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Melawat Al Hambra Di Granada,Andalusia,Sepanyol. (60pics+1video)

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Post time 30-3-2014 10:05 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Alhambra - "RUBIN in Corona Granada". PART 1.January 2, 1492 the last day Muslim Granada - Emir Boabdil handed keys to the fortress of the Alhambra Catholic kings Ferdinand and Isabella. Reconquista ended.

View of Granada from the gardens of the Generalife - the summer residence of the emirs of Granada.

At the end of the 15th century Granada remained the only island of the Arab-Muslim culture in Spain.
Vosmivekovoe dominion Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula came to an end, and the point was
set in Granada January 2, 1492. No, no horror, like that experienced in 1453
Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople , the last day of the Muslim Granada marked
was not, although it was preceded by a ten-year war of Granada, in which there were battle and assault
city, and a long siege. However, it ended without bloodshed, ingloriously for Muslims. Last
Emir of the genus Nasrid Boabdil signed the instrument of surrender, personally handed over the keys of the fortress
Alhambra Catholic kings and tearfully went with his family into exile.
Memorable day in the city on January 2 still celebrated as a holiday - "Day of Granada"
Doa El de la Toma de Granada.

The siege of Granada. Wooden carvings in the Cathedral of Toledo.

Handing over the keys to the Alhambra Catholic kings. Wooden carvings in the Cathedral of Toledo.

Vividly imagine this holiday on the description of a favorite book "Alhambra" Washington
Irving, written in 1832. On the Day Takes Irving tells Gabby local
resident Matteo: "On the way back to the Alhambra, Mateo constantly admired and chatted incessantly.
"Oh, sir, - he cried, - where else in the world there are such magnificent ceremonies (funciones grandes),
in Granada? And not a penny to spend, all the fun gift! Pero, el Doa de la Toma! Ah,
senor! El Doa de la Toma! (But taking Day! Ah, senor, Day of!) "So fine that day Mateo
could not imagine. Doa de la Toma, as I found out - is the anniversary of the capture or coming to Granada
forces of Ferdinand and Isabella.

Peaks of the Sierra Nevada

On this day, according to Mateo, the whole town only makes that exults. Large beckoning bell
on the lookout tower of the Alhambra (la Torre de, la Vela) thunderously calls from morning till night; ringing it spreads
across the Vega and is given in the mountains near and far szyvaya peasants for metropolitan festival. "Happiness
that the girl - says Mateo - which then get hit in the bell less than a year, as it
certainly get married! "
All day the Alhambra is open to visitors. In its halls and chambers, where once reigned
Moorish rulers, sound guitar and castanets, and merry company in exquisite Andalusian
costumes perform their ancient dances inherited from the Moors.
Pageant depicting the entry into the city, passes through the main streets. Banner Ferdinand
and Isabella, this precious relic of the conquest, are removed from storage; her solemnly
carries Alferez mayor, that is the main bearer. Field altar, who drove for sovereigns
in all their wars, was transferred to the royal chapel of the Cathedral and pose in front of the tomb, on which are carved
marble their images. Then, in the memory of the conquest a solemn Mass, in the midst of
ceremony Alferez mayor puts on his hat and wags the banner over the tomb of the conquerors. / ... /

Hereinafter: views of Granada and the Alhambra from the Generalife gardens - summer residence of the emirs of Granada.

In imitation of the great Granada storming in almost every village and town celebrates its own
anniversary, marking the rustic and unpretentious magnificently, getting rid of Moorish rule. According to this
Sometimes, says Mateo, the light of day are ancient armor and weapons: heavy two-handed swords,
weighty arquebus with wick castles and other military equipment, saves from generation to generation
since the time of the conquest of Granada, and the benefit of those who have saved up some old weapons, suppose
Lombardo gun like the one from which the invaders shot, she thumps livelong day somewhere in the mountains,
would suffice only gunpowder.
During the day played out militant action. One stroll through the streets of the ancient
armor, as defenders of faith, others dress Moorish Vityaz. Middle of the area put the tent,
inside of which - the altar with the image of the Virgin. Christian soldiers approaching, so bow
altar; basurmany surround the tent, so to stop them: there is a comic battle in which soldiers sometimes
forget that it is not serious, and strive to share at least non-lethal, but crushing blows.
However, in this battle of good always wins. Moors overwhelmed and taken into captivity. Solemnly
raise their bailed out of bondage image Ever, arranged procession, and awards under the act
welcome clicks and prisoners are in chains, to the delight and edification in the audience. "
(Washington Irving. Alhambra).

