Hindus priest ini cuba putar balik apa yg di kata oleh Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor ....memang tuhan mereka Muneswarar di sajikan dengan arak dan cerut...
statues of Karuppu Sami are often black in colour and adorned with chains. He will usually be holding a sword, sometimes with bells attached. Often, as part of his worship, a cigar will be lit and placed in the Deity's mouth. He is also offered alcohol.
Statue of Sangili Karuppan at the Sri Maha Muniswarar Temple, Ampang, Malaysia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karuppu_Sami
Sephiroth posted on 13-11-2013 11:34 AM
Cigars - Yes.
Food with meat (usually chicken and eggs) - Yes.
Samsu - not sure but I had seen toddy being served ...