Kekal 50 Warisan KebangsaanOleh: FAUZI JAAFAR
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Warisan bukan nostalgia
Oleh Ku Seman Ku Hussain (WARTAWAN UTUSAN)
Pengumuman Menteri Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan (KeKKWa), Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim bahawa bangunan bersejarah Stadium Merdeka tersenarai sebagai Warisan Kebangsaan adalah suatu yang menggembirakan. Malah stadium yang buat pertama kali merayakan kemerdekaan Malaya pada 31 Ogos 1957 itu dikelaskan sebagai warisan yang paling bernilai mengatasi 50 perkara dalam senarai warisan kebangsaan baru-baru ini.
Dalam senarai 50 warisan kebangsaan yang diumumkan sebelum ini, Stadium Merdeka tidak tercatat sebagai salah satu bangunan warisan. Bagaimanapun penjelasan Rais bahawa kementerian itu merancang satu acara khusus pada 31 Ogos depan untuk mengisytiharkan Stadium Merdeka sebagai warisan negara ini memperlihatkan satu kesedaran warisan yang tinggi.
Menghargai sejarah dan warisan adalah suatu yang masih longgar dan tidak kukuh dalam kalangan masyarakat tempatan. Sejarah selalu dilupakan dan peninggalan warisan pula selalu diabaikan. Ini disebabkan ada tanggapan bahawa kedua-duanya tidak relevan dengan keperluan hari ini dan masa depan. Sejarah dan warisan selalu difahami sebagai 慴enda mati |
Tanggungjawab lindungi sejarah negara
Rencana Pengarang
Malaysia adalah negara kaya, bukan sahaja dari segi produk benda dan artifak tetapi juga nilai-nilai yang perlu terus dipelihara dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.
Warisan negara yang selama ini telah menambah nilai kepada hidup dan jati diri rakyat Malaysia sebagai bangsa merdeka dan berdaulat, memang perlu terus diperkasakan.
Justeru langkah Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan (KeKKWa) mewartakan 50 warisan kebangsaan sempena sambutan kemerdekaan 50 tahun negara adalah tindakan bijak.
Namun cabaran besar selepas pengisytiharan ini ialah tindakan susulan supaya warisan yang telah diwartakan itu dapat dihargai, dipelihara dan mampu pula diwariskan kepada generasi seterusnya dengan penuh kebanggaan.
Apalah maknanya jika sesuatu itu di angkat statusnya sebagai warisan tanah air tetapi ia tidak dipelihara dengan baik sehingga masyarakat tidak merasai sebagai miliknya, dan menghargainya.
Jangan sampai nanti warisan yang telah kita sepakati penting kepada sejarah negara dan bangsa ini diperlekehkan oleh rakyat sendiri hanya kerana kita gagal memelihara dan menjaganya.
Dari aspek ini, komitmen kerajaan ataupun KeKKWa sahaja untuk memulihara warisan yang ada tidaklah mencukupi kerana warisan negara merupakan hak bersama masyarakat.
Usaha KeKKWa ini harus diberi sokongan dan kerjasama agar warisan negara dapat terus menjadi kebanggaan kepada generasi seterusnya.
Sebagai hak bersama, masyarakat umum tentunya bertanggungjawab untuk turut sama menghargai, mewarisi, memelihara dan mengembangkan warisan negara.
Selain itu, warisan yang disenarai - tapak warisan, objek warisan dan warisan kebudayaan |
Call to include more historical sites
KUALA LUMPUR: The National Heritage list should be expanded to include more items, said two organisations.
Badan Warisan Malaysia executive director Elizabeth Cardosa said with only 18 buildings and sites listed, questions had been raised on the status of other buildings and monuments gazetted under the (repealed) Antiquities Act 1976.
She said Section 125 (3) of the National Heritage Act 2005 states that buildings, monuments and sites gazetted under the Antiquities Act 1976 would continue to be in force.
"We urge the ministry to protect the many buildings and areas which remain under threat. The list focuses on individual buildings, but as the NHA provides for the gazetting of conservation zones, it would be a logical approach to gazette, for example, the whole setting of the site together with the civic buildings surrounding it."
Malacca Tourism Association president Seet Tiang Chye said Dataran Pahlawan in Bandar Hilir, Malacca, should be included in the list due to its historical importance.
"It has a significant relation to the country抯 independence. It was there that Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaimed the independence," he said.
The country抯 first prime minister and his entourage were welcomed by about 50,000 people on their return from England after successfully negotiating for independence from the British on Feb 20, 1956.
What being listed as National Heritage means
ANY item on the list will be protected by law and efforts will be made to preserve it.
Buildings and other tangible items cannot be demolished. Neither can they be altered, changed or developed without the consent of the minister.
Intangibles, such as the hibiscus flower, will continue to enjoy favoured status.
