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Corelle dinner sets for sale. Limited items so hurry and BOOK it NOW!
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Post Last Edit by mrsdjones at 19-12-2009 03:30
The Corelle set is limited, 1 set per each design. Siapa cepat dia dapat!
All sets will leave U.S. in a few weeks time and will arrive late Feb 2010.
Price is from RM480-520 depending on the design.
Price is inclusive on shipping from U.S. to Malaysia + tax.
Price for shipping to any location in Malaysia is not included and will be calculated upon booking.
Self pick up preferable for Penang Island area or KL (need early notice)
Serious buyer ONLY!
Cara Pembelian/How to place your order
Sila email kami maklumat tentang pertanyaan atau item yang dikehendaki di
[email protected]
Kami akan balas email berserta dengan jawapan serta maklumat pembelian.
Jika bersetuju bolehlah membuat pembayaran kepada akaun yg akan dimaklumkan melalui email.
Email kami bukti pembayaran dan item akan dipos secepat mungkin.
Terima kasih dan happy shopping~ :pompom:
Please drop us an email for any inquiry or order at [email protected]
We will get back to you shortly with the answer as well as any order related details.
You can proceed with payment to the accounts stated in the email.
Please email me the proof of payment and the item will be posted as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest and happy shopping~ :pompom:
Boleh bayar 10 kali kah..... |
menarik neh,,,, nak satu setttttttttttttttttttttt 
tapi tak pernah membeli mcm ni... ok ke?? <maklumlah sekarang ni :geram:> |
nak cop yg ini

COD ke mcm mana/? |
4# mat_tempe
hehe.. boleh bayar deposit dulu for booking cik mat_tempe.. marilah beli~~ :pompom: |
6# niy
COD lagi bagusssss. Area Penang and KL "boleh dibincangkan tuk". (bunyi mcm Mail dlm upin ipin muahaha ) |
9# mrsdjones
new design?
mizahanan Post at 19-12-2009 09:16 
Yes mizahanan, semuanya new design rasanya accept for shadow iris.
Shadow Iris tu saya perasan ada jual kat shopping mall.
Boleh check kat website corelle ni: |
6# niy
kira dah cop ni jadi lah ye ;) nnt PM saya tempat nak pickup ok.
dah sampai pinggan cantek tu saya roger. |
12# mrsdjones
oppss.. jgn order lagi
ada kwn nak gi US .. tinggal dlm setahun dua kat sana
ingat nak kirim kat dia jer 
boleh beli waktu sale n dpt design baru 
maaf ye mrs |
ok niy, no problem ;)
jgn lupa singgah sini lg hehe |
Salaam and hello semua,
Saya nak officially announce saya tak amik pre-order dah sbb stock dah sampai!
Saya ada stock lebih, so saya akan buka thread baru!
Kalau berminat boleh jenguk sini: |
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Category: Shop Online/Classified