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Venice of the East Terletak Di Kerala.(100pics)

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Post time 4-5-2014 12:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Alappuzha, Kerala

Alappuzha atau Alleppey adalah salah satu destinasi percutian dan bulan madu paling terkenal sepanjang tahun.

Dikenali sebagai ‘Venice of the East’ oleh Viceroy Lord Curzon, ia adalah destinasi di seluruh dunia yang cukup menarik bagi yang ingin menghabiskan berjam-jam lamanya bersendirian atau bersama pasangan diatas ‘boathouse’ mewah.

Beristirehat sambil menikmati panorama indah matahari terbenam bersama pasangan
memberikan suasana yang cukup romantis sekaligus menjadikan percutian bulan madu anda sebagai kenangan terindah buat selama-lamanya.

Today let's talk about Bekvoters. This network of canals in Allepey, on the banks of which people live.
Tourists usually use this dish called "Venice of the East" impressively spacious sitting on the couch and eating Houseboat jumbo shrimp to 1600 rupees per kilogram. I will not lie, we also keeps track of his ribs and shrimp try but going to complete my fifth point awl not afford to sit still for a long time and forced to rush from side to side and score flash visual garbage "shydevrami" genre shooting.
The photo will be as many inner critic in me went on vacation and did not allow to remove 99.9% of the footage. This limit a few comments in the style of Captain Obvious and just write what actually shown in the picture.

2. Begin with how it all looks. Proper channels, coast, on the shores of residential houses

3. Places no houses and immediately begin swamp rice fields.

4. Fields and channels are paths under the coconut trees.

5. Coconuts can be very painful way to fall on your head, so that the palm trees and helmets are relevant not only in Ukraine

6. But overall nice

7. Taking a walk under the palm trees along the paths can reach homes

8. Homes are different, there are those with a canoe on the threshold

9. Has with fishing nets

10. Has with the host for friends who came

11. And there are looking at me now who write: "at the 11th horizon littered"

12. Almost every house you can see the boat, the boat is a different way to get around the main Bekvoters because bridges are not everywhere.

13. Canoes are very common, and that is cheap and swims like

14. Canoe replaces local ladies fitness

15. While men prefer a canoe with a motor

16. But this is probably the local equivalent of Bentley

17. The main entertainment and I suspect food source is fishing

18. Rybachat and all in different ways, these gentlemen in the company of men

19. While his wife waits

20.'s Families of these "basins"

21. And girlfriends instead of school, just kidding here go to school regularly, I hope

22. While some prefer without rods and nets and simply dive tickle

23. Parking under the bridge

24. I do not know that the bags do not even ask

25. The water is used as the right channel, wash dishes, bathe, wash

26. And imported

27. Discussing it in the queue for the latest news

28. I understand pure water to flow away

29. The local schoolgirls afternoon also wash dishes right channels

30. A new collection of hats Subbotnik

31. Smile and wave

32. Besides private transport there and public. These people are just standing at the bus stop waiting for "bus"

33. There he

34. Still there is such a modification, and I thought that we were the old trolley.

35. I'm not understood it goes so workers

36. Or just fashionable?

37. However survived to the present day, not all

38. Shop. With the trade, according to the seller - not very

39. The Christian Church. I see one in her group input Chinese motifs?

40. Looked as a floating hotel for eight rooms.

41. But the hotel on the shore, and were nicer, but I forgot to photograph.

42. Do not know what this photo, that's seriously sit and think why I left it ...

43. Then though, would have a boat

44. And then something caught

45. There are also quite well-maintained houses

46. ​​With beautiful gate

47. Again, these bags

48. Ducks! Many ducks! Many still live ducks!

49. Wonder they know what they are bred?

50. Erase traditional Indian way - knock things about wet stones. I suspect that substandard things live up to the first wash

51. Survivors and hang close

52. Jeans for every taste and purse

53. Garage, gate clean - samozarastayuschie

54. Canoe and still look very even nothing

55. They have something in

56. Kind of its aesthetics

57. Roads, ie Channels sometimes filthy overgrown plant brought from Africa, so that the plant stuck in places does not swim Houseboat and other "buses"

58. This channel periodically cleaned. But seeing the big lens workers decided that the channel and then they will clean and a good photo to do now

59. Still here are such terrible barges

60. The house but you can build and use a regular boat, they do not sink a mystery to me)

61. Concrete is not enough to complete the picture

62. Cupboard and carry it quite a trifle

63. Smoking on the move say harmful, and afloat?

64. Goat training

65. Simply yellow boat

66. Simply covered with rain boat

67. Will not believe you and turquoise! ​​Now I am accused in color blindness and say that I lilac from fuchsia no different.

