2. mcm suh resign secara halus...dgr citer dia akan bg termination later bila semua selesai...tu tak kisah gak

3.Cuma aku je taknak terima offer lain terpaksa sbb nak makan aku, dr keje kat situ,baik aku cari keje lain..sbb aku tertekan duk kilang tu...byk sgt discriminasi kaum, org melayu ni ditindas...dah tu keje aku tak sesuai gan aku...bos plak taknak backup kitaorg, duk tadah tangan bila org lain suh buat keje...kitaorg buat keje,dia gak dpt nama...

dlm kes aku,aku ada bond. Pointnye:

-semua org kata,kalo aku tak amik offer tu,aku kn terminate dan tak payah bayar bond<

-tapi HR kata : kalo awk tak terima offer, you are still in company A. Amat berlainan gan surat diterima yg megatakan aku kena buang kalo taknak terima<

Aku dlm usaha nak cari maksud surat ni secara legal or yg betul2 la...kekadang org yg kureng pasal ayat2 law ni slalu terkena (cthnya aku la tue)...kena suh org law juga yg baca..tuk fahamkan org teknikal mcm aku ni



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Post time 10-2-2007 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by quiqer at 9-2-2007 11:48 PM
semua org kata,kalo aku tak amik offer tu,aku kn terminate dan tak payah bayar bond

i dun think so that's the case... normally bila ada divestment ni, all liabilities, legal obligations, blablablablabla yg ada dlm company lama tu akan disambung oleh company B (unless otherwise informed by the current company).  therefore, apa2 contract yg masih ongoing, hanya akan salin nama jer... bukannya memberhentikan obligation dlm contract2 tu. termasuk la u punya bond.  

kat dlm bond tu punya agreement, ada tak stipulate what will happen to the agreement in the event of change in control, take over, merger, acquisition etc? biasanya agreement akan kata  if such events occur, the company will notify u in writing, n the obligation under that agreement continues...  lagi satu jenis agreement ada jugak yg kata in the event that such things occur, the company mesti get written consent drpd the other contracting party (i doubt they will use this clause... heheheh.. its way too simple!

the point that im getting at is, biasanya such divestment does not act as a termination of the agreement (ie ur bond) unless stipulated otherwise. itu biasanya la yer... n u still owe the company.

i myself also dulu ada scholarship bond dgn satu company... n then company tu telah ditake over oleh company lain... that didnt end my obligation in the agreement.. bcz sekarang it is as though as im contracting with company yg take over tu.. still paying for the breach of bond..

do you know berapa balance duit yg u owe if u taknak complete ur bond?  banyak lagi ker? is there a room for negotiation?

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Post time 10-2-2007 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by quiqer at 9-2-2007 11:48 PM
tapi HR kata : kalo awk tak terima offer, you are still in company A. Amat berlainan gan surat diterima yg megatakan aku kena buang kalo taknak terima

you cant treat urself mcm employee lain... bcz.. u ada agreement lain (the bond)... u still have obligation under the bond....if u tak accept nak join new company ni, u breach ur bond agreement.   its by reason of ur bond agreement tu la yg u stuck sekarang ni. the actively operating agreement right now is your bond agreement..

btw ni opinion aku jer.. rakan2 lain yg lebih fasih with the issues tolong betulkan if aku salah.. :tq:

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2007 06:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 fairy_hobbit's post

In agreement bond takde cakap apa2 pun pasal management site...its all about trainee and the bond.

Banyak lg la nak bayar...if after April, around 9k...cara bayaran:must be lump, tempoh nak bayar tu tak tau baper lama....(ramai gaks yg,aku malas nak berhutang)

negotiation..entahla..aku jarang berurusan gan HR ni...semuanya benda yg kita ngadu mcm masuk telinga kanan, kuar telinga kiri je...diorg hanya pandai cakap aje...

p/s:mesti korang pelik napa aku nak kuar sgt..sbbnya,aku ni dah berubah..dr positve person jd sorg yg down selalu...I need to change my daily life...sejak aku join company ni..byk perangai aku dah tak sebagus dulu..tiap2 ari heret diri pi bekerja...

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nura_nura2000 This user has been deleted
Post time 27-6-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts
em....kes ko yang sama gan aku adalah bond sahaja..aku dah bukak thread baru untuk kes sini tolong bantu kasi pendapt kat aku..tapi aku keje gomen...universiti maybe tak sama gan apa cite sekarang ko dah berhenti dan bayar bonda ko ke..napa kene bayar lum sump..aku rase bayar bonding ni ansur ansur boleh kan

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