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ABOUT : software & artworkdesign utk invitation card & etc.
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qilla nak tanye nih..nak masuk program ape ha...kalau kiter nak buat cam design2 tuh..?cth cam kad kawin...
cam yg bunga2 kat tepi tuh..
nak sangat tahu nih..
[ Last edited by bzzts at 19-6-2008 11:46 PM ] |
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corak cam pokok tu ke?
guna fotoshop/ GIMP atau microsoft publisher kot2 dah ada template atau clipart yg sama. |
ADOCE ILLUSTRATOR..kalau picrute edit dlm PHOTOSHOP then transfer masuk ILLUSTRATOR untuk printing..tu je so far yg terbaik |
Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
teringat kat microsoft publisher.. |
wahhh qillaaaa semangat nak kawenn wohooo
kat printshop dah takde ke? aku punya kad kawin pakai printshop jek |
macromedia freehand :hmm: |
Software utk buat business card
Software apa yang bagus untuk buat business card yang cantik
& nampak exlusive dan senang penggunaannya..
[ Last edited by trunks at 21-7-2007 01:59 AM ] |
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Paling cikai Microsoft Publisher,
nak cantik sikit design touch-up guna Adobe Photoshop...
tapi kalo ko expert guna Adobe Photoshop, why not guna software tu je..quite easy.
[ Last edited by trunks at 21-7-2007 02:01 AM ] |
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Adobe Photoshop?? bukan kena reka sendiri ke??
kalau boleh aku nak yang dah tersedia template, senang kerja aku.
[ Last edited by trunks at 21-7-2007 02:05 AM ] |
Print Artist. Banyak freeware atau shareware yang boleh buat business card.
[ Last edited by trunks at 21-7-2007 02:11 AM ] |
gunalah advance business card maker |
software card maker
ade tak sesiapa yang ada software untuk design card macam broderbund/print artist ? tolong sgt sebab nak design kad kawen nie.......boleh ke email jugak sebab saya tak boleh download direct dalam link..
email [email protected] |
kalo gna adobe indesign ke..lg senang...
tp amik masa sket la utk explore functions dlm software neh.. |
ala, malas yang susah2 nak kene explore....nak yang senang je..maklum la,,,kanyyer pandai sgt benda nie pon |
cube ko gUne print artis....
dalam tu ade cam pemplet utk kad,banner, n macam2 ar.....
myb ko print artis tu leh membantu....
[ Last edited by cloud_hardcore at 15-3-2007 09:38 PM ] |
Reply #1 gurl81's post
Belltech Greeting Card Designer is also good. Tapi payah nak email kat ko - over the 10MB limit kat gmail and gmail tak allow exe as attachment.
Ko ada install Microsoft Publisher (sekali ngan MS Office)? Yang itu pun boleh buat greeting cards... cuba tengok dalam pre-built templates dia. |
kalau buat biznez card plak guna software ape? yg macam org selalu guna kat kedai2 buat card kat The Mall (PWTC) tu guna... please assist... thanks |
Originally posted by epuel_slay at 17-3-2007 07:08 AM
kalau buat biznez card plak guna software ape? yg macam org selalu guna kat kedai2 buat card kat The Mall (PWTC) tu guna... please assist... thanks
Kat kedai2 (specially kat the Mall tu) biasanya diaorang guna CorelDraw (dia ada banyak templates) untuk buat namecards, kad jemputan, letterhead, envelopes etc. Tapi software lain pun boleh buat (and ada yang lagi power pun) - MS Publisher, Adobe Illustrator/Pagemaker/InDesign/Photoshop. |
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