Salam perkenalan pada yg baru kenal... Yg mgkin kenal , how wow u? :p
Dulu tot pernah join tapi nick lain.... Ct sapphire or sapphire_pink klu tak silap,
Ni terpaksa rejoin psl psswd tak igt hehe....
Mase first dulu jmpa gath pat swensen funan, time tu jmpa kak v, deaf, cranko, dilla, chicsee klu tak silap ah kan, coz secondtime jmpa pat east coast hehe mkn sup kambing ... Slurpp!!!! Sodapp!!! Ntah lupe ah name akak yg buat sup tu.
Nie kak v pn contack num dia tot dah ilang, deaf dah kawin ke blom ek? Chic plak mase me kenal ngah pragnant.. Brape
Lah age bb tu skang ek?
Oklah tu je bleh igt... Pala dah pusing tadi dok belet2 nie forum tak tao mcm mane nak anta new topik nie pasal dah lain takmcm dulu.... Jadi tolong lah tunjuk ajar kat ketot nie eh hehe... Takecare all
Jeling- jeling kat kak V :p |
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ni kak sut laa.... akak ada sekali time kite gath kat Funan tu....
tapi that time kak crank tak join lah rasanya....
BTW.. now nak soh panggil apa???
Sapphiire ke.... pocong ke..... ketot (hmm macam tak sedap plak panggil name ni)... 
Originally posted by pocongketot at 6-4-2009 02:45 PM 
Salam perkenalan pada yg baru kenal... Yg mgkin kenal , how wow u? :p
Dulu tot pernah join tapi nick lain.... Ct sapphire or sapphire_pink klu tak silap,
Ni terpaksa rejoin ps ... |
Originally posted by <i>sutera_abadi</i> at 6-4-2009 16:13 <a href="http://mforum3.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=30283568&ptid=411441" target="_blank"><img src="http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
Eloooooooooo....<br />
ni kak sut laa.... akak ada sekali time kite gath kat Funan tu....<br />
tapi that time kak crank tak join lah rasanya....<br />
BTW.. now nak soh panggil apa???<br />
Sapphiire ke.... pocong牋... <br />
Hehe kak sut ade gak ek mase tu.... Me pn tak brape igt ah name2 .
Pgil tot pon bleh Ketot ponnnnn bleh pocong tu mcm gerun plak hehe... |
Originally posted by pocongketot at 6-4-2009 14:45 
Salam perkenalan pada yg baru kenal... Yg mgkin kenal , how wow u? :p
Dulu tot pernah join tapi nick lain.... Ct sapphire or sapphire_pink klu tak silap,
Ni terpaksa rejoin ps ...
salam kenal.... & welkam bek...
rasanya nick asal sapphire_pink kot.. |
Reply #6 pocongketot's post
hello pinky...rasa2 ..nama lama u lebih commercial dari yg ni..hahah..
lama btl menghilang sampai password pun dah lupa.... |
Reply #7 rosslyn's post
Eh Pinky? Ni name cepu mas.... Camne kak ros tao ek? :p |
Reply #5 holmes's post
Tengkiu Holmes :p
A'ahh lah nick sapphire pink... Tapi klu tak silap ade lagi satu nick siap dgn my pic tapi pn dah lufe apa pswd hehe |
Reply #8 pocongketot's post
tau takper  |
Reply #10 rosslyn's post
Eh kak ros... Si diver tu idop lagi ke ek? 
[ Last edited by pocongketot at 7-4-2009 12:26 ] |
Originally posted by pocongketot at 7-4-2009 11:58 
Tengkiu Holmes :p
A'ahh lah nick sapphire pink... Tapi klu tak silap ade lagi satu nick siap dgn my pic tapi pn dah lufe apa pswd hehe
Owh iye ke? motif lama tinggalkan CARI?  |
Reply #13 pocongketot's post
Owh... hom ingat ketot ... p sambung study obersi..
ni dah tak bz sgt le kan... rerajin le masuk sini... |
tidak ku kenal...tapi...heloooooooooooooooo!  |
Balas #18 skgerl\ catat
Hello gerl...... Kabare ?  |
Balas #17 virgomal\ catat
Kak v. Skang kite dok tampines... Tak werk lah dok umah habiskan beras ekekeke...kak v , dah brape ramai yg terluka, terguris, tergaris tu .. Jgn campak dgn selipar, cmpak je dgn terompah hehe |
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Category: Negeri & Negara