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[Dunia] ..Penulis Malaysia menang anugerah antarabangsa...

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng wins Walter Scott prize for historical fiction novel
NEW YORK: Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng has won the Walter Scott Prize, which honours historical fiction writers, for his post-World War Two novel, The Garden of Evening Mists.

Tan, who was born in Penang, Malaysia, and lives in South Africa, accepted the prize on Friday at the Brewin Dolphin Borders Book Festival in Melrose, Scotland.
It was presented by the Duke of Buccleuch, who established the award four years ago.

The duke is a distant descendant of the prize's namesake, whose works include the 19th century historical novels Waverly, Ivanhoe and Rob Roy.
Tan is the first writer from outside the United Kingdom (UK) to win the award after new rules last year made books by authors from all Commonwealth nations eligible for the 25,000 pound (S$50,000) prize.

The Garden of Evenings Mists is set in the Malaysian jungle in the aftermath of World War Two and is Tan's second novel, following his 2007 book, The Gift of Rain. "The Garden of Evening Mists is the book that left the deepest imprint on us," the judging panel of Kirsty Wark, Louise Richardson, Jonathan Tweedie, Elizabeth Laird, Elizabeth Buccleuch and chair Alistair Moffat said in a statement.

"The poignancy of both remembering and forgetting is what this book is all about... It is pungent and atmospheric; a rich, enigmatic, layered novel in which landscapes part and merge, and part again," they said.

Other entries on the shortlist for the prize included Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel, who won the first prize in 2010, as well as novels by English writers Rose Tremain, Pat Barker and Anthony Quinn and Australian Thomas Keneally. - Reuters


sepatutnya novel2 yang dapat international award ni yang dipilih jadi teks sekolah kita, bukan macam novel Interkok yang ditulis oleh pengarang level kampung bawah tumpurung  ajah...tapi novel cina kominis takkan diterima kan, lebih baik pilih hasil busok busok orang kite, kan...


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2013 01:17 PM | Show all posts

...hebat cina kominis nih, boleh duduk sebaris dengan Orhan Pamuk & Hiromi Kawakami....


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2013 01:23 PM | Show all posts

...pernah shortlisted untuk Booker Prize 2012 juga....

"The Malaysian writer Tan Twan Eng is an exception in what is generally   an Anglo-centric list. His first novel, The Gift of Rain, was described in   the Telegraph as an eccentric debut but was none the less longlisted for the   Booker Prize. His second book, published by small press Myrmidon, is set in   Malaya in 1949 and follows Yun Ling Teoh, a lawyer who has survived a   Japanese prisoner of war camp."


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Post time 15-6-2013 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Melayu takdak ka?

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:54 PM | Show all posts
isu perkauman timbul lagi...  UMNO tak abis abis dengan isu perkauman.

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2013 02:22 PM | Show all posts
nour2001 posted on 15-6-2013 01:31 PM
Melayu takdak ka?

tahap sampah semua, mana nak menang


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Post time 15-6-2013 02:32 PM | Show all posts
tengah menghabiskan buku ni...
bahasa yang diguna memang cantik, tapi kadang2 agak meleret-leret...kadang2 bila dah terlalu terlalu puitis pun boleh buat pembaca jadi bosan...
tapi itulah bagi aku kukuatan dalam cerita dia. Walaupun karakter2 agak mendatar, tapi diselamatkan dengan prosa2 menarik yang diguna penulis.

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Post time 15-6-2013 02:40 PM | Show all posts
interlok untuk kesusasteraan melayu...
tak da kena mengena pun kalau nak ambil cerita cina komunis ni untuk english literature...

bercerita pasal interlok, teringat member2 aku dulu yang beria benar menentang buku ni...
tapi bila ditanya dah baca ke belum, rupanya cuma baca keratan2 perenggan yang kontrovasi tu ja...bukunya tak baca...puiihh...
sudahlah sekor2 memang jenis menghadap majalah hiburan ja, tapi cakap pasal buku interlok berkobar-kobar mengalahkan sasterawan negara...

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Post time 15-6-2013 03:17 PM | Show all posts
pyropura posted on 15-6-2013 02:22 PM
tahap sampah semua, mana nak menang

akk pernah cuba baca novel melayu...tak kena dgn jiwa akk....kat rumah mak pun takdak novel melayu..kalau ada buku cerita melayu pun buku cerita kanak2..

