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Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monaco
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Wednesday June 23, 2010
Prince Albert of Monaco to finally marry
PARIS: Prince Albert of Monaco is engaged to marry Charlene Wittstock, a former Olympic swimmer for South Africa, a union that will give this wealthy Mediterranean principality its first crown princess since American Grace Kelly died in 1982.
The palace announced the engagement of “His Serene Highness”, 52, and Wittstock, 32, who also worked as a school teacher before moving to Monaco. The statement Wednesday did not indicate a planned wedding date, but put to rest months of speculation that the two longtime companions would tie the knot.
This undated photo provided Wednesday June 23, 2010 by the Monaco Palace shows Prince Albert and South Africa's Charlene Wittstock. (AP Photo/Amedeo M Turello/ Monaco Palace)
It will be the first marriage of a reigning prince since Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married Albert’s father, Prince Rainier III, to massive hoopla in 1956. Princess Grace died in a car accident in 1982, casting a pall of tragedy over the family, but remains a style icon to this day.
Albert met the willowy Wittstock in 2000 when she came to Monaco for a swimming competition. Since 2006, she has lived in the principality, said Laetitia Pierrat, a palace spokeswoman.
Asked by The Associated Press whether Wittstock might be pregnant, Pierrat said: “Honestly, I don’t think so.” She added she wasn’t privy to such private matters, but if Wittstock were, a formal announcement would probably have been made.
According to protocol, royal couples must wait at least six months between the announcement of the engagement and the wedding day, she said. Royal watchers reveled at the announcement.
“It’s been 30 years since Grace died, 30 years they’ve been waiting for a first lady, a princess, a dream beauty, glam. And voila!” said Colombe Pringle, executive editor of the French celebrity magazine “Point de Vue,” which often covers Prince Albert’s private life.
Albert took the throne in July 2005 after the death of his straight-laced father, who built the sleepy Mediterranean port into a tax haven for the rich and a glittering financial centre.
That same year, Albert acknowledged that he had fathered a boy, Alexandre, out of wedlock by a former flight attendant. The following year, he acknowledged an American daughter, Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, now a teenager, born to a California woman. Neither can assume the throne because they were born out of wedlock.
While his father’s reign was defined by his marriage to Princess Grace, Albert was known for being a longtime bachelor - so much so that Parliament in 2002 changed the constitution to allow one of his sisters’ sons to take the throne if he never produces an heir.
Pringle suggested that Albert’s advancing age, and the long time since his mother’s passing, meant that the time was right for him to give up bachelorhood.
“He’s 50-something. It’s time,” she said.
She said Wittstock has spent their years together preparing for this.
“She has learned a lot, she has done a good personal job to fit with her job, there are many years of learning there behind her,” Pringle said. “Now it’s a question of involvement and engagement in her new role. We’ll see how she does.”-AP
ada anak luar nikah pung... aper dia kesah ekkk.... nama ajer raja... tapi pangai semacam ler pulok!! Last edited by yipun_78 on 31-5-2014 05:16 PM
Congratulations.  |
wah...cantik lah tunang dia
tapi atleast dia acknowledge anak2 out of wedlock dia tu eak..
but anak sdare dia ensem woo.. |
kecewa arr ank sdre die tu lau wife to be die nie pregnant
huhuhu..... |
Putera Monaco, Putera Albert akan mengahwini Charlene Wittstock
PARIS 24 Jun - Putera Monaco, Putera Albert telah bertunang bagi mengahwini bekas perenang Olimpik Afrika Selatan, Charlene Wittstock.
Pihak istana mengumumkan pertunangan “His Serene Highness” , 52, itu dengan Wittstock, 32, yang juga merupakan seorang guru sekolah sebelum beliau berpindah ke Monaco.
Walaubagaimanapun kenyataan itu hari ini tidak menyatakan sebarang tarikh perkahwinan pasangan itu, namun ia merungkai spekulasi pasangan tersebut selama ini yang dikhabarkan akan mengikat tali pertunangan. - AP |
elok sangt le naik pelamin...dah terlebih bujang... |
Wednesday June 23, 2010
Prince Albert of Monaco to finally marry
PARIS: Prince Albert of Mona ...
amazed Post at 23-6-2010 23:52 
FINALLY, you are married ....
hmm he is 50 and the lady school teacher is 32 ...hmm about my age anyway....
well eh sama macam Dr Nazrin and Tuanku Zara pattern umur depa ya...
anyway it is about time |
ok lah tu, tunang pun lawa gak...
prince albert tu pun dah setengah abad umur dia...
selagi ada sikit2 rambut kat belakang tu baiklah cepat2 kahwin.
karang kalau dah lupus semua rambut, dah tak cantik lagi dah... |
good luck ler cikgu sekolah ni nak handle dia..... mamat ni womanizer giler kan? |
prince ni masa muda boleh tahan hensem..
& cikgu tu pun lawa.. |
Reply 13# cmf_yipun78
kurang siket dari ariel peterporn ngan tiger woods |
Waaaa...dapat cikgu. Harap bila nak cerai nanti, jangan
tuduh cikgu curi crown MONACO............. |
{:1_147:}{:1_147:}{:1_147:}{:1_147:} |
macam Sharon Stone lak aku nengok muka bini dia.... |
tunang dia ni ex-swimmer, dulu nampak macam she is tougher than albert, lebar betul badan dia and at that time she looked a bit strange to my eyes..and it was pretty obvious..skrg ni nampak feminine sikit..bagi aku, taklah lawa ner...tak begitu sesuai jadi queen..sbb aku monitor juger european royalties ni... |
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