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HDD wat hal..

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Post time 27-4-2009 11:50 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
tadi aku try instal kapersky 7 kat laptop ku ini... hehe.. pastu de something problem.  pastu aku g cek aku nye drive d.. skali aku cek semua dah hilang.  camne nak wat ni hah??

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Post time 28-4-2009 12:00 AM | Show all posts
kaspersky ni mcm xbagus je..aku aritu penah gak install kapersky...pastu bile nak logon je dier rejek..dier logoff sindri.....ntah ape yg dier deletenye..masuk kat safe mode pun camtu..last2 format balik

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Post time 28-4-2009 12:31 AM | Show all posts
maybe pc dh ade virus sblm install K, itu yg start problem

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Post time 28-4-2009 01:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 yusri191090's post

cek space d ko tu.. kalu btol2 ilang data mesti byk free

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Post time 28-4-2009 10:56 AM | Show all posts
cuba cek kat control panel > administrative tools > computer management > storage > disk management . tengok le apa-apa yang patut kat hdd ko...

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2009 01:21 PM | Show all posts
memang dah clear habis aku nye hdd tuh..

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Post time 29-4-2009 05:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 yusri191090's post

apa kate ko scan dulu..

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Post time 29-4-2009 05:50 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1 yusri191090\ catat

tak ada salahnya kasper tu kalau hdd ko kosong..
tu ada masalah lain

pzan213 - kasper tak delete apa2.. benda tu masalah bila ko punya logoninit.exe dah diperkotak katik oleh virus.. tak salah kasper pun..

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Post time 29-4-2009 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Simptom partition foreigner agaknya ataupun senang citer partition corrupted kalau nak cuba selamatkan partition tue engkau kena cuba third party software macam Acronis Disk director utk repair partition atau easy recovery pro untuk copy data yg engkau nak, tapi kalau dah tak boleh masuk windows lagi engkau perlu ada winpe xp dalam cd yg ada install software2 tue. Nak buat winpe nie nak buat sendiri pun boleh tapi panjang lagi ceritanya.

Aku membantu ke? Aku rasa mcm tak....

[ Last edited by  masterixs at 29-4-2009 17:54 ]

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2009 07:45 PM | Show all posts
partition tu bende ape laK?? nak carik yang hilang tu leh lg x??

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Post time 29-4-2009 08:43 PM | Show all posts

Balas #10 yusri191090\ catat

disebabkan K tidak tahu apa yang berlaku sebenarnya daripada mula.. so K tidak dapat buat banyak hipotesis...

i rest my case

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Post time 30-4-2009 09:52 AM | Show all posts
When you install or upgrade to Microsoft Windows XP, the system partition may be assigned a drive letter other than the one that you expect. For example, the system partition may be assigned a drive letter other than C.

The system partition contains the Ntldr, Boot.ini, and files.

Partition have

System volume
The system volume refers to the disk volume that contains the hardware-specific files that are needed to start Windows, such as Ntldr, Boot.ini, and

On computers that are running the Intel x86 line of CPU processors and later versions, the system volume must be a primary volume that is marked as active. This requirement can be fulfilled on any drive on the computer that the system BIOS searches when the operating system starts.

The system volume can be the same volume as the boot volume. However, this configuration is not required.

Boot volume
The boot volume refers to the disk volume that contains the Windows operating system files and the supporting files. By default, the Windows operating system files are in the WINDOWS folder, and the supporting files are in the WINDOWS\System32 folder.

The boot volume can be the same volume as the system volume. However, this configuration is not required.

There is only one system volume. However, there is one boot volume for each operating system in a multiboot system.

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2009 11:05 AM | Show all posts
partition ni cd drive ke??

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Post time 30-4-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 yusri191090's post

bukan le..........

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Post time 30-4-2009 05:55 PM | Show all posts

Balas #13 yusri191090\ catat

Ok aku cuba jelaskan dalam bahasa melayu yg mungkin boleh buat engkau faham aku cuba...

Partition tue kita anggap sebgi ibu kepada windows tanpa partition windows tak boleh beroperasi. Partition ada beberapa jenis seperti fat16, fat32 atau NTFS. Dalam partition windows, misalnya NTFS utk winxp mengandungi data system volume yg mengenal pasti keluasan ruang hdd jumlah ruang yg masih kosong dan kedudukkan sesuatu ruang samaada ia adalah c : d: dan sbgnya. Partition juga mengandungi system boot atau dos command yg menjalankan sistem operasi windows XP, dan dapat menunjukkan folder dan data yg diperlukan utk menjalankan operasi windows tersebut. Pendek kata ia jugalah yg menyimpan akses kepada data2 engkau simpan. Itu secara amat ringkas....

Okay berbalik kpd masalah engkau yg perlu difahami aku agak partition engkau sebelum ini dah diganggu virus. Apabila engkau install kaspersky ia bertindak membuang virus itu. Tetapi kesannya fail maklumat yg terdapat pada partition turut hilang, terganggu dan mengalami kerosakan. Atas sebab inilah engkau tak dapat lihat drive d: itu lagi kerana kegagalan windows membaca fail yg rosak dalam system partition. Sebenarnya data tue ada lagi tapi engkau kena guna bantuan software lain utk repair partition tue. Selagi engkau tak buat low level format atau zero fill data tue masih ada. Cuma engkau kena cari org yg benar mahir......

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Post time 30-4-2009 06:18 PM | Show all posts
mungkin inche polis boleh guna step ni..

Restore Missing CD or DVD Drive
Reports have filtered in that CD or DVD drives will suddenly cease to exist in XP systems. Most often this has been reported in conjunction with program installations and Windows upgrades, but it has also happened for no apparent reason. This tweak will restore the missing drives after a reboot.

[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class
Key Name: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Value Data: [Delete All Value Data from UpperFilters and LowerFilters]
Note: Do not delete the Key or the Multi-String Values. Delete only the data values.
Exit Registry and Reboot

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Post time 30-4-2009 06:20 PM | Show all posts
ni pasal registry dah ubah.....

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Post time 30-4-2009 06:22 PM | Show all posts
How to detect a missing drive

If a physical drive in your PC (a hard disk, DVD drive, etc) has gone missing from Windows Explorer and a reboot doesn't bring it back, take a quick trip into the BIOS to see if it needs to Auto-Detect your drive again.

The BIOS is the underlying system that works out what's connected to your motherboard and if that doesn't realise that a drive exists, then Windows will probably not notice it either.

To get into the BIOS, reboot your system and, when the power comes back on, press F2 or Delete repeatedly (once every second) until the blue BIOS screen appears. As soon as most systems start up, they will say "Press F2 to enter system setup" or "Press Delete to enter the BIOS" or something similar to let you know which key to use.

Use your cursor keys to select Auto-Detect Hard Disks (or a similar name) and press Enter.
When that finishes (after a few seconds), go to Save & Exit (or similar name) and boot up normally into Windows.

(Note that, like the Windows registry, incorrect use of the BIOS may have adverse effects on your system).

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2009 11:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 masterixs's post

drive d tu leh baca lagi.. tp doc dlm tu yang hilang.. kawan aku kte virus dah ganggu system 32 laptop aku ni..

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2009 11:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 razhar's post


aku pnye nak open run pun dah kene disable oleh virus.. open run tuh pas tu taip regedit tu tbe2 restart.. memang system 32 pnye problem la aku rasa..

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