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Post time 15-6-2013 03:21 PM | Show all posts
selain daripada heols, Tash Aw pun penah mengharumkan nama Malaysia;

His first novel, The Harmony Silk Factory, was published in 2005. After Malaysian journalists reported that he had been paid over £500,000 for the novel, The Star and The New Straits Times called him the "RM3.5 million man", and local interest in his book deal continues today, even though the novelist himself has consistently denied the size of this advance, preferring to talk about the novel, which was longlisted for the 2005 Man Booker Prize and won the 2005 Whitbread Book Awards First Novel Award as well as the 2005 Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Novel (Asia Pacific region). It also made it to the long-list of the world's prestigious 2007 International Impac Dublin Award and the Guardian First Book Prize. It has thus far been translated into twenty languages. Aw cites his literary influences as Joseph Conrad, Vladimir Nabokov, Anthony Burgess, William Faulkner and Gustave Flaubert.
His second novel, titled Map of the Invisible World, was released in May 2009 to critical acclaim, with TIME Magazine calling it "a complex, gripping drama of private relationships," and describing "Aw matchless descriptive prose" and "immense intelligence and empathy."

tapi aku tak hadap novel berat sebegini apatah lagi jika ceritanya depressing.

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Post time 15-6-2013 04:32 PM | Show all posts
geng2 ayya mahadey kena la rajin baca buku...jngn nk melangak je kat tenet selalu..kalau tk..tak payah kecoh la dok bela negarawan tu...

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Post time 15-6-2013 04:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buku melayu ada yg femes jugak tau. Permata yang hilang gene gosok

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Post time 15-6-2013 09:34 PM | Show all posts
nour2001 posted on 15-6-2013 03:17 PM
akk pernah cuba baca novel melayu...tak kena dgn jiwa akk....kat rumah mak pun takdak nove ...

jujurnya susah nak tarik orang baca buku melayu...

bila buku cinta dikata taraf sampah..
tapi buku omputih genre chic lit macam dari little black dress atau buku tulisan stephanie meyer, sophie kinsella, belinda jones dll tu pula boleh pula baca...
sedangkan isinya kadang2 ada juga sampah macam buku cinta melayu...

samalah juga bila buku/malaysia buat cerita misteri atau magic, orang kata bodoh jalan cerita tak masuk akal...
tapi buku harry potter, buku fairy tales pasal cinderella, mak tiri jahat itulah yang kita suap kat anak2 dari kecil...

double standard?

kita nak buku melayu yang lebih matang, tapi berapa ramai sangat kat sini baca shannon ahmad atau faisal tehrani?
buku melayu dengan penulisan yang agak moden macam terbitan FIXI tu pun, berapa ramai sangat yang hadap...?


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Post time 16-6-2013 11:12 AM | Show all posts
~boolean posted on 15-6-2013 09:34 PM
jujurnya susah nak tarik orang baca buku melayu...

bila buku cinta dikata taraf sampah..

hehe...buku cintan cintun saya tak minat baca..kalau baca one page sudah mau tidur...lebih suka buku2 thriller,mystery,penyiasatan tu semua..Ava Mccarthy,joe gores,jonathan cash....takpun buku mengenai misteri alam semesta dari cth erich von daniken.....

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Post time 16-6-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Kalau org Cina di Afrika Selatan, diorg dapat hak istimewa Bumiputera, dan boleh participate dlm dasar ekonomi negara utk Bumiputera. Kat sana dinamakan Black Economy Empowerment (BEE). Sbb kat sana diorg bahagikan kaum ikut 3 warna kulit. Black (African natives), White (European) dan Brown (anyone in between). Biasanya Brown nie utk Cape Malays dan Indian. Dalam BEE tu, tak silap aku, khas utk Black dan Brown jah. Pastu yg menariknya, org Jepun diorg akan kategorikan sbg White. Org Cina pulak dikategorikan sbg Black/Brown.

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Post time 16-6-2013 11:20 AM | Show all posts
nour2001 posted on 15-6-2013 01:31 PM
Melayu takdak ka?


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Post time 16-6-2013 11:25 AM | Show all posts
~boolean posted on 15-6-2013 09:34 PM
jujurnya susah nak tarik orang baca buku melayu...

bila buku cinta dikata taraf sampah..

kalu berbahasa inggeris...kurang sikit kot tahap kesampahannya..urban gituh

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Post time 16-6-2013 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 16-6-2013 11:20 AM

cong..aku teringat baca novel ni thn 90 an dulu..mmg best

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Post time 16-6-2013 11:35 AM | Show all posts
aku suka baca buku pasal relationship and isu2 umum/keluarga/friendship dari penulis jodi picoult, juga pasal real story dan bibliography

setakat ni, buku melayu yang boleh masuk dalam jiwa aku, yang aku baca dan rasa nak abiskan, cuma buku2 tulisan ramlee awang murshid.

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Post time 16-6-2013 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 16-6-2013 11:20 AM

thanks acong...balik nanti mau cuba cari buku2 melayu berisi mcm ni...

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