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MC....potong duit tak....?
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assalamualaikum semua pembaca thread ny.......
aku ada mmber....dia ada tanya aku......tentang mc......
dia ni bekerja sebagai kerani baru masuk 2 bulan 12 hari......
baru2 ny dia excdent....waktu balik time lunch..dia excdent truk gk la...
and dapat mc 2 mggu.....
tapi bos dia ny kedekut...and cakap......
mc pun kena potong duit sebab dia x compom lg.....
so...?kcian kawan aku ny....dah la gaji ciput....
sebulan 450 potong mc punya duit yg 2 mggu 2....
tggl bpe dit sgt.......
dia macam diperbodoh dek toke dia je.....
so....betul ke x compom mc mmg potong duit...?
bleh x korang bagitaw aku kejab.......?
aku x taw cmne nak tolong kawan aku ny..... |
mne ny....x de pun yang bg komen.......
kcian aku..... |
kalau x cnfm lagi memang mc kene tolak gaji .. ade setengah co probabtion period xleh mc, buleh kene buang, tu pon ikut budi bicara ... |
setau aku kalu ko ade surat mc ,die takkan deduct dr gaji ko melainkan ko tiada surat mc,mungkin dier deduct.... |
Reply #1 zura_90's post
Eh...MC tu termasuk dalam kontrak kebajikan pekerja la..mana boleh dia tolak gaji... |
repot jabatan buruh... taruk bos die cukup2... pastu straight bagi notis... sbb bos die mesti bengang ponye lepaih tuh... |
kalau kompeni aku, as long as tak lebih 14 hari peruntukan MC utk setahun, tak tolak gaji..
tapi kompeni kawan aku, kalau belom konfirm, setiap kali MC/annual leave - tolak gaji.. :eek: |
ikut company gak,kalu company yg tak jaga pekerja mcm tu la....
tapi kalu ade surat biasenye die tkkan deduct |
emm...cmne ekk......?
aku keliru la... |
Reply #9 kronos's post
teruk taw bos dia 2.....kcian la....aku pn ngt nk g pjbat buruh je tnye.... |
di bawah labour law malaysia :-
# An employee shall be permitted to paid sick leave of not less than the following :
* less than 2 years service - 14 days in each calendar year
* more than 2 years but less than 5 years service - 18 days in each calendar year
* 5 years or more service - 22 days in each calendar year
* hospitalization is necessary as certified by a registered medical practitioner - 60 days in each calendar year
# An employee is not permitted to paid sick leave for any period during which the employee is receiving periodical payments under Workmen's Compensation or SOCSO.
maknenye kalu lum conpem, kene ikut budi bicara company tu sendiri. rujuk kat offer letter if dorang ade mention anything. kalu xder maknenye ikut general labour law je la.
btw, ade contribute socso x? eksiden tuh ade claim socso?
seeloknye, kalu rase company tuh xbertimbang rase, tepon jek jabatan buruh tuh..tanye kalu ade pepe yg buleh dia buat
[ Last edited by bbpie at 12-1-2009 10:16 AM ] |
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Reply #13 bbpie's post
x ade ape claim la....dah la kwn excdent...skit pon dpa tak mek taw.....yg dpa taw suh g buat keja je..... |
girl dah 3bulan mc ni....claim socso kekdahnyer nanti |
Reply #15 auntie_girl's post
lamanya mc..... |
Reply #15 auntie_girl's post
lamanya mc..... |
ala...kesiannya kawan awak tu.....
kena rujuk kat pej buruh tgk camna...
yela..benda dah berlaku....
kompeni tu pon datu hal..timbang rase la sket...huh!! |
Balas #14 zura_90\ catat
patutnye leh dia chek if bule claim socso, sbb dia eksiden waktu keje..unless majikan xdaftar dia ngan socso..yg tuh xdapek den nak nolong.. kalu gitu gayenye kene ler kawan awak gi report ah kat jab2 berkenaan! |
nih kes majikan gampang le nih....
member aku putus ibu jari (sket je la..... tapi mmg sebulan la MC )... claim socso... bleh wat downpayment beli umah lagikk.... |
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