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SPLIT: What is your feeling? General mood?
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If I'm allowed, what comes to your "heart" when the rain falls?
What is your feeling? General mood?
Or is this severely off-topic? |
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Reply #25 Agul's post
Nope, you have taken this task further...Excellent!
When the rain fell, usually my heart felt heavy, moodiness enveloped me...
wishing I can play in the rain just as I am still in my childhood...evoking the
sense of being carefree...
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day... |
So i have upgraded this thread, I suppose... :)
I usually feels a certain sadness, heavyness of heart, longingness and maybe a feeling of lost. Evoke certain faraway memory. Like Keane's song... "Everybody's Changing"...
Tapi kalau dengan kawan2 sambil makan goreng pisang okla sikit... 
But still there is tint of sadness lingering... on the far left side of my heart... |
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Reply #23 Agul's post
I love rain!! I love gloomy weathers. They kinda calm me, sooth my soul... I revel on the idea that I'm warm and safe at home while it's pouring out there, away from the coldness and away from the thunderstorm.
And in some ways... it also implies hope, and that tomorrow will be a better day, InsyaAllah.... |
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Originally posted by Agul at 19-2-2007 09:20 PM
If I'm allowed, what comes to your "heart" when the rain falls?
What is your feeling? General mood?
Or is this severely off-topic?
bila hujan...aku selalu rasa terpisah dari sesuatu. jauh dari sesuatu. don't know from what or from who.. |
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Reply #28 cokkodok's post
bila hujan .. i rase satu perasaan but i donno how to describe it .. hehe |
hujan membuat aku sayu dan hiba...mungkin kerana suasananya yang gelap dan redup..tapi ia juga memberi ketenangan dan menghilangkan keserabutan* fikiran
*ada ke perkataan nie.. |
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Originally posted by Agul at 19-2-2007 09:20 PM
If I'm allowed, what comes to your "heart" when the rain falls?
What is your feeling? General mood?
Or is this severely off-topic?
Well...slalunye kalu ujan masa kat opis memang tak prasan...sebab meja jauh ssgt dari tingkap.Tapi biler dah turun lift baru kalu tak bawak umbrella.....redah jer la...dgn tumit yg tak brape tinggi & bharap agar sandle i tahan lasak!....Ahahahhahahhaks!!.....
Kalu kat rumah....bile tgh layan perasaan...slalunye biler tgh moody pastu kat luar kbtulan pulak mendung & nak ujan...Mula la rase mcm dlm filem..."Tentang Dia"....Lepas tu biler tsedar balik yg tu semua karut marut....Life goes back tu normal.....
General mood?....Hhhmmmm.....??.....mungkin PH 5.5.....tu yg bosan tu...ok2 jer..... |
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when it rains, it can influence ur mood at the moment....melancholic, when you're sad, because of the gloomy weather
romantic when you're in cloud nine, as the sounds of pouring rain is like music to our ears..
starving.... when you are hungry, because that is when, you start to dreams about all sorts of foods to fill your stomach :lol |
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Bila hujan terasa ada semangat dan tenaga yang luar biasa hebat... |
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depends laa.. on wat kine of rain out thre... if slightly rains.. ok lah... seronok gak.. sejuk skit
if heavy rains with thunder/storm.. takut beb.. dah ler umah aku umah papan... |
I kinda like wen its raining specially during night time.
to me...the rain is playing its soft pleasant tune fitfully . |
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when the rain soaks wet the earth, i felt tranquility and sudden rebirth of the moment.
my current mood would be refreshed, drains away with the rain into the vast sea,
pause for a moment to reflect as the rain falls and be ready to take the world as soon as the rain stop.
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depend on my mood
bila sedih,
terasa mcm hujan berkongsi problem ngn sy. it's like the rain is crying with me.
bila happy,
bunyi hujan umpama melodi yang sama2 menyanyi di jiwa
bila penat,
hujan ibarat sahabat yang memberikan rasa dan suasana yang nyaman utk tidur.... |
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Have you asked this Q to the Johorians who live in Batu Pahat...  |
Perasaan manusia memang ada kaitan dengan perdekitaran. Somehow or rather - it influences our mood. But to saya our mood bergantung sepenuhnya kpd alam juga tidak betul. Kuasai mood anda. |
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Melihat hujangerimis, hati tersentuh sahdu,
Melihat hujan lebat, diri mengucapkan syukur,
Melihat hujan tak henti-henti, akal mula menilai diri...  |
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