May 22 th anniversary of the capture of the Day - a good reason to go to Granada and enjoy the beautiful trophy Catholic Kings - Alhambra.

When over deserted, scanty, rocky plains of Andalusia rise like a mirage, snow
peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the feeling that you're about to get into a paradise on earth or in the magical
tale. And it's not cheating! Do travelers who do not bewitched, not captured, not amazed
to Granada? Mountain range borders the fertile Vega - the valley of the rivers Darro and Genil, with orange
groves, almond saplings lacy, dark cypress trees, colorful flowers. White
Granada home run up up the hills, which rise above the ocher-red walls of the Alhambra ...

"In perfect harmony here merges color of the sky, mountains, green, pink and golden old architecture
white blocks of residential development. Closure ridges creates a feeling as if a special world
with its climate, light, transparent dome of the sky and the crystal-clear air "
(TP Kaptereva, "The Art of Spain").

Magic beauty picture, opening our eyes - only a shadow of the splendor that sparkles
Moorish Granada in 13 -15 centuries. "Surrounded by flowering gardens city like a beautiful face,
covered with light guns. Current through it with picturesque river bridge the wrist reminds
girls covered by bracelets "- in these few lines awkwardly translated Andalusian
poet of the 14th century, Ibn al-Khatib praised the beauty of Granada. He was echoed by contemporary, another Granada poet Ibn
Zumruk: "Granada - a crown decorated with heavenly constellations and the Alhambra, Allah bless her, ruby
in this crown. "However, since the mid-13th century Andalusian poetry sounded motives doom: "O,
beyond the sea live in peace, and who in their native majesty and power! Do you have any news from
residents of Andalusia? Yesterday they were kings in their palaces, and today they are slaves in the countries of disbelief "-
wrote Salih al-Rondi.

Pavilions in the gardens of the Generalife

Perhaps there is a pattern in which, in its time of sunset art attains the highest perfection.
Two events in the 15th century with an interval of 40 years - the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks
in 1453 and the fall of Granada in 1492 represented symmetrical, although marked opposite
signs: refined art of the late Byzantine era Palaeologi strangely connected
Emirate of Granada with art, brilliantly embodied in Alhambra.

Asekiyya yard (yard channel) at the summer residence of the Generalife.
"The image of water is embodied in the mirror motionless flat reservoirs, the radiance, in speaking, in Figure patterned set of fountains, clarity strict geometric lines and shapes trimmed trees and shrubs and a riot of colors at the same time freely growing bright and fragrant flowers - all this in the gardens of the Generalife is remaking the world, gives it a poetic ambiguity. "
(TN Kaptereva. Spanish Art)

Pavilions summer residence decorated Generalife modest than the palaces of the Alhambra.

When the Alhambra began to build, the end of the Muslim era in the Iberian peninsula was
already predetermined. In 1236, under pressure from Christians has fallen Cordova, in 1238 - Valencia,
in 1248 - Seville. It was at this time in 1238, Muhammad first Nasrid dynasty
Granada came and began to build a fortress on a hill, well protected by spurs
Sierra Nevada. Since then, each new ruler of Granada have any contribution to the expansion of the set of the fortress,
which has acquired 37yu towers, each multiply the number of palace rooms. After all, the Arab ruler
simply obliged to build, so that no one doubted his strength!

Difficult to say what is Albambra like mnogopalubnomu ship floating over Vega - Fortress
with many palaces and gardens or a small town outside the city walls? Equally difficult to imagine
looking at this massive colossus as elegant, easy-tracery chambers of the palace. Outside the Alhambra nothing
from the palace inside - nothing from the fortress. She reminds walnut with coarse rough-skinned and delicate,
relief, intricately-complex "stuffing."

