Along the tributaries of the Amazon in Brazil, home to the most aggressive and dangerous form of ants in the world - Paraponera clavata, or as they are called, because of the similarity of pain from their bites with gunshot wounds, bullet ants ...
Some of the local Native American tribes practice a terrible habit: every boy, ready to become a man, should stick to 10 minutes of hands ritual "mittens", ridden by these monsters. Often, this rite leads to temporary paralysis or even to blackening of the fingers. The past is a difficult test says that the same pain can be experienced, perhaps, his hands thrust into the flaming coals ...
Often happens is that some of the 'unworthy' to become young men die from pain shock. The most interesting thing is that if a man decides to become a true warrior, he'll have to go through this procedure 20 times!
aku kena gigit dgn semut selangor tahun lepas,,,,mmg kebas lepas tu mula ajid panas...suhu badan naik..ini dia sengaja buatkan semut2 tu gigit dia...adat sewel mcm ini menjadikan kaum puak ko dipandang sbg gila dan x bertamadun sampai bila2.