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Sejarah culture Gothic

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Post time 30-5-2009 12:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Saper tau asal usul budaya Gothic nie...
aku selalu dgr tapi tak tau lak maner asal dier....

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Post time 30-5-2009 01:08 PM | Show all posts
wiki kan je,..

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2009 01:12 PM | Show all posts
aku dh wiki...
terlalu byk benda yg memening kepala aku...
asal usul dier pn takde...
hanya ader benda yang berkaitan dgn culture,architecture dsb...

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Post time 30-5-2009 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Pengkhususan yg mane nko nak tau?
Dari segi orang2 Gothic atau muzik Gothic atau fesyen Gothic atau seni Gothic tue sendiri atau tulisan GOthic (blackletter) yg mcm ada kat dalam Microsoft Words.

Tp aku rase nko mesti nak tau pasai muzik gothic .
Aliran musik Gothic sebenarnya pertama kali muncul dari evolusi Punk, dan disebut musik Goth (juga sering disebut Gothic Rock). Maka dengan demikian musik Gothic sebenarnya berasal dari Inggris, bukan dari negara-negara Eropah yg lain !

Masuk pertengahan 80an muncul band-band yang membawakan aliran baru yang terinspirasi dari Goth (masih berasal dari Inggris). Contoh band-band Industrial adalah sebagai berikut: Skinny Puppy, The Neon Judgement, Borghesia, dll. Aliran musik ini dikenali  dengan penggunaan alat musik sintesis (synths) seperti drum machine, dan electronic distortion. Serupa dengan musik electronica, namun musik Industrial lebih keras  dan menggunakan tema lirik Goth. Dari aliran ini muncul lagi aliran musik lain seperti Electronic Body Music (EBM) dan Darkwave.

Pada akhir 80an/masuk era 90an, muncul aliran Gothic Metal yang juga diperkenalkan oleh band-band asal Inggris seperti Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride dan Anathema. Irama musik Gothic Metal adalah evolusi dari pencampuran musik Death Metal dan Black Metal, dengan mengangkat tema lirik musik Goth dengan sedikit penambahan tema baru: era Gothic (tahun 1700an), konfrontasi, alam ghaib, dsb. Ciri khas Gothic Metal dikenali dengan penggunaan karakter 揃eauty and the Beast

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Post time 30-5-2009 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Kalau nko mmg betui2 gothic punye orang , mesti kena tau beza antr gothic rock,gothic classical @ gothic metal.
Nie aku bg cth band2 gothic:

Gothic Classical  : Epica ,  Haggard, Nightwish
Gothic Metal     : The Sins of Thy Beloved, Theatre of Tragedy
Gothic Rock      : After forever, Within Temptation

nie cth lar ..

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2009 01:50 PM | Show all posts
aper lak muzik Gothic....
dh tertulis dh awal2 aku nk tau asal usul(sejarah) budaya Gothic nie...
siapa yang mengasas kan benda nie....

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2009 01:52 PM | Show all posts
aku lagi minat muzik electro cam Daft Punk dari Paris tu...
mmg gempak,hebat takde saper bleh lawan

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Post time 30-5-2009 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tribute at 30-5-2009 13:50
aper lak muzik Gothic....
dh tertulis dh awal2 aku nk tau asal usul(sejarah) budaya Gothic nie...
siapa yang mengasas kan benda nie....

kau kena tau bahawa muzik gothic adalah juga sub-budaya gothic selain fesyen. gothic ni adalah luas, senibina pon gothic, abjad pon kalau kau tanya mengenai budaya gothic, muzik adalah salah satu dari budaya gothic.kalau dari segi fesyen, gothic pinjam cara berpakaian zaman Elizabeth dan Victoria. dan ada pendapat mengatakan cara berpakain gothic kontemporari diambil dari pakaian berkabung zaman Victoria..

Cintra Wilson declares that "The origins of contemporary goth style are found in the Victorian cult of mourning."[2] Valerie Steele is an expert in the history of the style

huruf gothic

senibina gothic

Victorian Mourning Rituals


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Post time 30-5-2009 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tutankhamun! at 30-5-2009 13:26
Kalau nko mmg betui2 gothic punye orang , mesti kena tau beza antr gothic rock,gothic classical @ gothic metal.
Nie aku bg cth band2 gothic:

Gothic Classical牋: Epica ,牋Haggard, Nightwish
G ...

satu band best lu tak sebut, SENTENCED, gothic/ doom metal.