In the gardens of the Generalife

Although significant loss of the Alhambra, it still lucky winners-Muslim Spaniards destroyed
buildings, minarets altered in the bell tower of the mosque - in Christian churches (just
as it did with the opposite sign winners Turks in Constantinople), but the Alhambra, which was
at one time the residence of the Spanish kings, though over the years has come to desolation, miraculously survived.
"Looking at the graceful colonnades and seemingly fragile wall patterns, it is difficult to believe that a great deal
raced century they suffered earthquakes and wars that they spared the more leisurely and
detrimental efforts looting travelers "- so wrote me saying Washington Irving.
American writer was among those romantics who in the 19th century rediscovered the world
fabulous Arabian palace. Collecting material for his "Chronicles Conquest of Granada," Irving three
months lived in Alhambra and wrote a book about her - bizarre and entertaining collection of travel
notes, thoughts, sketches of local life, legends, Arabian Nights, historical information.

In the gardens of the Generalife


I fell in love with the youth "Alhambra" Irving. How many times I reread it, even without thinking that this,
according to the author "Muslim eliziuim" I happen to ever see! Precious book,
released in 1979, chief editorial Oriental Literature Publishing House "Science", and now lies before
me badly battered, with darkened pages. And although in my possession some fine
detailed guides, they seem dry and soulless compared to enthusiastic live
Irving notes.

Just listen:
"For the traveler, endowed with a sense of history and a flair for poetry - and history and poetry are inextricably
intertwined in the annals of romantic Spain - Alhambra can serve as a place of worship, as the Kaaba
for a true Muslim. How many legends and traditions, ancestral and later, how many songs and
ballads - Arabic and Spanish - about love, war and knightly exploits associated with this monument of the East!
Moorish kings lived here: surrounded by exquisite Asian luxury pomp, they believed
rulers themselves earthly paradise and become the last bastion of Muslim rule in Spain. "

Night Alhambra

The palaces of the Alhambra - a man-made paradise on earth - we'll go next time.


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2014 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Alhambra - man-made paradise. PART 2.Taking a walk through the gardens of the Generalife , We admired the views of the Alhambra, towering over Granada, and remembered its history. Now enter the castle!

We crossed the threshold and were at once and, if by the wave of a magic wand, transferred to other times and in other kingdom: we were in Arabia. Washington Irving. "Alhambra"

Colonnade Patio de los Leones

Builders of the Alhambra (recall that the palace complex was created about 150 years, from the mid
13 until the end of the 14th century) have succeeded - barely crossed the threshold, you feel that you are in heaven, and
vain life remained outside these walls. Even now, when palaces largely lost
its grandeur - rooms not shine with gold and bright colors, the floors are not covered with precious
carpets, gardens fewer colors instead of the sultan, his lovely wife, important dignitaries and noiseless
servants quarters filled fussy travelers and vociferous guides - Alhambra is still
likeness of the earthly paradise. Need to be completely devoid of aesthetic sense and imagination,
to avoid the magical charm of the Alhambra.

Meshavar (Meshuar) - courtroom and assembly, a prelude to the beauty of the Alhambra.

Why do we cover in these halls and courtyards feeling of bliss, which elevates the soul, washes
fatigue, refreshes the body? It is a feeling akin to that which you experience before the picture
Raphael (I have long noticed that the museum is worth a few minutes to stand in front of the script
Raphael, as there are new forces and acute perception) - involvement in harmony.

Machuca courtyard

Landscapes of Granada for the Alhambra windows

What is the origin of harmony that permeates the Alhambra? Yes, it is all very beautiful. Reflected in the pools
slender columns, covered with the finest ornaments of capitals, cornices, arches, arches, running down the walls
"Stalactites" - mukarny quietly gurgling water, lie on the floor lace islands of light penetrated
through the blinds ... The outside world, if reminds of itself, it is only realistic lovely views
Granada for windows. But why do not you think this motley continuous carpet of colored tiles, carvings
stone and plaster, wood inlaid ceilings? When guides are proud to announce
in Alhambra no one square centimeter surface not filled ornament
the question arises - how does all this abundance mates whimsical patterns and a variety of materials,
avoiding congestion? How is a single architectural and slender body which
called the Alhambra?

