View: 3237|Reply: 24
AAA File....aper tu...
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Dari mana dapat file tu? some-name.AAA ke? So, AAA tu extension dia? Try right-click on the file & choose Properties, maybe ada hints; what company, it's programs etc....
BTW, jgn main bukak je file yg taktau.... Kalau virus naye je... |
cuba open dengan Notepad atau wordpad. |
Reply #4 sephia_liza's post
aku google *.aaa takde hasil
takde file guna extension *.aaa
mana dapat file ni? |
Reply #4 sephia_liza's post
Apa yang penting tentang file ini? berapa MB? |
From what came up from my search most of them pointing to database or backup file...
EXT Filetype description
AAA App Cam Automation file
AAA App Cam Automation
AAA Softphrase Automation File
AAA Softphrase Automation file
AAA Sybase SQLAnywhere Temp File
AAA Sybase SQLAnywhere temp file
AAA Xtal Backup
AAA Xtal Backup
Curious ni, kat mana dapat file ni? Not normal applications ni.... |
Reply #1 sephia_liza's post
boleh bagi nama file yang ko download tu secara detail tak
< aku penah download jugak...tapi slamber je aku delete. ssh nak open > |
kalau download dari warezsite..
rename extention tu kepada .rar atau .zip |
Reply #12 sephia_liza's post
huh? dapat daripada E-Mail? baik scan dulu dengan Anti Virus..
tak pasal virus ke apa..bagitau dia delete saja, kalau tak penting.
dan bagitau juga curiosity kill the cat.. |
Reply #13 sephia_liza's post
Reply #13 sephia_liza's post
sumer file size sama?mcm duplicate yg virus buat.. |
pendrive made in china ke?
kalo ye, mmg camni pon... |
Reply #18 sephia_liza's post
Tu normal le, maybe dah setting camtu... Baik set jangan auto-run removable drive, kalau ada virus dalam pendrive tu hancuss le PC U kena infected. Loopholes camni le yg buat banyak buat virus/threat having a field day & infecting PCs across the world within minutes.... Kena lak, pegi CC cucuk pendrive then balik rumah cucuk lagi, pastu pegi college/keje cucuk lagi.... Itu yg lakau tengok stats virus infection cam tak caya je..... |
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