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New small resource firewall
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A computer without a firewall is easy prey for hackers, worms, remote access Trojans and other online threats. Anti-spyware and virus protection are only a part of any security solution. A firewall is a critical component, and Webroot Desktop Firewallsecures your computer from Internet threats and reduces the risks ofbeing a victim of online crimes. Unlike the Windows XP and VistaFirewall, Webroot Desktop Firewall combines intelligent firewalltechnology with intrusion prevention for inbound and outboundprotection that is both powerful and easy to use.
Designed for novices and experts alike, Webroot Desktop Firewall is the gatekeeper to your PC.
- Monitors Internet traffic in and out of your PC for better protection
- Makes your PC invisible to online scammers looking for easy targets
- Prevents remote access Trojans from hijacking your PC
What's New in Version 5.5- Newintelligent, "learning" firewall. It "watches" what you do; then learnsfrom your activity to only interrupt you for abnormal activity.
- WindowsVista Compatible. Version 5.5 provides superior protection to the basicfirewall features found in Windows XP and Vista, and will not causeconflicts with those features.
- Stronger multi-layer intrusionprevention. Its multiple layers of security include desktop firewall,port manager, URL filter, process monitor, and application/systemanomaly detection.
Feature and benefit
Critical Online SecurityIn this day and age, sophisticated PC security is required, including antivirus, antispywareand firewall protection. Webroot Desktop Firewall provides the criticalprotection you need to keep your PC safe from unauthorized access.
WebrootDesktop Firewall is an integrated desktop firewall and multi-layerintrusion prevention software solution which helps protect againstidentity and data theft, hackers, and other types of unauthorizedaccess to your PC. Its multiple layers of security include desktopfirewall, port manager, URL filter, process monitor, andapplication/system anomaly detection. This layered approach to firewalldefense and intrusion prevention addresses the Windows vulnerabilitiesthat hackers exploit to gain unauthorized system access and stealprivate information. Combined with Webroot抯 intuitive interface,Webroot Desktop Firewall delivers powerful protection that is easy touse.
Makes your computer invisible on the InternetHackerswon't see you because Webroot Desktop Firewall cloaks your computer'sidentity or IP address on the Internet, making it invisible to othersand reducing the risk of intrusion or attack.
Monitors and protects all Internet traffic to and from your computerMonitorall Internet traffic to and from your PC and blocks harmful orsuspicious activity. It even prevents trusted applications from being"hijacked" to steal personal files. Windows Firewall only monitorstraffic into your PC leaving you exposed if a Trojan or BOT is alreadyoperating on your machine.
Learning Firewall means fewer interruptions during PC useWebrootDesktop Firewall doesn't bother you with a lot of pop up screens duringconfiguration. It "learns" what normal application or connectionactivity occurs on your PC and alerts you to unusual or suspiciousbehavior. You can define additional rules for specific applications orconnection types if you choose.
Powerful security that's easy to useMostusers won't need to interact with the program very much because WebrootDesktop Firewall works silently in the background and only alerts youwhen attention is needed. If action is required, you don't have to be asecurity expert to respond. Webroot Desktop Firewall's intuitiveinterface is easy to understand and provides instant access toimportant information.
Windows Vista compatibleWebrootDesktop Firewall is fully compatible with the Windows Vista operatingsystem. It provides superior protection to the basic firewall featuresfound in Windows XP and Vista, and will not cause conflicts with thosefeatures. In addition, Webroot's firewall technology is fullyintegrated with the Windows Security Center for added convenience.
Convenient and knowledgeable online supportWebrootproducts are very easy to set up and use. But if you do needassistance, our convenient online support provides the resources youneed to get you back up and running quickly.
Satisfaction GuaranteeWebrootalways stands behind its products, which is why all of our products arebacked by a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
Key Product Features
Stealth Mode FeatureWebrootDesktop Firewall lets you operate your computer operate in StealthMode, making your online presence invisible to Internet scammerslooking for easy targets.
Email ProtectionMitigates theimpact of attacks targeting your email client by tracking the normalvolume and frequency of outbound emails. Webroot Desktop Firewallalerts you or blocks unacceptable deviations from normal email activity.
Advanced Packet FilteringFeaturesa layer-3 firewall which uses unique stateful packet inspectiontechnology to detect and block unauthorized access to your system.
Malicious Process BlockingTracksall trusted processes and provides alerts when a potentially maliciousprocess attempts to run. This makes Webroot Desktop Firewall a perfectcompliment to the antivirus and antispyware protection found in SpySweeper and Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware for added protection.
System Anomaly IntelligenceAutomaticallydevelops a baseline profile of your normal PC usage based on systemvariables such as CPU utilization, thread count, and others. Normalapplication and system use patterns are monitored and alerts aregenerated as unusual activity is detected.
Port Monitoring and BlockingMonitors all ports to prohibit unauthorized port scanning or any other type of system intrusion.
Custom Protection ProfilesEasily define and set different levels of protection depending on whether you are connected at home or on the road.
Lock down your PCExperiencingunexplained computer activity? Use the Stop Traffic feature toimmediately stop all traffic in and out of your PC, and protect yourdata until you can determine the cause.
File and Printer SharingWebrootDesktop Firewall lets you easily share your files and printers withother computers on your local area network without unnecessarilyexposing your PC to online threats.
Comprehensive Internet Activity LogIfyou think someone has attempted to access your PC, simply review theInternet activity log. You'll know if a hacker or unknown programs hascracked your PC.
System Requirement
Minimum System RequirementsWindows XP or Vista
266 Mhz processor
5 MB hard drive space
maklumat lanjut layari ... l/requirements.html |
Private firewall ni sebenarnya rebrand+stripdown version drp PrivateFirewall 6.0 (belum keluar lagi).
nak kata small resource (in term of ram ussage), tak de la small sangat. tengok comparison kat bawah:
Kerio 2.1.5 (~ 6 MB) , kalau version baru (Sunbelt) mmg tinggi dlm 40 MB.
Sygate 5.6.3408 (~ 8MB) ==> Symantec dah bunuh
PCTools 3.0 (~ 8MB), bagi aku yg ni antara paling ringan kalau version baru
Comodo (~ 25MB)
Considering firewall ni ada HIPS sekali, mungkin jugak consider ringan. Ada SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) feature jugak.
kalau test kat grc, semua port stealth.
p/s: aku pun belum guna lagi. Review ni baca2 dari forum lain je. |
firewall ni freeware. cuma ada kurang sikit feature je drp PrivateFirewall. |
Reply #4 orang_awam's post
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