A concerted effort will be made by the ministry to create awareness of the significance of these items and symbolism in nation-building. |
1. Perak Man
Perak Man
Most Malaysians are unware that the earliest human settlement in Malaysia was the Lenggong Valley, Perak. This was where our early history began. The Lenggong Valley was a busy "capital city" in Southeast Asia during the prehistoric period. In this valley was found a long continuous flew of prehistoric cultures from the Paleolithic Period to the Metal Period. The earliest site was Bukit Jawa (about 300,00 years old), followed by the Kota Tampan (74,000 years old), as evidenced by stone tools left by man. However, these site did not reveal evidence of skeleton remains due to unfavourable environmental conditions.
The vacuum was later filled by important findings of human remains in Gua Gunung Runtuh, Lenggong Valley, Perak in 1991, by a group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia and Department Museum and Antiquities le by Dato' Professor Zuraina Majid.
Perak Man was buried ceremonially, following certain prescribe rituals. His legs was probably tied and folded up to his chest, buried in a foetal position. This burial was accompanied by shellfish (Bratia Costula), meats from wild bear (Sus Scrofa), kijang, monitor lizard (Varanus), monkey (Macaca), deer (Cervus Unicolor) , tortoise, as well as stone tools. Interestingly, both his hands was found grasping some of this foods, and his body was covered with earth, with almost 3000 reverine shells, meats and stone tools.
This episode ended when 10,000 years later he was discovered, given the name Perak Man and presenting himself as important evidence - as the first complete skeleton ceremonially buried during this very early period in Southeast Asia.
Real name : Unknown
Named : Perak Man
Dating : 10,000 - 11,000 years B.P
Gender : Male
Age : 40 - 45 years ago
Height : 156 - 160 cm
Group : Australamelanesoid
Address : Nomadic
Congenital Deformity : Brachymesophalangia
Occupation : Hunter - Gatherer |
Reply #5 Syd's post
saw the Perak Man already, a few years back...
when i first saw it, one thing flashed in my mind:
Could the foetal position that he was in the original position he used to go around? it sort of have a relevance with the idea of Darwinism...even tho i dont believe it, things could be called up to surface.
but anyhow, the museum guys and studies done were shown that the Perak Man lived in a cave so the foetal position he was in, including with the distortion of his backbone was the result of cave-living, where he has to crouch all the time to get around the cave.
i am proud to witness the evidence in front of my eyes |
National Heritage list to be expanded
By : Deborah Loh, Suganthi Suparmaniam and Azira Shaharuddin
PUTRAJAYA: Every state in the country will be represented on the National Heritage list, which will be expanded to include more items.
The list of 50 items released last week is not final and the Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry, which is in charge of compiling the list, will announce new additions later, its minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said yesterday.
"The list released last Friday is just the first edition. Compiling the list is an on-going effort, it is not something we stop and cast in stone," he said when asked about the dissatisfaction of the Penang and Malacca governments over the exclusion of many places in those states.
The list comprises 18 buildings (mostly in the city), 20 objects and 12 intangible heritage.
The first instalment of the heritage list only had 50 in conjunction with the nation抯 50th year of independence.
"All the states will have at least one representative item or site in the list," he said.
Rais spoke after presenting cheques from the ministry to state governments for their 50th Merdeka festivities.
The only building in Penang on the list is the St George Church.
Penang Tourism Development Committee chairman Teng Chang Yeow had questioned why other historical places of worship were left out, as were buildings which won merit awards from the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).
Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam had also questioned why buildings in the city, which were on Unesco抯 heritage list, did not make it to the national list.
Meanwhile, Badan Warisan Malaysia (BWM) wants greater clarity on the criteria, standards and guidelines for listing of items on the National Heritage Register.
Its executive director, Elizabeth Cardosa, also urged the government to expedite the listing of the country抯 heritage assets and to accord protection to the many buildings and areas which remain under threat, not just in Kuala Lumpur, but throughout the country.
"It was a great surprise that only 70 items had been recommended for listing on the National Heritage Register and, of these, only 50 were selected, presumably because the number relates directly to the commemoration of 50 years of Malaysia抯 independence," she said in an email.
Cardosa said the ministry should consider a holistic approach to listing, especially of items which were part of an ensemble.
"The 10 items listed which make up the royal regalia could have been gazetted as a single National Heritage asset.
"Similarly, the four buildings and one site marking the raising of the Malayan flag for the first time, could have been classified as a conservation area and had this been the case, several other civic buildings like the former High Court, the old printing press and the former survey building around the padang which were built in the same period could have received equal status and protection."
BWM also wants to know what other items were recommended for listing on the register.
Asked why not many cultural heritage and buildings in Sabah and Sarawak were on the list, Cardosa said the Antiquities Act 1976 and the Treasure Trove Act 1957, under which the National Heritage Act 2005 (NHA) was enacted, applied only to Peninsular Malaysia.
