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[SBS] HEIRS (Lee Min-Ho, Park Shin Hye) [Wed/Thu, Start 9th Oct]
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You’ll soon be able to enjoy weekly doses of Lee Min Ho as he will be returning to the small screen through a new SBS drama ‘Heirs‘ (working title)!
‘Heirs’ will be a 20-episode drama and has already piqued the interest of fans with the reveal of its top-notch writer and director, Kim Eun Sook and Kang Shin Hyo PD, as well as its male lead Lee Min Ho.
Lee Min Ho shared, “As I normally watch writer Kim’s productions, I wanted to definitely work with her and my wish was fulfilled through this opportunity. Working with the writer and director whom I respect, I think it will become a meaningful production.”
The drama’s production company also stated, “Lee Min Ho is confirmed to play the male lead and we are currently working on the casting of the female lead.” Last edited by dauswq on 12-9-2013 11:04 AM
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh....................habislah tidur malam ku tak lama lagi...dahlah jang ok nak mula dah....pastu cite ni pulak.....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2-2 kekasih hati ku hahahaha mana boleh tak tengok......nak delete cite apa ek dlm pvr skrg?.....tak cukup ni nak cover 2-2 cite  |
harap bukan citer zaman joseon2 dulu2 lagi |
harap2 moon chae possibilities tu tak kot, sbb diorg pernah berlakon sbg couple sblm ni dlm i am mackerel. |
harap2 bukan weekend drama.....klu weekend drama tkde kat OneHD... |
sape la heroinnya.. menanti dgn sabar.. harap bukan nama2 yg mengecewakan.. |
tengok pd tajuk.. mesti jd anak org kaya lg ni. jun pyo? |
korea ni selalu buat cite historical kan...
tak macam msia susah betul nak buat cite sejarah2 ni
balik2 cite cintan... |
WeAiNe posted on 1-4-2013 11:52 AM 
korea ni selalu buat cite historical kan...
tak macam msia susah betul nak buat cite sejarah2 ni
b ...
yela....malaysia byk buat cite hantu...n cite lawak bodoh |
lady_bonia posted on 1-4-2013 02:46 PM 
yela....malaysia byk buat cite hantu...n cite lawak bodoh
tu nak marah ke kalu ramai yg kena demam korea hehehehe......
kalu tak cite sejarah pun
kisah keluarga tengok sampai hangin satu badan kalu watak tu
memang jahat gile 
......bila tarikh tayangan ni?......lambat lagi lah tu....
jgnlah carik heroin tua spesis gedik lagi
hik hik hik |
WeAiNe posted on 2-4-2013 07:56 AM 
tu nak marah ke kalu ramai yg kena demam korea hehehehe......
kalu tak cite sejarah pun
kisah ke ...
tu le..agak2 bila akan ditayangkan ..
harap2 heroin tu mmg sesuai dan padan le dgn LMH....
klu weekdays drama...leh layan ulangan nti kat tv jer..

yg menariknya penulis drama ni jugak penulis Secret Garden, City Hall & Gentleman's Dignity... |
rmi speku shi min ah, yoo eun hye, jung ryeo won...
tp aku lagik suka diorg try actress muda like jung so min, moon chae won, etc |
dauswq posted on 2-4-2013 12:26 PM 
yg menariknya penulis drama ni jugak penulis Secret Garden, City Hall & Gentleman's Dignity...
gentleman's dignity skg nga show kat tv7 kan? smlm tgok gak...ade jang dong gun
all about eve pon ade die...tgahri..ntv7..semenjak fully housewife ni...memanjang korea...
nak gong hyo katanya dia tgh consider satu drama kat tak la kot
mungkin dorang ambik balik ha ji won kot...penulis ni kan suka recycle heroin
tapi kalau ambik aktres muda cam park bo young, moon geun young, park shin hye pun ok gak |
sapa heroin?? jgn tua sgt boleh tak??
kalo ha ji wo aku leh terima pakai lagik...comei.... |
dauswq posted on 2-4-2013 12:34 PM 
rmi speku shi min ah, yoo eun hye, jung ryeo won...
tp aku lagik suka diorg try actress muda like ...
ayu nk moon chae won...
limau posted on 2-4-2013 02:20 PM 
sapa heroin?? jgn tua sgt boleh tak??
kalo ha ji wo aku leh terima pakai lagik...come ...
klu tua...tetiba teringat lak cite Faith
ayushuhada04 posted on 2-4-2013 02:44 PM 
klu tua...tetiba teringat lak cite Faith
x sesuai...sebab aku aku tak berapa nk tgk
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