High culture, infallible taste - this can not be denied the creators of the ensemble, but the main
rod Alhambra - proportions. Arab architects, mathematicians inherited knowledge
antiquity, the Alhambra Palace built based on a set of proportional geometric forms.
Imagine a square, side length - the base for calculating the proportions of the Alhambra -
repeated in many interiors. Expand 45-degree angle diagonal of the square.
The resulting vertical line becomes a party to a rectangle whose width is equal to the width
a square base. Diagonal resulting rectangle in turn unfolds and
becomes still higher side of the rectangle, and so on. All structurally important points
buildings - the width of facades and arches, the height of floors - were designed with the relations defined
Near obtained when these "games with diagonals" proportions. We subconsciously feel
architectural harmony, united, with all its diversity, a common module. If someone in
our world failed "harmony with algebra" - these were the architects of the Alhambra.

Facade of the palace of Comares

Comares facade of the palace, fragments

Same with ornaments. Unthinkable Uzorochie - stalactites, inlays, tiles, arabesque, which became
synonymous with whimsical oriental style - reduced to simple geometric shapes: square,
rectangle, triangle, circle. Each ornament Alhambra imposed a strict grid - again,
definite proportions, which unites and holds, like the frame, the whole decor, giving him no
crumble into competing fragments.

Ceiling Cuarto Dorado - Gold Room

As usual in the eastern tales, we find ourselves at the Alhambra in a world of illusions. What seems to us
symmetrical, for example, ornamental tiles, in fact, is not symmetrical, fragments
hand carved curly tiles are not identical and are not interchangeable. In contrast, in the patterns of arabesques
absorbed in the details view does not distinguish between symmetric elements. Thanks to the "mathematical
manipulation "architects, inlaid wood ceiling seems more spacious than actually
to say nothing of stalactites - they make the surface arches and domes in a weightless foam, thanks
the play of light and shadow seems that stalactites move. On the coated surface of stalactites no point
on which to focus the mind - if you stare at the stalactite dome, feeling his
materiality is completely lost.

Throne Hall (Hall of Ambassadors)

However, no matter how strong was not we Europeans of the 21st century, the impression of the Alhambra, it
incomparable with the sensations caused palace complex contemporaries. Alhambra already
not the same, and we - not the same. Let's try to fix it a bit. Imagine that scape shine
gold and azure blue colored stalactites (paint residues still remain in some places). This
reconstruction confused we are used to white, pale Alhambra, but do not forget about the fine carpets
and tissues of intricate oriental furniture and utensils, of elegant clothes - and you'll see that the architecture
Alhambra could not be bright!

Myrtle courtyard of the palace of Comares

North Portico myrtle courtyard

Stalactites (mukarny) in the portico courtyard myrtle

The second thing you need to do - change literally point. Rights will be the one who
risking surprisingly cheerful fellow tourists dropped to one knee and look around
and upward. Alhambra was built based on a seated or reclining, resting people, viewpoint
below here is the most successful because of the Alhambra - a paradise, a paradise vacation - the main occupation.


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2014 10:08 PM | Show all posts

Admire the rests of the Alhambra, sitting on the floor - is simple enough, much more complicated modern
man, especially the inhabitants of northern Europe, where water is always enough, feel the Arab
"Philosophy of water." Culture of Islam was born in the desert, the image of paradise for Muslims inextricably
associated with flowing water. See the water, enjoy its cool, listen to quiet (it is quiet, not
violates heavenly peace) said jets - this is bliss. Where we see a very
beautiful swimming pool or source, complementing architecture, Andalusian Arabs saw oasis of calm.
"The Art of Water" was not only equal, but sometimes the main architecture of the palace
complex. Not for nothing is the Lion Yard and its famous fountain in the center has become a symbol
Algambry.Chetyre arranged crosswise channel in which water flows from Fontana
lions - an allegory of the four rivers of Eden.

