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[Tempatan] EDISI ANGGAPANMU: Dakwaan akan berlaku 'runtuhan gergasi' tidak benar- Datuk Bandar KL

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Post time 26-8-2024 07:58 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by maklukpenggoda at 26-8-2024 10:11 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Dakwaan bahawa Kuala Lumpur adalah lokasi tidak selamat dan berpotensi berlaku “giant sinkhole” seperti yang tular di media sosial adalah tidak benar.

Penafian tersebut dibuat oleh Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Seri Maimunah Sharif, dengan menegaskan keadaan di ibu negara adalah selamat kerana ia telah dibangunkan sejak sekian lama.

Beliau menambah, jika ada pihak yang mengatakan perkara sebaliknya, ia perlu diserta bersama bukti dan kajian terperinci berhubung dakwaan berkenaan.

“Saya berpendapat Kuala Lumpur ini pun sudah lama dibina dan dalam tempoh itu ia adalah selamat.

“Oleh itu kalau nak mengatakan tidak selamat mestilah ada menunjukkan bukti-bukti dan kajian-kajian yang terperinci,” ujarnya dalam sidang media di lokasi kejadian pada Ahad

Hadir sama Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi ACP Sulizmie Affendy Sulaiman dan Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Kuala Lumpur, Rozihan Anwar Mamat.

Mengulas lanjut, Maimunah berkata sehubungan itu pihaknya telah menubuhkan ‘task force’ termasuk bersama Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia dan Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) untuk melihat kepada aspek keselamatan di ibu negara.

“… untuk melihat ataupun mengkaji keadaan sebab kalau dilihat dari segi sedia ada, pada pendapat saya adalah Kuala Lumpur ini masih selamat.

“Ya, melainkan kalau ada kajian yang menunjukkan bukti-bukti kajian,” ujarnya lagi.

Terdahulu, tular di media sosial Facebook satu kemas kini mendakwa tempat yang paling tidak selamat di Malaysia adalah Kuala Lumpur, yang berpotensi berlaku ‘giant sinkhole’ pada bila-bila masa.

Astro Awani

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Post time 26-8-2024 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Netizen pun satu, bila ada kes gemar sgt melebih-lebih... runtuhan besarlah, kl tenggelamlah. .. tp statement datuk bandar pun satu, isytihar selamat sebab sebelum ini selamat katanya.. kiki

geologist dah lama tau pun kawasan bawah kl ni adalah batu kapur... tapi tak ada bukti runtuhan besar-besaran akan berlaku so chill chill sajalah.

sepatutnya nanti kerajaan release kajian pasal sinkhole di masjid india samada bersifat terpencil spt disebabkan oleh paip yang pecah etc.. atau permulaan kepada tenggelamnya kl menjadi tasik terbesar didunia..

satu tanda yang perlu dibimbangi oleh orang ramai yang tak belajar geologi ialah jika runtuhan berulang kerap secara rawak, itu mungkin somethinglah...

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Post time 26-8-2024 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 26-8-2024 10:21 PM

Malaysia Special: SMART Tunnel on National Geographic Channel


Malaysia Special: SMART Tunnel on National GeographicChannelAnnually, floods besiege Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital city. TheStormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) project can divert flood watersfrom the problematic Klang River away from the city centre. The world's firststorm water tunnel with a built-in motorway, capable of turning even themotorway into a secondary flood channel, is strategically located in one ofKuala Lumpur's most busy ring road. With the help of the largest tunnel boringmachines in Southeast Asia, plus an impressive artillery of technology andknowledge, the 9.7 km-long 13.3 m excavated diameter SMART tunnel has beendesigned to end the city's major flood woes.

The construction of the project took place in the KualaLumpur limestone formation, well known for its well developed solution featuressuch as interconnected caves, cavities, sinkholes, dolinas and its erraticrockhead known to drop by 20-30 metres within a few metres.

The formation along the tunnel alignment is overlain byloose alluviums or by mine tailings. The low, 1-1.6 diameter cover in a cityenvironment added to the challenging nature of the tunnelling.

Several shafts to connect the roads with their ramps had tobe excavated by drilling and blasting more than half million cubic metres oflimestone, close to the centre of the city.

The erratic rockhead made the task interesting to supportthe excavations.A documentary on the SMART tunnel will premiere exclusively onNational Geographic Channel in Asia (including Malaysia on Astro Channel 553)on Friday 25th January at 10 pm. It repeats on Sunday 27th January at 8 pm andFriday 1st February at 4 pm. For more information, visit, or Hungarian tunnel specialist Gusztav Kladosserved as senior project manager for the construction of the SMART tunnel Themain character in the SMART story is Gusztav Klados, who was project manager.He knows everything about the building of the tunnel. Klados worked on theSMART project since 2002 before moving on to another project when the SMARTproject ended. The one-hour documentary is shooted with high-definition (HD)camera. The crew had 21 HD filming days spread out from January through Augustto film various events happening on the SMART, from the construction andtesting of the road to its opening.Some of the filming conditions wereextremely challenging and inhospitable. For example, filming the cutterheadintervention was tough. The filming crew was only allowed to do it because theywere certified divers and knew what it was like to be in compressed air. Theyhad to go through a decompression chamber to get to the front of the TBM. Thearea is so narrow, less than a 1.5 m wide, with temperatures hovering past40ºC. High humidity also caused the lens to fog up. The crew ended up with agreat sequence but was all soaking wet with perspiration. The documentary alsoexplains how the SMART really works, how it monitors the rivers and how gatescontrol the amount of water in the tunnel. It is quite amazing to see millionsof litres of water rushing through a tunnel you normally drive through. Themotorway tunnel was opened to the public in May 2007 while the stormwatertunnel began operation a month later. Click here, here, here and my/16. ReadE-News Weekly 48/2007, 28/2007, 15/2007, 9/2006, 3/2006, 39/2005, 26/2005,3/2005 & 9/2004.