68. Bike against a tree

69. Hay??? Similarly, some analog.

70. Simply beautiful picture with boat and palm trees, there should be in this post at least one beautiful picture

71. Although this Bamboo also deserves attention!
Thanks to all who survived it, hope for the idiotic comments you discern life Bekvoters residents,
A pomatyukat me for such a huge post you can in the comments!

All sorts of mistakes in the text specifically left that, would not deprive you of the pleasure to correct them)


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2014 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Rainbow Cruises Houseboat Alleppey[backcolor=rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.298039)]Rainbow Cruises Houseboat Alleppey terletak di Kerala Great Backwaters adalah satu lagi tempat yang menarik di Kerala India. Tidak sah kalau ke Kerala jika tidak datang ke sini.
Dari Malaysia lagi saya dah plan memang nak ke sini , menaiki houseboat disini sesuatu yang dah lama saya idam-idamkan.
Sesampai kami di Kerala Great Backwater memang kami terpegun sangat. Indahnya ciptaan Tuhan.
Kerala Backwater

Aeysha diiringi oleh salah seorang personal butler menaiki houseboat..amboiii kemain lagi anak dara ni..

Houseboat yang kami naiki

Kerala Great Backwaters satu lagi tarikan yang terkenal di Kerala. Menaiki Rainbow Cruises Houseboat adalah satu penggalaman yang indah sangat. Kita boleh explore kecantikan di sepanjang Kerala Backwaters ( sepanjang terusan disana).
Pemandangan dari udara Backwater kerala India

Houseboat pada dulunya dijadikan kenderaan air untuk menghantar barang-barang atau bijiran ke sesuatu tempat melalui sungai. Musim berganti musim dan kini boat-boat tersebut telah dijadikan kenderaan mewah diatas air dan menjadi sumber tarikan tourism Kerala.
Sesiapa yang datang ke Kerala memang saya suggestkan sewa houseboat untuk merasai penggalaman yang indah dan boleh sahaja menenangkan fikiran kita ketika berada dalam houseboat tersebut. Tidak  complete kedatangan ke Kerala jika kita tidak menaiki houseboat ini.
Di Jetty Rainbow Cruises Houseboat , Kerala India

Rainbow Cruises Houseboat terbahagi kepada 3 katagori:
  • Luxury – fully air-conditioned
  • Premium – aircon disediakan dalam bilik , aircon diluar hanya dipakai bila kita request sahaja.
  • Deluxe – aircon hanya dari pukul 9pm -6am sahaja.
*Makanan – breakfast , lunch , hi-tea dan dinner disediakan ( menu dia memang banyak sangat )
Saya ambil Premium tourpackage houseboat kerana saya ingin merasai berada dalamhouseboat mewah dan dilayan seperti permaisuri ketika berada dalam houseboat tersebut ( bila lagi nak rasa macam tu kan..inilah saatnya..hehehe ). Lagipun saya bawa anak jadi sesuai dengan keselesaan dan kemudahan didalam houseboat tersebut untuk anak saya.
Rainbow Cruises Houseboat telah diiktiraf oleh Department Of  Tourism, Kerala. Mempunyai 25 houseboat dan marina dalam kawasan mereka sendiri.
Kami diberi 3 orang pembantu peribadi iaitu kaptain , tukang masak dan personal butler yang akan menjaga dan iringi kami sepanjang  2 hari 1 malam kami berada dalam houseboat tersebut..( wahhhhh terasa dah macam permaisuri..hehehe )
Kedatangan kami ke dalam Rainbow Cruises Houseboat pada hari pertama ini disambut dengan air kelapa muda. Selepas memperkenalkan diri masing-masing dan menunjukakan persekitaran dalam houseboat tersebut barulah kita berlepas keperairan yang dituju.
Di ruang tamu houseboat

Ruang tidur di dalam boat

Bilik air yang bersih

Rainbow Cruises Houseboat , Kerala India

Disebabkan kami check-in tengahari jadi jadi makanan kami telah disediakan awal, maknanya datang-datang terus makan..hehehe. Makanan tersebut dimasak dalam boat tersebut oleh tukang masak yang berpenggalaman. Memang sedap betul makanan yang di masak.
Sebelum kedatangan saya ke Kerala Great Backwaters saya dah request halal food , jadinya tak perlulah saya makan sayur-sayuran aje. Ayam , ikan , kambing serta sayur semua dihidangkan di atas meja. Memang tak terhabis saya makan sebab banyak sangat.
Makanan yang tak terhabis mereka tidak akan repeat untuk hidangan seterusnya, mereka akan buat baru.
Sampai-sampai aje terus dapat lunch. Saya paling suka ikan goreng Talapia dia..memang sedapppp