Colonnade Patio de los Leones

A small digression: Alhambra - not only a landmark, but also a monument and engineering
thought. To drink water fortress-palace (of course, not only for aesthetic, but also for purely
everyday purposes) was created so perfect and ingenious irrigation system that can be
only marveled! Water was delivered to the hill from the river Darro through the whole system of dams,
water reservoirs, canals, tunnels, aqueducts, water wheels. It was a real miracle
engineering: provided water purification, were not forgotten and replacement tanks
emergency valves to prevent overflow pools, water pressure skillfully regulated.

Fountain lions.

But back at the palace vaults. Another co-architects - light. In Alhambra we have
abandon traditional ideas about exterior and interior. The concepts of "outside" and "inside" to
this connection is closed courtyards and open chambers are inapplicable. Alhambra - is a unified
space with a complex articulation, open to the sky, daylight sun. Changes in weather,
time of year, time of day, every hour changing the face of the chambers of the Alhambra. She's always a new


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2014 10:08 PM | Show all posts

Alhambra - a synthesis of architecture, nature and literature ...! Its walls are covered with chambers and courtyards
slogans - slogans, poems, mentoring. For us, these walls are silent, the untrained eye,
sometimes difficult to separate in an intricate arabesque motifs from ornamental Kufic inscriptions
font, and so it is difficult to appreciate the art of calligraphy, comparing the same repetitive
inscription inscribed different variations "kufi". This repeatedly repeating inscription became
in Alhambra Nasrid dynasty motto "Only Allah winner" (Wa La Ghalib illa Allah).

Stalactite dome hall Abenserradzhey

Hall Abenserradzhey fragment dome

On the tiles at the entrance to the hall Meshuar intended for audiences and courts, was the inscription: "Come
and ask, because yes I do not fear to ask for justice who had to find her. " Walls, arches, niches and
Comares Palace passages abound skillfully executed mottos: "Salvation", "Faith", "Grace"
"Glory was commanded Abu Abd Allah," "Allah is the refuge in any trouble," "Praise be to Allah
the grace of Islam "," eternal prosperity "," Praise be to Allah, worthy of praise, "" Praise be to Allah united. "

Hall of Kings

Stalactite dome hall of kings

Is most interesting poetic inscriptions - poems by the best poets of Andalusia. "What a wonderful garden where
earth colors compete with the stars of heaven! What can compare with a bowl of alabaster
fountain, which is filled with water? - Nothing but the moon shining on a cloudless sky. "

Stalactite dome of the Hall of Two Sisters

Architecture Alhambra like talking with a man appeared to him. T. Kaptereva writes:
"Yard, niche, arch, fountain often turn to the audience in the first person, inviting him to peer,
understand their aesthetic and symbolic nature: "I - garden that graced the beauty, you will know
my being, if peer into my beauty "(Qasida Ibn Zumruka in the Hall of Two Sisters)," When it is dark,
imagine that I am the world higher than all the stars of the system "(the inscription on the fountain garden gifts);
"I like a bride in a marriage attire, gifted with beauty and perfection. Contemplating this jug understand
the truth of my words. Look at my crown and you will find it similar to the new moon "(the inscription on
arch in the hall de la Barca, which were placed vases and pitchers), "This - the garden, it built so beautiful
that God is not allowed to exist another beauty, able to compete with them "(the inscription on the fountain of lions)."

Without these woven into wall ornaments remained voiceless words architecture, building - unfinished.
I remember a scene from the novel by Lion Feuchtwanger "Jewess of Toledo" ("Spanish ballad"). Beauty
Raquel brought up in the bosom of Moorish culture, refuses to move to a refurbished for her
Castilian King Alfonso Eighth palace, because not yet been selected and carved on the walls saying. Burning with passion king angry and perplexed: Again, these Jews are trying to fool with his head! Palace
in his view, is ready - what else is missing this woman? And it lacks the fine poems
and wise sayings inscribed on the walls ...