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 Author| Post time 27-8-2024 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Ai_kiu replied at 26-8-2024 08:05 PM

Terima kasih pasukan jabatan min ...


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Post time 26-8-2024 08:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bakal pindahkan ibu negara atas Gunung Kinabalu ke?

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:06 AM | Show all posts
tggu masa? dari zaman twin tower dah tahu kes bawah KL nie banyak gua kapur....

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
B40tastePosh replied at 26-8-2024 08:05 AM
Bakal pindahkan ibu negara atas Gunung Kinabalu ke?

Gunung kinabalu pon berlaku gegaran gempa haritu

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SalenaGomez replied at 26-8-2024 08:12 AM
Gunung kinabalu pon berlaku gegaran gempa haritu

So Sabah pun tak selamat.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2024 08:35 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Makcik Datok Bandar ni lantikan politik ke apa..?

Boleh pulak diye ckp yg KL tu selamat sebab dh lama dibangunkan...

Hello makcik...selamat utk dihuni buat masa sekarang...sebab takda kes besar...akan dtg kita tak tau lagi...

Org nk future plan ko sebagai Datuk Bandar mengatasi masalah sinkhole / batu kapur ni..

Bukannye tunggu menara2 start terbenam tenggelam baru nk ambil tindakan..

Kang bila kata yg pompuan tak boleh lead buat keputusan dlm keadaan distress kang, dikatanya kita ni patriarchy pulak...

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:43 AM | Show all posts
trx tu selamat ke ha? meols dah pandai jalan2 trx naik mrt

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Post time 26-8-2024 08:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Somehow Ai rasa sedikit kesiyan ngan acik ni. Baru je nk menikmati kerusi empuk datuk bandar dah dpt 1st assignment punya besar mcm nih
Big role comes with big responsibility.

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Samerosie at 26-8-2024 09:13 AM

It is time la to rehabilitate old pipes. Invest in iot to detect subsurface erosion ke leakage ke.  Then start la look at climate change adapation measures.  Esok2 singapore je tinggal malaysia dah mendap ke bawah.

Be reactive la for once. Jgn terhantuk baru nak tergadah.

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:19 AM | Show all posts
macam mana nak apply jadi datuk bandar KL?

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:37 AM | Show all posts
dulu-dulu pun cakap takkan ada MCO, tapi seminggu camtu MCO sampai berbulan-bulan hahaha susah nak percaya sekarang ni.
bah, sudah panggil kah pakar-pakar untuk kaji pasal keselamatan KL ni, dari sinkhole?

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Tiada apa-apa ok je KL tu

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:49 AM | Show all posts
xde ke nak check utk keselamatan kita...

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Post time 26-8-2024 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 26-8-2024 09:54 AM

kalo betul mmg berpotensi berlaku runtuhan gergasi..

takkan ler nak iya kan..

just imagine..

akan berlaku panic n mgkn huru hara..

pelancong x mo dah mai KL..

semua rekyat Mesia pakat2 jual umah kat KL n x der sapa pun nak beli

harga hartanah kat KL akan jatuh..

bangunan n infrastruktur abandoned

akhirnya KL jadi padang jarak padang tekukur mcm lepas perang

kosong n sunyi


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Post time 26-8-2024 10:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rilex2 arr datuk bandar, kerja macam biasa, jawab macam biasa, datang musim hujan banjir kl menjawab lagi, habis musim banjir runtuh pokok tumbang org lupa balik

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Post time 26-8-2024 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kucingitam at 26-8-2024 03:54 PM

korang rasa kalau dia jawab ya, kl akan runtuh, apa akan jadi?  huru-hara, kan? kena la bagi jawapan yang berdiplomasi. tgk je movie melibatkan bencana, selagi boleh elak, drg akan elak bagi jawapan yang membuatkan rakyat panik. takyah korang kecam datuk bandar tu. dia tau la apa dia nak buat. tak adil korang nak terus salahkan dia.. dahla baru dilantik..

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Post time 26-8-2024 04:10 PM | Show all posts
tak kan lah dia nak jawab - "a ah betul tu, KL tunggu masa je ni"


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Post time 26-8-2024 04:27 PM | Show all posts
B40tastePosh replied at 26-8-2024 08:05 AM
Bakal pindahkan ibu negara atas Gunung Kinabalu ke?

tak boleh sis bergegar kopek memasing nanti

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Post time 26-8-2024 04:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
izwan_izi replied at 26-8-2024 08:37 AM
Makcik Datok Bandar ni lantikan politik ke apa..?

Boleh pulak diye ckp yg KL tu selamat sebab dh l ...

Dia kata “saya BERPENDAPAT…”
Hehe boleh pulak berasaskan pendapat ya

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