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Post time 30-5-2009 03:10 PM | Show all posts
wiki: nama asal gothic - GOTHS

The Goths (Gothic: , Gutans) were a heterogeneous East Germanic tribe. Originating in semi-legendary Scandza, believed to be somewhere in modern Götaland, Sweden, a Gothic population had crossed the Baltic Sea before the 2nd century, lending their name to the region of Gothiscandza, believed to be the lower Vistula region in modern Pomerelia, Poland. The archaeological Wielbark (Willenberg) culture is associated with the arrival of the Goths and their subsequent agglomeration with the indigeneous population. From the mid-2nd century onward, groups of these Goths started migrating to the Southeast along the Vistula river, reaching Scythia at the coast of the Black Sea in modern Ukraine where they left their archaeological traces in the Chernyakhov culture.
Throughout the 3rd and 4th centuries, the Scythian Goths were divided into at least two distinct entities, the Thervingi and the Greuthungi, divided by the Dnestr river. They repeatedly harried the Roman Empire during the Gothic Wars and later adopted Arian Christianity. In the late 4th century, the Huns invaded the Gothic reign from the east. While many Goths were subdued and integrated into the Hunnic Empire, others were pushed toward the Roman one.
In the 5th and 6th centuries, divided as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, they established powerful successor-states of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula and Italy.
The Goths were converted to Christianity by the Arian (half-)Gothic missionary, Wulfila, who then found it necessary to leave Gothic country for Moesia, (later the vicinity of Bulgaria) with his congregation, where he translated the Bible into Gothic, devising a script for this purpose. Although for a time masters of Italy and Iberia, the Goths were defeated by the forces of Justinian I in a final effort to restore the Roman Empire. Subsequently they were struck by the Vandals and the Lombards. Prolonged contact with the Roman population of the former Empire ultimately led to conversion to Catholicism; Reccared, late 6th century king of Gothic Iberia, became Catholic with the remainder of the yet unconverted Goths. Assimilation of the Goths accelerated when the last of them were defeated by the Moors in the early 8th century. The language and culture disappeared except for fragments in other cultures. In the 16th century a small remnant of Ostrogoths may have turned up in the Crimea,[1] but this identification is not certain.

[ Last edited by  RikaHasriana at 30-5-2009 15:14 ]

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Post time 30-5-2009 04:17 PM | Show all posts

History and background:

> The words Goth and Gothic have had many, largely unrelated meanings in the past:

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Post time 30-5-2009 04:20 PM | Show all posts
What is the Goth culture?

It is basically indefinable, because "Goth" means different things to each follower. Many adopt unusual fashions in order to separate themselves from other youth. Gordon A. Crews, associate dean of the School of Justice Studies at Roger Williams University in Bristol, CT is an investigator of what he calls the "occult" which-- in his opinion -- includes the Goth culture. He said: "It is up to the individual to define what Goth is for themselves ... The mentality is, 'I want to be left alone but I want to be seen. I want to see the shock on other peoples' faces." 11

Some factors that are commonly observed are:

> Its unique music, art and literature.

> The use of extreme black clothing, light colored makeup, unusual hair styles, body piercing, bondage items, etc.

> A fascination with medieval, Victorian and Edwardian history.

> Wearing of symbols such as a Christian cross; an Egyptian ankh or "Eye of Ra," or "Eye of Horus;" a Wiccan pentacle, a Satanic inverted pentacle. etc. 14

> Goths tend to be non-violent, pacifistic, passive, and tolerant. Many in the media have mistakenly associated Goth with extreme violence and hatred of minorities, white supremacy, etc.

> Many Goths write about being depressed. Followers seem sullen and withdrawn, when in public. They are often much more "happy and carefree in the company of [other] Goths." 1 Examples of depression are:

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Post time 30-5-2009 06:17 PM | Show all posts
suker tgk fesyen gothic...

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Post time 31-5-2009 03:21 PM | Show all posts
ishh... suke??? geler ahh.. pening aku tengok bebudak skang dengan fesyen gothic... dah macam entah apa2 entah...

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Post time 31-5-2009 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Kalau nak guna wiki jugak, type : Goth Subculture

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Post time 1-6-2009 08:30 PM | Show all posts
tapi kalu bebudak kat mesia neh nak tiru.. kelakor giler aku tgk..
dgn muka sembab... pakai baju ntah apa.. pegang payung.. feeling baguss..


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Post time 1-6-2009 10:53 PM | Show all posts
hok oloh...seorg Goth dop semestinya pakaian semuanya hitam. Cukuplah ala2 L pun ok per...kena gak pakai eye liner. Tapi muka kena mau cerah lah... pakai bedak banyak2 kat muka ye..

Kalu nok sangat, pakai baju hitam bila malam2 je...:victory:yg penting bila sebut Goth, ia sebenarnya berkaitan ngan aura kesuraman... that's all...

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Post time 2-6-2009 12:03 AM | Show all posts
goth ni sebenarnya satu kaum. Kalau tak silap kaum german.

kalau muzik gothic tu malas nak cakap lebih la boss. Story lebih lebih tapi tak pernah dengar Black Sabbath tak guna juga. hahaha. Know your root.

[ Last edited by  benign at 2-6-2009 00:04 ]

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Post time 6-6-2009 12:04 AM | Show all posts
aku bila tengo awek gothic aku rasa seram jer..tapi aku suka..


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Post time 7-6-2009 08:17 AM | Show all posts
cm seram jer semua benda gothic ni....

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