Unfortunately, in the translations from Arabic poems lose much become pompous, although I do not
doubt that the Arabic they sound very poetic, and as beautiful as the Alhambra itself.
We can not enjoy the Arabic verses, but to get into the spirit of Moorish Andalusia
we have music! Listen to the music of the Emirate of Granada invites us today [backcolor=transparent !important] archigenova 1.html


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Post time 30-3-2014 10:12 PM | Show all posts
bekas tanah empayar ummaiyah

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Post time 30-3-2014 10:53 PM | Show all posts
pe beza istana babylon dengan istana alhambra?

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Post time 31-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
cantiknya ukiran dia

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Post time 31-3-2014 04:58 AM | Show all posts
granada,spain..x silap sinilah bermula istilah april fool..

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:16 AM | Show all posts
cantek....alhambra tu jadi ape skrg...?
muzium ke eh....
dulu aku penah present psl alhambra ni...singa tu keluar air time azan...

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Post time 31-3-2014 10:02 AM | Show all posts
kota yg sgt unik

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Post time 31-3-2014 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Pemandangan yang amat cantik sekali

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Post time 31-3-2014 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Lula2 posted on 31-3-2014 09:16 AM
cantek....alhambra tu jadi ape skrg...?
muzium ke eh....
dulu aku penah present psl alhambra ni... ...

sekarang die jadi tempat kunjungan awam.. muzium pun ada.. church pun ada dlm tu.. masa sya pergi dulu.. lion's fountain tu tutup tgh renovation..


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Post time 31-3-2014 02:05 PM | Show all posts
abgsedapmalam posted on 30-3-2014 10:08 PM

Alhambra - a synthesis of architecture, nature and literature ...! Its  ...

cantik gila ukiran and seninya

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Post time 31-3-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
wishlist 2015,

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Post time 31-3-2014 02:46 PM | Show all posts
my wish list

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Post time 31-3-2014 03:20 PM | Show all posts
whoaaa... kagom...
tingin nk ke sana..

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Post time 31-3-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts
halus betul kerja tangan

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Post time 31-3-2014 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Al-Hamra ni ke yg katanye tembok 3 lapis tu..?

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Post time 31-3-2014 04:22 PM | Show all posts
dlm lagu m nasir andalusia dan beberapa lg ada sebut psl ni

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Post time 31-3-2014 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Al Hambra ni tempat yg menarik. Kongsi tips sikit:

1) Please take guided tour.
Biasanya pakej travel agent dah ada guided tour. So..tak payah risau. Bagi yang travel sendiri, beli tiket yang ada guided tour.
Bila ada entourage officer, semuanya akan diterangkan dengan lebih lanjut contoh; Sejarah setiap ceruk bangunan, fungsi bahagian dalam bangunan, siapa bina bangunan. Semua point2 penting akan ditunjuk.

2) Pakai kasut selesa .Kena jalan kaki weh.. 2 jam.sapa larat.

3) guided tour akan pong pang pang pasal kehebatan Kristian je lebih. Jadi kalau korang bukan beragma Kristian..buat pembacaan sebelum lawatan.

Lions of Fountain tu landmark Al Hambra antara ciptaan terhebat. Kalau jumpa fridge magnet ada landmark nih, korang wajib beli. Lion of Fountain nih hebat sangat. Zaman pemerintahan kerajaan Andalusia telah mencipta sistem pengairan di Al Hambra dengan tidak menggunakan pam dan air dialirkan keseluruh kota tersebut. Air yang terdapat di fountain tidak menggunakan pam mahupun pili air mengawal tekanan.

Menakjubkan Lions of Fountain akan mengalirkann pancuran air apabila masuknya waktu solat & azan yg membolehkan orang2 di kota Al Hambra mengambil wudhu'.

Tapi bila Kristian menakluki Al Hambra, mereka telah mengorek dasar fountain utk mengetahui rahsia kejuruteraan Muslim namun tidak berjaya.

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