Aeysha dah pening nak makan yang mana satu..hehehe

Selesai makan , barulah saya boleh relax dan melihat permandangan sekeliling. Memang cantik sangat dan tak terfikir saya boleh melihat semua ini…Tenang sangat saya dalamhouseboat tersebut sampai otak pun jadi kosong. Memang sesuai sangatlah untuk mencari ketenangan disini.
Pemandangan yang mendamaikan dan menenangkan

Aeysha dah jadi penggemudi houseboat..dah jadi geng dengan kaptain..hehehe

Suka betul aeysha dapat bawa boat

Kedai-kedai yang ada di tebing terusan

Satu kemestian untuk pelancong yang datang menaiki houseboat

Kami juga beruntung dapat melihat kehidupan orang-orang yang duduk di persisiran Kerala Great Backwaters Alleppey tersebut. Melihat kedai-kedai yang ada ditebing dan dapat membeli barang-barang di kedai-kedai yang ada di tebing terusan. Sempat jugak saya buat massage di sana..hehehe
Saya juga sempat membeli udang dan ketam yang baru di tangkap dan dibawa naik ke dataran.
Rumah-rumah penduduk tempatan

Berhenti membeli belah ikan , udang , ketam untuk dinner

Berjalan-jalan di kampung mereka

Kita juga boleh menaiki boat yang disediakan tanpa bermalam

Selepas lakukan urutan dan beli barang-barang fresh food kami dibawa ke tempat  boat kami akan berlabuh. Setiap boat ada tempat untuk berlabuh dalam pukul 6pm kerana memberi laluan kepada nelayan untuk keluar menangkap ikan. Disini kami akan diberi minuman petang. Minuman petang kami ialah goreng pisang dan masala tea.
Rainbow Cruises Houseboat ada tempat mereka sendiri untuk berlabuh. Tapi disini memang kami tidak digalakkan untuk turun ke daratan. Kami akan berada dalam houseboat sepanjang malam sehingga ke pagi. Aktiviti memang tak ada , hanya melepak. Kalau kita nak fishing, cakap aje dengan butler mereka akan siapkan alat-alat untuk fishing.
Disinilah tempat kami berhenti bermalam untuk memberi laluan kepada nelayan memancing

Indahnya permandangan di waktu senja

Wahhh wahhhh…hehehe

Sementara kami melihat-lihat pemandangan sekeliling dan houseboat yang lain berlabuh , tukang masak kami akan masak mengikut menu yang tersedia campur yang kami beli di hentian sebelum ini. Bermakna dinner untuk malam ini akan penuh satu meja…fuhhhh
Sawah padi yang luas terbentang di Alleppey

Waktu malam di sini memang sunyi sepi. Disebabkan tak ada apa-apa aktiviti lepas makan lepak sambil borak-borak sekejap lepas tu apa lagi terus tidur.
Dinner yang penuh satu meja, sampai tak habis , suruh crew houseboat tolong habiskan..

Awal pagi kami dihidangkan sarapan pagi , macam-macam ada..penuh satu meja.  Asyik makan aje lah kerja saya atas houseboat , tapi saya memang enjoy makan makanan mereka.
Tapi sebelum bersarapan sempat lagi kami cuci mata melihat para crew boat mandi manda dan terjun kedalam air..seronok sungguh mereka mandi macam tu
Sempat tengok cara crew houseboat mandi

Ini sarapan pagi kami yang disediakan

Dalam pukul 9 kami bertolak semula ke Jetty Rainbow Cruises untuk check-out.
Terimakasih juga saya ucapkan kepada 3 Crew Rainbow Cruises yang melayan kami sepanjang kami menaiki houseboat tersebut. Kami beruntung diberi layanan yang istimewa oleh ketiga-tiga mereka.
Bersama 3 orang crew yang menjaga kami sepanjang perjalanan menaiki houseboat

Penggalaman saya menaiki Rainbow Cruises Houseboat di Kerala Great Backwaters ini tak akan saya lupakan dalam sejarah penggembaraan saya di Kerala India. Entah bila lah saya akan merasa lagi macam ni tak tahu lah…


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2014 01:01 PM | Show all posts

Alleppey or Allapuzha - famous for its canals Bekvoters. For them, it is called the "Venice of India"
Located along the canals home residents, followed in cases bolshinstke rice fields. But the local life we ​​shall return later.
Today we will focus on "Houseboat" - homes by boat
2. Houseboat is a boat which was built a few rooms and an overview and dining room.

