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[New] Netscape Navigator
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What抯 New in Netscape Navigator 9?
The following features are new and unique to Netscape Navigator 9.
Visual Refresh
Netscape Navigator 9's theme has been updated to save screen-space and leave more room for the websites you visit.
URL Correction
Navigator 9 will automatically correct common typos in URLs. For example, if you accidentally type googlecom, Navigator will fix it be to The browser will watch for nearly 30 different types of common mistakes and correct them for you (asking you to confirm, if you choose to enable confirmation).
Link Pad
The Link Pad is a new sidebar feature that allows you to save links/URLs that you want to visit later without cluttering your bookmarks. Just drag a link over the Link Pad status bar icon and drop it to save it in the Link Pad. By default, clicking on an item in the Link Pad will open it in the browser and remove it from the list, saving you the step of deleting it.
Extension Compatibility
Navigator 9 shares an architecture with the latest Mozilla technologies; as such, Navigator 9 will let you install extensions that are compatible with Firefox |
Reply #1 0001's post
Aku pelik betul, kali terakhir aku guna Netscape
tekan G0 tak jalan langsung, aku baru guna yang ni tadi
cantik laju aje macam Firefox pulak, at least lebih baik
daripada internet Explorer lah kan?
[ Last edited by trunks at 1-11-2007 06:04 PM ] |
Reply #2 trunks's post
Yup... aku rasa dia laju macam firefox gak... tapi blum sempat test habis lagi... nanti ujung minggu ni aku nak start download/install extensions etc... pastu baru boleh buat comparitive test ngan Firefox tu. |
Reply #3 0001's post
yang version ni memang setaraf Firefox lah, yang version lama
sucks..cuma aku tengah nak cari theme yang cantik, nanti bila
ko dah test, kita share lah themenya ok?
nanti aku tengok add-ons tu, maybe ada yang kewl. |
Reply #4 trunks's post
Kalau ada yang best2, silalah post sini... aku takde masa lagi nak tengok2 tu... tunggu weekend. |
laju cam firefox? takleh celen operah lagi le ni,,,
jap aku nk test... |
Reply #7 bzzts's post
ehhe..kalau 0perah ko lebih laju daripada Firefox
tentu Netscape lebih perlahan daripada 0perah la babe.. |
baru meha perasaan yang netscape 9 ni dah berubah jadi sebijik macam firefox interface dia feature dia pun dah nak sama cuma dia lebihkan sikit feature dia je. |
Reply #9 Mehacomp_91's post & Reply #10 0001's post
hahahaha... sorry le beb... aku gurau je tu.
tadi baru test netscape. interface macam firefox jugak le, tk byk beza.
ada add on, nampak gaya sama macam firefox jugak ye...
pendek kata, kepulangan netscape kali ni tak menampilkan banyak saingan terhadap browser lain dari segi features. |
apa lagi browser yang best-best selain IE7,Opera,Firefox,Safari dan Netscape ni ya? |
Reply #12 Mehacomp_91's post
Basically tu jerlah browser2 yang 'famous' untuk Windows/OSX platform.
Also ada 'browsers' yang guna IE's engine macam Crazy Browser, Maxthon etc. Basically browsers ni interface jer lain, tapi bahagian dalam sama macam IE's. Mungkin ada additional features macam anti-popups, etc. Dulu sebelum kuar Firefox, aku suka guna Crazy Browser tu. Sila lah berjinak2 ngan Pn. Google untuk dapatkan links. |
Browsers apa pun tak banyak beza sangat, asalkan ada kemudahan
tabs dan nak organise serta buat backup bookmarks mudah dah cukup
baik dan faktor yang paling penting kalau nak laju guna lah broadband
kalau guna dial up memang lah perlahan..Ahaks. |
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