Salam.. thread bokeh blom ada lg kan? ke dh ada? dh search x jumpe.. mod kalo ada mergekan je ye.. tengkiu 
Bokeh (derived from Japanese boke ぼけ, a noun form of bokeru ぼける, "become blurred or fuzzy") is a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field.[1] Different lens bokeh produces different aesthetic qualities in out-of-focus backgrounds, which are often used to reduce distractions and emphasize the primary subject.
Sile la letak koleksi gmbr bokeh anda ye.. wat assignment baru pun leh  |
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ini dikira bokeh ker taugeh ker tak aku pun tak tau...

camera: Olympus SP550UZ (compact / bridge)
[ Last edited by mo-mo at 20-10-2008 08:18 AM ] |
Reply #10 mo-mo's post
togeh yg togel..hehehehe  |

Itik kuning...... |

bokeh la kot? |
18-10-2008 - KAMI vol 2 The Gig, Bukit Jalil Stadium

Engine: D70s + Nikon 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5
[ Last edited by Defcon at 24-10-2008 04:44 PM ] |
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