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Powerful Intention

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Post time 7-7-2009 11:34 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Adakah korang percaya yg suatu mende dalam fikiran yg bila difokuskan ia boleh menjadi kenyataan. Dari minda ke berubah menjadi material.

Asas yg penting utk ia berjaya, 2 iaitu Manifestasi dan Percaya.

Share your thought maa....

From Group Powerful Intention

Thought is Real, Thing is Illusion

You can change your phsycal appearance through manifesting and beliave

My Physical Appearance Changed

You already Change Your Appearance

Mist Manifesting

About Changing Physical Appearance

Clear skin in less than two days!

My Physical Appearance Changed

I've realized that I literally went through so much physical change! I've experienced drastic physical changes in the last few years that people I havn't seen in 2-5 years could not recognize me when they saw me again! I didn't think much of it because it's so natural for this to happen to me.

Yes, this drastic change REALLY DID happen. I had cousins bump into me in public who I'd look at straight in the face and wave at and have them completely ignore me because they didn't know who I was! And the friends or family who I visited couldn't believe how much I've changed. This happened 6 months ago. I've always caught the attention of all when I visited friends/family in these reunions because they're not sure who I am at first. They're just like "Wow, you look so different, Wow!"

Everyone always said I changed so much, they couldn't stop staring at me and they couldn't believe how I've changed--they didn't even know what it was that changed exactly. "Just age" I say, hehe
Not only that, but they said I look even BETTER than before ;)

By the way, their stunned stares lasted for weeks!

This is something not new to me. I'm used to this kind of reaction! I'll tell you why: for me, with every couple of years that pass in my life, whenever I reunite with family or friends, almost the exact same thing happens. They all tell me I've changed, and they're always completely stunned at how I look. And the impression that I make is always good, which, fortunately, means I always look better than the last time they saw me!

What's crazy is that I knew nothing about LOA. I just knew prayer. I learned about LOA about a year ago, but never consciously used it, much less considered it for physical appearance until I joined PowerfulIntentions. Amazing right?

MORE RECENT CHANGES: my nose went through a slightly swelled-up period a month ago which was really unexpected. I had some intentions with straightening/refining my nose but didn't focus on it too much--I was focusing more on my teeth but also on overall improvement. So I emmediately knew when I saw the swelling that my nose is going through changes!

A week ago when I took pictures, my nose looked more like the nose I intended for! I'm sooooo excited that it's really working so fast! In addition to that, I saw old home videos and realized that I had evidence that my nose definitely changed from when I was 15 and 16 to a more refined nose which I have now since I've grown.

ANOTHER RECENT CHANGE: my body is more toned since 3 months ago, and my abs are flatter this month! All with NO exercise. Really, since this month, no matter what I eat my body is the way I intended it to be. This all happened with NO exercise. I only just this week started doing 10 minutes of workouts 3 times a week just because I want to

ONE MORE AMAZING CHANGE: My skin is now clear no matter what I do! it's really clear and soft, I love it I don't deprive myself from anything, I touch my face however I like, and I don't use any special soap. I only wash with water and my skin has never felt or looked better. I don't even have blackheads!

I know now that I've been using prayer to make all this happen, and at first I forgot that this is REAL and it's the type of thing people associate with the LOA. I just knew about prayer (which is stronger than LOA, by the way, and I think LOA is only a part of prayer). I understand so much more of why some things in my life happen, and it's all by the Mercy and Will of God. I don't have to intend anything other than the sincere prayer, and let it ALL to GOD. What's great is that the whole visualizatinon no longer become hard and done with lots of effort, I SEE my desired self so effortlessly and KNOW that it just IS.

I always prayed and believed that the older I get, the better and better I will look. I believed and grew up with the belief that I was beautiful, and that I go through prominent physical changes every couple of years that not only change, but improve my appearance. This is what is happening to me, this is what has always been happening to me, and this is what will be happening to me, all from The All Mighty God.

I don't want to make this post any longer than it already is, but I'll post how I attracted everything in more detail later know, all those detail about how to get your faith and belief enhanced and eliminate the doubt!

Just know that physical change is possible, you only have to believe it and accept it.
Believe it before you see it!

I hope my story motivates you all! I'll be more than happy to answer any questions

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 11:37 PM | Show all posts
You already Change Your Appearance

Neville described a method in one of his articles that can be appliedto changing physical appearance. This method is an incredible way tochange your physical appearance naturally, and is most likely the onlyway most physical changes occur. It's basically what I have been usingall along to change how I look and in many cases it works faster thanone expects. Most of us look the way we do as a result of this method,and once you realize how to apply this, you are on your way to changingyour current physical appearance.

The method is that, to change your physical appearance, you must denythe evidence of the senses, and replace what you feel with the feelingof your wish fulfilled. That's all. This is the way to manifesting yourdesire.

What you must do is believe and see it first in your mind, and then youwill realize it physically. You must not wonder about how this willhappen--that's not your job. All you have to do is accept the feelingof already looking the way you want to look and know that you look thatway right here and now. Reject anything else that tells you otherwiseand just BE that image that you desire----walk in it, breathe throughit, and live in it.

Keep this up and in time, your physical body will agree with the image that you are being.

I hope this helps you all.

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Mist Manifesting

This is an exerpt from the original thread where Giovani posted this awesome technique. It's worked for me a few times already.


I stayed the same age for over 15 years and totally agree with whatSirgalahadwizard has to say. In my case, it started very early, mostly,because I felt "grownups" were crazy.

