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aku nk g interview 20/08/2008 ni kt private company..aku xtau caner nk wat resume yg terbaik&dpt meyakinkn dorg utk ambil aku bkerja..sesapa yg tau format2 resume yg bgus leh la share dcni...prlukn prtolongan anda suma... |
wat simple dan ringkas.. jgn panjang menjela2.. wat penat org nak bace je... |
dulu rasa ada thread bagi sample resume.. |
dulu rasa ada thread bagi sample resume.. |
Reply #4 starcity's post
yer ker??td selak2 x jumpa pun... |
I am applying for the possible
( Architect Part 11 ) atyour firm. As stated in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academicbackground in the field of Architecture as well as possess a Part I and PartII.
I graduated from the University Science of Malaysia with abachelor's degree in Architecture. My recent employment with Akitek Akiprimaand Almaz Architect has given me firsthand experience in the challengesassociated with the development and implementation of the process of design andsite management.. In addition, I am also well versed in the usage of AutoCad,Sketch Up and Adobe Photoshop.
Attached herewith is my resume summarizes the full range of my skillsand qualification. I would appreciate the opportunity for a personal interviewto discuss this position and my qualifications in more detail and look forwardto hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
1 cover letter...
2 muka resume...
tu jela... |
Originally posted by True-X at 12-8-2008 04:09 PM
I am applying for the possible
( Architect Part 11 ) atyour firm. As stated in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academicbackground in the field of ...
thanx a lot true..
saya nak tanya. kalau kita nak print cover letter ni, is it better kita print di letterhead company kita yg sekarang ni? or lebih baik atas A$ biasa je?
thanx |
46100 Petaling Jaya,
15 April 2008
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir,
With the rapid development economically and technologically in the power industry, I feel this company that believes in technology and innovation. And to be a part of a company that consists of people with a wealth of knowledge, diversity in technology and ethical backgrounds would be a dream comes true.
1. My name is XXXXXXXXXXX, graduated from Kagawa University, Japan on March 2005. I am interested to apply for any available position in your company.
2. I have earned my diploma in Control Engineering in 2003 from Takuma National College of Technology, Japan.
3. With this letter, I enclosed you with my resume for your information. I will be grateful by your consideration and attention about my application.
4. I would be very happy if you would notify me via email at or by telephone at 019-XXXXXXX, if there be any available position suitable with my qualifications.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
[ Last edited by hirai_saza at 14-8-2008 12:23 PM ] |
Reply #10 hirai_saza's post
klu nk apply keje cover letter ni mmg kene attach dgn resume eh...klu post yg kite apply 2 biasa2 jer pun kene wat cover letter eh?? |
Reply #11 debunga_zazz's post
aku selalunya cover letter+ resume..memang bg kat diorang arrr
diorang nak ..atau tak ndak itu blakang kira arrr
kebanyakan yg aku tgk resume yg dihntr ke company aku..ramai yg xbg cover letter
kalo aku jd boss...cover letter tu menunjukkan ko ni bagus laaa
apply biasa2 jek..camner yee
kerani kerr???
aku tak tau sgt laa |
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Category: Belia & Informasi