antara 'monster' di sungai congo
-tiger fish
The Congo River (in the past also known as the Zaire River) is a river in Africa, and is the deepest river in the world, with measured depths in excess of 220 m (720 ft).[2] It is the third largest river in the world by volume of water discharged. Additionally, its overall length of 4,700 km (2,920 mi) makes it the ninth longest river.
The Congo gets its name from the ancient Kingdom of Kongo which inhabited the lands at the mouth of the river. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo, both countries lying along the river's banks, are named after it. Between 1971 and 1997 the government of then-Zaire called it the Zaire River.
monster urban legen kt sungai congo
Stories alleging that a Sauropod-like beast might be lurking in the swamplands of the Congo started as far back as 1776. Some of these are found in travelers tales, including those by the famed Trader Horn which emerged in the late 1800’s. In the early 1900’s, things really started to get interesting when Lieutenant Paul Gratz wrote about the indigenous legends of the Congo River Basin which spoke of a creature known as the “Nsanga,” said to inhabit the Lake Bangweulu region. Gratz described the creature as resembling a Sauropod. In 1932, cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson claimed that, while in Cameroon, he witnessed an enormous creature in the Mainyu River that might have been a Mokele-mbembe. Adventurers like Sanderson and Roy Mackal began regular trips to the Congo in search of the living dinosaur and found that when they showed drawings of various animals and dinosaurs to the natives, they would routinely point to the image of a Brachiosaurus, saying that it was Mokele. Even more amazing, if they asked locals to draw a Mokele in the sand, they would draw something resembling a Sauropod. Some of these natives lived in very remote villages and would have had no pre-existing knowledge of dinosaurs, making it extremely unlikely that they could illustrate one in the sand – unless, of course, they had actually seen the animal. As a further test, they were shown images of non-native animals, such as North American bears, but they just shook their heads saying they had never seen such creatures.
x mustahil ikan @ hidupan lain boleh mmbesar dgr cermelangnya kt sini kn..sungai dah la panjang dalam plak tuh mau ada 'monster' lain ha3
dalam byk2 sungai di atas aku bertuah pernah berada di sungai mekong itu..perghhh memang besor la dah macam laut.masa tu pi vietnam.aku pi ho chi minh. time tu naik bot pi kat satu tempat tak pasti lah pulau ke apa tah tapi tempat ade org buat gula2 kelapa..
ade cam paya ke sungai kecil boleh naik sampan kecil pompuan kurus kering yg mengayuh sampan menyusuri pokok2 nipah.
aku punyalah takut masa naik bot tu kan..dok doa jgn lah terbalik dahla xreti berenang sabar jelah punyalah penakut..masa tu leh nampak kapal2/bot besar nelayan maybe dekat2 ngan muara kot ntah lah
Wah untungler, mesti besh Kan, takder snap pic ker.....
mysweetisha Post at 15-5-2012 01:18
opkos la ader tp hanya ade yg dicuci buh dlm album..nyesal tak burn dlm cd, ade simpan dlm pendrive tapi dah terpadam dlm kamera n pc pun dah terpadam..kalo ade scanner leh la tepek gambo.
sungai mekong ni pun aku rase dah besar, dalam dan panjang sangat..all the way nak pergi satu pulau tuk makan buah-buahan tu pun aku dah pening2 lalat..
pastu pergi plak pulau buah kelapa tu ..lagi lah aku pening duk bau2 air sungai ni..
orang2 pempuan yang dayung sampan tu memang kurus2 tapi tenaga diorang kus semangat kuat
sepanjang sungai naik sampan tu aku rase tu pokok kelapa laut..