Little by little, I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt and hadsome spurts, but was cautious about it. Then, after much internal work,I decided I wanted more interaction with society and sort of gave in.What I have that's special is that I believe I can describe my processrather directly. I've always had that gift of explaining theunexplainable, describing the undescribable. This isn't Truth,though--just one explanation rather than none.

Okay. What I did was feel a sort of mist around me. It didn't matterwhere the mist was, how far it extended, whether it had temperature ofany sort or not. Just imagine some mist. What's good about mist is thatit doesn't have to have any particular shape, so if it changes--whocares! Now, think the general thing you want to be. Again, it doesn'tmatter how you word it. You don't even need words. Just the intentionwill do it. Just keep imagining that mist.

Your words activate that mist.

By the way, there is a name for this mist. Mediums call it ectoplasm.The Bible calls it "faith." It is "the evidence of things unseen."

This is how you can look at the mirror, and say to yourself, "My skinlooks great" and feel like you're telling the truth. You see, you arenot talking about your skin. You are charging the mist. You areprogramming the mist. You are commanding it to make your skin lookgreat. I suggest you just say what you want, rather than give the mista command. However, my intuition says it doesn't matter. If you imaginethe mist, the mist will do what you MEAN. And, it's NOT tricky. Itknows the difference between what you say and a slip-up. It's on yourside. After all, it is you.

The trick is to imagine the mist at different times. Use triggers. Oneobvious trigger is the mirror. By the way, you can program the mist toremind you to program it. It is very obedient and just plain likes youand likes to serve and please you. Another name for the mist is thewill.

Just think, when you get to the mirror, "Every time I look into a mirror, I see my skin's completely clear." (Or whatever.)

You can make people with blemished skin a trigger. You can make a verypretty girl whom you run into a lot a trigger. What's good about thatis that you let go of jealousy and simply feel that that's you in thevery near future! You can make certain songs your trigger. It not onlybecomes fun, but becomes automatic. After a while, you won't evenremember that you're DOING anything. It'll quickly just become a"natural" habit.

Be careful about that. This can lead to forgetting your power. I'm gladyou asked about this, because I sort of forgot about my power. Also, Ijust knew to do this and would never have come up with this cleardescription without your having requested help. I love helping peoplewith these sorts of questions. And, I just feel warm feelings towardyou, so I really am enjoying using my intuition and subtle memory inyour service.

Sirgalahadwizard is right, you know. This IS alchemy. In fact, many saythat the mist has another name: white powder of gold. This is a naturalexpression of the philosopher's stone from the human existence and in avery--let's say--diluted form. The philosopher's stone is effectiveeven in a highly diluted form. It is extra- or multi-dimensional,anyway. So the small amount we deal with is only a tiny expression ofits enormous mass. That is why a small fiber of it is refered to as astone.

Okay, I'm more or less shocked by everything that's come through me.


Oh, one more thing: You don't necessarily have to SEE the mist--just tofeel it, or sense it is enough. It doesn't need to be a wet mist. Thepoint is that you extend beyond your body in a way you don't have toconcentrate about.


Look, Zach, I've seen a lot around the idea of growing taller--andSHORTER, too! It's all possible. Pain is totally unnecessary. Remember,this world is an illusion. I was a trickster-type magician. So, I knowit's all so fake, and people will believe anything--even withoutquantum physics and high-level illusion!

Please, understand that the mist, etc, are simply very clear ways of describing things we already do. Things you already know.

You can grow two inches in a week. Your doctors will rationalize it andtry to get back to seeing things as they always have, but with a little"Ain't that somethin'" energy. You've seen them do this before, haven'tyou? It's really old hat.

I give you the mist technique, because you don't have to "believe"anything to use it. You put all that on the mist. It's like having arobot who does the believing for you. You just tell it what to believe.And, since it's shapeless, you don't even have to be good atvisualizing. See? Only, I didn't invent this. I tripped into it andthen read things to that effect and then remembered all of this thatmatched-up because chengchen asked the correct question.

So, we all win!

And, no. I don't have before/after pictures. I wouldn't even know whenbefore and after were. There's a real "problem" of amnesia involved inall this. After all, part of what you're doing is forgetting how youused to look. The real problem behind all this is that it's easy tojust forget that your changes came from programming, which may lead toforgeting how to program yourself. So, try to write down some of whatyou're doing in a place you believe you'll look at again in a year orso. That's probably as useful a before/after practice as I can thinkof. I've done this for changing habits (not using the mist, though).

I see everybody in this discussion walking around with ridiculously bigsmiles and a secret as to how they've taken power over their looks andmuch else!

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 11:39 PM | Show all posts
About Changing Physical Appearance

Has anyone have any success manifesting a change in physicallappearance that is not weight lost? Something like a change of somefeautures or something like this?

If so how have you done it? By constant visualizations or just asking for it once and letting go?

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Clear skin in less than two days!
Hi everyone,
I'm kind of new to the LOA I'm 14 years old and pretty much I found this group and decided to change my appearance, starting with getting perfectly clear, flawless skin. I've had acne for about two years and its never gone away. So following Tamia's advice I simply pretended my skin was perfect already, acted, talked and thought as if it was already flawless, picturing how I looked with my new skin. Immediately like literally a few hours later I noticed a change in my skin, and now, less than two days later, all that's left is a few pale, flat blemishes which are steadily fading! And also I'd been imagining my complexion a bit paler, and these past two days I spent in the sun but instead of my skin getting tanner its gotten paler! This really, truly works!!
Thanks Tamia

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