3. Rooms range from two to four, if I'm not mistaken.

4. House Boats are equipped with air conditioning and batteries.

5. True include air conditioning only at night. And hairdryer type devices on board vospolzueshsya not immediately cut down all the electricity. Retrieved
But to charge laptop, phone and batteries to the camera without problems.

6. Day there is no point sitting in the cabin, especially when you can sit comfortably on the couch and observe life around.

7. Houseboat Here's a great review from the superstructure

8. During choice bot to walk to draw attention to the number of spare batteries and supply of fresh water.

9. So also should pay attention to the age of the boat, some are quite old and they can live rats.

10. We were fortunate not to think about such things, the company is chosen for us and did it pretty well.

11. Besides us on the boat were two men team captain and cook and everything.

12. Great stay after crossing many kilometers.

13. Anchor at lunch.

14. Here is the front of the boat. immediately behind the captain. Behind the sofa dining table, we can say fed for slaughter. For lunch we brought so much food that could feed four more friends.

15. At the end of the day Houseboat moored somewhere in the middle of the channel, we run to explore the area and shoot the sunset. Then dinner and overnight on the boat straight.

16. At seven in the morning we go back

17. Another big double decker Houseboat.

18. But this boat from his swim.

19. Sometimes there are instances of very old, they are no longer used, but still afloat.

20. By 9am House Boats are going to place a standard mooring

21. And waiting for new tourists on board.

Bekvoters pretty interesting place with its own flavor.


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Post time 4-5-2014 03:26 PM | Show all posts
bagi la kredit kat tuan2 blog ni bro

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Post time 4-5-2014 07:04 PM | Show all posts
memang banyak tempat cantik sampaikan kita fikir tak ada apa2 pun di india howver dekat tempat aku pergi dulu macam neraka je.....

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Post time 5-5-2014 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Menarik jugak cerita pengalam naik boat house ni.

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Post time 5-5-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-5-2014 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Tengok gambar2 ni mengingatkan aku zaman kecik2 dulu

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Post time 6-5-2014 08:31 AM | Show all posts
bestnya pengalamn dorang ni...kene try ni kalau ada rezeki
selain houseboat ni apa lg yg menarik kat sana

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Post time 6-5-2014 10:24 AM | Show all posts
rasa nak gi jer... mcm best kan

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Post time 6-5-2014 12:51 PM | Show all posts
aku dr kecik jaman sekolah.. mgg teringin nak g india.... tp few yrs ago aku nengok documentary Vantage pasal 2 negara yg mempunyai sistem sanitasi paling teruk di dunia.. India dan Indonesia.... lansung aku ilang selera nk g India....

neeway kerala ni cantik.... tp bersih x?

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Post time 25-8-2014 03:06 PM | Show all posts
aku nk tau brp erkk dorang byr tuk naik boat ni.. aku teringin nk g kerala..n naik boat2 ni.. nk tgok pemandangan dorang.. tentu cantik kan

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Post time 25-8-2014 07:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau peak season house boat tu satu ari 10 000 rupees..dlm 750 duit kite

Siap bilik, chef tuk masak..semua ade dlm boat tu..mcm duk umah

Aku dah p...bestttt

Pastu p jejalan munnar..tempat sejuk
P port kochi sekali ok

Kalau nak p beli brg mcm masjid india, p jalan broadway kochi Last edited by fizafaizal on 25-8-2014 07:56 PM


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Post time 25-8-2014 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X posted on 6-5-2014 12:51 PM
aku dr kecik jaman sekolah.. mgg teringin nak g india.... tp few yrs ago aku nengok documentary Vant ...

Bersih tu tak la bersih..kalau nak p toilet, p restoren yg elok..

Jgn bantai yg biase2 tu..pengsan ko nanti

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Post time 25-8-2014 07:32 PM | Show all posts
Aku taknak terpedaya lagi dah ..
Tahun lepas aku g India , semua ditaja .. rasanya jika ada orang nak bg free sekali lagi pun, aku pikiaq banyak banyak banyak kali dan kemungkinan besaq aku takmau .. at least dalam tempoh 5-10 tahun lagi kot huhuhu.. Bab kebersihan tu yang aku tak tahan.. sedut udara pun seperti dapat rasa ada bendasing turut disedut skali .. Ayaq mineral depa pun aku ragu2 nak beli .. huhuhu ..

Kerala ni nampak mcm cantik .. tapi .. disebabkan lain lain tempat di India .. aku serik seketika

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