Cardosa said: "Sabah and Sarawak have their own state enactments relating to heritage." |
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Tapak, bangunan, objek dan warisan kebudayaan tak ketara yang disenaraikan di bawah ini merupakan butiran yang dicadangkan untuk perisytiharan sebagai Warisan Kebangsaan bersempena dengan sambutan kemerdekaan negara Malaysia yang ke-50. Oleh itu, pemilihan bangunan adalah berdasarkan kepada kepentingannya kepada peristiwa kemerdekaan dan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah di Ibu Negara, objek warisan yang melambangkan kedaulatan negara serta warisan kebudayaan tak ketara yang berciri dan berkepentingan kebangsaan.
Bangunan Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Parlimen, Kuala Lumpu
Istana Negara
Jalan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur
Tapak Tiang Bendera Malaya Dinaikkan Buat Pertama Kali
Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad
Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Dewan Bandaraya & Panggung Bandaraya
Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Stesen Keretapi Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Ibu Pejabat Keretapi Tanah Melayu
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Pejabat Pos Besar (GPO)
Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Jabatan Kerja Raya (PWD)
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Residensi
Jalan Dato |
Jalur Gemilang
Jata Negara
Panji-panji Diraja
Keris Panjang Diraja
Tengkolok Diraja
Gandik Diraja
Pending Diraja
Keris Pendek Diraja
Kalung Diraja
Cogan Agama
Cogan Alam
Cokmar Dewan Rakyat
Cokmar Dewan Negara
Bunga Raya
Manuskrip Sejarah Melayu
Hukum Kanun Melaka
Manuskrip Hikayat Hang Tuah
Watikah Perisyhtiharan Kemerdekaan
Perak Man
Jumlah : 20 |
Warisan Kebudayaan Tak Ketara
Mak Yong
Wayang Kulit
Joget Melayu
Rumah Terbuka Malaysia
Dondang Sayang
Lagu Negaraku
Seni Persilatan Melayu
Tarian Singa Atas Tiang
Jumlah : 12 |
Reply #8 Syd's post
Bangunan Parlimen
Istana Negara
Tapak Tiang Bendera Malaya Dinaikkan Buat Pertama Kali
Dataran Merdeka occupies a very significant place in Malaysian history. At the peak of its popularity in colonial times, it was a central gathering point for the British; it was also a cricket green. Previously, it was known as the Selangor Club Padang.
Like many historic sites around the country, the structures around Dataran Merdeka bear traces of its past, and especially the colonial presence.
Selangor Club is located at one corner of the square, and was formerly a social gathering place for British residents. Its Tudor-style architecture is interesting and adds character to the square.
Close by is the neo-Gothic church of St Mary's Cathedral, which is more than a hundred years old.
More recent additions include Plaza Putra, an underground food, leisure and entertainment complex which was, unfortunately, damaged by floods in mid-2003.
Dataran Merdeka's most memorable event took place on Aug 31, 1957 at exactly 12.01am. This was the day that Malaysia won its Independence from the British; at that moment, the Union Jack was lowered and the Malayan flag was raised amidst cries of "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" that will always resonate in the hearts of Malaysians.
To commemorate the event, a 100m-tall flagpole was built to mark the spot. It is one of the world's tallest free-standing flagpoles.
Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad
Bangunan Dewan Bandaraya & Panggung Bandaraya
Bangunan Stesen Keretapi Kuala Lumpur
Bangunan Pejabat Pos Besar (GPO)
Bangunan residensi
Masjid Negara dan Makam Pahlawan
Carcosa Seri Negara
Tugu Negara
Sri Subramaniar Swamy Temple
St. George抯 Church
Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor
Taman Negara Kinabalu
Taman Negara Mulu
Reply #11 Syd's post
Aku bangga jadi anak Malaysia.... |
Jangan lupa sejarah UPSI
PADA 6 Julai lalu, buat kali pertama Kementerian Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan (KeKKWa) mengisytiharkan 50 Warisan Kebangsaan yang akan dipelihara atau dikekalkan untuk generasi masa depan.
Ini adalah satu langkah pragmatik kerajaan untuk memastikan setiap bangunan, lokasi, objek atau kesenian tradisi yang ada nilai sejarah terus dipelihara setelah negara kita mendekati ulang tahun kemerdekaan ke-50.
Antara yang disenaraikan ialah Tugu Negara, Masjid Negara, Makam Pahlawan, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, Bangunan Residensi, Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor dan Batu Caves.
Langkah itu, menempatkan Malaysia sebagai salah satu daripada 10 negara yang mempunyai kemudahan dan penghormatan memelihara warisan negara seperti yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom, Perancis, Jerman, Australia dan New Zealand.
Bagaimanapun, timbul persoalan apabila dalam senarai itu, tiada Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) yang terletak di Tanjung Malim, Perak.
揝aya lihat tidak ada UPSI, lain-lain itu yang wujud lebih terkemudian pun masuk dalam senarai, tapi UPSI yang sudah berusia 85 tahun tidak ada. |
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apa tempat yang bersejarah di negeri selangor ye..... |
Balas #14 tempur\ catat
BUKIT MELAWATI....... dikole selangor |
Stadium Merdeka warisan negara
Stesen kereta api KL terbiar
KTMB rancang baik pulih stesen KL
Jangan sampai stesen KTM terbiar
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi