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Lompat Tali / Jump Rope

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Post time 26-1-2008 06:36 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

teringat masa kat sekolah rendah dulu  sokmo main lompat tali -
kita guna getah - rubber band - sambung2kan  sampai lebih kurang
6 feet long - ( saya sokmo songlap getah kat kedai my father..)

then kita ada 4 orang or 6 orang - 2 in the group or 3 in the group -
then kita start dengan 7 (paras pinggang) dan masa lompat tu tak boleh
touch the rope - (macam2 gaya lompat kitorang buat - it was soo fun -
in fact baru teringat saya main ni last year dengan my nieces kat family day
kitorang - best betul.. terkejut depa tengok saya boleh lompat - ahh -
bila pernah main dan lompat tu - tak boleh nak lupa - besides i love high jump)
then 8 which is kat bahu - kita lompat silangkan kaki kat rope tu -
then 9 which is kat paras mata -  then 10 atas kepala -

jika kawan kita gagal - kita kena bayar denda dengan melompat 3 kali
di paras kawan kita gagal tu -

now - that's one of the games using the rope -

another one is 2 orang pusing2kan rope tu - then kita masuk dan lompat
ditengah2 - sambil nyanyi lagu.... setiap orang / tempat ada lagu masing2
rasanya --  lagu yang saya dan kawan2 nyanyi was fun though -
tak berapa ingat semuanya...-
it went like:
i like coffee - you like tea
i like (name of the girl) - to come in......  
and she will jump in and start jumping..

then start nyanyi... - (funny pulak dia punya wording
cuz some we invented ourselves)

rumah terbakar panggil bomba
bomba datang berlumba lumba
anak kambing patah kaki
*anak kambing makan rumput
di tepi pantai... --  * yang part tu kitorang main belasah aje)

then dia akan lompat keluar (the rope won't stop pusing though) -  
then kawan lain pulak masuk..... -

so - those were few of the games we played using the jump rope
masa kecik kecik dulu....

now - there's a jump rope being introduced as a sport too -
isn't that interesting... eh -

i shall paste an article about it -  for our information -
and you guys can contribute and share yours -


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 Author| Post time 26-1-2008 06:46 AM | Show all posts
Lompat tali kian diminati

Ya, lompat tali membolehkan seseorang mencapai ketinggian maksimum. Sukan ini, dengan iringan muzik dan aksi akrobatik, semakin menjadi kegilaan remaja.

SUKAN ini tidak lagi dikuasai peserta wanita.

RUMAH terbakar panggil bomba, bomba datang berlumba-lumba, anak kambing patah kaki, anak kambing pandai menari. Anak kambing makan rumput, anak kambing masuk kandang. Masihkah anda ingat bait lagu ini yang mengiringi permainan lompat tali?

Sebahagian besar daripada kita mungkin akan mengimbau zaman kanak-kanak apabila bercakap mengenainya. Lompat tali merupakan aktiviti masa lapang di rumah mahupun pada waktu rehat di sekolah.

Permainan ini memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya tiga orang pemain. Dua orang akan memusing tali sambil menyanyikan lagu tersebut, manakala seorang lagi yang berdiri di tengah akan melompat mengikut gaya dan kreativiti tersendiri.

Dahulu, lompat tali hanyalah aktiviti bagi meningkatkan tahap stamina dan kecergasan. Ia tidak lebih daripada kegiatan yang bertujuan memanaskan badan dan mengeluarkan sedikit peluh. Ia cuma dianggap senaman ringan.

Namun senario itu telah berubah. Jika sebelum ini kanak-kanak perempuan mendominasi, sebaliknya permainan ini semakin mendapat tempat di kalangan remaja lelaki.

Acara itu sering diselitkan dalam penganjuran sesuatu kejohanan mahupun pertandingan mencungkil bakat sukan lompat tali.

Cara permainannya juga mudah walaupun memerlukan tenaga bagi membuat lompatan demi lompatan dengan sempurna.

Justeru, teknik dan gaya lompatannya turut diperindahkan dengan penambahan beberapa gerakan dan iringan muzik, sekali gus menjadikannya satu aktiviti yang menyeronokkan.

Paling mengagumkan, para pemain bukan sahaja melompat, bahkan mempamerkan aksi lompatan akrobatik berdasarkan kreativiti dan kebolehan masing-masing.

Baru-baru ini kita berpeluang menyaksikan kehandalan kumpulan remaja tempatan yang menggelar diri mereka Catscrew Junior Skipper.

Ia dianggotai golongan remaja berusia antara 16 hingga 19 tahun.

Masing-masing mempunyai kebolehan melompat menggunakan dua tali dan sebatang kayu sambil diselang-selikan dengan pertukaran pemain.

Menurut Presiden Lompat Tali Malaysia, Saiful Anuar Ishak, sukan ini bukan sahaja menyeronokkan dan menyihatkan, malah satu aktiviti yang sangat mencabar.

Sukan lompat tali telah dipromosikan sejak tahun 1999 oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, Yayasan Jantung Malaysia dan Majlis Sukan Negara.

PASUKAN Catscrew Junior Skipper dari
Sabak Bernam mempamerkan kehandalan

Mereka turut mengundang pasukan Jump Rope For Heart dari British Columbia dan Yukon Canada untuk memberi latihan dan tunjuk ajar kepada para pemain sukan ini di Malaysia.

Kata Saiful Anuar, kini sukan lompat tali telah diperkenalkan di semua daerah di Malaysia.

Sukan tersebut dijangka menjadi satu program bereputasi tinggi dunia di samping dapat mendidik orang ramai tentang kesedaran penjagaan kesihatan.

Lompat tali pada dasarnya diperkenalkan untuk menggalakkan senaman sihat kepada orang ramai terutama kanak-kanak dan remaja.

Di samping itu kata Saiful Anuar, ia juga bagi memberi pendedahan mengenai pencegahan penyakit jantung menerusi senaman lompatan.

"Sejak diperkenalkan, program lompat tali ini telah diterima baik oleh murid-murid sekolah. Lompat tali juga sering dijadikan acara demonstrasi semasa pelancaran sesuatu majlis.

"Impak daripada permainan tersebut ialah para pemain dapat membina sistem koordinasi dengan lebih baik dan berkesan menerusi gabungan minda dan kemahiran secara serentak," ujar Saiful Anuar lagi.

Secara tidak langsung, ia dapat melahirkan generasi yang memiliki ketinggian maksimum. Ini kerana melompat boleh membakar kalori dengan mudah dan cepat, dapat membina otot serta meningkatkan stamina dan kecergasan.

Ditanya mengenai kebaikan lain sukan ini, jurulatih kecergasan, Siti Aishah Md Yusoff berkata: "Ia sememangnya salah satu sukan yang mudah untuk dilakukan.

"Pemain hanya memerlukan tali skip, tempat yang rata, kasut sukan dan pakaian yang sesuai.

"Selain mempercepatkan kadar denyutan jantung, ia memberi keseronokan yang luar biasa.

"Lompat tali adalah program yang menyeronokkan di samping mencabar kewibawaan seseorang untuk mencipta kemahiran dan teknik-teknik yang baru.

"Muzik juga boleh diselitkan semasa bermain dan ini pasti menyeronokkan," katanya yang berpengalaman selama lapan tahun dalam sukan ini.

Justeru, cara lompatannya juga agak berbeza. Setiap pemain bebas untuk melompat dengan cara menggabungkan aksi akrobatik dan pergerakan asas dalam lompatan.

"Ia bukan hanya melibatkan pergerakan melompat di atas tali semata-mata tetapi juga banyak pergerakan yang direka khas untuk menampakkan kelainan.

"Antara pergerakan asas ialah bermain secara individu, berdua bersama pasangan atau berkumpulan, serta bermain menggunakan dua tali panjang serentak.

"Penggunaan tali juga berbeza mengikut jenis lompatan. Tali manik dan pemegang panjang digunakan ketika melakukan gaya bebas serta speed rope digunakan apabila membuat lompatan yang pantas," ujar Siti Aishah.

Beliau menambah, sebuah kumpulan mempunyai enam orang ahli dan mereka biasanya boleh melakukan semua jenis pergerakan dalam tempoh lima minit.

Siti Aishah mengakui sukan ini juga seronok dimainkan secara berkumpulan.

"Ia boleh melibatkan kanak-kanak dan ibu bapa. Ini dapat membina semangat kerjasama dan kemahiran berkomunikasi di dalam kumpulan."


whoaaaaaaa  now that's so interesting nowadays - lompat dengan cara acrobat begitu
would be so much fun --   kalau sesiapa yang ada kids ke  ha boleh bagi mereka cuba
sukan ini --

it is a great exercise - and give you lots of energy and stamina -

* masa kat canada - saya main juga skipping ni - then kita akan nyanyi - lagu: -
'skip skip skip .... to my lou
skip skip skip .... to my lou
skip skip skip ... to my lou
skip to my darlin' ...

it was fun  -

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 Author| Post time 26-1-2008 06:47 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-1-2008 07:40 AM | Show all posts
akue hari2 melompat.............

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Post time 10-4-2008 01:39 PM | Show all posts
dulu adik suke giler main lompat tali dulu kitorang panggil main getah.
seronok sangat2...kalau main ramai2 lagi best. buat 2 group. paling best kalau ada member group yang tinggi...tue satu kelebihan... lompat pun ada macam2 gaya...paling best kalau ada member yang main gatah nie pakai skirt...sambil lompat nak cover skirt lagi....

adik dah x main getah nie sence pindah rumah...kat rumah baru x ramai budak sebaye so x de member nak ajak main getah....

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Post time 4-10-2008 09:35 PM | Show all posts

Jump Rope

pagi tadi layan tv3 ada citer Jump In..... best lak tengok.....
nih summary citer tuh!!!!

Story revolves around a young boxer, Izzy Daniels (Corbin Bleu), who trains to follow in his father's footsteps by winning the Golden Glove. When his friend, Mary (KeKe Palmer), however, asks him to substitute for a team member in a Double Dutch tournament, the young man discovers a hidden passion for jump roping Written by hey45

The Daniel's family owns a boxing gym and Izzy Daniels is in line to be the third generation of boxers in his family to win the Golden Gloves. When Izzy is instructed by his father to take his little sister, Karin, to a double dutch tournament in which their neighbor, and Izzy's crush, Mary, participates with her team, the "Joy Jumpers", Izzy discovers that double dutch takes talent and creativity. Feeling the pressure of boxing, Izzy joins Mary's double dutch team when a member quits, allowing them to compete in city's and requests their name be changed to the "Red Hot Chillie Steppers." They also share their first kiss on the fire escape soon after the team is completed with the addition of Izzy. While secretly practicing in the family gym one day, Rodney, the Brooklyn neighborhood bully, snaps shots of Izzy and posts them on pink paper all over school with the word LOSER written all over them. When Izzy's father finds these papers in Izzy's trash, he questions if that is the reason Izzy's head has not been in the ring. Izzy learns that he needs to follow his hearts because all he will ever do involves "20% talent and 80% heart." He learns his family will be there to support him in his decisions and he must do things because he wants to and not because it is someone else's dream. He learns about sportsmanship and good character as well.

tapi aku bukan nak citer psal movie tuh... aku nak citer pasal "jump Rope" yang boleh dikategorikan as one of the interesting sport.... layan seh.... aku rasa cam kat us  and europe jerrr yang ada kot.... (correct me if im wrong k)

nih pasal sukan Jump Rope nih...
Jump ropeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  (Redirected from Jump-rope)
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An 1800 depiction of jumping rope

A jump rope, skipping rope, or skip rope is the primary tool used in the game of skipping played by children and many young adults, where one or more participants jump over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads. This may consist of one participant turning and jumping the rope, or a minimum of three participants taking turns, two of whom turn the rope while one or more jumps. Sometimes the latter is played with two turning ropes; this form of the activity is called Double Dutch and is significantly more difficult.
Jumping rope can avoid the knee damage which may occur during running, since the impact of each jump or step is absorbed by both legs. Jumping rope also helps strengthen the arms and shoulders. This combination of an aerobic workout and coordination-building footwork has made jumping rope a popular form of exercise for athletes, especially boxers and wrestlers. Individuals or groups can participate in the exercise, and learning proper jump rope technique is relatively simple compared to many other athletic activities. The exercise is also appropriate for a wide range of ages and fitness levels. Jumping rope is particularly effective in an aerobic routine combined with other activities, such as walking, biking, or running. Many badminton players around the world jump rope to increase their endurance for competitions.

Jump rope is practiced at a competitive level. Athletes compete in individual and team events using single ropes or double-Dutch. In freestyle routines, jumpers have a set time limit to demonstrate a combination of skills; in many competitions these are choreographed to music. During the speed events, athletes try to complete as many jumps as possible within a particular amount of time. For example, the world record for 30 second speed is 188 jumps. The FISAC-IRSF World Jump Rope Championships is held in July every other year. In 2006 Toronto, Canada hosted the event and in 2008 it will be held in South Africa. The 4th Asian Rope Skipping Championship was held on 9 February 2007 at the Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India. Jump rope exhibitions are also frequently staged at events such as festivals, charity functions, and sporting half-time shows.
Though many only see jump rope as a simple, fun activity, those familiar with its development of a competitive side consider it a sport. Serious jump rope athletes train rigorously year-round. Jumping rope takes immense strength, endurance, focus, and patience, and can be much more than a schoolyard game of chanting rhymes.
In the United States, the main jump rope organization is USA Jump Rope. USAJR is composed of hundreds of jump roping teams and hundreds of jumpers from all over the country. These teams attend workshops, training camps, perform for the public, and compete against each other throughout the year. USA Jump Rope sponsors various regional competitions and a national competition at Walt Disney World's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida every June. USA Jump Rope Nationals is broadcast by ESPN annually. Competing teams consist of athletes of all ages, but are most commonly graduate school to high school-aged individuals.
Historically in the United States there were two competing jump rope organizations: the International Rope Skipping Organization (IRSO), and the World Rope Skipping Federation (WRSF). IRSO focused on stunt-oriented and gymnastic/athletic type jump rope moves, while the WRSF appreciated the aesthetics and form of jump roping. In 1995 these two organizations merged to form The United States Amateur Jump Rope Federation (USAJRF), which was recently renamed USA Jump Rope to fit the trend of other Olympic and Olympic-hopeful sports.

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Post time 4-10-2008 09:50 PM | Show all posts

nih gambar2dalam citer jump in tuh.... best gilerrr dorang jump rope!!!

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Post time 29-11-2008 03:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 26-1-2008 06:46 AM

whoaaaaaaa  now that's so interesting nowadays - lompat dengan cara acrobat begitu
would be so much fun --   kalau sesiapa yang ada kids ke  ha boleh bagi mereka cuba
sukan ini --

it is a great exercise - and give you lots of energy and stamina -

rasanya kalau kat oversea, deme siap buat national championship lagik ntok acara ni
kalau dexa nak cuba usha kat youtube, guna keyword "double dutch"
berkepok2 keluar search result

meh orang tepek sikit dari youtube :

yg ni bebudok nye :

menarik yek?

seronok tengok jek aa .. nak buat, tak larat ..
umo2 nak senja ni .. adessss :kant:



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Post time 29-11-2008 01:00 PM | Show all posts
ari tu ada tgk dalam tv... lompat2 sib baik xterbelit

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2008 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 karambunai's post

masa kecik pun sokmo main..  tapi tak pernah terfikir
ianya akan jadi satu sports... tapi bagus untuk energy  juga
dan kuatkan muscle... good health -

cuma kalau sesiapa sakit jantung or kaki tak kuat tu tak yah la lompat -

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Post time 29-11-2008 04:04 PM | Show all posts

Balas #10 dexa\ catat

mau semput gak lompat2 ni.. jojo mesti suka lompat2 ni

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2008 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karambunai at 29-11-2008 04:04 PM
mau semput gak lompat2 ni.. jojo mesti suka lompat2 ni

al maklum... dia dah sokmo lompat2 nak shoot kat dalam net tu kan --
dan lompat  nak tangkap bola netballz tu --

jojo mesti terrer main lompat tali -

teringat ada satu lagu tu -

mari bermain tali... sampai rumpun bambu....
pegang2 tali... jangan pegang jariku...

gatai aje nak pegang jari orang... pegang tali dah la

best lagu tu..macam fun aje -
boleh la karam dan jojo nyanyi  bila you guys main lompat2
tali kat  apartment nanti -

(jangan lompat kuat2 dah la.. terkejut neighbor nanti   lol )

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Post time 29-11-2008 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 29-11-2008 04:07 PM

al maklum... dia dah sokmo lompat2 nak shoot kat dalam net tu kan --
dan lompat  nak tangkap bola netballz tu --

jojo mesti terrer main lompat tali -

teringat ada satu lagu tu -

m ...

daripada karam main lompat2 sama jojo tu baik karam lompat gan kucing karam yg dok memekak sakan tu... eh rasanya jojo xberapa teror sbb main lompat tali ni xleh org yg tinggi2 sangat... mau tersangkut pulak nanti

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karambunai at 29-11-2008 04:09 PM

daripada karam main lompat2 sama jojo tu baik karam lompat gan kucing karam yg dok memekak sakan tu... eh rasanya jojo xberapa teror sbb main lompat tali ni xleh org yg tinggi2 sangat... mau  ...

heyyyyyyyy jangan marahkan kucing yang tak berdosa itu -
dia pun nak something gak...   sian pada dia --
tuan dia la...    kijam...  

jojo lompat lompat lompat... tersangkut kat kipas siling tu -

saya suka main lompat  yang 'highjump' tu --
mula2 kat pinggang
pastu kat leher
pastu kat dahi
pastu atas kepala --

best lompat camtu -

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Post time 29-11-2008 04:18 PM | Show all posts

Balas #14 dexa\ catat

rasanya 2 2 akan tersangkut kat kipas.. jojo n karam lebeh kurang je tinggi... ahahah... kucing tu dah senyap dah... meroyan 4 ari dah.. kekeke

owh tu bukan pakai getah ke... dak pompuan masa sekolah dulu2 suka main benda tu.. tp rasanya dah jarang dpt tgk skrg... kawasan umah pon xda budak2 yang main benda tu

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karambunai at 29-11-2008 04:18 PM
rasanya 2 2 akan tersangkut kat kipas.. jojo n karam lebeh kurang je tinggi... ahahah... kucing tu dah senyap dah... meroyan 4 ari dah.. kekeke

owh tu bukan pakai getah ke... dak pompuan masa  ...

ye la.. jojo karam lebih kurang aje  tinggi tu -
mesti jojo rasa gumbera kalau karam join dia main netballz -

ah.. akhirnya stop juga kucing tu ye -- 4 hari meroyan pulak tu -

betul la tu - kitorang pakai getah... sambung dua dua keping getah tu -
sampai panjang juga --
so nak main ni - minimum kena la 3 orang

2 orang boleh juga - tapi hujung lagi satu kena ikat kat batang kayu
mana2.. so tak berapa jadi juga -

sekarang ni jarang sangat budak2 main lompat tali high jump
semua ni -

interenting yang sekarang ianya jadi satu sports yang terkenal juga -

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Post time 1-12-2008 12:45 AM | Show all posts


Cross-trainer or aerobic dance shoes generally work the best for rope jumping.
You want good cushioning under the forefoot and good lateral stability
(resists the tendency for the foot to roll with side way movements).
Running shoes have more cushioning under the heel and don't generally have good lateral stability.
You also want to avoid shoes that have thick knobs on the bottom which will tend to snag the rope.
Choose whichever brand fits your feet the best and meets the criteria listed above.


Even the best cushioned shoes can't entirely make up for a poor floor surface.
Avoid jumping for any period of time on hard, unforgiving surface like concrete or tile over concrete.
The risk of developing shin splints, sore calves, or sore feet is too great
when the floor doesn't yield at all with each landing.
Surprising to most people, thick foam mats or carpeting over padding is not good either.
Although the landing will be cushioned, there are extra stresses imposed on the legs
because you lose your "rebound" from the landing
and have to jump "out" of the cushioning.  It's much like running in sand.

[1] -

Wood Floors are the best jump rope surface, especially if they are suspended
(laid over some cushion or spring design rather than over concrete) as they are in some aerobic exercise rooms.
This is the kind of surface I drove to in order to set the world record for the most "doubles with a cross."

[2] -

Synthetic Gym Floors also work well for rope jumping
(made out of a rubber base with a polyurethane top coating).
They don't have quite the spring of a good suspended wood floor, but are not a bad choice.

[3] -

Rubber or Plastic Tiles/Mats made for sports or exercise are also an excellent choice for jumping.
Make sure that the mat is 1/2" to 3/4" thick to provide the right amount of cushioning.
Be sure that you have enough room in your home - about 9ft x 9ft with a 9ft or higher ceiling is minimum.


The right music will challenge you to change your jumping rhythm and skills, while just making you feel like moving.
Just be sure that the music won't skip while you do.  Tape cassette or hard drive-based players
should have a good "anti-roll" mechanism to prevent the music from skipping while you move.
Digital music systems that are stored on memory cards shouldn't be affected by jumping.

The personal music system is best worn at the waist on a belt or in a pouch that is especially made for this purpose.
Small earphones also work well and can be held in place by placing a sweatband over them.

Wear whatever exercise apparel is comfortable, absorbs sweat, and won't be so baggy
as to interfere with the turning rope. Women might want to wear a sports bra for support.
Men should wear an athletic supporter or snug briefs.

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Post time 1-12-2008 12:47 AM | Show all posts

The diagram below shows how the skills are generally organized,
with a greater level of organization detail shown for the Single Rope Skills.
Examples from the top 5 skill groups: Single Rope, Double Dutch, Long Rope, Partner Jumping, and The Wheel are shown below.


Skills that are executed by one person with an individual rope.

The "Jogging Step" is a typical basic Single Rope skill and is the most efficient way to jump rope.

The "Footwork" category includes skills where variations in foot movement occur.

The "Arm Action" category includes skills where a variation in hand position occurs
that differs from the standard position - arms at their respective sides.

"Rotations" are skills where the jumper changes facing by at least 90 degrees while jumping.

"Displacement" skills require the jumper to lower his/her center of gravity to execute it.

"Multiples" is a category where the rope turns more than once in a single jump.

"Inversions" are skills where the jumper rotates the body about the horizontal axis while jumping through the rope.

"Complex" skills include two or more "simple" skill elements in a single jump.

"Whirls" is a skill category where the single rope is turned about the body, but not under the feet.

"Wraps" are self explanatory: skills where the rope wraps around some part of the body.

"Step-throughs" are skills where one leg passes through the rope at a time.

"Catches" are  skills where the rope is caught or regrasped in some way during its execution.

"Bolas" are skills where the rope is held in the middle while the end(s) are turned.

"Acrobatics" are skills where the person incorporates an acrobatic or gymnastics skill without jumping through the rope.


Skills where two long ropes are turned so that they overlap while essentially parallel to each other.


Skills where a person(s) jump over a single rope turned at each end by other people.  


Skills where two or more people share one jump rope.


Skills where two or more  rope(s) ends are shared by adjacent people.



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Post time 1-12-2008 12:59 AM | Show all posts
The Sport of jump rope has been evolving over the past 40 years
and is now a full-fledged organized international sport that continues to grow each year.
The events in this sport fall currently fall into four main categories, with a number of variations in each :


The goal here is self-explanatory.  Jump as fast as you can in a given amount of time.
The length of time varies from 10 seconds at Bloomer, Wisconsin's regional competition
to 3 minutes for USA Jump Rope's "endurance" speed jumping event.
Besides varying the amount of time for speed jumping,
some of the other ways for varying the event include :

# Speed jumping in Double Dutch ropes
# Relay teams where teams, typically of 4 athletes take turns sequentially
     and their total score is added up
# Doing as many Triple Unders (rope turns three times for each jump) as possible within 60 seconds.


In these events the goal is to do a routine in a given amount of time
that includes a smooth flow of difficult skills with as few misses as possible.
This is a challenging event to score, so judges have to be carefully trained
to watch and weigh the different elements that are needed for a good routine.
Variations in this event include :

# Individual Freestyle
# Pair Freestyle
# Team Freestyle
# Double Dutch Freestyle
# Nawatobi (Japanese style) - this variation of freestyle involves the use of springboards
     to help the athletes do various routines that require the arms to cross in different ways
     while the rope turns more than once for each jump.  It's also done by some teams in Canada.


Routines that emphasize expression, and subtlety in skill execution are sometimes
featured in some team freestyle routines. However, the main home for artistic rope jumping at this time
is in the Olympic women's sport of rhythmic gymnastics. Admittedly, the rules, skill repertoire
and training background for these athletes is much different than with sport jump rope.


A true aerobic endurance event in jump rope is not present in jump rope tournaments.
A true test of aerobic endurance would require a longer period of time.
The reasons for the absence of endurance jumping in tournaments are twol fold :
it wouldn't be exciting for spectators, and jump rope athletes tend to be endowed
with "fast-twitch" muscles.

The Guinness Book of Records has acknowledged various endurance events in jump rope,
however, from the most jumps in 1 hour to simply the longest that you can jump
(up to 36 hours before they stopped listing the event!).
Guinness also used to recognize the fastest 10 mile run-skip.



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Post time 25-9-2010 10:41 AM | Show all posts
oh macam main getah masa kecik kecik dulu

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